
Topic: Movie thread.

Posts 41 to 60 of 6,738


weirdadam wrote:

I loved the short. That poor little stork. Which one is Presto?

The one that was shown with WALL-E about the magician and his mischievous, hungry rabbit.

Mario Forever! (free nipple suit and gratuitous butt-shots included)
PSN: MisterMumbles82


Here's some good news to fellow Dragonball Evolution fans; its coming out on DVD July 28th! I'm soo looking forard to getting it; like my previous #15 post said, (aka Party On Dude's)!



I'm gonna see Up on my trip!

Tomena Sanner: Because dancing businessmen are awesome.


I wanna see UP!! Lots! But I don't think it's released until 2015 in the UK

IF I was that way inclined, I could download a flamin' HDrip, before its released here. Nice 1 Disney durgh!



I'm thinking about going see The Brothers Bloom tomorrow. Anyone see this? It's rated pretty well on IMDB, and if you've spent any time there, you know they're a tough crowd. It's from the director of Brick, which I haven't seen but thought looked ridiculous. Anyway, this looks cool. Here's the first six minutes:

EDIT: I don't really have comments enough to justify a follow-up post, but the movie was awesome. Very funny and interesting.

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


The only movie my wife and I are looking at going to this summer is the new Ice Age movie. We love those. I wouldn't mind seeing Up!, but I'll wait until it hits BluRay.

Plain old gamer :)


I just watched Quantum of Solace again today (4th time seeing it). Alot of people seem to dislike this movie, and it's honestly one of my favorite movies of all time.

I havn't seen alot of new movies lately. I'm going to Transformers 2 on the 24th, so I'll come back here after that.

The best strategy in the game: go up stairs and pause balls.


I've watched the Hangover twice thus far and I freaking love it. I'm going to see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen in IMAX and can't wait.



Haven't been to the theater in a while, but I've been meaning to see Up, and I'll probably get around to watching Star Trek, even though I know that the latter will, while possibly entertaining me, also deeply annoy me. I've always thought that the one thing Star Trek should never try to be is a typical action/sci-fi blockbuster, it just isn't what the franchise is about. Of course, The Next Generation is really the only Star Trek series that maintained a high level of quality, in my mind (the entire franchise has been absolutely worthless for so many years now), and TNG, at it's best, wasn't primarily just a sci-fi show but used that setting to address some interesting questions and moral dilemmas. The very decision to go backwards to the simpler space-cowboy-ish days of Kirk & company seems like a giant step backwards in moral complexity, and I also am no fan of the series Lost, so Abrams doesn't inspire confidence. Anyhow, we'll see when I finally get around to viewing it so that I can confirm all my suspicions

Twitter is a good place to throw your nonsense.
Wii FC: 8378 9716 1696 8633 || "How can mushrooms give you extra life? Get the green ones." -


Just watched Slumdog Millionaire on DVD on Wednesday, a few months after I first saw it in the cinema. It's not the same without the amazing surround sound that the airplane's made, but it's still fantastic.



I always wanted to see watchmen. Never got around to it.



Nice1 Irken, I hadn't seen that yet. Loved Tron and the concept behind it. Awesome trailer spam! More!



Bruno was wicked funny

Who Are You?


Machu wrote:

Nice1 Irken, I hadn't seen that yet. Loved Tron and the concept behind it. Awesome trailer spam! More!

lol how about this one:


Johnny Depp, noooooo!

passes out



irken004 wrote:

@Machu that 2012 movie better not end up like The Day After Tomorrow, or else x(

Yeah if anyone survives i'm not gonna be happy.


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