
Topic: What to buy?

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I have been debating getting a 3DS ever since I sold my original early last year. More recently I've been getting an urge to play the Mario games again. My problem is that I don't know the new developments or the best games or to be released games coming out as I haven't been keeping up with that as much. So I need help deciding whether to buy a new 3DS XL or plump for the Wii U if it has better games or stick it out for the NX




Honestly, wait for the NX. If it has backwards compatibility then there's no need to get a Wii U, and if it doesn't, the Wii U can only get cheaper from here. At least wait for an announcement before you spend your money.



tough question as both have a great library of games, more rpgs on the 3ds fwiw, so you cant really go wrong getting either system, it comes down to your preference of portability or tv play i guess.
but if youre patient and can wait maybe 8 to 10 months to see just what the nx is(my guess is portable console/home tv hybrid w cross platform play,nx: n=nintendo, x=cross) you may want to wait it out if you want to be fully informed

hope that helps in some way =D

[Edited by 8Darky]

follow your heart <3


i would get a Wii U it has super mario 3D world, super mario maker, new super mario bros u, and mario kart 8 all of these are awesome games and there's lots of classic mario games on virtual console too. also i play my Wii U way more than my 3DS but if your on the go often the 3DS is probably a Better choice for you.



8Darky wrote:

tough question as both have a great library of games, more rpgs on the 3ds fwiw, so you cant really go wrong getting either system, it comes down to your preference of portability or tv play i guess.
but if youre patient and can wait maybe 8 to 10 months to see just what the nx is(my guess is portable console/home tv hybrid w cross platform play,nx: n=nintendo, x=cross) you may want to wait it out if you want to be fully informed

Yeah that helps alot thanks. I've decided to wait for NX rumours hopefully on the next nintendo direct
hope that helps in some way =D



The 3DS is here to stay for a while longer so if you were to get a 3DS, I would recommend getting a New 3DS model rather then a old, as for the Wii U it's hard to say as it's getting replaced pretty soon but still has some really good games on there!.

Tasuki wrote:

Might want to ask that sort of question here

And yes let's keep recommendations here please, surely there will be more people to help you out to decide here!

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