Agent J here! Theres this Xbox 360 Kid Internet Meme that was kinda popular and had different variations of it and I found one with Agent J. My backup choices would've been Kyle Hyde or The Judge. I feel it both represents my love for Elite Beat Agents as well as my blind optimism.
You know the original image had a white background but for some damn reason when I uploaded it, it was changed to black.
@MarkyVigoroth: I did indeed, but it was temporary until i decided on a video game related one. :3
BEST THREAD EVER future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!
Mine is Percy from Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom, an NES game from Hudson. Even though I have the original cart, I'm hoping it one day comes to the VC, so that other people can experience how great this game is.
My current one is King Hippo as he appears in Punch-Out Wii, though you all probably figured that out. My last one was the pin from The World Ends With You.
Mine is a more anime style Canas from Fire Emblem 7. He's easily one of the best FE characters ever, including Hector (FE7), Ike (FE: PoR/RD), Illyana (FE: PoR/RD), and Ewan (FE: SS).
It's Kambei (Takashi Shimura), a character from one of my favorite movies ever, Seven Samurai. And Shimura also happens to be one of my favorite actors, so there's that too.
Yes, this is a good question. What do we really know about this Corbie? Except that he brags about being the King of Shmups? I have searched on the internet and found the following on the website "Behind the names":
"CORBIE" was not found in this database. Names that sound similar to Corbie: 1.) KARP 2.) KIRABO 3.) KIRBY
Aha! Because the first two are Russian and African first names, we can therefore assume, that his real name is "Kirby". My further search on Wikipedia brought to light, that he tends to expand both his mouth and body to allow him to inhale people much larger than himself and swallowing them. And some victims are so disturbed by that, that they grant Corbie new powers and probably giving him their wallets. Oh my god!
All I know is that this is not his real name. He chose it when he was entered into the witness protection program. What mysterious secrets lurk in his past I cannot say.
@Omega, Dazza, lol Corbie is the embodiment of a single digit prime number that is 1 less than 2^3. Might anyone venture a guess as to what that number is.
All I know is that this is not his real name. He chose it when he was entered into the witness protection program. What mysterious secrets lurk in his past I cannot say.
After extensive research I have learned that Corbie is a wanted man "wanted by whom?" (All the ladies of course) and Death for reasons I don't quite get.. I think it was something about a stolen identity or maybe it was that thing he said about deaths mother I dunno. so anyway death is pissed and is hunting Corbie killing all those who are closed to him until he said "enough is enough" and engaged in a heated battle that lasted a 1000 years the end result left Corbie with awesome super powers and the ability to summon forth giant robots which he uses to fight off evil alien terrorists from another dimension!!! and yet he still finds time to help run this website.
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