
Topic: Movie thread.

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Basically here talk about movies you have recently seen, you can give your thoughts about movies you saw and rate them, chat it up with other people who saw movies you like, what your favourite movies are, what types of movies you like etc.

Well i just saw both The Wrestler and Milk, and I think that i liked the Wrestler better, both i would give 9, but the acting in the Wrestler was just fantastic. I actually think that was a big upset how Sean Penn won best actor instead of Mickey Rourke. Mickey's performance was amazing, and really made me feel for him. Not that Sean Penn was bad, but there was so much emotion with Rourke. I really liked the storys for both movies, but i enjoyed the Wrestler more.



Haven't seen either, but I must say I'm skeptical of Wrestler. I'll end up seeing both eventually on DVD though, surely.
I'm hoping to see Sunshine Cleaners and Gomorrah soon, both of which look to have some potential. And I'm of course constantly looking forward to The Road, though that won't be till fall.

Last movie I actually saw was Che Part One (couldn't make it to Part Two, sadly), and it was pretty good. I was a bit disappointed in the general lack of a linear story. It was mostly short, unrelated segments from random incidents in the beginning of his career as a revolutionary. It became confusing in the first half because it switches around in chronology without explanation. I still liked it though, and it was surprisingly quite funny at times. I hope to see Part Two eventually.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Last film I saw at the cinema was Slumdog Millionaire, and it was awesome. Flower, flower, screw in the lightbulb! (anyone who get's that reference deserves a cookie).
The last film I saw at home was This is Spinal Tap, as I sat there, wishing that I knew someone "cool" enough to buy tickets to see the world tour with me this June...



Wiiloveit wrote:

Last film I saw at the cinema was Slumdog Millionaire, and it was awesome. Flower, flower, screw in the lightbulb! (anyone who get's that reference deserves a cookie).
The last film I saw at home was This is Spinal Tap, as I sat there, wishing that I knew someone "cool" enough to buy tickets to see the world tour with me this June...

This is spinal tap is amazingg. Hilarious movie



I just saw Sunshine Cleaning, and it was even better than I expected. I was expecting a goofy movie, but the trailer showcases almost all the jokes, and the rest is actually a very touching movie. Very glad I ended up seeing it.

Wiiloveit wrote:

Flower, flower, screw in the lightbulb! (anyone who get's that reference deserves a cookie).

I haven't seen the movie, but... are you parodying the bus driver? "Driver, driver, passenger off"? Please, please no!

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


I just saw Observe and Report, which disappointed me. The trailer made it seem like an all-out silly comedy that wasn't to be taken seriously. Then I was reading all these reviews with Jody Hill and Seth Rogen, saying, "No, the trailer is wrong. It's a dark exploration of a dangerous man."

Having seen it myself I can say that it's neither. It's not funny enough to be outlandish comedy, and it's not serious enough to be really edgy or dark. It's just kind of trapped in the middle, trying to pull in two directions at once.

Which is a shame...I thought we might get something really interesting out this.




A few weeks ago, I saw Knowing. It was pretty good.

Tomena Sanner: Because dancing businessmen are awesome.


I recently just finished watching "Neco Z Alenky" its a weird take on Alice in wonderland

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The last movie I saw was Coraline. It was a good movie based on a GREAT book. It wasn't creepy enough, Coraline was annoying, and the way she says, "OH MY GAWWWD!" is the most awful thing ever.

"Sometimes isolation is a good thing, Razputin. It can lead to many important discoveries."--Sasha Nein, Psychonauts3DS FC: 2578-3212-7404Popy's Backloggery!


I don't think I've seen anything in a theater since Rambo (and I saw it in like May of last year, not when it first came out). I still want to see Coraline, but i'll wait for the DVD at this point. Next movie I am definitely seeing in the theater is going to be Star Trek... I have this gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach that this movie is going to be so terrible that I'm going to love it because it is so very terrible. :/

edit: good lord, you're right. i don't know where i got it in my head that Bay had anything to do with this... i guess it's because it's shiny and reminds me of the Transformers movie. o_O;; i still think it's going to wind up lovably terrible, though.

