Hi, anyone noticed with the standard 3DS, that when you open it, you can have the screen at an angle, or snap it right back?
I never knew this and thought I'd broken my console! When you do have it opened at an angle, does everyone else's wobble slightly? I presume this is just the hinge and nothing to worry about?
Did the original ds have a tight hinge? Because mine is flimsy...
[16:08] LordJumpMad Hides his gut with a griddle
[16:08] Reala: what ljm does for cash is ljm's business
[16:08] LordJumpMad: Gotta look good my my next game u_u
It's simple: tight hinge = bigger chance to break on fall damage. Loose hinge = more room for shock absorption and less chance to break on fall damage.
At the above poster, stop worrying. As said in another thread, I have and had multiple 3DSXL's (bit of a special edition collector) over the years and they all behaved differently one way or the other. With this level of mass production there is no such thing as 100% parity, but it does not mean your model is broken. Relax and enjoy, after all when it does break, Nintendo's service is good.
I can't get myself to play it while it is "snapped back". It just looks....weird.
The hinge are made loose on purpose to prevent breakage. Also if you look closely, there is a gap in between the left hinge. Personally I think that is to account for thermal expansions and shock absorbing.
Nintendo fan since 6 years of age.
Owned: SNES, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, DS, 3DS, Wii U, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4 and PSP3000.
Topic: 3DS Hinge
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