- Number of Players
- 2
- Genre
- Release Date
15th Sep 2008, 800 points
10th Oct 2008, 800 points
- Official Site
- potpourrii.com
A puzzler for all seasons?
While many of our readers bemoan the reality of the increasing abundance of puzzlers on WiiWare, we at WiiWare World welcome any games that try something new and original like Potpourrii does. That said, even original and innovative games have to offer decent gameplay. So where does this latest puzzler stand? As with most...
Screenshots 25
Potpourrii News
News EU WiiWare Update: Midnight Bowling and Potpourrii
Let's pretend there were no new WiiWare games this week and call it a day. It'd probably be better than what we really got.
First up is the dreadful Midnight Bowling, which was released in the US earlier this week. Not much companies have bothered to make any competition for Wii Sports's bowling minigame yet - This is probably the reason why...
News USA WiiWare Update: Potpourrii and Strong Bad Episode 2
Two new WiiWare games are up in the Wii shop later today. A cheeky little puzzler by the name of Potpourrii and the second in the Strong Bad episodic series, Strong Badia The Free.
Everyone will pretty much have a good idea of what to expect with the new Strong Bad game, generally you will only be buying this if you enjoyed the first game Homestar...
News Potpourrii Coming To US WiiWare Next Monday!
It looks like another puzzler will be making its way onto the WiiWare service next week. Ralph Egas of Abstraction Games has personally told WiiWare World that their first WiiWare title Potpourrii will be released on the US WiiWare service on Monday, September 15 and will cost 800 Wii points.
You can also check out the interview we recently...
News Official Potpourrii Trailer
Abstraction Games has released the official trailer for their upcoming WiiWare puzzler Potpourrii. While the video is fairly short, it at least gives some indication of how the game is played.
Potpourrii is set in an old tree stump where you must take control of the spirit cannon and use it to help the tiny leprechauns restore strength to the magic...
News Abstraction Games Interview - Potpourrii
We love a good puzzler here at WiiWare World, and Abstraction Games upcoming game, Potpourrii is looking to be one of the more interesting ones coming up. Many people had assumed this was just a simple Bust-A-Move clone with a circular spin, but it seems there is more to it than just that.
As the release date for Potpourrii draws ever closer we...
News Save The Seasons With Potpourrii
When you hear the word 'Potpourrii' you may picture that bowl of perfumed wood shavings your mum has in her bathroom, but for WiiWare gamers the word is about to be given an entirely different meaning thanks to Dutch developer Abstraction Games.
Production on the company’s debut WiiWare title is now drawing to a close and MD Ralph Egas has kindly...
About The Game
In the puzzle game Potpourrii, everything revolves around the seasons. For centuries, the seasons have followed a set pattern. But then things start to go awry in the forest. Suddenly it's snowing while the sun shines and flowers bloom while leaves are falling. Then a strange purple goo appears. The leprechauns are stunned. Even worse, the magic oak of life loses its power. It all turns out to be the fault of an evil wizard. You must help the leprechauns defeat him and restore natural order.
To do this, you need to collect seasonal spirits. Pick them up with the spirit cannon, shoot them at the center of the screen, group them and make them disappear. But watch out - they get faster and faster. In short: Potpourrii is a puzzle game that keeps you hooked with its colorful visuals, beautiful effects and easy-to-use controls using the Wii Remote controller. Play alone or with a second player, and even use your Mii character.
Comments 22
Yeah, and that's great to hear for a puzzle fan like myself.
But yeah, I can see where you're coming from. I can't help but think that Potpourii looks a bit like Ristar... which, coincidentally, is your Avatar. xD Either that or Dewy.
I don't think I'll go for this though, but who knows. Hopefully we'll hear more interesting info in the coming weeks.
Ah that is Starfi. It's a character in a series of Japan only games.
Personally, its Dewy in Orange and not transparent:
AS for Bust-a-move coming out on VC. Well, there is a Wii Retail game (I've heared its not much good featuring lame waggle controls) but it seems like the kind of thing that would be suited to WiiWare (the Gamecube version weighed in at less than 40MB so its can fit).
Bust a Move Bash 2 on the wii should be better. Then again who knows what a developer will do sometimes.
this game sounds like Ratatouille, except it is about a pot and not a rat.
This game doesn't sound like it's for me.
From reading all the posts here, it looks like I'll be adding more games to my list of stuff I gotta get before I get a 360. Is Dewey a Wii or DS game, or if it's both, which version is probably better? I don't really feel like trusting reviews at the moment, so I'd just like to hear someone's honest opinion. Also when's Bust-a-Move 2 coming out?
dam it another puzzler i hate puzzles im into shooters and action like that new game comeing out in 09 "the conduit" its called
Love puzzle games and Shooters. In fact, there's almost no genre I don't have an interest in. I used to say I hated puzzlers until I played some good ones. Now I can't remember why I hated them.
They just released the second DS Stafy game. And it's fantastic! I own all the Stafy games and they're some of the best platformers you'll find.
@Corbie I assume you had to import it? WIsh we got the Stafi series.
Wait, now I remember Bust-a-Move! I hated that game!
Having see the trailer, I'm less interested in it than ever. Yeah, it's basically Bust-a-Move, only the playing field moves, which would probably make it frustrating and boring!
Man, talk about shoddy advertising...
What's Stafy?
Stafy info is here for all of those non-densetsu fans: http://www.tinyurl.com/stafy
Looks like it'll be released next Monday in the US.
Yeah i know.. looks like we getting another puzzle wiiware game again.. it looks cool and fun.. kinda reminds me of bust of move or puyo puyo pop.
The Legend of Stafy games are a series of platformers for the GBA and DS systems. They are outstanding, and unfortunately they've only been released in Japan so far. Definitely worth importing. I wrote the Stafy 2 faq on Gamefaqs last year and I had a blast doing it. Although it was a lot more work than I ever thought it would be.
Alright, I'll definitely be looking into that Stafi game! I love platformers, and it's been a while since I played a new one.
Edit: Oh yeah, I got N+ two weeks ago! You'd think I would've remembered since it hasn't left my DS since Judging from what I've seen on Youtube though, it looks like Stafy will be a lot of fun too. By the way, does stafy always start by falling into the ocean? You'd think they would've put up guard rails after the first time.
What's Poyo Pop? I've been wondering that since I typed it in as my username for me Japanese PSN account.
@Wiiloveitonline. I can't click on your link! You have to add a "http://" at the front!
@Corbie. Oh yeah! I read about Stafy in an issue of Nintendo Power! It was an article on import games, and it also had Tingle's Rupeeland, Mother 3, the Elite Beat Agents prequels, and some others. Stafy was also an assist trophy in Brawl, and the worst one at that! The Stafy games do sound fun though. I ought to give them a go if I ever consider importing!
One more thing: Is it Stafy or Starfy?
All they ever release on WiiWare are puzzle games or shooter games, how utterly boring. Thank the lord that Mega Man 9 is coming out soon, what a break from this gaming drought.
@ Mr. Cheez
the Elite Beat Agents prequels
A "prequel" and a "sequel" would work better.
Please tell me you were so godly impressed by them that you imported them hader then anything youve ever bought in your entire life. When you hit that "Purchase" button your computer will explode. Then reassemble itself in a matter of minutes. Thats how badass it is.
So has anyone downloaded this?
This has finally debuted in the UK WW chart - at 18. Thats even worse than Plattchen did!
Feature Support: Mii Support
That's missing here.
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