
Topic: NintendoLife Artists Thread

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I just finished up this guy last night. I think he's quite dapper personally. Hope you all like it.

My blog where I post my work

If you go down a day or two I also posted a Navi "Hey Listen" text alert tone for your downloading fun. I love it when I get messages now. It makes me giggle.

[Edited by ThePixelBar]



Well, I did make some animation a few years ago that I couldn't finish. I only managed to recover two of them though. Well, here they are:

This animation was done purely with Microsoft Paint and Windows Movie Maker. For some reason, Goten from Dragonball Z's Broli movie inspired me to do this. Weird, but true.

I did this animation with Windows Movie Maker using a comic program, Manga Studio. Despite the natural looking lines, I drew it with a mouse.

Formely known as bobbiKat






some of my video game based artwork drawings. i don't know how this embedding images thing is supposed to work. any help would be greatly appreciated.

[Edited by misswliu81]



Drawing Toon Link at the moment Untitled
Original image:

Using Photoshop and Wacom Bamboo Tablet for drawing. Keeping my picture on left side of the screen and original on right side. I use only Brush tool (with sizes 3, 5 and 9), Blur and Smudge for eyes, Paint Bucket when I'm lazy and an Eyedropper tool to get right colours. I'm pretty happy with the head which is almost complete

[Edited by Late]



Was interested in learning more about Photography as that's something I follow closely. I know more that most average people and while Pretty amateur I can make some decent shots with the right lighting and playing with settings on my phone and P&S.

So anyone know any good resources. (books, sights, podcasts.)


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.


shingi_70 wrote:

Was interested in learning more about Photography as that's something I follow closely. I know more that most average people and while Pretty amateur I can make some decent shots with the right lighting and playing with settings on my phone and P&S.

So anyone know any good resources. (books, sights, podcasts.)

My high school design teacher introduced us to a website for anything almost graphics related called tuts+. Here is the link to the photography site:

Formely known as bobbiKat


Kudos to all the awesome artwork!

I used to be able to draw quite well, but multiple wrist surgeries has caused my fine motor skills with my hand to be very painful and imprecise. I recently decided to try my hand at shooting photos and found that I really enjoyed it. I've yet to finish touching up these photos completely - including date scrubbing - but these are a few I'm quite proud of.

3DS FC: 4382-2029-8015
All my News and Reviews in One convenient place!

My Nintendo: Slapshot82 | X:


@YellowChocobo Your photos are amazing. O_O
@Late You have talent, you draw really well. ^_^ I drew something Pokemon-related too... but I'm not very good. It took me a couple hours.


[Edited by John-John]



Made the first painting earlier this year using Art Academy. Original piece by me

Calling it Moon Bay

Second one I made about a week ago. I'll call it Nature's Bliss.




Here's another. I tried to keep it simple and use effective colors.
I know Mega Man isn't a Nintendo character but the first time I played a MM game was on my NES. I think that's good enough to keep the cosmic card even.
Hope you all like it.

Untitled for higher resolution versions that are wallpaper friendly, and with a different color background.

[Edited by ThePixelBar]



I'll be joining this soon but for now enjoy my tiny drawing that severs as my picture that I forgot to use the low lighting effects on

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