
Topic: PC Gaming

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@redd214 Just saw that.

I'm betting the PC market will buy the hell out of this. Like with Valkyria Chronicles, they know this overperforming expectations will lead to a flood of previously console exclusive software from Sony.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)


My friend is hoping for Bloodborne and I'm hoping for Spiderman myself



I liked Horizon. Definitely one of the better Sony games I played this generation. It wasn’t able to get its hooks in me before I moved on, but I’ll give it another go on PC. Mainly just to show my support so that they put more games on the platform and set the example for third parties to put their games on PC and other platforms.

It’s the message that’s important to send here. I have no qualms with first party exclusives, but I won’t suffer third parties consistently releasing games as Sony exclusives for no good reason whatsoever. I just won’t buy the games at all anymore until they come to PC or Switch.

Gyro will really help that game though. Just can’t do it anymore. Can’t play those types of games without Gyro. Switch and PC have spoiled me in that regard. If you’re aiming something, it better not be reliant on an sticks alone.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


@Ralizah It's all up to the PC market to show that there's a massive audience for Sony exclusives on PC. If those PC releases do well enough, I'd imagine eventually Sony will do the Xbox approach (all future 1st party games and a variety of past games will come to PC).

On the Xbox front I think we'll see remasters of iconic 360 exclusives not yet on PC like Gears 2 early next gen so that they can come to PC.

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@JaxonH HZD is amazing. Probably my second favorite first party title this gen after BotW. And it'll be even better running at 60fps and with gyro aim support.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)


I’m usually not a big fan of Sony’s first party stock. Most of their games seem to have the same flavor, much like Ubisoft titles (climb the tower, smattering of penny stock map icons, etc). They’re too heavy on the cinematics, to the point it affects gameplay. Not a lot, but enough to aggravate.

And Horizon was no exception to that. I remember playing it and disliking.... something... I’m not sure exactly what it was. But it had something to do with cinematics interfering with gameplay. Either the view was zoomed in too close over the shoulder to make it look more cinematic and blocked half your peripheral vision, or it would force you to walk instead of run... one of those kinda things. Either way, ghat’s not why I quit playing the game. That was an aggravation, sure, but not a dealbreaker. So I’ll be interested in giving it another go. I never would’ve picked the game up again if it wasn’t coming to PC, and I think that’s going to be true for a lot of people, which just goes to show that releasing games on PC is the right move.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Me sad! My Lenovo Ideapad 320 probably and almost assuredly won't play Horizon Zero Dawn. So sad!

Edited on by CurryPowderKeg79


Switch Friend Code: SW-3830-1045-2921


@JaxonH Horizon has a massive amount of open, free-form gameplay compared to most of Sony's other games once you actually get out into the world. It's like open-world Monster Hunter with a variety of unique weapons, challenging enemies, meaningful quests, and, of course, the photorealistic environments. I also really enjoyed the great worldbuilding and interesting science-fiction storyline.

The open world itself is, unfortunately, not very interactive, but that's par for the course with open world games not called Breath of the Wild.

I like it significantly more than The Witcher 3 or Skyrim, to be perfectly honest. The combat and core gameplay loop is so good. Other than the inability to properly climb things, movement feels GOOD in that game, which is usually something I only experience in Japanese action games.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)


Of course I’ll give it another go, but I would be surprised... amazed even, if I ended up liking it as much as the Witcher 3. Not saying it can’t happen, but the more I play that game, the more I’m convinced no other game is even in the same league. Maybe Zelda, but even then I’m not sure anymore. Skyrim, Idk. Never did get into Skyrim. It’s on the to-do list, though.

I don’t care so much about climbing everywhere. Witcher 3 has mountains you can’t climb (though I still try!) and it doesn’t bother me. Not every game is meant to have the Zelda formula, and I’m good with that.

I do like Witcher 3 and Monster Hunter though, so there’s probably a good chance I’ll end up liking it if I stick with it. The thing is, more and more I realize there are countless great games out there yet only a small fraction of them dig their claws in to the point where I play to completion. And it’s hard to figure out what it is about a game I stick with that differentiates it from one I don’t. Nioh and Bloodborne and Dark Souls... all these games my brother says are the best game he’s ever played in his life, and I just can’t do it. Try though I may they’re just not my type of game. So being a good game isn’t always enough.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


I told myself long time ago that I wouldn't do it but today I bought Might and Magic Heroes VII Complete edition on UPLAY. It was only 14$. And this is the only Heroes of Might and Magic game that I have not played And I love them all. The old world (3DO era) and the new world Ashan (Ubisoft).


CurryPowderKeg79 wrote:

Me sad! My Lenovo Ideapad 320 probably and almost assuredly won't play Horizon Zero Dawn. So sad!

@CurryPowderKeg79 i have the same computer, bought it 5 months ago. theres a game called "deep space race" on steam. do you know if it works on this desktop. where else can i buy pc games ?



