
Topic: LEGOS on DS

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Two of my favorites are the first Batman and Indy: Original Adventures, which I have for PS3. I'm thinking about getting the DS versions as well. I know they may be trimmed a little, but if I enjoy the big versions, do these compare well? I'll get Batman 2 on 3DS for sure, though I know the open world is cut, but I want the extra characters.

3DS Friend Code: 5129-0855-7142 ID = Midnight

AC:NL Mayor Jambo, town of Hamneggs


I liked the Star Wars one, but I've never tried the Batman/Indy ones.

all men are kings đź‘‘


I would, but specific questions/requests/comparisons can get buried too easily. I'll probably just get the games anyway. Thanks.

3DS Friend Code: 5129-0855-7142 ID = Midnight

AC:NL Mayor Jambo, town of Hamneggs


Thanks for the input Barbie! Yeah Indy 2 was bad on PS3 as well. Generally, the individual levels weren't too bad, but the smash up derby between levels was just too annoying and not fun at all. I will definitely pick up Undercover on 3DS. Maybe Star Ward DS too. I plqyed it a lot on PS3. Still have to 100% it though!

3DS Friend Code: 5129-0855-7142 ID = Midnight

AC:NL Mayor Jambo, town of Hamneggs


Lego Stars Wars 2 on the DS is a glitchy cesspit,and I steer clear of that one.
Lego Batman 1 on DS on the other hand runs really really well,and dare I say it,I enjoyed the DS version more than the console one.

Nintendo Network ID: Da-Banker
3DS XL FC:3265-6271-5244
In 3000 years time,people will remember the name,Da-Banker,for being such a [Censored]

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