
Topic: Super Smash Bros 3DS discussion thread

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I like to see some Sonic characters like Sonic Tails Shadow and Eggman come in.Also a few more villains and 3rd parties like Megaman and someone else.Possibly Bowser Jr.

[Edited by LzWinky]

. Heads up my name online on the 3DS and Xbox Live is Bubbab5 to let you guys know. My 3DS FC 5412 9927 8618


I doubt we will see more than 1 character from 3rd parties as playable characters.

Now, if nintendo could be nice enough to make Meowth playable as it was intended to be since the first game, I'll be very happy.

[Edited by Eel]


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok


Geno and Megaman



The roster is 0
Since Nintendo haven't even gotten started yet.

For you, the day LordJumpMad graced your threads, was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.



I, for one, dislike the idea of throwing in 3rd party characters. It is supposed to be a brawl between all-star Nintendo characters, not "Nintendo v. Sega v.Capcom v. Konami Super Happy Insane Fistfight". Although, I'm all for the addition of Travis Touchdown.

[Edited by TheBaconator]

The Artist Formerly Known as ballkirby1
Nintendo Life Fantasy Football Team: The Propaniacs


ballkirby1 wrote:

I, for one, dislike the idea of throwing in 3rd party characters. It is supposed to be a brawl between all-star Nintendo characters, not "Nintendo v. Sega v.Capcom v. Konami Super Happy Insane Fistfight". Although, I'm all for the addition of Travis Touchdown.

I agree!
I didn't really like having Snake and Sonic in Brawl




I think there are 3rd party characters that deserve to be in just as much as the third Star Fox clone does. There are a few that were just as much a part of Nintendo back in the day as anything Nintendo put out. I'm thinking about characters like Mega Man and Simon Belmont.

And Cloud needs to be in, just so I can beat Link's fairy *ss with him. :3

Lieutenant Commander of the Lesbian Love Brigade
There can only be one, like in that foreign movie where there could only be one, and in the end there is only one dude left, because that was the point.


Megaman would be a nice addition.

If you add me, I need to at least know you or I won't add you back.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5283-4033-0929


Slippy joins the fight!
B- Ray Gun
B >- Hologram Dash
B^- Fire Dash
Bv- Energy Shield

Final Smash:

[Edited by Eel]


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok


Guys, development on the 3DS SSB game hasn't begun yet, and it could be cancelled so Sakurai and the rest of the dev staff could focus on developing the Wii U version or vice versa (dumb, yet possible). I think it's a little too early to start speculation on who would be in it, but I'll throw my vote in for a Mii character with a customizable B button moves palette and different qualities based on height & weight, a la Mario Kart Wii.

My Birdloggery


Mega Man
Special moves:

  • Neutral Special - Mega Buster (hold button to charge)
  • Up Special - Rush Coil
  • Side Special - Use random Robot Master's weapon
  • Down Special - Throw a bolt at opponent

Normal moves:

  • Neutral Attack - Punch, kick, headbutt
  • Up Attack - Grab character and fire a quick burst of energy upwards
  • Side Attack - Rush Jet
  • Down Attack - Slide

Final Smash - Mega Man rides Rush around the stage, firing powered-up blasts from his Mega Buster

Assist Trophies:

  • Tails - Flies in diagonally on the Tornado, causing a jet stream that lifts characters into the air
  • Zero - Teleports onto the stage and slices opponents with his saber (similar to Gray Fox)
  • Dr. Eggman - Floats around in his Eggmobile, summoning Motobugs and Buzzbombers
  • Dr. Wily - Appears in a random Wily Machine, causing destruction all over the stage
  • General Pepper - Summons a fleet of Arwings to fire rounds at opponents
  • Wii Remote - A small Wii Remote briefly appears on the stage, allowing the player to physically control the game's camera (turning it upside down, sideways, diagonally, etc.)

[Edited by LordTendoboy]

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


Birdman13 wrote:

Guys, development on the 3DS SSB game hasn't begun yet, and it could be cancelled so Sakurai and the rest of the dev staff could focus on developing the Wii U version or vice versa (dumb, yet possible). I think it's a little too early to start speculation on who would be in it, but I'll throw my vote in for a Mii character with a customizable B button moves palette and different qualities based on height & weight, a la Mario Kart Wii.

