Latest Reviews of Milky Tea Studios Games
Review HyperBrawl Tournament (Switch) - A Fun And Frantic Arcade Handbrawler
The Beautiful Maim
Milky Tea's HyperBrawl Tournament sees teams of futuristic handbrawlers compete in chaotic 2v2 matches where they duke it out — literally kicking, punching, stabbing and hammering each other into submission — in order to stick a great big metal ball into each other's neon nets for a GOOOOOOOAL! It's Speedball blitzed with...
Review Coffin Dodgers (Switch eShop)
Race for your life
Whenever a kart-racer is released on a Nintendo platform it’s pretty impossible to avoid comparing it to the Mario Kart franchise; the mustachioed plumber’s sublime series of games is almost incontrovertibly the best option available in the genre, and it would take something pretty special to knock it off the podium’s top...