
Topic: 3DS Hinge

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Hi, anyone noticed with the standard 3DS, that when you open it, you can have the screen at an angle, or snap it right back?

I never knew this and thought I'd broken my console! When you do have it opened at an angle, does everyone else's wobble slightly? I presume this is just the hinge and nothing to worry about?



Yes, just like the DS it can be 'snapped' back.
I never play it like that though, and no you dont need to worry about the wobble - every 3DS does that



Mine used to wobble a little bit (upgraded to XL now). I think it is a common thing.

Mr Money In the Bank!


It's not a problem, but I was worried it was loose is all! Thanks.



The wobble was delibrate to loosen the hinge, the tight hinge of the DS Lite was why alot of them snapped



Did the original ds have a tight hinge? Because mine is flimsy...

[16:08] LordJumpMad Hides his gut with a griddle
[16:08] Reala: what ljm does for cash is ljm's business
[16:08] LordJumpMad: Gotta look good my my next game u_u


It's simple: tight hinge = bigger chance to break on fall damage. Loose hinge = more room for shock absorption and less chance to break on fall damage.
At the above poster, stop worrying. As said in another thread, I have and had multiple 3DSXL's (bit of a special edition collector) over the years and they all behaved differently one way or the other. With this level of mass production there is no such thing as 100% parity, but it does not mean your model is broken. Relax and enjoy, after all when it does break, Nintendo's service is good.



I can't get myself to play it while it is "snapped back". It just looks....weird.

The hinge are made loose on purpose to prevent breakage. Also if you look closely, there is a gap in between the left hinge. Personally I think that is to account for thermal expansions and shock absorbing.

Nintendo fan since 6 years of age.
Owned: SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, DS, 3DS, Wii U, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 and PSP3000.


I'm actually glad someone asked this.

I did think it was meant to be like that on my 3XL, but there was always that thing in the back of my head wondering if that was the case.

EDIT: realises the thread is 2 years old, and tries to change the subject

The weather sucks, huh?

[Edited by Veloster]

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