Tag: Sales - Page 20

  • News Over 2 Million Players Bought Mario's 25th Anniversary Game

    Joins a long list of million sellers

    It may have just been a glorified Super NES game, but that didn't stop Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary Edition from doing the business at retail, selling 2.24 million copies around the world since its release. Other Nintendo-published Wii titles hitting the million sales mark in the past twelve months were...

  • News Nintendogs + Cats is Nintendo's First 3DS Million-Seller

    1.7m pet lovers served

    Of the 20 or so 3DS games available around the globe, so far two have broken through the million sales barrier — Capcom's Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition and Miyamoto's cute 'em up Nintendogs + Cats. According to Nintendo's latest investor report, the canine collection sold 1.71m units since launch, an impressive total...

  • News 3.6 Million 3DS Consoles Sold Worldwide

    "A smooth start" says Nintendo

    Nintendo predicted 4 million 3DS sales in its first month, but the company's investor meeting reveals it didn't quite hit it, selling 3.6 million consoles around the world since its Japanese launch on 26th February. On the software side of things, around 9.43m 3DS games have been sold around the globe, with two titles...

  • News 3DS Down to £179.99 in UK as Price War Rages On

    How low can it go?

    Last month Nintendo's James Honeywell said 3DS won't be this cheap forever, but price-cutting on the console continues apace as select UK retailers are selling the console for just £179.99 going into the Easter weekend. GAME and HMV both have the console available to buy from today for £17

  • News Pokemon and 3DS Helped Nintendo to a Record-Breaking March

    2.4m critters sold

    Pokémon Black & White were monster sales successes in March, shifting nearly 2.5m units across North America and raking in the dough for Nintendo. The new games, combined with the 3DS launch, resulted in Nintendo's best March ever for portable gaming. In four days on sale the 3DS sold just under 400,000 units, not far behind...

  • News Research Firm Predicts 12m 3DS Sales by 2012, 70m by 2015

    But won't beat the DS

    IHS Screen Digest has predicted the 3DS will sell well in the coming years but believes the original DS line will still reign supreme as the top-selling Nintendo handheld. The company's research suggests 3DS will shift 11.6m units worldwide by the end of 2011, compared to the DS's first-year sales of 13.1m. Screen Digest...

  • News 3DS is the Fastest-Selling Nintendo Handheld in Europe, Too

    Cue global hootenanny

    Nintendo of America was quick to shout when the 3DS had the best first-day sales of any Nintendo handheld, and now Nintendo of Europe has joined in the sales trumpeting by confirming that it too has enjoyed record-breaking sales. According to the press release, 303,000 3DS consoles were sold across Europe in the first weekend...

  • News DS Has Outsold Xbox 360, PS3 and PSP Combined in Europe

    Prepare for big numbers

    DS is Europe's undoubted sales champion, according to recent data from GameStop and technology research firm IDG. In fact, such is the console's success, its sales are more than triple any other non-Nintendo console on the market. With an estimated 114m current generation consoles in homes around Europe, the Nintendo DS makes...

  • News 3DS Had Best First Day Sales of Any Nintendo Handheld

    Take that, GameBoy Micro!

    It might be a little early in the day to talk about the 3DS's launch success, with in-depth statistics set to be available in the NPD Group's next report on 14th April, but Nintendo is obviously pleased with the console's day-one sales, claiming it beat every other Nintendo handheld's launch day figures in North America...

  • News 3DS Launch Title Sales Chart (UK)

    Capcom's brawler flies off store shelves

    Well the Nintendo 3DS system has now been available in the UK for a mere four days, but the launch title sales figures have already started rolling in and there are actually a few surprises to be found. It's not often that we see a third-party offering manage to beat out Nintendo's first-party titles, but it...

  • News 1 Million Copies of Pokémon Black and White Sold in Europe

    European Pokémon install base grows to a monster number

    We recently learnt of the successful launch of the Pokémon Black and White games in the United States, and it seems they haven't been doing too badly in Europe either. Since both Black and White versions of the latest Pokémon adventure were released into the European wilderness on 4th March,...

  • News Pokémon Black and White Catches a Million Trainers on Launch Day

    Not the shoe variety

    The 3DS may soon overtake its older brother, the DS, as Nintendo's première handheld system, but that's not going to stop its catalogue of games from selling like hot cakes in this stage of the handheld's lifespan. Pokémon Black and White launched this past Sunday in the United States, smashing the previous record for launch...

