
Topic: Ice Climber 3D

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Note: Haven't seen a topic on this before, so bare with me if you have, haha.

Is it just me or is anyone even remotely interested to see a revival of this game series, but in 3D? Instead of just jumping up, it could be like a mountain style game with obviously obstacles, etc. getting increasingly difficult the higher you go up/higher the level and what not. I still play the NES version to this day(thank god it made it to the 3DS VC, ha) and can't stay away because it is so addicting. =D It doesn't necessarily have to be one of those full priced games games, but would be really great if they put enough time/effort/content into it so that it could be one.

What are your thoughts?

With the new KI making it's appearance real soon, this might be an interesting time to think about what other series they could bring back as well.

[Edited by Lalivero]

...formerly - Chriiis

Switch FC: SW-6037-8910-2517

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It actually might make a good
3d classics in the eshop

[Edited by Pro-gamer]

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FonistofCruxis wrote:

I think a new Ice climbers game would work well as a downloadable game.

Like as a 3DSWare, title? I'd welcome that as well, I just wish they'd bring it back.

...formerly - Chriiis

Switch FC: SW-6037-8910-2517

Switch Friend Code: SW-6037-8910-2517


Your description of climbing the mountain and it getting more difficult the higher you get reminds me of a game on Nitrome called Frostbite...

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I'm surprised we haven't seen a re-imagining of this already. I'd say 99 percent we see it on the 3DS or Wii U.

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That would be neat

You're right, unless of course they completely revamp the gameplay like they did for Kid Icarus.

[Edited by Malkeor]

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I'm honestly surprised that they haven't gotten a revival already as it is. I mean they appeared in Melee AND Brawl for crying out loud!



WingedFish wrote:

I'm honestly surprised that they haven't gotten a revival already as it is. I mean they appeared in Melee AND Brawl for crying out loud!

E3 Surprise!!!

3DS Friend Code: 4296-2988-0518
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Chriiis wrote:

FonistofCruxis wrote:

I think a new Ice climbers game would work well as a downloadable game.

Like as a 3DSWare, title? I'd welcome that as well, I just wish they'd bring it back.

Yep, that's what I meant. Either 3DSware or maybe WiiUware.


Ice climber should get a new entry and the 3DS is just the place to put it. (though isn't it funny how in ice climber you are not actually climbing but jumping up the mountain? just a funny thought )

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I really want to see this happen, I like the idea of Nintendo reviving forgotten franchises in this next generation. If not a retail release, I could see a 3DSWare game happening easily. To me, making a 3D Classics would be nice, but that's not really considered reviving, I want to see something new.

✰ not around as much as I used to be ✰


NintyFan wrote:

Like I said in the article about revivals, I think Ice Climber needs a comeback. WingedFish already mentioned that the Ice Climbers were in Melee and Brawl and still didn't get a new title, and I just to want to add that Pit appeared as a playable character in one Smash Bros. game and got his new game going. I would be perfectly fine with a 3DSware game, but Ice Climber needs some new love in this modern age.

I can't help but wonder if it was Pit's good looks that got him a revival (cough fangirls cough) before the Ice Climbers even though he only appeared in 1 Smash game and already had at least 2 games. While the Ice Climbers appeared in 2 Smash games and had only 1 game on the NES. I mean don't get me wrong I'm ecstatic about Uprising (of course many of you already know that )

[Edited by Snagrio]



The Ice Climber's stage in Melee was awesome. Make that happen.

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I would very much love to see Ice Climber revived like Kid Icarus has.



I would very much love to see Ice Climber revived like Kid Icarus has.



A vertical platformer that uses both screens may be pretty cool. If it's the way I'm describing it, it would be like DK: Jungle Climber. I dunno if it's a good or bad thing though.

[Edited by KryptoniteKrunch]


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