Latest Reviews of Tecmo Koei Games
Review Fire Emblem Warriors (Switch)
Bonded blades
Koei Tecmo's Warriors franchise – also known by its Japanese title of "Musou" – has fans the world over, but we'd be willing to bet that quite a few of the people who picked up the superb Hyrule Warriors on Wii U and 3DS had never played any of the previous entries. Combing the hack-and-slash gameplay of the series with the lore of...
Review Hyrule Warriors Legends (New 3DS / 3DS)
A Link in your pocket
The original Hyrule Warriors was a solid if slightly forgettable attempt at fusing the worlds Zelda and Koei Tecmo's Musou series, and despite its occasionally repetitive gameplay managed to alleviate fears that it would be little more than a shameless cash-in. Now, with the 3DS badly in need of top-drawer software as it...
Review Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water (Wii U)
Focusing on fear
Like the lashing of rain against a bedroom window, or the sound of a damp footstep outside your door - Project Zero: Maiden of Black Water is coming for you. Also known in North America as Fatal Frame, this latest entry in the cult horror franchise has set its sights on Western shores just in time for Halloween, and while some might...
Review Hyrule Warriors (Wii U)
Warriors, come out to play
There's a very good reason why Hyrule Warriors is the first major Zelda release not to have the "Z" word in its title. As we've suspected since that surprising reveal in December of last year, this is much more a Warriors (or Musou, if you prefer) outing than it is a Zelda one, and that news will trigger mixed feelings for...
Review Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 (Wii U eShop)
This game is already dead
The Fist of the North Star manga series turns thirty this year, which is certainly cause for celebration. It also seems to be the sole reason for the creation of Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage 2, because when placed alongside its predecessor from 2010, it offers precious little in the way of fresh and original...
Review Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper (Wii U)
Hyper fighting
It's great to see such a variety of titles hitting the Wii U during its launch window, and of the many ports it's a joy to see the best of the Warriors Orochi games make the transition in Warriors Orochi 3 Hyper. For the uninitiated, the Warriors Orochi series is a crossover of the Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors games, where...
Review Project Zero 2: Wii Edition (Wii)
Poltergeist snap
If you're more than a little wary when it comes to bumps in the night, it might be best to stay away from Project Zero 2: Wii Edition. Tecmo Koei's ghastly survival horror series, also known as Fatal Frame, throws you within the clutches of dozens of malicious apparitions with only a camera for protection. A proton pack it ain't...
Resistance is feudal
Peanut butter and chocolate, Chris Farley and David Spade, Marvel and Capcom. Taking two great things and smashing them together is a long-standing tradition of the human experience. Now, in the year 2012, another legendary combination can be etched into the annals of history – Pokémon and Nobunaga’s Ambition. Pokémon is...
Review Samurai Warriors: Chronicles (3DS)
Shogun fun or just ho-hum?
Tecmo Koei's Warriors franchise is a bit of a strange beast. While many entries in the series have garnered little critical acclaim, the games have a dedicated fanbase and continue to support the series after countless entries. It's no wonder, then, that the company decided to bring its hack-and-slash franchise to the 3DS...
Latest Tecmo Koei Articles
News Nintendo Posts a New Fatal Frame V Trailer, Fall Release Confirmed For North America
I'm ready for my close-up
Nintendo's E3 Digital Event this year was a rather mixed affair, a rollercoaster ride of high peaks and low valleys. However you may have felt about it, there's no question that it was unsurprisingly light on third party content, with Yo-kai Watch, Skylanders Superchargers, and Hyrule Warriors Legends being the only games...
Video Wreak Havoc as Ganon In Hyrule Warriors' Boss Pack DLC
We send off the DLC for Hyrule Warriors in style...
It seems like Hyrule Warriors was released a long time ago, but the game has had a consistent stream of downloadable content - well worth the cost of the readily available Season Pass. This final piece of DLC is an absolute stonker, adding two new Challenge modes - Boss Challenge and Ganon Play...
Say cheese!
The Fatal Frame series is well known for its usage of situational and atmospheric terror; walking through haunted ruins crawling with aggressive ghosts while armed with nothing but a camera and flashlight makes for quite a riveting experience. If a ghost is to attack, what are you expected to do? Look directly at the ghost, point the...
Video Join Us For A Look At Hyrule Warriors' Twilight Princess DLC
It's all about Link's new outfit, really
The second piece of Hyrule Warriors DLC is here, and it's a doozy. Introducing the Twilight Princess Pack, you'll be able to control the mighty Twili Midna, try on some new costumes for Link and Zelda, and wield Zelda's devastating Dominion Rod. If you haven't had a chance to see what's new, then this video...
