
Topic: Predict the 3DS's 2015 lineup

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I'm not sure if anyone's noticed, but the 3DS's first party lineup for 2015 is sparse. But that leaves lots of room for prediction.

My predictions:
Pokemon X2/Y2
Majora's Mask 3D
Metroid Prime 3D (*)
A new entry in the Brain Age or Big Brain Academy series
And the big ones: F-Zero 3DX (*)
A 3D Donkey Kong platformer

*New 3DS exclusive

[Edited by iKhan]

Currently Playing: Steamworld Heist, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Tales of Graces F


As someone who owns a Wii U and 3DS... I don't really care what hits the 3DS in 2015. I'm more focused on Wii U. I luv my 3DS so much but I want more attention on Wii U. Nintendo could literally start localizing Japanese 3DS games and the 3DS 2015 schedule will be fine.

I own a Wii U and 3DS. I also own a PS4!

Master of the Hype Train


Super Mario RPG Legend of Seven Stars
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze 3D
Metroid 3DS



My prediction: There will be a Pokemon game.

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794


Well Pokemon is probably likely since it's becoming more annualized than it used to be, but as far as what it's still up in the air. Masuda has specifically stated in an interview that they're not doing Z or XY2.

Our interview also touched on the upcoming Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire remakes for 3DS. Asked why Game Freak went down that route instead of creating, say, a "Pokemon Z" to follow 2013's X/Y, Masuda said the developer is always looking to surprise players

"There's been a lot of demand from people to remake Ruby/Sapphire on social media, for example," he said. "Right now really felt like a good time to do it, and instead of doing a direct sequel to X/Y we're tying it together in some unique ways."

So whatever's happening with Kalos is going to be something completely new.

Anyway, we also have hints of a new Zelda game and a new Metroid game in the works, perhaps they will be announced soon.

And then they might design a few games that are New 3DS exclusive or New 3DS enhanced. A new Mario game could be one such game, maybe something more in the vein of 64/Sunshine. Not really sure what else though. They might simply do more remakes and ports.

Aside from that, IDK. The 3DS' lineup is a lot less certain than Wii U's (since there are several IPs that haven't yet made the jump to Wii U yet, but 3DS has virtually every major IP covered).


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722


I'd like to see a new Golden Sun, but I'm not holding my breath.

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794


Advance Wars 3D

God first.
My Switch FC: SW824410196326


Project STEAM (3DS)
Xenoblade Chronicles (N3DS)
Majora's Mask 3D (N3DS)
New Pokémon X/Y (N3DS)
New New Super Mario Bros. (N3DS)
New Metroid (N3DS)
New Nintendo Land (N3DS)


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897


VolcanoFlamesNL wrote:

Advance Wars 3D

not gonna happen because intelligent systems is working on project steam

i have no idea what games we will get. interesting to see that all games mentioned here are first or second party franchises. i think the biggest game we in the west will get will be monster hunter 4, but we know of that for some time now

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB


Legend of Legacy
Ace Attorney (Sherlock one)

Want: Harvest Moon: One World, Story of Seasons: Pioneering Town, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury

Finished the Alola Dex.
Now playing New Horizons, Wrath of White Witch and Sword


I keep predicting Majora's Mask 3D every year, and every year I'm disappointed

I predict Majora's Mask ()
and a Metroid 2.5D game announced early in the year and released holiday 2015



1) Rogue Squadron IV, under the new Disney License. It manages to be great, though fans still complain for tying into the new movie's storyline instead of the familiar legacy's continuity.
2) A surprise Rayman Legends Port, despite low Origins sales.
3) Pokemon Conquest 2, now in full 3D with battle animations.
4) Either SNES or GBA games debut on the 3DS eshop, but not both.
5) Aladdin for the Genesis on VC, but not SNES. Fans complain again, since that's what they do.
6) Star Wars GB/GBC titles, such as racer and super star wars. Disney clears up licensing issues to release virtually all of lucasarts' old properties.
7) A nor prediction - downloadable DS software will be considered, perhaps even leaked...but canned as Nintendo realizes that they don't want to put resources into re-coding online infrastructures for multiplayer and the compatibility issues with expected services like the Pokemon games' GTN and Miiverse.
8) New Nintendo IP that hasn't started development yet, for a holiday release. I'll say a character-centric Diablo/RTS hybrid, hailed for its few levels of rhythm-based gameplay.
9) A subscription MMO, 3rd party.
10) <Announced, but not released>: A third party service agreement, similar to youtube, with Onlive or some other video-game streaming service suddenly makes playing high-end PC games possible on 3DS, as all the processing and graphical power are no longer needed on the actual system. Titles are limited at launch to games already IOS compatible (in early 2017?) , but in a surprise move, include several single-player titles from EA games (Mass Effect/Dragon Age series).

If any of these are right, I'm going to seriously congratulate myself. If they're all right, I'll predict the next 10 lottery numbers for anyone that PMs me



A COD game for 3ds, I know it will happen.

UPDATE: Bowser just ate some cake and it was yummy


Grumblevolcano wrote:

Project STEAM (3DS)
Xenoblade Chronicles (N3DS)
Majora's Mask 3D (N3DS)
New Pokémon X/Y (N3DS)
New New Super Mario Bros. (N3DS)
New Metroid (N3DS)
New Nintendo Land (N3DS)

I doubt they would dump that many resources into the n3DS. It risks alienating too many people and ignores a large portion of the fanbase.

Currently Playing: Steamworld Heist, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Tales of Graces F


iKhan wrote:

Metroid Prime 3D (*)

*New 3DS exclusive

I think the 2D Metroid game is supposed to be on 3DS and the Prime game is supposed to be on Wii U. Prime would be better on the Wii U anyway because the Gamepad would add a lot to the gameplay.


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722


Bolt_Strike wrote:

iKhan wrote:

Metroid Prime 3D (*)

*New 3DS exclusive

I think the 2D Metroid game is supposed to be on 3DS and the Prime game is supposed to be on Wii U. Prime would be better on the Wii U anyway because the Gamepad would add a lot to the gameplay.

I meant a port/remake for n3DS. I don't expect a Metroid game until 2016, as they are only in the very early stages of development right now. The reason I say they should port it to n3DS is because I think it'd be a great way to show off the revision's new potential with little effort. An HD remaster would take some work, and they just recently ported it to console in the Trilogy Collection for Wii.

I think that the Prime series is probably over, and they'll probably start a new Metroid series of sorts for the HD era.

[Edited by iKhan]

Currently Playing: Steamworld Heist, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Tales of Graces F


iKhan wrote:

I think that the Prime series is probably over, and they'll probably start a new Metroid series of sorts for the HD era.

Well they confirmed they're keeping the gameplay style, but the plot probably won't stay the same.


Switch Friend Code: SW-5621-4055-5722


Bolt_Strike wrote:

iKhan wrote:

I think that the Prime series is probably over, and they'll probably start a new Metroid series of sorts for the HD era.

Well they confirmed they're keeping the gameplay style, but the plot probably won't stay the same.

When did they say that? Last I heard they were in early planning stages and that's all we know.

Currently Playing: Steamworld Heist, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Tales of Graces F


6ch6ris6 wrote:

VolcanoFlamesNL wrote:

Advance Wars 3D

not gonna happen because intelligent systems is working on project steam

How about its big brother Battalion Wars? That's been dormant for years, but I'd wager 3DS has enough power under its hood to run a sequel or a port. It could also be a showpiece for the N3DS.

Currently on the plate:
Mount and Blade: Warband – Napoleonic Wars
Super Mario 3D World – Finishing the last few levels.
Mario Kart 8

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