
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Online Subscription Service Thread

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Never in a million YEARS did I anticipate Jet Force Gemini coming back on....any Nintendo console, but there's a first time for everything I suppose XD

This instantly makes N64 NSO an infinitely more exciting proposition in my eyes as, now that we're both moving away from the 2022 roadmap AND getting more 3rd-party titles on the service, it opens up the door for a ton of N64 classics that I'd completely written off before due to being 3rd-party (Goemon, Mischief Makers, hell: even Buck Bumble has a chance now XD). Combine that with JFG just being a good game in it's own right and I'm incredibly excited for whenever it releases in December!

also, as an interesting addendum, Japan is getting a new version of the N64 NSO app specifically for games rated 18+ over there (with Goldeneye and JFG being the first additions to it).

maybe Conker has a chance?

Edited on by Fizza

Currently MIA for exams; see you all in a bit! o7
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
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Currently Playing: ....nothing XD

Switch Friend Code: SW-3505-5480-3330 | Twitter:


Blast Corps / Silicon Valley / Body Harvest would be my top 3 wishlist



For me its Mischief Makers. That's the dream game, at least for games I've played. That and Rayman 2 and Toy Story 2, which are the best games I never got far into. Normally I'd doubt a Disney game would be on this but AFAIK its on PSN so its not impossible.

Though N64 has a small enough library that nearly any game on it is a neat surprise. (especially since we're running out of games that were also on VC)

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


Hey @Fizza, do you wanna play Mario Party 3 online with me and @ChameleonBros? We're thinking of playing it on either Saturday or Sunday at 7 PM EDT.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


@MarioLover92 I'd absolutely love to but I unfortunately have an unusually busy weekend this week between work all day tomorrow, school studies across both days and preparation for a roadtrip down the country during the middle of next week. Massively appreciate the offer though and I'd say I'll most likely be available next week though depending on how things pan out if that works out for you!

Currently MIA for exams; see you all in a bit! o7
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
Please ask for permission before using my FC!
Currently Playing: ....nothing XD

Switch Friend Code: SW-3505-5480-3330 | Twitter:


@Fizza OK, that's fine. Anytime, best of luck on everything going on for you! Feel free to ask me and I'll see if I can make it on the middle of next week.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


So there's 2 Tetris 99 events happening:


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


yay, I was wondering when there would be a Wonder maximus cup.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Decided to beat Nintendo Life to this lol why was this announced right now? Just slip it under the Game Awards, otherwise people might think we can release N64 games in a timely manner!

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


I would've been perfectly content with just 1080 as it's easily been my most anticipated release of the service sinc the Mario Party titles dropped a while back, but having both Harvest Moon AND Jet Force Gemini alongside it just sweetens the deal even more. Gonna be giving them a go ASAP!

Currently MIA for exams; see you all in a bit! o7
Mario Maker 2 Maker ID: YT1-0Q2-YFF
Please ask for permission before using my FC!
Currently Playing: ....nothing XD

Switch Friend Code: SW-3505-5480-3330 | Twitter:


I'm finding 1080 so much harder on Switch with the controller etc. On 64 I've long been pretty good at the game. On Switch I'm lucky if I can string together more than two spins in a row.

It's a shame because I was pumped when I heard 1080 had landed on Switch.

Switch Friend Code: SW-7976-6692-0199


Well that's a bad sign since I've never been even remotely good at 1080 on N64 or otherwise.

Not even the sequel on Gamecube.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


Man, I've been playing Pokémon Trading Card Game from GB/GBC. I got hooked! What a fun game! The effects from the battles are so nice. I love playing with the classic feel filter on. So nostalgic
I wish we could have more pokemon games from the past



I played a couple of hours of N64 NSO online last week with a friend who lives a couple of states away, I was shocked it worked so consistency. For the record, this is a bad sign for the reputation of Nintendo's online when playing N64 games online with one person on the same side of the country working was a pleasant surprise. But it did work well, so I was happy about that.

For some reason I keep going back to Mario Party 1 single player btw. We didn't play that one because making someone play Mario Party 1 over most of these games would be cruel. It is one of the N64 games that has actually aged poorly, especially with 2 and 3 right there. Yet despite that, I find myself wanting to do as much as I can with the game (though if I play all the boards once and do the minigame island, I'm just gonna unlock anything else the cheapest way possible (which involves mostly not even playing the game)).

I also go back to Mario Tennis on occasion but that makes sense because Mario Tennis is awesome. I will not try to get everything in that game though since the requirements to do so are absurd.

Edited on by kkslider5552000

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


@kkslider5552000 as a kid I would set up long parties with four hard computer characters, and then come in at the last turn or two, change them to easy and set myself as the one in the lead.

And that’s how I unlocked everything. 🧐


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


I recently bought the Expansion Pack for the first time since I had a discount (and so I can get Octo Expansion for practically free). Haven’t touched the N64 app yet but it’s been really fun playing GBA games on Switch! I don’t think I’d buy it every year considering the price but it’s a nice treat to have, hoping they drop more GBA games soon though. Don’t really care about the other things in the EP asides from those and Splatoon lol



I wonder if we'll see a stealth drop of SEGA Genesis games on NSO tonight? The last two years we got a surprise update the Thursday/Friday before Christmas plus it's been forever and a day since the last batch of Genesis games dropped, fingers crossed!

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PSN ID: Rukiafan7
NNID: Rukiafan7
Switch FC: SW-6328-7327-5891 ~WiiWareWav~

Switch Friend Code: SW-6328-7327-5891 | Nintendo Network ID: Rukiafan7 | Twitter:


@LilyGoMEOW The long Genesis gap (last batch was in June) gave me the impression of the end of additions so I think if we see any NSO stuff tonight, it'll be GBA in the form of Golden Sun (F-Zero Maximum Velocity would clash with the current F-Zero 99 limited time event). The last GBA game was Kirby & the Amazing Mirror in September.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


I thought Maximum Velocity was s*** but it’s good having more F-Zero games on Switch, I’d like GP Legend or Climax more but they’re licensed so probably not. Haven’t played Golden Sun but I’ve heard good things about it so I’ll give it a go if it comes to NSO soon


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