
Topic: The everything Xbox thread

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And if you get Spike from your cable or satellite company you can watch it there as well.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Tasuki wrote:

Just a quick shout out here for You can watch the live stream there with the same setups that NL uses for Nintendo Directs.

This. (<---that's how I do that, right?)

Reviews Editor, Pure Xbox
Reviewer, Nintendo Life

3DS Friend Code: 4081-6881-1012 | Nintendo Network ID: DaveRandall | Twitter:


I'll be watching it for the games.

3DS: 3840-6043-8686
WiiU: Phatosaurus


I'm 90% sure I won't be picking one up at launch, but I love a console reveal. I don't think we'll see too many games tonight though as they'll want to save a lot of them for E3. They'll probably just show stuff that's already announced like Watch Dogs, but I really want to see Forza and Titan.



Hurry up already! I can't wait to see the presentation.

YouTube Channel:
Nintendo Network ID: DarkGamerX
Xbox Gamertag: DarkGameMasterX


Kingdom Hearts 3
Mirror's Edge 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Rare Replay
Xenoblade Chronicles X

Nintendo Network ID: DarkGamerX


I'm always interested in what consoles are being offered. Despite how awesome Nintendo is, I'm always open to other consoles (though I'd prefer a PS4 as I've yet to purchase anything in the Xbox line of consoles).

My SD Card with the game on it is just as physical as your cartridge with the game on it.
I love Nintendo, that's why I criticize them so harshly.

3DS Friend Code: 4296-3424-5332


i hope they will imp,ement illumi-room as a key feature of the next xbox.
that thing is really cool and it is a feature for gamers. not like all this socialmedia implementation.

Ryzen 5 2600
2x8GB DDR4 RAM 3000mhz
GTX 1060 6GB


I'll probably watch it but with some of the rumours i doubt very much i would buy one, but it's interesting to see it features.



I might be interested in Singray if that's mentioned today. The rumored 360 download only box.

3DS Friend Code: 5129-0855-7142 ID = Midnight

AC:NL Mayor Jambo, town of Hamneggs


I love technology so I am excited for this. I was not a fan of the Xbox 360 but I liked Kinect; however, I said that I will wait one generation when it will be integrated and improved to decide whether or not I want an Xbox. I also think illumi-room is cool but I do not think it will work in my living room since there is a window in behind my TV; I personally think illumi-room will not come bundled (at least not with all systems) because it can really drive the cost of the system but we will have to wait and see.



I think this Kotaku author nailed it:

2 minutes of introduction, bragging about Xbox 360, introduction to [XBOX NEXT NAME]
30 minutes of entertainment features and cable
15 minutes of the new Xbox Live
15 minutes of random developers talking about how awesome Microsoft is
7-8 minutes of Call of Duty
7-8 minutes of FIFA
SURPRISE GUEST APPEARANCE! Could it be Rockstar? Bethesda? BioWare? We'll see a sizzling teaser, and it will be a DURANGO EXCLUSIVE. Everyone will freak out. There will be GIFs everywhere. Reporters will write that it's a real landscape-changer, that Sony should be seriously worried about the next Xbox. And then the game will never come out.

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


Too afford dew and dorritos' I'm eating moon mist and cheese flavored nachos,


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


Sony_70 wrote:

Too afford dew and dorritos' I'm eating moon mist and cheese flavored nachos,

Cheese flavored? As opposed to what

Current games: Everything on Switch

Switch Friend Code: SW-5075-7879-0008 | My Nintendo: LzWinky | Nintendo Network ID: LzWinky


LzQuacker wrote:

Sony_70 wrote:

Too afford dew and dorritos' I'm eating moon mist and cheese flavored nachos,

Cheese flavored? As opposed to what

Cool ranch


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


LzQuacker wrote:

I think this Kotaku author nailed it:

2 minutes of introduction, bragging about Xbox 360, introduction to [XBOX NEXT NAME]
30 minutes of entertainment features and cable
15 minutes of the new Xbox Live
15 minutes of random developers talking about how awesome Microsoft is
7-8 minutes of Call of Duty
7-8 minutes of FIFA
SURPRISE GUEST APPEARANCE! Could it be Rockstar? Bethesda? BioWare? We'll see a sizzling teaser, and it will be a DURANGO EXCLUSIVE. Everyone will freak out. There will be GIFs everywhere. Reporters will write that it's a real landscape-changer, that Sony should be seriously worried about the next Xbox. And then the game will never come out.

Thanks a lot man, now I don't even need to watch to conference!

But really, I'm not that interested in the next Xbox. I'm curious to see what Microsoft will do, but I know I won't be getting the console especially with all the talk of it not focusing solely on games. That's why I buy a video game console, to play games, for social media or ordering pizzas.


3DS Friend Code: 3523-2096-8169 | Nintendo Network ID: Capn_Pancakes


As much as I am always exited for console reveals, I am not going to pay any mind to this one. Only because I have a slight bias towards Microsoft's line of consoles. Never liked them, and it doesn't seem like I will soon either. I do hope things go well though. Even though I don't think they will, because now the Xbots will be crying victory over Nintendo now instead of the Sony drones. Because hating on Nintendo is So KEWLs Rite? Cuz Urrbudy's doin it?


Nintendo Network ID: StyledFawn476


StyledFawn476 wrote:

As much as I am always exited for console reveals, I am not going to pay any mind to this one. Only because I have a slight bias towards Microsoft's line of consoles. Never liked them, and it doesn't seem like I will soon either. I do hope things go well though. Even though I don't think they will, because now the Xbots will be crying victory over Nintendo now instead of the Sony drones. Because hating on Nintendo is So KEWLs Rite? Cuz Urrbudy's doin it?

Complains about fanboys yet being the worst kind at the same time.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70


I keep seeing all this information about "New xbox reveal" "reveal tomorrow" "The next generation begins"

Well when the heck is it?? What time????

Friend Code 3DS FC 1547-5273-7750



HawkeyeWii wrote:

I keep seeing all this information about "New xbox reveal" "reveal tomorrow" "The next generation begins"

Well when the heck is it?? What time????

In about thirty minutes.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

3DS Friend Code: 3093-7342-3454 | Nintendo Network ID: shingi70

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