  • News Reggie Defends High Download, Retail Price Point

    Calls cheap, "disposable" iOS titles "one of the biggest risks today in our industry"

    A common thread among discussions of downloadable DSiWare as it compares to competing platforms, particularly iOS devices, is its relatively high price tag. While games available in the App Store often retail at $1 or $2, the majority of those in the DSi Store come...

  • News Sonic Colours Sells 1.85 Million Copies Worldwide

    Turning rings into coins

    Last year's hedgehog outing Sonic Colours on Wii and Sonic Colours were two of the year's better platformers, and certainly the highlight of the blue spiky one's recent career. Sega recently released some provisional sales figures for the game, and although it didn't necessarily set the charts alight it still posted decent...

  • News Last Story Tops the Japanese Sales Charts

    Is there hope for a localisation?

    While Nintendo may not have any concrete localisation plans to announce with regards to Japanese RPG Last Story, but the news it's shot to the top of the all-format charts in its home country can't do its chances of heading Westward any harm. In its first week on sale the game shifted 114,722 copies, according to...

  • News Donkey Kong Country Returns Sells Over 4 Million in a Month

    Worldwide sales as strong as DK's ground pounding

    It hasn't been out for long when compared to the other big sellers of last year, but that hasn't stopped Donkey Kong Country Returns from flying off the shelves. The return of the Donkey Kong franchise by way of Retro Studios has been selling like hot cakes ripe bananas since its North American...

  • News Iwata's "Most Important" Wii Title of Last Christmas is Surprising

    He likes to move it, move it

    Nintendo's financial results are always a treasure trove of information – it's how we found out about Pandora's Tower and Kirby on Wii, for example – but while you may come for the announcements, you'll stay for President Iwata's opinions on the period gone by. Looking back at last Christmas, Iwata highlighted one...

  • News DS Dominated 2010 as the Best-Selling Console in the U.K.

    Performing as strong as ever late in the game

    Nintendo recently revealed that the DS is the best-selling console ever in the United States, but it seems the handheld has also performed pretty well in the United Kingdom too. According to MCV's retail sources, combined sales of the DS family of consoles outsold the Xbox 360 by just 50,000 units,...

  • News DS is the Best-Selling Console Ever in the U.S.

    47 million served

    In its six years on sale in the United States the DS has sold a whopping 47 million units, making it the nation's biggest-selling console ever, according to Nintendo's latest press release. Wii had a good year too, topping 7 million units for the third year in a row, the first time a games console has done so, but its...

  • News Nintendo Sold a Boatload of Hardware in November

    2.7m served

    While hardware sales for Wii and DS are definitely tailing off compared to their glory years, this time of year has always been kind to both consoles and it looks like this year is no different. According to numbers from the NPD group, Nintendo sold a total of 2.7m Wii and DS systems across North America last month, with DS just shading...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Wii Smashes 4 Million Units Block in Japan

    Now the country's biggest seller

    New Super Mario Bros. Wii is a global sales sensation, having racked up over 16 million sales worldwide since its release just one year ago, with four million of those sales in Japan alone, making it the territory's biggest selling Wii title. New Super Mario Bros. Wii is the first title to pass the four million...

  • News GoldenEye's Success "Proves Core Games Sell on Wii"

    Bond does the business

    GoldenEye 007 had a strong start to its campaign across the UK, selling twice as many units as Blood Stone, and naturally Nintendo is quick to champion the game as proof that core games can succeed on Wii. Rob Saunders, Nintendo UK's head of communications, spoke to MCV about the game's success, saying: The sales of GoldenEye...

  • News Reggie Wonders Where Metroid: Other M Sales Went Wrong

    Why did Samus underperform?

    Metroid: Other M divided gamers: many loved its combination of action, exploration and conversation, whilst others hated the new portrayal of traditionally less vocal heroine Samus Aran, amongst other things. All this equated to disappointing sales for Nintendo, the title sitting at around the half-million mark in the US...

  • News Nintendo Expecting Consumers to Buy Ho-Ho-Hardware This Christmas

    NPD sales figures show Nintendo's dominance in the U.S.

    It's approaching the season of giving but, for the most part, that giving requires some buying at some point and the President at Nintendo of America is confident that consumers will be buying a lot of Nintendo hardware this Christmas as the Holiday season is more important to the company than...

  • News Super Mario All-Stars Warps Straight to the Top of the Japanese Charts

    25th Anniversary Edition starts off strong

    While gamers in North America and Europe have to wait a little while longer before they can start snapping up copies of Super Mario All-Stars 25th Anniversary Edition, the game received its Japanese launch last week and has got off to a superb start. For the week ending 24th October, the game managed to...

