




  • News Level-5 Is Working On At Least One Nintendo Switch Game

    Yokai Watch? Layton? Ni no Kuni?

    With E3 right round the corner it's fair to speculate about what new titles we'll see at the show, and Level-5 has set chins wagging by confirming that it has at least one Switch game in development. The studio - best known for Ni no Kuni, Professor Layton and the Yo-kai Watch series -...




  • Video Embrace the Weirdness of Snack World, Level-5's Next Big Thing

    Deliciously strange

    Level-5 has been a successful company for quite some time, but the viral success of Yo-kai Watch in Japan took it to another level. Though the company had previously dabbled with 'cross-media' franchises with the likes of Professor Layton and Inazuma Eleven, the idea's been exploited to the full with the Pokémon challenger. The...



  • News Level-5 Planning To Support Nintendo Switch But Won't Have Any Games At Launch

    "We'll work with it as soon as we figure out how to take advantage of it"

    Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino has confirmed that the studio plans to make games for the Nintendo Switch, but admits that he's still not sure how to make the most of the console's unique setup. Level-5 has been a staunch supporter of Nintendo systems in the past, creating the...

  • News Yo-kai Watch 3: Sukiyaki Confirmed for Japan

    Another souped up release

    Yo-kai Watch 3: Sushi / Tempura arrived in Japan during the Summer, and though the latest dual release fell short of the launch sales of its predecessor, it was nevertheless another success for Level-5. The developer and publisher isn't planning to slow down with the series, either. Copying the strategy from Yo-kai Watch...


  • News Demo Of Yo-Kai Watch 2 Arrives On The North American eShop Soon

    Try before you buy

    If you live in North America and were a fan of the original Yo-Kai Watch game on the 3DS, you'll probably already be aware the dual release sequel launches later this month on the 30th September. In the latest Nintendo Direct it was also revealed a free demo for Yo-Kai Watch 2: Bony Spirits & Fleshy Souls will arrive on the...


  • News Level-5 CEO on Producing Successful Cross-Media Projects

    Yo-Kai Watch wasn't just a fluke

    Level-5 is a company that has become increasingly more relevant and prolific over the years, as it's procedurally added more and more successful franchises to its portfolio. If you notice, most of the company's current projects exist in multiple forms, with cartoons, games, toys, and more all contributing to the...

  • News Yo-Kai Watch 2 Won't Be Spooking Europe Until Next Year

    Delays for the deceased

    Yo-Kai Watch 2 comes out in North America and Australia this October, but it has now been revealed that European players will have to wait until Spring 2017 to get their hands on the game. The news was confirmed today by the official Yo-Kai Watch Twitter account: Europe had to endure a delay for the first