News Twili Midna Joins The Battle In Upcoming Hyrule Warriors DLC Pack
Twilight Princess fans, rejoice
Nintendo’s Eiji Aonuma has today revealed new information via The Legend of Zelda Miiverse community about the upcoming Twilight Princess DLC, coming soon to Hyrule Warriors. The second pack from Koei Tecmo will include Midna's true form, Twili Midna, as a playable character according Aonuma's latest post: This...
News Immediate DLC Reinforcements Arriving Soon On The Hyrule Warriors Battlefield
Let the onslaught of additional content begin!
Whether you love or hate DLC, it’s fast approaching the latest Wii U release, Hyrule Warriors. But seriously, with Koei Tecmo’s history were, you expecting anything less? With this in mind, a Koei Tecmo live stream at the 2014 Tokyo Game Show has revealed a new batch of playable characters are on...
News September Update for Hyrule Warriors Adds New Challenge Mode, Retro Sword, and BGM Settings
A few bug fixes thrown in for good measure
While the western world is still waiting on the release of Hyrule Warriors, it appears Nintendo and Tecmo Koei already have many of the future updates for the Wii U title well and truly laid out. Due out on the 1st of September in Japan, the incoming update adds a new challange mode, a new weapon, BGM...
Video Watch Zelda Lay The Smackdown With The Wind Waker In Hyrule Warriors
Getting a second wind
Zelda may be pretty handy with a blade in Hyrule Warriors, but as this latest video attests, she's just as keen to create carnage with the legendary Wind Waker wand. In the trailer below you can watch the traditionally mild-mannered Hylian royal dish out plenty of wind-based punishment on hordes of enemies. Compared to Link's...
News New Fatal Frame Will Be Spooking The Wii U In Japan This September
Photo finish
Nintendo and Tecmo Koei have lifted the lid on a new Fatal Frame title for the Wii U, which is due to arrive in Japan on 27th September 2014. In a special presentation which featured Nintendo's own Shigeru Miyamoto, the game's Japanese title was revealed to be Zero: Nuregarasu no Miko (Zero: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden). As before,...
News New Official Hyrule Warriors Screens Show Off Fi, Ghirahim, Skyward Sword Stages and More
Over 30 legendary screens
The Hyrule Warriors hype train, increasingly driven by tapping into our nostalgia for the series and its recent games, is still very much on track. Following early Famitsu reports of Fi as a playable character, alongside a host of references from Skyward Sword, official
News Fi Confirmed For Hyrule Warriors Along With Skyward Sword Costumes For Link And Zelda
Oh, and that ball and chain weapon from Twilight Princess
Japanese magazine Famitsu has confirmed that Fi from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be a playable character in the forthcoming Hyrule Warriors. The publication has also revealed that both Link and Zelda will be able to wear their costumes from Skyward Sword, and that the huge ball...
First Impressions Hyrule Warriors Is Zelda, But Not As We Know It
Button-mashing with the Hero of Time
On paper, Nintendo's decision to ally Zelda with the Dynasty Warriors franchise makes perfect sense; Koei Tecmo's series is incredibly popular in its native Japan and Wii U owners are simply dying for another Hyrule-themed adventure to embark upon. However, almost immediately after the announcement of Hyrule...
Video Midna's Unique Fighting Style Brings Extra Chaos to Hyrule Warriors
Link is the star again, sort of...
Koei Tecmo has been steadily releasing new videos of Hyrule Warriors to show the various playable characters in action, though curiously has been slow to release its Midna equivalent. It's been a slightly odd omission as the Twilight Princess star was revealed as playable a good time ago. Yet still, we now have...
Video Lana Brings Some Deadly Magic to Hyrule Warriors
Check out the Princess Zelda trailer from last week, as a bonus
Nintendo and Tecmo Koei / Koei Tecmo are certainly putting a great deal of effort into building the levels of anticipation for Hyrule Warriors, with regular releases of new trailers, screens and details on new characters; more playable characters are yet to be revealed. A relatively...
News Tecmo Koei Will Soon Be Koei Tecmo in Europe, So Get Used To It
Here's hoping for Enix Square and Comcap next
Not long after the earth shattering news — well, not really — that Namco Bandai would be known by its Japanese name (Bandai Namco) around the world, we now have Hyrule Warriors developer Tecmo Koei reversing its name in Europe. Below is the announcement of the switch that'll take place from 1st July...
