goodbyes are a sad part of life but for every end there's a new beggining so one must never stop looking forward to the next dawn
now working at IBM as helpdesk analyst my Backloggery
CRT TVs are better for retro gaming, but I think HD TVs are fine also. Sure, the image may not look as good, but I think some of the users here are greatly exaggerating how "bad" it is.
I've got a 36" CRT, but since I connected all my consoles to my plasma I have never looked back. The colour accuracy and geometry make up for any other issues. As long as you connect with the cables that gives the best video output they are fine - so S-video or RGB scart at least.
They sell Composite cables now specificly for the NES that seperates the mono audio into left and right signals, got myself a pair and it works like a charm.
Do you have a link for these? I want to split it off into my surround sound and dupe the front to back and having proper left/right would be sweet.
I have a 55" Toshiba LED 3DTV, that site rates it as "Excellent" with a refresh of 18ms, and actually that's the 120 version, I have the 240. I put my TV into 4:3, put it in game mode, turn of all automatic picture crap, and honestly it's brilliant.
Don't let all the purists scare you, just try it and if it's too laggy, then go buy a CRT. Just keep in mind the zapper prefers curved over flat CRTs.
1988 Nintendo "Action Set", First Release. RetroZone PowerPak.
Topic: NES to LED HD TV?
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