[Edited by theblackdragon]

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!



I dont think Michael Bay has anything to do with Star Trek.
J.J Abrams is making it, creator of Lost. Correct me if i am wrong though!
And Star Trek does look pretty intense. X-men Wolverine looks great too!



DaVeMaN99 wrote:

I dont think Michael Bay has anything to do with Star Trek.
J.J Abrams is making it, creator of Lost. Correct me if i am wrong though!

thanks for the correction, lol! now i know who to properly blame.

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!



I truly enjoyed seeing Dragonball Evolution the day it came out; since I was highly anticipating for it to come out ever long before then! Glad I went too, it was absolutely AWESOME!! Made the Dragonball series look like a more grown up & live action by real actors look really cool!

This goes to show that I enjoys movies no matter what; & I hate bad reviews or what people say about movies like Dragonball or Street Figher The Legend of Chun Li (they're just adaptations people)!

I also plan on seeing X-Men Orgins Wolverine when it comes out; for I truly enjoy the X-Men movie trilogy!



I just watched Doubt, and that was a very powerful film. But not exactly the kind of movie you run out and buy to watch over and over though, given the subject matter.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


I just saw Wall-e, and it is one of my favourite movies of 08, and it is my favourite movie by Pixar. The Animation was brilliant, and same as the message.And it actually was funny, i usually laughed when he fell down or hid from Eve. Well it was a huge surprise for me.
And il rank Pixar films as
1. Wall-e
2. Finding Nemo
3. The Incredibles
4. Monsters Inc
5.Toy Story
6. Ratatouille
7. Toy Story 2
8. Bugs Life
I haven't seen cars yet though. Doesnt seem that good though.



I loved Wall-E too, and it irritated me when people dismissed it as making fun of fat/obese people -- if you look closely at their body structure, they're shaped like giant babies, and people allowing themselves to be pampered and cared for 24-7 (just like a baby) is a big part of the storyline.

Cars was all right, but definitely not as much fun as... well, anything else they've put out besides Ratatouille, to be honest. Not that I hated Ratatouille or anything, it just wasn't as great story-wise as I'd hoped it would be either.

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!



I really liked Wall-E, too, but I think the story is made to be more interesting than it is. I preferred when Wall-E was still on earth; the spaceship was less interesting. The earth segments would have made a good series of short films like in one of those old Saturday morning shows that had a few different short cartoons in one half hour slot. I like it how it is, too, though!

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


That there list is spot on, no disagreements. Not that Bugs Life was a bad film, it was just the "least good". I can't decide whether I'd place Cars above or below Ratatouille, though. Ratatouille was also good, it's just a shame that it dragged on a bit too long, since it ended up just being a showcase of what Pixar could acheive technically, rather than being as enjoyable as their other films.



Wiiloveit wrote:

I can't decide whether I'd place Cars above or below Ratatouille, though. Ratatouille was also good, it's just a shame that it dragged on a bit too long, since it ended up just being a showcase of what Pixar could acheive technically, rather than being as enjoyable as their other films.

I wholeheartedly agree with this assessment of Ratatouille. It was a gorgeous movie, there were parts that I didn't know if they'd just filmed some real-life sequences as backgrounds (like when the inspector is chasing Remy through the streets, there's a part where the camera is whipping past some boats and cars and stuff and man does it ever look real except for the characters!), but I really wanted more with the love interest (it all happened so fast) and some more tension with the food critic guy (it just doesn't seem like the situation is really dire, to be honest; it has the wrong feel to it). more time spent on characterization would've been nice. :3

future of NL >:3
[16:43] James: I should learn these site rules more clearly
[16:44] LztheBlehBird: James doesn't know the rules? For shame!!!


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