I haven't heard anything bad from anyone who's played this so I am really looking forward to this. The only thing I'm not looking forward to is the price.
I don't think it looks boring at all (maybe it's not hectic, but certainly not boring). I can't wait! If I remember correctly people were raving about it at E3 so...seeing as how almost no one offering opinions on the Internet has played it yet those opinions of the few that have sound promising.
I also still think that people wouldn't bat an eye if this was $10 on WiiWare. Many games are. Just because this is portable doesn't mean it has to be 2 bucks. Portable is a plus, so is the glasses-free 3D.
I think I might try to terminate my account. I'm not cut out for posting on forums lol
It would only take seeing the very gaming industry you love, crumble to the ground and pretty much disappear from the face of the planet right in front of your very eyes as it did in 1983, for these people griping about spending $10 for a download title to change their tune. I'll certainly never forget it as long as I live. And now I'm happy to toss money into the industry to help keep it going.
And back on topic, Mutant Mudds is a great platformer. But you really gotta play it to get it.
Look, you can get Dead or Alive on Amazon for 16€ already. Its a retail game, has 3D, online modes aso...Mutant Mudds looks good, without doubt, but the maximum amount of money is 8€ or 800pts I feel to spend on download titles. As said, for a few bucks more you can get unused retail games (possibly if you wait long enough), printed manual, module, and possibly with a club-code inside. Developer shouldnt loose their focus about this circumstance.
If the price on MM is okay, Ill buy it though. Did the same on MSF, even if I dont think Ill play it ever again - bought it just to support industry, as said, and because the price was okay (6€ in Germany).
Grammar errors? We could use the german language instead of the english one of course - do you dare? ;)
It would only take seeing the very gaming industry you love, crumble to the ground and pretty much disappear from the face of the planet right in front of your very eyes as it did in 1983, for these people griping about spending $10 for a download title to change their tune. I'll certainly never forget it as long as I live. And now I'm happy to toss money into the industry to help keep it going.
I am looking forward to this one. From what I have seen, I like the old school feel of it. It kind of reminds me of those old Duke Nukem 2d sidescrollers that came out for the pc, in the early 90's I think.
I just hope Nintendo doesn't drag its feet when it comes to releasing this for the PAL regions.
I think many of the Apple iPhone apps are about worth a $1. But what that does is de-value other games when people lump them all into one pile. Most people can discern the difference between a game like Super Mario Galaxy or Uncharted and something like Cut the Rope, but some cannot. Just always try to remember that every time you buy a game legitimately, you're supporting the industry you love. And while there will be times when you have to take a chance on a game, or perhaps pay a little more than you'd like, but each time you do it, you're helping keep the gaming industry going strong. And that's something we all want to happen.
My complaint about the price had to do more with all the great games coming out. There are so many I want that I doubt I'll be able to afford them all I'm sure Mutant Mudds will be worth the $10. Have you played the entire game Corbs? how long did it last?
@nickcarney - While it doesn't mention length, Nintendo Power apparently got their hands on a pre-release copy of Mudds, as there's a fairly decent-sized write up on it in the latest issue. Their major complaints with it are the sometimes cheap enemy placement and a number of blind jumps in the game, but they still gave it their Recommended grade, so it's somewhere around a 7/10 or 8/10 in their book. You may want to check it out if you're on the fence.
@nickcarney - While it doesn't mention length, Nintendo Power apparently got their hands on a pre-release copy of Mudds, as there's a fairly decent-sized write up on it in the latest issue. Their major complaints with it are the sometimes cheap enemy placement and a number of blind jumps in the game, but they still gave it their Recommended grade, so it's somewhere around a 7/10 or 8/10 in their book. You may want to check it out if you're on the fence.
It could be a 10/10 since they only have three ratings, and Recommended is their highest.
@Oddy - They also have a reviewer's pick option that they give out to some Recommended titles they review, which Mudds lacks. So, that's what I consider to be a 9/10 or 10/10, while a Recommended without a reviewer's pick is a 7/10 or 8/10.
Topic: Mutant Mudds
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