
Topic: Princess Peach: Showtime!

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@Tyranexx The demo's performance wasn't bad but it was choppier with the frame-rate a tad bit. But, like everyone said, nothing game-breaking or anything. I did enjoy the 1st stage though. the 2nd so much. But that's just me...I'm just picky as I don't know what honestly...

Just that it's not a game I'm gonna drop $50 for or pre-order instantly.

I sell my famous Chesapeake Tupperware.



@DanijoEX-the-Pierrot I wasn't expecting to like the Patisserie stage much based on others' impressions, but I enjoyed it. The Swordfighter stage was my favorite though. Peach has some moves.

But yeah, not a game I'll get at launch. Probably a good holiday sale on a physical copy.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


I tried the demo last night...and wasn't particularly impressed? It wasn't good, and wasn't bad. It was just...nothing.

I know it's not official, but I wouldn't be shocked if it was developed by Good Feel. There was definite evidence of Kirby's gameplay structure.
The game seemed like it would suit an original character more? But they knew Peach would sell more copies.

Overall, it's a bit strange. Peach doesn't sound like herself, she can't float jump. Her abilities come from costumes or ribbons - her role could be played by anyone.
On a positive note - her hair looks very nice and shiny. The game just lacks depth for me.



Kimyonaakuma wrote:

I know it's not official, but I wouldn't be shocked if it was developed by Good Feel. There was definite evidence of Kirby's gameplay structure.

Overall, it's a bit strange. Peach doesn't sound like herself, she can't float jump. Her abilities come from costumes or ribbons - her role could be played by anyone.

Good Feel makes Yoshi, not Kirby.

Also, the voice actor who has played Peach for the last 17 years (except not in the movie) said she still played Peach in Showtime.

Peach only has her floaty jump in some games and in half of those games she needs an umbrella (a tool). When she jumps plus does her ribbon in Showtime she does have a floaty jump so in some sense it is her 'default' in this game too, she just doesn't have it with costumes.

As for her role could be played by anyone? Sure. Same as the Luigi's Mansion games. Or captain Toad. Or the Mario sports games. The spinoffs are all like that. Love of the characters is definitely the draw, just like it was in the original North America version of Mario 2 which took a completely different game and pasted Mario and Peach etc. over the original Japanese characters.

Not liking the game is fine, obviously your preference. But I do think they are being about as consistent as they ever are and reasonably true to the character. Peach gives the game extra charm that it wouldn't have otherwise even though that is mostly just cultural bias towards the character. But yeah, if you don't both like Peach and like the gameplay, probably not worth it to buy.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


@FishyS Yikes, it's HAL Labs for Kirby isn't it? Still, it gives me that impression. That sort of B-tier Nintendo platformer - I'd include the like of Yoshi's Crafted World in that too.

I don't know, I feel like Luigi's Mansion/Captain Toad leaned into the Mario aspect of things. They built upon what was already there, and those are established series that could continue.
Will we have multiple Peach games where she has another set of costumes each time? I hope not.

Maybe it's the costume concept itself - she's picking up new gameplay styles and dropping them very quickly. So far they have all felt quite shallow? Maybe the other costumes have more depth but the first two didn't.
It seemed like a promising game but I'm grateful for the demo! Saves me buying the whole thing



I'm sure we've said this before, but... it's a kid's game. For kids. Like, little kids. We all know that, right? Saw a commercial for it yesterday when I took my daughter to the movies, and guess who's playing the game in the commercial? A bunch of little kids.

Some of you guys are analyzing this like it's an off-shoot platformer or something. I played the demo. The moment you get the ability to do that ribbon move and then the sword outfit and try the controls, it should be pretty obvious that this is not meant to be as robust as even the most remedial Kirby and Yoshi games.



Kimyonaakuma wrote:

Will we have multiple Peach games where she has another set of costumes each time? I hope not.

I assume there would be a lot of overlap in a sequel ability-wise. Even Kirby sticks with a lot of abilities.
Personally I'm really hoping it does become a series. I do understand your complaints though because it is essentially how I feel about Luigi's Mansion. I really wanted to love it, but besides the nice art it always felt a little bland and kinda dull to me. And apart from the rare enemy like King Boo, there isn't really any real overlap with other Mario games. I totally understand why people might like it, it's just not for me. And even though I loved the Peach demo, I get how people could feel a similar way.

That said, I feel like they missed an opportunity to use either shy guys or ninjis as the default canon fodder enemies.

@rallydefault It's rated 10+ rather than E for everybody, so it's apparently not meant for the littlest of kids. Ironically Mario Maker 2, the hardest Mario game ever made, is rated E for everybody. 😝

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


This game may be easy. But from what I played a lot of fun. It's the kind of game that could become a comfort game for me. Like Mario (3D World), Kirby or Yoshi.
I stated the demo with low expectations. But for some reason it hooked me. Nintendo's demo strategy worked with me. 😅😂

Laugh Hard, Run Fast, Be Kind


ElRoberico wrote:

Did anyone else have framerate issues? It stuttered a lot for me, especially in the cut scenes.

