I know there are a few more specific topics about this, but I thought we should have a topic to cover everything about the New 3DS.
Interestingly, I was reading up on the Japanese website (Using Google translate, of course) and it seems like the internet browser will come with a built in filter to block bad websites. I thought that was pretty cool!
Like I said earlier......having another line of exclusive games just for the sake of making more money is ridiculous.....the 3DS is barely five years old and even though the DSI came out, Nintendo still supported DS games back then, so if its something like where these games are digital exclusive....then I can live with that....But no they are retail exclusives as well!
I can imagine the pain many buyers will feel about this fact that they already bought an XL and now something like next-gen shows up. I'm not upset mind you because seeing this is for Japan at the moment, We don't know how things will show up....
This moment reminds me of what Sega did.....But then again, Nintendo isn't even close to doing that so I could be wrong.
Like I said earlier......having another line of exclusive games just for the sake of making more money is ridiculous.....the 3DS is barely five years old and even though the DSI came out, Nintendo still supported DS games back then, so if its something like where these games are digital exclusive....then I can live with that....But no they are retail exclusives as well!
Both the GBC and GBA lasted less than 4 years before their successors came out. Nintendo could release their next handheld next year and it would be in line with that. It looks like they're going to stick with the 3DS (wise decision imo), but make a new version so they can do more with it. I would be very surprised if tons of future games excluded the older models of the 3DS, because that would take away the entire user base for those games. I expect some games will be better on the new 3DS, but few will be exclusive to it. Right now, we only know of one, and it's a port.
I am the TrueWiiMaster! Those who call the Wii casual BEWARE!
@RogueBologna Nintendo revealed that Xenoblade Chronicles would be ported to the 3DS, but that the game would only run on the 'new' 3DS that has a more powerful processor and a few extra buttons, as well as an additional analog slider pad. We can probably expect more games exclusive to the new 3DS, which is odd but still.
Well you have to look at Nintendo's play with the New machines. They're pretty much expanded new systems and will expand the life of the 3DS for another three or four years setting a time table that the next system and Handheld on the same OS and NN core can launch close together.
I wouldn't be suprised if this is Nintendo's play to stop what happened to the DS. The sales of the DS peaked in Japan since everyone had one, so the audience as well as developers jumped to the PSP which got a ton of software The CPU bump may not be that big but it stops that and probably will let developers bring usually vita only games over to the 3DS, as well it probably helps indies giving the new 3DS enough power to run Unity
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I hope the "New Nintendo 3DS" doesn't get a bunch of exclusive software like the Xenoblade port. I mean, a year or so ago Nintendo says that adding a second circle pad would fracture the userbase, and then they go and make a model that'll play games the older ones can't?
I hope the "New Nintendo 3DS" doesn't get a bunch of exclusive software like the Xenoblade port. I mean, a year or so ago Nintendo says that adding a second circle pad would fracture the userbase, and then they go and make a model that'll play games the older ones can't?
IDK I wouldn't mind some games being made that may not have been possible on the OG versions or at least performance improvements for games.
I'm not angry however I wish they take their time and release different models of the new 3DS, we keep getting new models and upgrades, would be nice if you had the option to buy and select from different versions of the new 3DS and not have to wait a few months just for a new model to come out, so it would be nice to see a normal, XL, new 2DS, new 2DS mini or whatever model they will have from the start, I personally would like it pushed back to make sure everything is alright but I don't want to hold back to anyone who wants to buy it.
@Ralizah Come to think of it, How will the box art be like. Will it still say 3DS or New 3DS?
@TrueWiiMaster I agree here and I got no issues that they shouldn't make a new 3DS. If anything, I really want to get this as it looks to be the definitive version of the 3DS line up. That said, why did they include new buttons? what will they call the new 3DS? Just New? Because that creates a problem with the 3ds users already. What is the reason that Xenoblade can't run on the original when Nintendo can just reduce the pixels to 360 and make adjustments to the graphic power?
Look man, I've still yet to get the Wii U and I really do want to get that thing, but now I gotta get this new 3DS to play the next Metroid, Pokemon or Mario game even though the brand isn't different?
btw, I can't seem to find where the slot for the SD card is for the new 3ds? Is it something where you have to unscrew it and then place it or something?
You guys do know that the New 3DS is probably looked eternally as a new console in general testing the waters of smartphone style upgrades where they can keep the 3DS branding. Not only is it getting new hardware in the form of a c stick and a CPU boost but its getting exclusive games, and unlike the Dsi its first major exclusive is a big franchise.
Don't be surpised if we start to see more New 3DS first and third party titles announced soon, since they expect this revision to push the brands life another three years till a new console.
Only real fear is if this CPU boost means SNES and GBA games are new 3DS only.
The name branding is terrible and should be 3DS-2.
The thing that concerns me is the battery life.The battery life of the 3DS was a shame, but what if the new 3DS only lasts 2 and a half hours?
"I'll take a potato chip... AND EAT IT!"
Light Yagami, Death Note
"Ah, the Breakfast Club soundtrack! I can't wait 'til I'm old enough to feel ways about stuff!"
Phillip J. Fry, Futurama
wait hold on the New 3DS is going to have exclusives?!?! thats going a bit far, although this new 3DS does look tempting and i could probably get £80 for my XL plus its cradle and if it comes out around may or june i can buy it with birthday money. but i want Nintendo to really sells this to me. like £95 for the normal £105-110 for the XL, i want them to really sell the features, NO EXCLUSIVES?!!?! i do not want that many exclusives on the system that will make me force to buy it just so i wont feel left out which will make me mad. Nintendo you have my attention and you may get my money if they play there cards right
im SilverLightning i was @BlueLightning i changed my name, i was born in a barn in ohio i was put in prison. 19 years later andy dufresne escaped shawshank prison.
The only thing that would make me get one is if a game comes out that's only for the new Nintendo 3DS that I really want. Otherwise, I'm fine with my Nintendo 3DS.
The name definitely could have been better. I would have gone with 3DSi or something, since most people already know the difference between the DS and the DSi, it would make it pretty clear what the New 3DS is. I can see it now...
"Hey Mom, I want a New 3DS for my birthday!"
"Oh, but what's wrong with the one you have now?!"
"Um, nothing, I just want an upgrade Mom!"
"Er, okay then!" Birthday Day
"It's a... It's a..! 3DS XL?! But I already have one!"
"But, you asked for a new 3DS, and that's what that is. A brand new 3DS right out of the box!"
Okay, I'm sure that won't happen a whole lot, but it's bound to happen at some point. I can also see people thinking it's Nintendo's next gen system.
Topic: New 3DS
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