If you go down a day or two I also posted a Navi "Hey Listen" text alert tone for your downloading fun. I love it when I get messages now. It makes me giggle.
Well, I did make some animation a few years ago that I couldn't finish. I only managed to recover two of them though. Well, here they are:
This animation was done purely with Microsoft Paint and Windows Movie Maker. For some reason, Goten from Dragonball Z's Broli movie inspired me to do this. Weird, but true.I did this animation with Windows Movie Maker using a comic program, Manga Studio. Despite the natural looking lines, I drew it with a mouse.
Using Photoshop and Wacom Bamboo Tablet for drawing. Keeping my picture on left side of the screen and original on right side. I use only Brush tool (with sizes 3, 5 and 9), Blur and Smudge for eyes, Paint Bucket when I'm lazy and an Eyedropper tool to get right colours. I'm pretty happy with the head which is almost complete
Was interested in learning more about Photography as that's something I follow closely. I know more that most average people and while Pretty amateur I can make some decent shots with the right lighting and playing with settings on my phone and P&S.
So anyone know any good resources. (books, sights, podcasts.)
Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.
Was interested in learning more about Photography as that's something I follow closely. I know more that most average people and while Pretty amateur I can make some decent shots with the right lighting and playing with settings on my phone and P&S.
So anyone know any good resources. (books, sights, podcasts.)
My high school design teacher introduced us to a website for anything almost graphics related called tuts+. Here is the link to the photography site:
I used to be able to draw quite well, but multiple wrist surgeries has caused my fine motor skills with my hand to be very painful and imprecise. I recently decided to try my hand at shooting photos and found that I really enjoyed it. I've yet to finish touching up these photos completely - including date scrubbing - but these are a few I'm quite proud of.
@YellowChocobo Your photos are amazing. O_O @Late You have talent, you draw really well. ^_^ I drew something Pokemon-related too... but I'm not very good. It took me a couple hours.
Here's another. I tried to keep it simple and use effective colors. I know Mega Man isn't a Nintendo character but the first time I played a MM game was on my NES. I think that's good enough to keep the cosmic card even. Hope you all like it.
www.ThePixelBar.com for higher resolution versions that are wallpaper friendly, and with a different color background.
I've stopped hand drawing lately do to lack of motivation but I've been doing some bead pixel art lately. I really like it. It's fun and not to hard. Here's a snivy and commander video I made.
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