
Topic: Nintendo NX

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I think it's likely to be a PC platform, they went mobile so to me it's the next logical step. They've expanded the idea of what a platform is, so it doesn't necessarily mean there is any hardware, and keep in mind Amiibo is a platform for them. It could be an expanded mobile experience too i suppose. I could also see it being a small GPS like device that plays games based around being outside, geotracking, fitness, music, ect... I'm not sure what else DeNA's background would lend itself to, but something like those might make sense to me.

With the sleep monitor, toys, mobile, and dedicated video game consoles they've got the potential to be a factor in somebody's life for all hours of the day with one or two more platforms. It's crazy ambitious, but probably the best step for them to take IMO. Heck i'd love to see a them park one day.

[Edited by Kevlar44]



Personally, I think the cloud is the future. One day, it won't matter your device, youll be able to play even the most demanding games on anything. So it would be a hard sale at that point for the big 3 to release hardware since you just need to access your stuff via anything. Sony seems to be trying to make you use their hardware to use their cloud system. This is not going to work in the long run. Microsoft seems to be leveraging its Windows platform to use the cloud in the future for cross gaming. A better strategy, but still not the right one.

Now Nintendo is, as always in a unique position. Either they were already really thinking about this with the Wii U and how they could ease people in to still buying hardware in the future, or just dumb luck, but either way, their next system could leverage a Wii U type pad that could function without the home console in the vicinity, and basically run the games over the net to the device. The cloud basically.
Can you imagine playing a full HD regular version of any game out there either on your TV or on the go anywhere in the world with an internet connection? PRICELESS.

That would be a real reason to buy hardware in a cloud based world.

I really hope this is what is happening. Please god that would be awesome. All of the sudden, Sony and Microsoft would be like, awe crap, we gotta do that now.

This is pie in the sky, but the tech IS there now. Someone just has to utilize it properly.



I'm all for speculation, that's precisely what I'm doing here

All I'm saying is that this "Reverse Wii U" idea is kinda crap. With the Wii U arrangement the only limits to how far they can push it are the price point and bandwidth. And if they were to create a Wii U v2 then they could use wireless AC and deliver 1080p 60fps* to your handset fairly easily assuming the hardware itself could keep up. With a portable they're limited by battery life, heat, storage and so on. If they want a decent experience then we're talking somewhere between the Wii and 360 in terms of visuals. I don't think that cuts it scaling up to a large screen TV in 2016. Especially when the Wii U is already a thing and would probably have a price cut by then.

But on a portable? 720p-ish, 5" top screen? Dual analogue sticks? Potentially at launch playing a portable HD port of a popular Wii title like Galaxy or Twilight Princess? Sign me up even just over a year from now. I'll be the first one in line if they have the software for it. If they add in the ability to somehow play that content to the TV? Well that's a nice little bonus but IMO that's all it is.

edit: *
Some maths to verify the "you could do 1080p on wireless AC"......
Wii U does 0.4MP (480p) on wireless N (~70Mbps).. look it up, that's what the GamePad runs on
wireless AC can deliver upto ~400Mbps, maybe a bit more... which gives us ~2.3MP, just over 1080p.

[Edited by skywake]

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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


Jmaster wrote:

Streaming console games to a handheld might sound nice, but it'd make the handheld dependent on a stable, fast and lagless internet connection, which goes against the entire purpose of a handheld as a device you can play games with anywhere.

Why wouldn't a portable play it's own dedicated games still? The fact high quality games can be played on the go will inspire many to buy it, given the desire by gamers to play high quality games on the go. My 3DS is way better than any phone games i got, so it's awesome while travelling or waiting somewhere that i can play a good game to pass some time. I own my 3DS for two primary reasons, good games are on it and it's portable, why would that change? The idea that it could stream content, either to or from other devices, isn't going to deter anyone but rather inspire even more to buy it i would suggest. I suppose you may be suggesting this hypothetical console is going to co-exist with a true portable and hence not have it's own dedicated gaming software, but that seems like an illogical assumption/hope. Given the hypothesis you are presenting/rebutting is of a dedicated video game console i don't see how it can survive without filling a niche market (e.x. Nvidia) or at least having some exclusive content or features.

