
Topic: Switch Wont Boot What to Replace

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I have a very specific problem with my switch. I took it out of the dock and turned it on one day and there was an error message telling me to restart the console. Since then it has not turned on.

It only draws power at .474 amps and does not charge batteries. When plugged into a computer it registers it as "APX" but thats about all the life I can get from it.

I have had replaced:
Charge management ic chip
Charging power control ic chip
Charing port & Battery

Nothing has changed the situation. What else is there to try? Could I try to force it to properly boot through the APX thing? Or should I have it opened back up again?

Thanks in advance.



Replace the switch :3

Anyway, you will find better and more useful help for that on other sites, not here.


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