  • News Fils-Aime: Nintendo's Biggest Current Threat is Apple

    Could Nintendo be taking Sony and Microsoft too lightly, or over-reacting to Apple?

    It's strange that Nintendo would see Apple and its range of iOS devices as more of a threat than Sony or Microsoft and their stake in the home console and handheld markets. Reggie Fils-Aime, President at Nintendo of America has echoed the concerns of Satoru Iwata and...

  • News 65.3 Million Wii Remotes Waggling in the United States Alone

    Averaging two for every Wii owner

    It might well be the games that define a console, but where would we be without the controllers themselves? With the Wii Remote Plus and its built-in MotionPlus capabilities becoming the standard from 7th November, Nintendo has sent us a reminder of how well its predecessor has sold and we in turn want to let you...

  • News THQ Expects Wii & DS Markets to Have a Strong Christmas Performance

    Publisher to offer "Great Games, Great Value"

    THQ recently showed its support for Nintendo's upcoming 3DS but it's not forgetting about the Wii or the DS in doing so. Jon Rooke, THQ's UK Managing Director has told GamesIndustry.biz that the company is confident that the Wii and DS market will bounce back from slum

  • News Nintendo's DS Line Out-Sells Competition in Mid-October

    Gotta buy 'em all!

    Japanese shoppers are still snapping up Nintendo's portable hardware more than any other range of systems as sales figures for the week ending 17th October shows the various DS models are top of the pile. Although Sony's PSP sold the most on an individual basis with 37,127 units, a total of 47,101 units of the Nintendo DS and all...

  • News Piracy Not to Blame for Poor Software Sales, Says Iwata

    Blame must be divvied out more evenly

    We know that the DS has suffered a great deal from the impact of piracy, with many titles failing to gain the sales they deserved, in part due to the ease with which software is pirated on the device. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata isn't convinced the blame lies squarely at the feet of pirates however,...

  • News Shantae Soundtrack Doing Great, Thanks to You

    Yes, you

    We may never know if Shantae: Risky's Revenge sells as well as WayForward hoped, what with strict limitations on the discussion of sales figures, but one aspect of the game that's definitely doing better than expected is the original soundtrack. Released at the end of September, the soundtrack by Jake "virt" Kaufman is up there...

  • News This Christmas is Critical for Wii, Admits Iwata

    Console's fortunes need a boost

    This Christmas will be the Wii's fifth holiday at retail, and there's no doubt demand for the console has cooled in recent times. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata is keenly aware of this, and knows the machine needs a strong Christmas this year or it could find itself in trouble. In a discussion with investors, Iwata...

  • News Nintendo Claims 1 in 3 UK Homes Owns a Wii

    That's a lot of machines

    Wii consoles may not be selling at quite the knock-out rate they were during their peak, but according to the latest Nintendo press release it's still passing mighty milestones, with a third of all UK households owning the machine. With government statistics putting the estimated number of UK households in the region of 26m,...

  • News Nintendo Predicts 4 Million 3DS Units to Sell in Debut Month

    That's Nintendo with its conservative hat on

    It's all very well showering us with release dates and pricing (well, for Japan anyway) and the trailers and screenshots certainly don't do any harm, but how well does Nintendo think the 3DS will perform sales-wise? Nintendo is predicting the 3DS to shift more than 4 million units by the end of the...

  • News Peter Moore Disappointed With Tiger Woods 11 Sales on Wii

    Has EA shot itself in the foot?

    EA is one of the industry's juggernauts, thanks to its array of sports franchises that release a game a year across all platforms. Whilst that is potentially lucrative, it's also a double-edged sword as each instalment needs to have significant improvements over the last, otherwise gamers won't have any incentive to...

  • News Nintendo Shows Who's Boss of the August Sales Chart

    It's them, taking ten of the top U.S. spots

    The month of July saw Nintendo dominating the U.S. sales charts, shifting more machines than its competition and moving over 192,000 happy homes for copies of Super Mario Galaxy 2. Additionally, nearly 142,000 copies of Lego Harry Potter: Years 1 to 4 were sold, making it the top-selling handheld title. So...

  • News Metroid: Other M Struggles to Ignite UK Sales Charts

    Debut at #12 for bounty hunter

    Despite getting off to a flying sales start elsewhere around the world, Metroid: Other M has faltered in its first week on sale in the UK, coming in at number 12. With a high-profile advertising campaign, generally positive reviews – including our 9/10 rating – and the always-reliable Metroid name, it's hard to see...