News Agitha, of Twilight Princess Fame, Confirmed as Playable Character in Hyrule Warriors
New character Lana also playable, villains from Twilight Princess to appear
Update: Subsequent reports from this leaked Famitsu article explain that Lana (referenced below) is a new character, The White Witch, who uses a magical book of spells to combat enemies. Agitha can attack with a parasol and summon bugs, Link will have his iconic hook-shot,...
Weirdness Eiji Aonuma Does a Cucco Dance, For Realsies
Because why not?
What does Eiji Aonuma do when answering a fan question — with colleagues from Tecmo Koei — about the inclusion of Cuccos in Hyrule Warriors? He dances, he dances without inhibition or fear. We're not even kidding, the video below may be one of the best things we've ever seen. Stop reading and watch it right away. It's...
E3 2014 Hyrule Warriors Not Part of Zelda Timeline, More Like an Avengers Spin-Off
Oh Aonuma-san, we love you
With a Western release confirmed for 26th September, Hyrule Warriors is likely to be on plenty of Wii U owners' radars. The mashup of Tecmo Koei's Dynasty Warriors with Nintendo's iconic franchise is fairly close, then, and is creating plenty of buzz with the sheer range of playable characters and the level of fan-service...
News Here Are Plenty of Lovely Hyrule Warriors Screenshots at Which to Gawk
So pretty...
With Hyrule Warriors doing the rounds in the Japanese media and, by extension, getting Wii U gamers in the West a tad excited as well, Tecmo Koei's enjoying additional interest in its latest Warriors collaboration. Teaming up with one of Nintendo's biggest brands can have that effect. If you're keen to see more, of course, the official...
News Hyrule Warriors Screenshots and Gameplay Details Emerge
Team Ninja character design strikes, it seems
It seems Hyrule Warriors is quite the hot topic right now, with news of its Japanese release date and Team Ninja involvement just recently bombarding our screens. As it's coming relatively soon in Nintendo and Tecmo Koei's homeland — 14th August — there's a little hype starting to build. More...
Eiji Aonuma is supervising
With Hyrule Warriors recently given a release window of Summer for Japan, details of the action mash-up are starting to emerge. It's been announced in Famitsu magazine that the Tecmo Koei Wii U title will hit Japan on 14th August, with some other snippets of information also emerging. In terms of the teams working on the...
If it's on Wii U, that'd make us happy
Quite a few major gaming companies are revealing their financial results today, one of which is Tecmo Koei. It had some positive news all around, and in an update likely to bring sighs of relief from Japanese Wii U owners confirmed that Hyrule Warriors — a name that may yet change — is set for a Summer...
News New Instalment In The Popular Fatal Frame Franchise Coming To Wii U
A match made in heaven...or hell!
A new entry in Tecmo Koei's Fatal Frame horror series is coming to Wii U with collaboration from Nintendo, Famitsu reports today. No release date or final title have been revealed, but this announcement alone is enough to send Fatal Frame fans into a tizzy. The last entry in the series, Grasshopper Manufacture's...
News Hyrule Warriors Is Zelda Meets Dynasty Warriors, And It's Coming To Wii U In 2014
New crossover title announced during today's Nintendo Direct
Nintendo and Tecmo Koei have announced during today's Nintendo Direct a brand-new title which unifies the worlds of The Legend of Zelda and Dynasty Warriors. Hyrule Warriors — that's a working title, by the way — takes the combat-heavy gameplay of Tecmo Koei's popular Warriors...
News Tecmo Koei Hints At A Pokémon Conquest Sequel
"There was a lot of unfinished material for Pokémon Conquest"
The Pokémon Company and Tecmo Koei recently collaborated to make a strategy RPG crossover called Pokémon Conquest that took the Nobunaga's Ambition style of gameplay and threw in a flurry of Pokémon to do the battling. Even though the 3DS had been out a while at the time of the...
News Nintendo Posts a New Fatal Frame V Trailer, Fall Release Confirmed For North America
I'm ready for my close-up
Nintendo's E3 Digital Event this year was a rather mixed affair, a rollercoaster ride of high peaks and low valleys. However you may have felt about it, there's no question that it was unsurprisingly light on third party content, with Yo-kai Watch, Skylanders Superchargers, and Hyrule Warriors Legends being the only games...
Video Wreak Havoc as Ganon In Hyrule Warriors' Boss Pack DLC
We send off the DLC for Hyrule Warriors in style...
It seems like Hyrule Warriors was released a long time ago, but the game has had a consistent stream of downloadable content - well worth the cost of the readily available Season Pass. This final piece of DLC is an absolute stonker, adding two new Challenge modes - Boss Challenge and Ganon Play...