Nintendo cancelling Smash Bros.? Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

Smash Bros. is one of their biggest franchises, and people have been clamoring for a portable version for years.

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


tendoboy1984 wrote:

Birdman13 wrote:

Guys, development on the 3DS SSB game hasn't begun yet, and it could be cancelled so Sakurai and the rest of the dev staff could focus on developing the Wii U version or vice versa (dumb, yet possible). I think it's a little too early to start speculation on who would be in it, but I'll throw my vote in for a Mii character with a customizable B button moves palette and different qualities based on height & weight, a la Mario Kart Wii.

Nintendo cancelling Smash Bros.? Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

Smash Bros. is one of their biggest franchises, and people have been clamoring for a portable version for years.

Nintendo has done stupider things before; look at Star Fox 2 for SNES.

My Birdloggery


Birdman13 wrote:

tendoboy1984 wrote:

Birdman13 wrote:

Guys, development on the 3DS SSB game hasn't begun yet, and it could be cancelled so Sakurai and the rest of the dev staff could focus on developing the Wii U version or vice versa (dumb, yet possible). I think it's a little too early to start speculation on who would be in it, but I'll throw my vote in for a Mii character with a customizable B button moves palette and different qualities based on height & weight, a la Mario Kart Wii.

Nintendo cancelling Smash Bros.? Hahahahahahahahahahaha!

Smash Bros. is one of their biggest franchises, and people have been clamoring for a portable version for years.

Nintendo has done stupider things before; look at Star Fox 2 for SNES.

Star Fox on the SNES was just a tech demo showing how the console could display polygons. Star Fox 64 was the real Star Fox 2, it took the concept of the first game and fleshed it out in every way.

[Edited by LordTendoboy]

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594


tendoboy1984 wrote:

Birdman13 wrote:

Nintendo has done stupider things before; look at Star Fox 2 for SNES.

Star Fox on the SNES was just a tech demo showing how the console could display polygons. Star Fox 64 was the real Star Fox 2, it took the concept of the first game and fleshed it out in every way.

What I meant by that is that Nintendo fully developed a Star Fox 2 for the SNES, but cancelled it 2 weeks from its launch because they felt it would interfere with the N64's launch, which is way stupider than canceling a game a lot of people want part of the way into development to focus on making another similar game better.

My Birdloggery


Star Fox was much more than a tech demo. Any game that pushes new tech is not automatically "just a tech demo." And Star Fox 2 was near completion when it was canned. You can probably find a video playthrough of it online, as it is popular in emulation circles. It pretty much became Star Fox Command. Star Fox 64 has nothing to do with that Star Fox 2, even though it is now the official second Star Fox.

Also, he said cancel the 3DS one to focus on the Wii U version, which isn't that stupid considering Sakurai himself mentioned the possibility. Cancelling the project outright, definitely laughable, but focusing on one version, especially with 3DS circling the drain and not the ideal platform for Smash in the first place — that's believable, to me.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Adam wrote:

Star Fox was much more than a tech demo. Any game that pushes new tech is not automatically "just a tech demo." And Star Fox 2 was near completion when it was canned. You can probably find a video playthrough of it online, as it is popular in emulation circles. It pretty much became Star Fox Command. Star Fox 64 has nothing to do with that Star Fox 2, even though it is now the official second Star Fox.

Also, he said cancel the 3DS one to focus on the Wii U version, which isn't that stupid considering Sakurai himself mentioned the possibility. Cancelling the project outright, definitely laughable, but focusing on one version, especially with 3DS circling the drain and not the ideal platform for Smash in the first place — that's believable, to me.

But Iwata himself wanted a Smash Bros. on 3DS. Iwata makes the decisions at Nintendo, not Sakurai.

3DS Friend Code (NEW) 4597-0176-3500
Minis March Again (NEW) 2323-0441-2739
Mini-Land Mayhem (NEW) 5071-8232-0670
Wii Friend Code 5519-8046-0668-6068
Smash Bros. Brawl 1893-2412-4594

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