
Topic: Halloween 2017 - Gaming Treats

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Thought it might be fun to share our gaming plans for the month of October. I've always loved Halloween and often programme a little festival of Halloween/horror themed films and games to enjoy to see in the frightivities.

So my aim is to play some of these games over the coming 31 days of October:

  • Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle (qualifies primarily for the suitably themed World 3).
  • Costume Quest 1 or 2 (the quitessential Halloween RPG game).
  • Night Slashers (vastly underrated or outright forgotten 90s Data East beat 'em up with bosses styled on likes of Frankenstein's monster).
  • Alien vs. Predator (Capcom Arcade classic beat 'em up).
  • Nightmare in the Dark (Neo-Geo single-screen platform puzzler with gothic horror art direction).
  • Beast Busters (SNK light-gun monster shooter).
  • Ghost Lob (Ghostbusters inspired match-3 style puzzler from Data East for Neo-Geo).
  • Monster's World (horror re-skin of classic arcade game Pang).

Other suggestions you might consider are:

  • House of the Dead 1/2 or House of the Dead Overkill, Ghouls and Ghosts, Splatter House, Dark Stalkers, Satan's Hollow.

What are your fave games to play at Halloween? Can be specific levels from games otherwise not horror or Halloween related.

[Edited by Lroy]

🇬🇧 Nintendo Switch FC: 3127 6508 1219 |
🇬🇧 3DS FC: 0361 9527 6404 |
Nintendo Switch Arcade Enthusiast 🕹 | 🚀
Retro Gamer | Digital Pinball Fan
Adult Switch Gamers Discord


Actually, I think Mutation Nation might land in time for October release, so that's another arcade beat'em up to add to the list of games I'll put some time into for Halloween 🎃

🇬🇧 Nintendo Switch FC: 3127 6508 1219 |
🇬🇧 3DS FC: 0361 9527 6404 |
Nintendo Switch Arcade Enthusiast 🕹 | 🚀
Retro Gamer | Digital Pinball Fan
Adult Switch Gamers Discord


I'm for sure doing some Halloween gaming as it is possibly my favorite time of the year. Starting off with just a few games and see where it goes from there.

Silent Hill
State of Decay
Zombies Ate My Neighbors - Dayman
Steam - RancidVomit86
PSN - RancidVomit86

Where my friends and I usually get stupid: - Come by hang and visit our Discord. The link for Discord is on the Twitch page.

Let's Go Buffalo!


@RancidVomit86 Oh man, I really need to go back to Zombies Ate My Neighbours on SNES. Haven't played that game in years.

[Edited by Lroy]

🇬🇧 Nintendo Switch FC: 3127 6508 1219 |
🇬🇧 3DS FC: 0361 9527 6404 |
Nintendo Switch Arcade Enthusiast 🕹 | 🚀
Retro Gamer | Digital Pinball Fan
Adult Switch Gamers Discord


Probably just some Halloween themed pinball tables. Mostly Elvira & the Party Monsters and Scared Stiff in the Pinball Arcade, and Sorcerer's Lair, Aliens, & Alien: Isolation in Zen.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


Maybe there could be some monster / halloween costumes available in Super Mario Odyssey! You never know, there are so many different costumes that have already been confirmed and Super Mario games often have some horror themed stages aty some point.

I've beaten Splatterhouse something like a month ago on Namco Museum for the Switch, I don't think I'll play it again so soon...

I used to be a ripple user like you, then I took The Arrow in the knee


Gaming related music treats - from two of my favourite games, probably my absolute favourites in the horror genre:

[Edited by LuckyLand]

I used to be a ripple user like you, then I took The Arrow in the knee


I have the physical release of the new Friday the 13th for the PS4 coming out on, duh Oct 13th (i hope i get it that day!). so excited. Bought Dead By Daylight on sale a while back and the game is fun, but i suck at it, i'm sure ill suck at F13 too (can't be any worse than the one on the original NES which I will definitely play for a bit too).

Dead by Daylight released a Halloween (the movie) pack that came with the one i bought where you can play as laurie strode and it's set in Haddonfield... really fun!! so far). no voice chat in the game though... which irks me cuz i just started getting into these kinds of games and bought a headset!



to the person who mentioned Zombies at my Neighbors... YES that's a good one! I just recently sold my copy though

others on my list (for probably 5 minute plays before i get too frustrated)
Nightmare on Elm Street for NES
Friday the 13th for NES
Hello Kitty Roller Rescue for Gamecube
Decapattack for Genesis
Kid Chameleon for Genesis (there's slight Friday the 13th references in it)
Maniac Mansion for NES (i actually beat this game back in the day! I NEVER beat ANY games!)



Luigi's Mansion and the 3DS sequel Dark Moon also worth a shout.

🇬🇧 Nintendo Switch FC: 3127 6508 1219 |
🇬🇧 3DS FC: 0361 9527 6404 |
Nintendo Switch Arcade Enthusiast 🕹 | 🚀
Retro Gamer | Digital Pinball Fan
Adult Switch Gamers Discord


And all of the F.E.A.R.+DLC games are on sale for $13.74 so that might have to join my lineup - Dayman
Steam - RancidVomit86
PSN - RancidVomit86

Where my friends and I usually get stupid: - Come by hang and visit our Discord. The link for Discord is on the Twitch page.

Let's Go Buffalo!



oooh i gotta fire up Luigi's Mansion on GC. I never really got the hang of that game, time for another shot.



My October is a VERY busy one (#HauntLife), but I plan on replaying Year Walk on Wii U and will probably run through a couple of levels again in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon for nostalgia reasons.

A highly tentative "maybe" is the first Yo-Kai Watch on 3DS, but I sort of doubt I'll make it to that game before the month expires.

Currently playing: Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Kirby: Planet Robobot

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tasuki Hadn't realised there was a similar thread. I did do a search too. Cool 😎

🇬🇧 Nintendo Switch FC: 3127 6508 1219 |
🇬🇧 3DS FC: 0361 9527 6404 |
Nintendo Switch Arcade Enthusiast 🕹 | 🚀
Retro Gamer | Digital Pinball Fan
Adult Switch Gamers Discord


@Lroy I do this every year, Halloween time is just perfect to play some spooky games like Castlevania.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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