Say cheese!
The Fatal Frame series is well known for its usage of situational and atmospheric terror; walking through haunted ruins crawling with aggressive ghosts while armed with nothing but a camera and flashlight makes for quite a riveting experience. If a ghost is to attack, what are you expected to do? Look directly at the ghost, point the...
Video Join Us For A Look At Hyrule Warriors' Twilight Princess DLC
It's all about Link's new outfit, really
The second piece of Hyrule Warriors DLC is here, and it's a doozy. Introducing the Twilight Princess Pack, you'll be able to control the mighty Twili Midna, try on some new costumes for Link and Zelda, and wield Zelda's devastating Dominion Rod. If you haven't had a chance to see what's new, then this video...
News Twili Midna Joins The Battle In Upcoming Hyrule Warriors DLC Pack
Twilight Princess fans, rejoice
Nintendo’s Eiji Aonuma has today revealed new information via The Legend of Zelda Miiverse community about the upcoming Twilight Princess DLC, coming soon to Hyrule Warriors. The second pack from Koei Tecmo will include Midna's true form, Twili Midna, as a playable character according Aonuma's latest post: This...
News Immediate DLC Reinforcements Arriving Soon On The Hyrule Warriors Battlefield
Let the onslaught of additional content begin!
Whether you love or hate DLC, it’s fast approaching the latest Wii U release, Hyrule Warriors. But seriously, with Koei Tecmo’s history were, you expecting anything less? With this in mind, a Koei Tecmo live stream at the 2014 Tokyo Game Show has revealed a new batch of playable characters are on...
News September Update for Hyrule Warriors Adds New Challenge Mode, Retro Sword, and BGM Settings
A few bug fixes thrown in for good measure
While the western world is still waiting on the release of Hyrule Warriors, it appears Nintendo and Tecmo Koei already have many of the future updates for the Wii U title well and truly laid out. Due out on the 1st of September in Japan, the incoming update adds a new challange mode, a new weapon, BGM...
Video Watch Zelda Lay The Smackdown With The Wind Waker In Hyrule Warriors
Getting a second wind
Zelda may be pretty handy with a blade in Hyrule Warriors, but as this latest video attests, she's just as keen to create carnage with the legendary Wind Waker wand. In the trailer below you can watch the traditionally mild-mannered Hylian royal dish out plenty of wind-based punishment on hordes of enemies. Compared to Link's...
News New Fatal Frame Will Be Spooking The Wii U In Japan This September
Photo finish
Nintendo and Tecmo Koei have lifted the lid on a new Fatal Frame title for the Wii U, which is due to arrive in Japan on 27th September 2014. In a special presentation which featured Nintendo's own Shigeru Miyamoto, the game's Japanese title was revealed to be Zero: Nuregarasu no Miko (Zero: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden). As before,...
News New Official Hyrule Warriors Screens Show Off Fi, Ghirahim, Skyward Sword Stages and More
Over 30 legendary screens
The Hyrule Warriors hype train, increasingly driven by tapping into our nostalgia for the series and its recent games, is still very much on track. Following early Famitsu reports of Fi as a playable character, alongside a host of references from Skyward Sword, official
News Fi Confirmed For Hyrule Warriors Along With Skyward Sword Costumes For Link And Zelda
Oh, and that ball and chain weapon from Twilight Princess
Japanese magazine Famitsu has confirmed that Fi from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be a playable character in the forthcoming Hyrule Warriors. The publication has also revealed that both Link and Zelda will be able to wear their costumes from Skyward Sword, and that the huge ball...
First Impressions Hyrule Warriors Is Zelda, But Not As We Know It
Button-mashing with the Hero of Time
On paper, Nintendo's decision to ally Zelda with the Dynasty Warriors franchise makes perfect sense; Koei Tecmo's series is incredibly popular in its native Japan and Wii U owners are simply dying for another Hyrule-themed adventure to embark upon. However, almost immediately after the announcement of Hyrule...
Video Midna's Unique Fighting Style Brings Extra Chaos to Hyrule Warriors
Link is the star again, sort of...
Koei Tecmo has been steadily releasing new videos of Hyrule Warriors to show the various playable characters in action, though curiously has been slow to release its Midna equivalent. It's been a slightly odd omission as the Twilight Princess star was revealed as playable a good time ago. Yet still, we now have...