[Edited by Kevlar44]



I just heard about this a few minutes ago.

I am freaking out right now

I will update this when Half Life 3 arrives. [Started 17/11/2015]


I am thinking it will be a handheld bundled with a Chromecast like device that allows you to be able to play games on the television. If that makes sense.



Kevlar44 wrote:

Jmaster wrote:

Streaming console games to a handheld might sound nice, but it'd make the handheld dependent on a stable, fast and lagless internet connection, which goes against the entire purpose of a handheld as a device you can play games with anywhere.

Why wouldn't a portable play it's own dedicated games still?

It could, of course, but then Nintendo would still have two consoles to support. The whole idea of this whole 'hybrid'-nonsense is that Nintendo would only have to develop games for a single platform, while we the gamers would still be able to play those games on the go and on the big screen. That would mean this hypothetical handheld could only stream games from the home console and not have its own library (and therefore be dependent on internet, as I mentioned), or that you'd only have the handheld with its own games and the abilty to play them on the big screen and basically no console.



This is why I think Nintendo needs to keep supporting the Wii U until it has a reputation for good games throughout its lifespan. I think the next two years needs to see constant releases from Nintendo, make us forget about the first year and a half. I will be getting NX day one, I got my Wii U day one and I regret not getting a 3DS day one.

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...


is the NX the mobile system or the system that's supposedly the next gen? Because if its both, then Nintendo needs to manufacture NX everywhere and the fact that Nintendo isn't marketing in Brazil is something to think about.

After so long...I'm back. Don't ask why



Jmaster wrote:

Kevlar44 wrote:

Jmaster wrote:

Streaming console games to a handheld might sound nice, but it'd make the handheld dependent on a stable, fast and lagless internet connection, which goes against the entire purpose of a handheld as a device you can play games with anywhere.

Why wouldn't a portable play it's own dedicated games still?

It could, of course, but then Nintendo would still have two consoles to support. The whole idea of this whole 'hybrid'-nonsense is that Nintendo would only have to develop games for a single platform, while we the gamers would still be able to play those games on the go and on the big screen. That would mean this hypothetical handheld could only stream games from the home console and not have its own library (and therefore be dependent on internet, as I mentioned), or that you'd only have the handheld with its own games and the abilty to play them on the big screen and basically no console.

I think Nintendo could develop games for the handheld end of the hybrid that also function with the home console so they could be played on the TV as well but playing home console developed games on the portable would be limited to streaming. I think they'd be smart to enhance the gamepad the next gen, and allow it to be closer to the Nvidia Shield tablet in terms of features. Given the existence of the gamepad a hybrid would also be useful as a controller for the home console. I think Nintendo's next generation of hardware should work something like this, just make the cross play software playable only if the user has a portable and home console linked.



Artwark wrote:

is the NX the mobile system or the system that's supposedly the next gen? Because if its both, then Nintendo needs to manufacture NX everywhere and the fact that Nintendo isn't marketing in Brazil is something to think about.

It is their next dedicated gaming system. Nintendo themselves are not making Mobile games, they are partnering up with another company that will be using Nintendo IP to make Mobile games.

People keep saying the Xbox One doesn't have Backwards Compatibility.
I don't think they know what Backwards Compatibility means...


Inkling wrote:

I just heard about this a few minutes ago.

I am freaking out right now

Like freaking out as in a panic? or freaking out as in super excited? I think this is a nice shakeup. Good or bad Nintendo needed to do something.

"When expecting booby traps, always send the boob in first." -Megatron-


Kevlar44 wrote:

I think Nintendo could develop games for the handheld end of the hybrid that also function with the home console so they could be played on the TV as well but playing home console developed games on the portable would be limited to streaming. I think they'd be smart to enhance the gamepad the next gen, and allow it to be closer to the Nvidia Shield tablet in terms of features. Given the existence of the gamepad a hybrid would also be useful as a controller for the home console. I think Nintendo's next generation of hardware should work something like this, just make the cross play software playable only if the user has a portable and home console linked.

