
Topic: Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition

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I saw that there was no thread for the upcoming NWC game, so I went ahead and changed that! Here's the trailer that Nintendo put out...

Honestly, I'm pretty excited for this one. I liked the NES Remix games on the Wii U/3DS so this game should be a good time as well!

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
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Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


I’m really excited for this one! I’ve been literally dying for a couch co-op game, and the Nintendo whips this one out! Also the $30 price tag is very appealing. Never played NES Remix, but definitely preordering this one!

Taylor from Blank Space was my old pfp if anyone gets confused. this is tay from he latest album
cats are the best


Honestly, it looks fun and I'm sure I'll get it at some point because I liked the NES Remix games, but this really just looks exactly like NES Remix only worse because there are far fewer NES games involved. Only 13 games, and they are all the same ones that always show up in everything. Is it that hard to give us a little something new? And if they just wanted a quick cash grab to fill the time before Switch 2 arrives, why not just re-release NES Remix which would have been easier and probably better?


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


I'll grab this day 1 for sure. Love this style of game like nes remix.



Not really sure about this game; I'll wait and see what all the mini-games are. The trailer really didn't show much. Makes me miss Mario 35 tbh and I worry this may just be strictly worse.

Looks fun as an in-person party game but I don't do that too often personally.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Most of the value of NES Remix imo was the remix challenges - the individual game challenges were basically tutorials

Don't see the point of this as a package seeming as it's just unaltered snippets from existing games that don't meaningfully change how you engage with them



It's an interesting slice of Nintendo's history from that time.

But it's a party game.

If you intend on experiencing this alone, you'll probably be done in less than an hour.

Edited on by Magician

Switch Physical Collection - 1,257 games (as of June 4th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


The pre-orders just opened for whoever registered their interest on My Nintendo Store UK.
Be warned that you shouldn't attempt to checkout using Firefox, I encounted a bug where I couldn't fill in my payment information; the fields literally could not be typed into.



I'm currently trying to pre-order. Got a link to the MyNintendo store page but can't get passed 'Continue to Payment' button. Ordering using my iPhone.... I'm guessing too many people trying to pre-order : /



Check your address details.
Annoyingly, if your saved address has an issue, you can't see what the issue is unless you try editing your address.



@RupeeClock Thanks for the heads-up. I've been trying to place an order for ages - ended up checking out as a guest, but just checked the address and it had a mistake in it. Works fine now.



@rupeeclock Thanks for that! Even though my address details were there already. it wouldn't let me proceed. I amended my address details and i was able to checkout! Phew! Was worried I had missed out on the pre-order....



So I'm guessing the collector's edition won't be available until release day?

Currently playing: Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order



I hopped on the physical special edition, and I NEVER do that.

I'm more pumped for this than Thousand Year Door.

But hey, I'm weird and like retro stuff lol



As someone who bought and enjoyed the NES Remix 1&2 Pack for the Wii U, I was pretty excited when the ESRB leaked word of this new World Championships game. The actual product looks like decent fun, even if it lacks the variety of the remixes.

At my age I’m no competitive speedrunner, but I have good muscle memory for most of the 13 games and I’ll enjoy achieving A-ranks for the different tasks to unlock all the badges or avatars or whatever. My kids will probably have a few laughs, watching me struggle!

I ended up going after the physical Famicom edition from Japan bundled with the gamepads. I think they’re just such a cooler, more practical pack-in than the fake gold cartridge.

I was telling @Nova1979 how I preordered the set from, only to have them cancel the order immediately as they suspected I was a reseller/scalper! I emailed them right back in Japanese, assuring them the game was only for my personal use at home. Happily, the next day they replied and allowed me to reorder the game. 😅👍🏼

My OLED will look so weird charging those maroon-colored Famicom controllers this summer…

Switch FC: SW-5760-3019-8223
(player name is Beesh)


The founder of indieszero, Masanobu Suzui, retweeted the announcement trailer for this game (, just scroll down a bit). So odds are they're working on the project - possibly alongside Nintendo EPD Tokyo again, as we saw with the NES Remix games when they were EAD Tokyo.



FishyS wrote:

Looks fun as an in-person party game but I don't do that too often personally.

The problem is I can't think of why when I want to drag out a party game I would pick this over (gestures to vast library of Switch games). Usually a party game demands something that's both accessible and novel. I'm not sure speed running snippets of NES games is that. At least not amongst the people I usually drag out party games for

It seems fine enough but they're charging $50AU for this. If it was somewhere around $20 then sure. But for $50 I'd want a more interesting single player mode

At least NES Remix remixed the stuff

Edited on by skywake

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