  • News Metroid: Other M Tops Wii Sales Charts Worldwide

    Released in Europe today

    Samus's latest adventure Metroid: Other M finally finished charging this week, blowing a hole in wallets across both North America and Japan. According to sales data compiled by Gamasutra, the bounty hunter struck gold, topping the Wii charts in both territories. Based on sales information collated from Amazon's sites for...

  • News Contain Your Surprise as Nintendo Outsells Competition in July

    650,000 units makes Big N the top dog

    The monstrous machines at the NPD Group have crunched the numbers for July and spat out an unsurprising statistic: Nintendo sold more hardware than its competition. Shifting 400,000 DS machines and 254,000 Wii consoles, the company outsold Microsoft and Sony comfortably, though with 440,000 units sold of the...

  • News UK DSi Price Goes Down, UK DSi Sales Go Up

    40% increase every week since cut

    About a month ago Nintendo announced it was dropping the cost of DS consoles to retailers, with retailers lowering the cost to consumers. It seems the move has paid off handsomely, as Nintendo has revealed the machine's sales have increased 40 per cent every week since the trade price was cut. A primetime...

  • News Iwata: Blame Poor Games Not Poor Economy for Sales Decrease

    Recession not the be-all and end-all

    Just under two months ago we shared news that software sales in the UK were at their lowest in four years, with various factors blamed. Nintendo's President Satoru Iwata has recently discussed why software sales figures have fallen worldwide, with the blame levelled at a surprising party: video game developers...

  • News Nintendo Points the Finger at the Wii for the Drop in Handheld Sales

    Lack of big sales due to big games?

    With handheld sales in the UK reaching the lowest level in the last four years, the European MD at Nintendo, Laurent Fischer, has pointed the finger at a rather unexpected culprit. Fischer feels the Wii is responsible for the drop in DS sales, with its range of big releases hogging the limelight. Speaking to MCV,...

  • News Nintendo Ranked World's Most Bankable Game Studio

    Miyamoto rumoured to plan purchase of monocle, cane

    Up from last year's runner-up ranking on the Develop 100 list of the most successful game developers, Nintendo this year took the top spot while former titleholder Blizzard Entertainment plummeted to number 80. The current champ's most profitable release this past year was Wii Fit. Eating the big...

  • News Nintendo Hardware Sees Significant Sales Slump in UK

    Wii sold 45% less than previous year, DS down 36%

    We already know that Nintendo's profits were down last year – although it's worth repeating it was still the company's third most profitable year ever – but one surprising fact is just how much British hardware sales dropped off compared to the previous year. The biggest dip was Wii, which saw a...

  • News Nintendo DS Now Best-Selling Handheld

    Record-setting Game Boy drops to second place

    Nintendo recently released its current earnings report, and it's now safe to say that the Nintendo DS system has become the best-selling handheld video game system of all time. According to Nintendo, the DS line of systems sold approximately 27.11 million units worldwide this year, bringing the total...

  • News Game Sales in UK Hit Lowest for Four Years

    Lack of releases, good weather blamed

    Those Brits love a good game, but lately it seems they don't like buying them so much: the week ending April 23rd was the slowest sales week the UK's seen in four years. That said, there was still £13.5m ringing through British tills, which some might say is quite a decent amount, though it represents a 23%...

  • News Oh Look, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Sold Better Than Expected

    Anything beats "zero," we suppose

    It took some minor licensing miracles for Capcom to get Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars outside of Japan and to a Wii near you. It was a critical and community success, but how about financially? Capcom community manager Seth Killian appeared on a Destructoid podcast to talk about the upcoming HD-bound...

  • News WiiWare Market Grows to Nearly $60M USD in 2009

    WiiWare sales are projected to overtake that of Virtual Console in the coming year. Games WiiWant? Apparently so

    It's interesting to see how both the Virtual Console and WiiWare services have been utilised by today's gamers. The act of acquiring a game via download is something that was previously only common-place in a market like the PC. Now, all...

  • News Wii Play is the US's Best-Selling Game Ever

    Beats Call of Duty, Madden... Namco Museum?!

    NPD recently revealed a list of the best-selling games in the US, and Nintendo's pack-in title Wii Play came out on top, beating every other game of the past fifteen years. That's right - those nine minigames have sold more copies than any title from the Call of Duty, Madden NFL, Grand Theft Auto and...

  • News Ubisoft Slices Sales Predictions for Red Steel 2 in Two

    500,000 still a big figure, though

    We've been keeping a close eye on Ubisoft's upcoming East-meets-West shooter Red Steel 2 - seriously, we have some of the world's best content on it, y'know - which is now due for launch in March of this year. Perhaps taking on board the recent discussion of mature games on Wii, the company has decided to lower its...