
Topic: Final Fantasy Explorers

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This seems like a continuation of the Crystal Chronicles series. Thoughts?

New PS4 owner
Yeah, guitars are cool.

My musical project Comet Tail made a couple of recordings.



Looks like a Monster Hunter/Diablo style'd game.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.


I'm always up for a multiplayer RPG.

My SD Card with the game on it is just as physical as your cartridge with the game on it.
I love Nintendo, that's why I criticize them so harshly.


Crystal Chronicles was fantastic as a party-RPG, not as a proper dungeon crawler though. Curious to see how this goes.

always thought I'd change to Gyarados after I turned 20 but hey, this is more fitting I guess. (also somebody registered under the original Magikarp name and I can't get back to it anymore orz)


"Oh dang, Bravely Default is actually pretty popular. Guess we'll take its assets, rebrand it as Final Fantasy, and make it multiplayer."
-Square Enix, probably

So Anakin kneels before Monster Mash and pledges his loyalty to the graveyard smash.


looks good, I liked Crystal Chronicles(the DS and Wii ones, at least) it was fun to play with other people, but not so much alone...

goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst
my Backloggery


I hope it will be a bit more action and RPG oriented than Monster Hunter, because I don't want another Monster Hunter Still, it's FF so I will most likely get it no matter what. I hope it has the addictive-ness of the GameCube original, because I poured hours into that just to collect all the upgrades for the character.



Will probably skip this. If I want MH, I'll play MH. If I want an online FF, I'll play the rebooted XIV.

Currently Playing: Kawaii Deathu Desu (Steam Deck)

Ugh. Men.


If it's like the DS Crystal Chronicles, it's a day one buy for me! Me and my friend loved the co-op and the action in those games.
Oh, and Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes Of Light looked like Bravely Default before Bravely Default was even an idea, so the're just stealing it back, i suppose.

[Edited by CorporalPegasus]



@CorporalPegasus Bravely Default is actually the spiritual successor of 4 Heroes - some of the enemy designs are taken straight from that game. The bonus bosses in Bravely Default are also the regular bosses from 4 Heroes.

That being said for people saying this looks like Bravely Default, there's really nothing in common with this game and Bravely Default besides the Super Deformed art style, and that style's way too common to accuse Square of recycling.

always thought I'd change to Gyarados after I turned 20 but hey, this is more fitting I guess. (also somebody registered under the original Magikarp name and I can't get back to it anymore orz)


Will wait and see on this one. Final Fantasy spin offs are hit or miss. Still it's an rpg and will get my interest.

[Edited by Spoony_Tech]

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | X:


Is there a translation of that picture @shingi_70 posted?

New PS4 owner
Yeah, guitars are cool.

My musical project Comet Tail made a couple of recordings.


I will keep my eyes on this one, as it sounds interesting. Hopefully more than Heroes of Ruin.

I will comment in this thread, never being able to find it again.


This looks more like classic Square and less like boring modern Square (Bravely Default aside) which has me interested.

“A thing may be too sad to be believed or too wicked to be believed or too good to be believed; but it cannot be too absurd to be believed in this planet of frogs and elephants, of crocodiles and cuttle-fish.”
― G.K. Chesterton


What Squeenix showed so far looks good.
Hopefully it does have some similarities to Crystal Chronicles. The one on Gamecube was sooooooo good. Give me that game with online multiplayer and I'll be there day one.

Four more months until Bayonetta 2.


@Jollykarp Ah yes, that's right, forget that, but you're right, this art style is used a lot so you cant really say "SE ripped of Bravely Default"



The game sounds like it'll be something similar to Monster Hunter or Diablo. I like those games so this premise interests me enough to want to find out more about it. Square needs to show off some gameplay footage.


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