Absolutely, it gave a bad impression from the start. The loading screen (a moving red curtain) was stuttering along at 3-4 frames per second. Embarrassing. No more questions about this possibly being an in-house developed game :/



Yaaaa. It's for super easy. Which normally results in boredom for me.

But... this game kept me engaged nonetheless. Idk. Maybe it's the charm, the art style, the cute little animations (pressed back to make Peach run against a wall and she broke out dancing with these other dudes lol, like what is going on here!)

I'm really not sure why but, I enjoyed my time with this game. MUCH more than I was anticipating.

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


Well, that's quite weird, because the commercial I saw in the movie theater for it definitely had kids under the age of 10 playing it.



@rallydefault Age ratings differ in different parts of the world, and I guess FishyS was referring to the US rating. Here in Europe the game is rated PEGI 7, i.e. it's okay for kids aged 7 and older. I presume the Japanese rating is something similar.

Apparently European kids can handle mild cartoon violence better than gringos. 😅

Edited on by Polvasti



New article about Peach Showtime on the Nintendo website:

Not much on it but I enjoy "Seriously, what type of game is this?"

But it also shows all 10 outfits we have seen which makes me think that might be all of them unless there is a secret or end-game outfit. Or maybe I am reading too much into it. I am still hoping there are a few more.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I’m not sure if this is game for me as of yet. I did not try the demo but it does look interesting. In general when it comes time for me to pick a new game I tend to go towards the newer titles.

Nintendo Switch OLED Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Edition Gamer


(spoiler free)

I love this game so much so far. I need to sleep but I want to keep playing!

It's so charming, so many references both to other games and various theatre things. And it's honestly difficult to find all the sparkles! I had to play one level 5 times but it was still fun! Also, have confirmed you can die. 😅 And there are adorable secrets even beyond the collectables.

One comment on performance since that was the biggest complaint in the NL review — the loading screens are hilariously laggy and jank. Almost Pokemon S/V cutscene bad. But... it's a loading screen so who cares. And they aren't super long or common. At least docked, so far the game play itself has run perfectly and the scenery and lighting is all gorgeous.

I was guessing this would be a 8/10 game for me but if it keeps as good as it has been so far it will be a 9/10. Granted, I am less than 2 hours on and I haven't played most of the costumes yet. 😆 But it's so good so far!

Edit: Dressing up Peach in different outfits is fun too! I just discovered the clothes shop.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Nice. The best games always make one feel like, who needs sleep or food anyway, if you enjoy yourself. I will buy the game in a few hours and I hope I will enjoy it, as much as you do. Hope you will keep having a great time with it. And of course you should still eat and sleep.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


I'm a little past the first world so far, and it's fun, I'm enjoying it. I like how dynamic the stages are, how you'd go from base Peach to messing around with the costume to some big setpiece to cap it off. Exploration is fun and engaging, and the first boss I fought so far was quite inventive. The demo had some of the weaker stages of that floor too, the Ninja level was where it's really at. There's so much attention to detail in the visuals and animations, I love how Peach has this useless, optional, context-sensitive animation for sliding down a handrail that's only used in like a single stage. It's the little things that show how much love the devs put into a game. And the music is shockingly good. This is absolutely not a Crafted World situation, GoodFeel brought in a Castlevania alum (Soshiro Hokkai) to lead the soundtrack and he's doing a fantastic job.

Then again, I'm not someone who's ever really needed games to be challenging or complex. Kirby is my favorite series, Epic Yarn is one of my favorite games, and I adore the (early) LEGO games, so sheer charm, solid exploration, and raw innocent fun is more than enough to carry an experience for me.



Yep, I love this game too. It is impossible to play without a wide grin and it makes me feel good. So far most of the stages took me two tries each, to 100% them. The difficulty is relaxing. The biggest fun certainly is the vibe and presentation. This might be a very pleasant game for replays.

The first thief level was awesome and I loved the getaway scene in the moonshine. I had the most fun so far in the ice skating level.

I really felt, like I was in a theater sometimes. Peach is so charming and fabulous.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


guys im picking up the game today!!!

"I don't live for the world I live for the King" ~ NF

CaleBoi25 is PEAK

Switch Friend Code: SW-5348-4240-7813 | My Nintendo: ZeldaNerd


Hey cool, you are the one, who send me a friend request, did you not? Glad to see you got the game, hope you will have a great time. How far did you come? I beat the second boss now. Let us see how far I come today.

The bonus stage on the second floor, was not easy.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer

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