
Topic: Underrated games

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We have a thread for overrrated games, so i think we need one for games that are underrated. i'll start us off with Kameo power of the elements. Its Rare's best game this generation and alot of people hated on because it was on the 360 and it wasnt banjo and kazzoie.

[Edited by shingi_70]


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Quantum of Solace
The Force Unleashed
Super Mario Sunshine

The Game.

Is it after 9PM EST? You should probably ignore the above post.


Superman 64. Awesome fun.

What's this bit for again?


I'd have to agree that Kameo is definitely underrated. Also, Super Mario Sunshine, Secret of Evermore, Terranigma, Lunar Knights(?), Final Fantasy 2, Mechassault: Phantom War, Mega Man X7, and All the 3D Sonic games are underrated. I'm positive there's more, but that's all I could come up with right now.

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


Ricardo91 wrote:

Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (no seriously. )
The Simpsons Road Rage/Hit & Run

I enjoyed these as well.

The Game.

Is it after 9PM EST? You should probably ignore the above post.


kung fu panda(got it with my 360) is a great solid platformer that meshes everything together greatly. It gets a 7.9 from me.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.


Luigi's mansion

What's this bit for again?


I'd have to say the Dynasty Warriors/Samurai Warriors series. People are quick to just write them off as tripe, but anyone who likes a little mindless button mashing fun with a friend can't go wrong. Been hooked on those games since the PS1.

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struggling to think of any here, can think of a few games that are great but few people have played, but that's not really underrated that's just rare, can also think of a few titles that where considered rubbish that I liked but I don't think that's what underrated means either, I'll come back and edit this when I can think of, I'm sure I should be able to come up with at least one.



Alone in the Dark is a personal favorite. If you look past the flaws its a really good episodic game. The first two episoides were epic.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.


Sonic 3D Blast.

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shingi_70 wrote:

We have a thread for underrated games, so i think we need one for games that are underrated.

Yes, you say it. There are threads for almost everything:
Badly reviewed games you like




Alex Kidd In Miracle World, Streets of Rage II III, Eternal Darkness, Zombies Ate My Neighbours...



Because we can't have an "Overrated Games" thread without an "Underrated Games" thread.
Mr. Nutz, for one thing.
Arcana doesn't get enough credit.
Kirby's Dream Land 3 is underrated.
Zelda 2 is much great.
Ys 3 is underappreciated.
And more...

To each their own


Oh, yeah, I forgot Super Mario Sunshine. Maybe not as great as Galaxy, but Sunshine is actually good.

To each their own


VGP wrote:

Ricardo91 wrote:

Spongebob Squarepants: Battle for Bikini Bottom (no seriously. )

Spongebob was actually a pretty good platformer.
Also Really underrated:
Klonoa Series
Tomba Series
Brave Fencer Musashi
& Theres so much more.I'll list them later.

Most of those games are well rated, they're just underappreciated - most people don't even know Klonoa or Brave Fencer even exist.

[Edited by CanisWolfred]

I am the Wolf...Red
Backloggery | DeviantArt


I liked Arcana too, and Ys 3.

I know neither games were poorly rated, but I feel that the Baten Kaitos games were some of the best RPGs to come out in quite some time, and they seemed (especially Origins) to come out to little acclaim.

-Swerd Murd

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I'm probably one of the few who feels Ys 3 is better than Ys Book I & II, despite the fact that it's shorter than the latter.

To each their own

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