Sounds good to me! Just to be clear, I never said I wouldn't like to have the functionality you described. I just don't want Nintendo to use it as an excuse to sacrifice one of their platforms.



NorthLightSuplx wrote:

I am thinking it will be a handheld bundled with a Chromecast like device that allows you to be able to play games on the television. If that makes sense.

I think it's going to be similar to that. I think it's going to be a device like the Apple TV and the Fire TV.

I will update this when Half Life 3 arrives. [Started 17/11/2015]


Grawbad wrote:

Personally, I think the cloud is the future. One day, it won't matter your device, youll be able to play even the most demanding games on anything. So it would be a hard sale at that point for the big 3 to release hardware since you just need to access your stuff via anything. Sony seems to be trying to make you use their hardware to use their cloud system. This is not going to work in the long run. Microsoft seems to be leveraging its Windows platform to use the cloud in the future for cross gaming. A better strategy, but still not the right one.

Now Nintendo is, as always in a unique position. Either they were already really thinking about this with the Wii U and how they could ease people in to still buying hardware in the future, or just dumb luck, but either way, their next system could leverage a Wii U type pad that could function without the home console in the vicinity, and basically run the games over the net to the device. The cloud basically.
Can you imagine playing a full HD regular version of any game out there either on your TV or on the go anywhere in the world with an internet connection? PRICELESS.

That would be a real reason to buy hardware in a cloud based world.

I really hope this is what is happening. Please god that would be awesome. All of the sudden, Sony and Microsoft would be like, awe crap, we gotta do that now.

This is pie in the sky, but the tech IS there now. Someone just has to utilize it properly.

Something cloud based is something i associate with PC but yeah you're right it really is a platform in and of itself, a very likely development IMO given the expertise of DeNA.



If it's a home console,it better have off-tv play or I'll stick with Wii U until NX has a lot of awesome games.
If it's an handheld I'll wait for the next portable Smash Bros,if there's going to be one.

[Edited by Randomname19]

Avatar by AzulieZeiro and BeanMChocolate


The name sounds pretty kool (I wonder what it stands for, though).




Zerodactyl wrote:

The name sounds pretty kool (I wonder what it stands for, though).

It's a codename. It really has no meaning. Not for now, at least.



Hm, well 2016/2017 is the right time for 9th gen, if they wait any longer than that then Microsoft and Sony could get the drop on Nintendo and possibly bury them for good. As for the console itself, it sounds to me like merged handheld/console.


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722


Bolt_Strike wrote:

Hm, well 2016/2017 is the right time for 9th gen, if they wait any longer than that then Microsoft and Sony could get the drop on Nintendo and possibly bury them for good. As for the console itself, it sounds to me like merged handheld/console.

Actually, exactly what I was thinking. I'm thinking it's going to be a hybrid system. I do not believe that it will be a home console, and I do not believe it will be a handheld.

The reason I do not believe it will be a handheld is because they are announcing a partnership with a mobile gaming company. I am aware that mobile =/= handheld gaming, but I feel that they are close enough to each other that they will not want to be getting in each other's way in that sense.

I do not believe it will be a game console because I honestly believe that this is the end of Nintendo as we know them. I believe that they are going to go into a hybrid gaming device, and that is going to be their future. I think one very telling clue that no one has mentioned is that no where in that press conference did you hear the word "console" ... you heard "dedicated gaming machine" and "hardware" but I don't remember hearing the term "console". Now, whether this was deliberate or not, or maybe if it was just a matter of translation between Japanese and English, I, obviously do not know. However, I think it is definitely something to consider.

I won't say here whether I think this is good or bad, because that is a bit off topic, but I do believe that we have officially heard the beginning of the end of Nintendo as we know them.

[Edited by crimsoncavalier]


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