Video Lana Brings Some Deadly Magic to Hyrule Warriors
Check out the Princess Zelda trailer from last week, as a bonus
Nintendo and Tecmo Koei / Koei Tecmo are certainly putting a great deal of effort into building the levels of anticipation for Hyrule Warriors, with regular releases of new trailers, screens and details on new characters; more playable characters are yet to be revealed. A relatively...
News Tecmo Koei Will Soon Be Koei Tecmo in Europe, So Get Used To It
Here's hoping for Enix Square and Comcap next
Not long after the earth shattering news — well, not really — that Namco Bandai would be known by its Japanese name (Bandai Namco) around the world, we now have Hyrule Warriors developer Tecmo Koei reversing its name in Europe. Below is the announcement of the switch that'll take place from 1st July...
News Agitha, of Twilight Princess Fame, Confirmed as Playable Character in Hyrule Warriors
New character Lana also playable, villains from Twilight Princess to appear
Update: Subsequent reports from this leaked Famitsu article explain that Lana (referenced below) is a new character, The White Witch, who uses a magical book of spells to combat enemies. Agitha can attack with a parasol and summon bugs, Link will have his iconic hook-shot,...
Weirdness Eiji Aonuma Does a Cucco Dance, For Realsies
Because why not?
What does Eiji Aonuma do when answering a fan question — with colleagues from Tecmo Koei — about the inclusion of Cuccos in Hyrule Warriors? He dances, he dances without inhibition or fear. We're not even kidding, the video below may be one of the best things we've ever seen. Stop reading and watch it right away. It's...
E3 2014 Hyrule Warriors Not Part of Zelda Timeline, More Like an Avengers Spin-Off
Oh Aonuma-san, we love you
With a Western release confirmed for 26th September, Hyrule Warriors is likely to be on plenty of Wii U owners' radars. The mashup of Tecmo Koei's Dynasty Warriors with Nintendo's iconic franchise is fairly close, then, and is creating plenty of buzz with the sheer range of playable characters and the level of fan-service...
News Here Are Plenty of Lovely Hyrule Warriors Screenshots at Which to Gawk
So pretty...
With Hyrule Warriors doing the rounds in the Japanese media and, by extension, getting Wii U gamers in the West a tad excited as well, Tecmo Koei's enjoying additional interest in its latest Warriors collaboration. Teaming up with one of Nintendo's biggest brands can have that effect. If you're keen to see more, of course, the official...
News Hyrule Warriors Screenshots and Gameplay Details Emerge
Team Ninja character design strikes, it seems
It seems Hyrule Warriors is quite the hot topic right now, with news of its Japanese release date and Team Ninja involvement just recently bombarding our screens. As it's coming relatively soon in Nintendo and Tecmo Koei's homeland — 14th August — there's a little hype starting to build. More...
Eiji Aonuma is supervising
With Hyrule Warriors recently given a release window of Summer for Japan, details of the action mash-up are starting to emerge. It's been announced in Famitsu magazine that the Tecmo Koei Wii U title will hit Japan on 14th August, with some other snippets of information also emerging. In terms of the teams working on the...
If it's on Wii U, that'd make us happy
Quite a few major gaming companies are revealing their financial results today, one of which is Tecmo Koei. It had some positive news all around, and in an update likely to bring sighs of relief from Japanese Wii U owners confirmed that Hyrule Warriors — a name that may yet change — is set for a Summer...
News New Instalment In The Popular Fatal Frame Franchise Coming To Wii U
A match made in heaven...or hell!
A new entry in Tecmo Koei's Fatal Frame horror series is coming to Wii U with collaboration from Nintendo, Famitsu reports today. No release date or final title have been revealed, but this announcement alone is enough to send Fatal Frame fans into a tizzy. The last entry in the series, Grasshopper Manufacture's...
News Hyrule Warriors Is Zelda Meets Dynasty Warriors, And It's Coming To Wii U In 2014
New crossover title announced during today's Nintendo Direct
Nintendo and Tecmo Koei have announced during today's Nintendo Direct a brand-new title which unifies the worlds of The Legend of Zelda and Dynasty Warriors. Hyrule Warriors — that's a working title, by the way — takes the combat-heavy gameplay of Tecmo Koei's popular Warriors...
News Tecmo Koei Hints At A Pokémon Conquest Sequel
"There was a lot of unfinished material for Pokémon Conquest"
The Pokémon Company and Tecmo Koei recently collaborated to make a strategy RPG crossover called Pokémon Conquest that took the Nobunaga's Ambition style of gameplay and threw in a flurry of Pokémon to do the battling. Even though the 3DS had been out a while at the time of the...