
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Thread

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NEStalgia wrote:

@Grumblevolcano Let's face it. Announcing Zelda: Exodus of the Wind and Super Mario: Universe at the Q1 wouldn't really move the numbers

I want those games!!


Switch Friend Code: SW-2231-9448-5129


@toiletduck INvestors dont.

Now Playing: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Crash Bandicoot 4

Now Streaming: Sonic Lost World, Just Cause 3

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The paid online service is where the 2 worlds meet. Consumers want to know the other benefits and whether Smash online is going to be as bad as Brawl meanwhile investors want to know other things regarding the service.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano



Oh there are going to be games released before years end we don’t know about yet.



@Octane Dr Mario Labo

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Looks like Dark Souls Remastered has resurfaced, there's a GameXplain video posted 17 hours ago showing off Blighttown and Quelaag in handheld mode.

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


I predict they will reach their sales target. While I don't think their offerings of games have been that good this year, it is the combined catalogue that sells games. And they have an impressive list of evergreens already out.

Edit: before people gloom and doom over the 2-3 millions they have sold, remember this is the quite period in gaming. Holiday is always where they sells the most hardware.

Edited on by Therad



Is 4 million during April-June good?

EDIT: Oh, I thought it was at 15.5 million by the end of March. Doesn't seem to be the case.

Edited on by Grumblevolcano


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@RETRO_J Christmas. A large chunk of the Switch's sales so far came around the Christmas season, and that was primarily driven by games that had released earlier in the year. Those games are still around, but they're also leading in with Pokemon and Smash. I expect Nov-Dec is going to be HUGE for Nintendo.

Currently Playing: Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (PC) Coming Out on Top (PC)


RETRO_J wrote:

I'm actually quite shocked they've not surpassed Gamecube sales yet but still expect to sell another 18m units in the next three quarters. They must have some really big surprises up their sleeves if they intend to pull this off.

Typically half of the entire industry's sales are in the holiday quarter with 15-20% during the other quarters. So if they're moving 2mill in this quarter then you'd expect them to typically move ~13mill over the year. And while 18mill is quite a bit higher than 13mill it's not particularly outlandish given they did move 13mill last year and it would be a bit strange for them to lose momentum in their second year.

The PS4 tracked the same path. It did about 14mill in its first full calendar year and was close to 18mill in its second. Same with the Wii which moved 16mill in 2007 and 24mill in 2008. Consoles don't typically do as well as the Switch in their first year and perform worse in their second. They ride that wave for a while and only peak about 2-4 years down the line.

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


Glad to see they're doing alright still. I can't wait to start being a regular Switch user again



Except that it's not that crazy when you think about it. They're pretty much just predicting that sales for the second year the Switch is on the market will match the first. Which is a fairly safe bet to make when pretty much every console ever has done better in its second year.

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


RETRO_J wrote:

Nintendo has announced its 1st quarter financial results and things are looking alright. Nintendo has now sold through a massive 19.67 million units sold. That’s up from 17.79 million from the last reported period which was at the end of March 2018, an increase of almost 2 million units in the quietest quarter of the year.

Nintendo has not changed its forecast for the coming year, it still expects to sell 20 million Switch consoles in the fiscal year 2018-2019 period.

Some notable sales from the last period include the addition of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Mario Tennis Aces to the million-seller list, with 1.4 million and 1.38 million units sold respectively. Nintendo Labo has also had a surprisingly strong showing, with 1.39 million units sold in its first quarter.

The momentum has definitely slowed down. This generation remind me a lot about the sixth generation of consoles. PS2 was selling way more than the completion, appealing to everyone, Xbox and Gamecube was having about equal sales and their own respective fan-bases.

Hopefully the Switch can get out of this and not be another Gamecube. While many loved the Gamecube, it is not a sustainable business if you're relying only on a small fan-base. Especially today because of how expensive games are to make. Metroid Prime and Super Smash Bros seems to be geared towards this hardcore Nintendo fan-base. A lot of people will probably hate that I am saying this, but I think it would be a good thing if Metroid Prime 4 had standard FPS controls so it would be more mainstream.



Agriculture wrote:

The momentum has definitely slowed down.


Umm, these are the changes in sales this quarter vs the same quarter last year:
3DS Hardware: -62%
3DS Software: -50%
NSW Hardware: -5%
NSW Software: +121%

Calling it a drop in momentum is a tad dramatic

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions



Now Playing: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Crash Bandicoot 4

Now Streaming: Sonic Lost World, Just Cause 3

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I think we need to revive that Nintendo is Doomed is thread...



@Octane Oh no. They have more games to announce for this fiscal year and wanted to sell 20m units in said year but they only sold just under 2m in the first, usually quiet quarter but software sales are way up!

Its over! Theyre done. Go third party. /s

Prepare for a lot of that im afraid

Now Playing: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Crash Bandicoot 4

Now Streaming: Sonic Lost World, Just Cause 3

NLI Discord:



People were naysaying 2017 too. As long as Nintendo breathes air, people are going to doomsay Nintendo and then do their usual chest-beating nonsense when there's even a slight hint of Nintendo slowing down.

It's like damn, the press against Nintendo still has to be really damn negative when they're doing the most right ahead of Sony and Microsoft just making self-defeating mini-PCs that can't hold a candle to any respectable rig.

Metroid, Xenoblade, EarthBound shill

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Switch Friend Code: SW-4023-8648-9313 | 3DS Friend Code: 2105-8876-1993 | Nintendo Network ID: ThatTrueEvil | Twitter:


@EvilLucario You been on PS lately?
People are perfectly fine with GT Sport having IAPs.

Fanboys will effectively blow any company if it makes them feel better for 10 minutes.

Now Playing: Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Crash Bandicoot 4

Now Streaming: Sonic Lost World, Just Cause 3

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