Sorry @Ninfan i don't know if Deep Space Race will run on our ideapad 320's. But Steam does have a return policy if a game won't run/run well on your pc. So you could buy it and return it if it doesn't run well. Now as for places to buy games i'm kinda a noob on that one. I know there's Steam and Epic and Blizzard also have digital stores. I do know that our computers will run almost any PS3, Xbox360 era games.

Edited on by CurryPowderKeg79


Switch Friend Code: SW-3830-1045-2921


@JaxonH TW3 is alright. I played 75 hours or so, and... it's good. Very good, even. I haven't fallen in love with it like everyone else apparently has, though. Way too many little issues that bite into my enjoyment of it.

I do need to return to that, though. I haven't played for months.

At bottom, I guess I just prefer dynamic, varied combat encounters to the heavier narrative focus of TW3. HZD has the best combat sequences I've ever seen in an open world game by a country mile.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)


I agree, HZD is miles ahead of TW3 in most areas especially gameplay/combat imo. My neighbor who's a huge Witcher fan always tells me "just wait til like the 15 hour mark THEN it gets really good!", that's always seemed like a flawed concept to me.



People said that about Xenoblade 2 also.

Yet I found Xenoblade 2 enthralling from the moment I started playing it. And Witcher 3 I didn’t. But it wasn’t some magical 15 hour mark that got me to like it, I liked it from the outset- it was just the combat that held me back. But that was when the game first released and there was no alternate combat control scheme, furthermore, I didn’t really give it time to learn it’s ins and outs. Once I played it the second time it was like a completely different game. So ya, sometimes it just takes longer to get into a game, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you judge every game by the first 5 minutes then you’re going to form very ill conclusions. I played horizon for several hours and my brother was telling me I just needed to “keep playing“ it til it gets good. So that’s a flawed concept regardless, and it can be applied to any game across-the-board.

Sometimes you’re just not into a game. Sometimes you’ll get into a game once you play it a certain amount of time (could be 2 hours, could be 5 hours, could be 15 hours, but there is no magical number). Hence why I’m going to give HZD another chance, because I do want to play more and see if it clicks. Not because somebody is trying to persuade me it gets good after 15 hours.

And I heavily disagree that Horizon is ahead of the Witcher 3 in practically any aspect, even combat. And that’s not a knock against HZD, it’s just that Witcher 3 is so good... it’s like- nothing personal. Great game, but not Witcher 3 level of great. I played enough of the game to form opinions. Combat is going to be different depending on the type of genre. Witcher 3 is an RPG and as such, it has RPG style combat. Other types of combat systems just wouldn’t fit well with the type of game it is and so the combat it has is well-suited to the game. It doesn’t make one combat system better or worse, they’re just different for different types of games. Monster Hunter combat is the absolute best, but I wouldn’t want that combat in The Witcher 3. I probably would want it in Horizon, but I’m not going to use that to say the combat is inferior. They are different types of games. Not to mention, The first few times I played Monster Hunter I hated the combat, but after learning the system properly it quickly became my favorite combo of any game ever made. Witcher 3 isn’t my “favorite”, but it has become my favorite combat system of any RPG I’ve ever played. Like monster Hunter, my opinion of it did a complete 180 once I actually learned it properly (and switched to the alternate mode). It’s incredibly satisfying with different types of enemies, some you have to parry, some you have to quick-dodge, some you have to use Aard sign to blow out their fiery bodies before you can even hope to do damage without dying. There are often mobs of enemies that test your strategies. I’ve got nothing but praise for the combat now. Which is ironic given my initial reaction to it was the opposite. But again, so was MH.

Anyways, my PS4 controller I was using on PC kicked the bucket. At first I thought it was a connection issue because I was having connection issues with my PC initially getting Switch controller to properly work. And I had to order the official dongle from Japan because my built-in Bluetooth is crap.

So the PS4 controller kept disconnecting, I finally connected it to the PS4 to check the battery level and it turns out the battery is toast. Won’t hold a charge more than 10 seconds. So I ordered a replacement. But while waiting, I finally got my Bluetooth dongle to install properly while disabling the built in Bluetooth, and now my switch pro controller connects perfectly! What the heck! So I am pretty happy right now because I finally get to use my switch controller on PC.

Edited on by JaxonH

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


redd214 wrote:

My neighbor who's a huge Witcher fan always tells me "just wait til like the 15 hour mark THEN it gets really good!", that's always seemed like a flawed concept to me.

Witcher 3 is such an open-ended game in how it progresses that there isn't really a 15 hour mark that corresponds to the same place in every playthrough.

He's probably talking about the Bloody Baron questline. That is a good one!

It's dangerous to go alone! Stay at home.


how long should it take to download a 80gb pc game ?



@Ninfan It took me about 20mins to download Doom 2016 which is just under 60gb. So, probably take a half hour for me to download an 80gb game.
But, keep in mind it's very subjective to your set up - speed and quality of connection, hardware, distance, etc.. You'd probably see a wide range of times from different people.


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