
Topic: This is what Animal Crossing could have looked like on the Wii U.

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Haru17 wrote:

There are fanboys of series—which make a singular lick of sense—and then there are fanboys of companies, who certainly do not.

I think you need to get over the idea that the people who aren't acting like we know what the NX means are "deluded fanboys". Because frankly we don't know what the NX is yet and don't know when it's coming out. Even if we did and it was replacing the Wii U ASAP that doesn't mean all the games we know are coming to Wii U are all the games its getting.

And of all the games that could still come to the Wii U? Animal Crossing is one that sells pretty damn well. It's also one where the assets have largely been built for Animal Crossing Plaza and Amiibo Festival. If there was one unannounced game still coming to Wii U it'd probably be Animal Crossing. It's foolish to straight up outrule the possibility, even more so when your only defence is to call people open to the possibility "fanboys"

Edited on by skywake

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skywake wrote:

Haru17 wrote:

There are fanboys of series—which make a singular lick of sense—and then there are fanboys of companies, who certainly do not.

I think you need to get over the idea that the people who aren't acting like we know what the NX means are "deluded fanboys".

Perhaps, but it's much more likely that this ever-so hopeful group are deluded fanboys. For fanboys and fangirls are governed by hope, expectations, and with those things comes wishful thinking. We live in the same reality, and in that reality wishful thinking—I've done it a lot—rarely if ever pans out. Especially not with capitalism. Especially not in large market endeavors.

Edited on by Haru17

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Haru17 wrote:

skywake wrote:

I think you need to get over the idea that the people who aren't acting like we know what the NX means are "deluded fanboys".

Perhaps, but it's much more likely that this ever-so hopeful group are deluded fanboys. For fanboys and fangirls are governed by hope, expectations, and with those things comes wishful thinking. We live in the same reality, and in that reality wishful thinking—I've done it a lot—rarely if ever pans out. Especially not with capitalism. Especially not in large market endeavors.

That doesn't make sense, those of us saying that we don't know what the NX is, are the ones with the least expectations and wishful thoughts.

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I think he's talking about the WiiU, and the wishful thinking that it might get a real AC game. (Which it totally could, I don't see what's the big problem).


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Morpheel wrote:

I think he's talking about the WiiU, and the wishful thinking that it might get a real AC game. (Which it totally could, I don't see what's the big problem).

That was my point to begin with, although it isn't wishful thinking on my part because I'm not fazed either way, just acknowledging a reasonable possibility.

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Oh yeah, I get that. I'm just using his words.

Your previous post just made it sound like you were [not] having wishful thoughts about the NX.


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SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

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To be honest, it would've been easier to show what Animal Crossing on Wii U WOULD have looked like.

Just upscale New Leaf and make some lame changes no one wants.

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Haru17 wrote:

Perhaps, but it's much more likely that this ever-so hopeful group are deluded fanboys. For fanboys and fangirls are governed by hope, expectations, and with those things comes wishful thinking. We live in the same reality, and in that reality wishful thinking—I've done it a lot—rarely if ever pans out. Especially not with capitalism. Especially not in large market endeavors.

Well let me tell you something about me. With me it's never about hope and high expectations. I have absolutely zero confidence in my own theories. When presenting something I have to to try and stop myself giving a lecture about how bad a job I did. It's one of my greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses. So the reason I'm always critical of other people theories isn't because I'm a dreamer. I'm critical of other theories because I have zero patience for people who aren't as sceptical of their theories as I am of mine.

With the Wii U, NX and Animal Crossing pointing out the fact that we don't know isn't fanboyism. It's a statement of the obvious. And as @shaneoh said, the idea people who think they know what the NX is aren't being wishful is nonsense. There's another thread on the forums where it's assumed that the NX is a home console with the spec of the PS4 launching in 2016 alongside Zelda. That's a very specific theory. I'd argue that the people predicting that are putting all of their hopes on that being the case. Me and others coming in and saying "maybe not, it could be none of those things" isn't fanciful. I'm on the side of the sceptics here

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Morpheel wrote:

Your previous post just made it sound like you were [not] having wishful thoughts about the NX.

As strange as it may sound, I'm not having wishful thoughts about the NX, I'm leaving myself open to being pleasantly surprised as opposed to bitterly disappointed.

The Greatest love story ever, Rosie Love (part 33 done)
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shaneoh wrote:

Morpheel wrote:

Your previous post just made it sound like you were [not] having wishful thoughts about the NX.

As strange as it may sound, I'm not having wishful thoughts about the NX, I'm leaving myself open to being pleasantly surprised as opposed to bitterly disappointed.

Well that's one way to look at it. My position is more a case of me having enough guts to say that I don't know. All the while having little patience for people who seem confident about what it is. For crying out loud all we know for sure about this thing is a codename. Everything else is rumour and speculation.

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skywake wrote:

shaneoh wrote:

Morpheel wrote:

Your previous post just made it sound like you were [not] having wishful thoughts about the NX.

As strange as it may sound, I'm not having wishful thoughts about the NX, I'm leaving myself open to being pleasantly surprised as opposed to bitterly disappointed.

Well that's one way to look at it. My position is more a case of me having enough guts to say that I don't know. All the while having little patience for people who seem confident about what it is. For crying out loud all we know for sure about this thing is a codename. Everything else is rumour and speculation.

That's the reason why I'm not excited for it. Your reason is similar to why I'm arguing with people who are adamant about what the NX is. Even when we eventually find out what it is I'll be arguing the little details we don't know about but others are adamant they do.

The Greatest love story ever, Rosie Love (part 33 done)
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Judging by the headlines over the last year and, y'know, some empirical facts, I'd say it'd be silly not to recognize the Wii U as the clear underdog to any other platform not-the-vita, present or future. Hence, with regard to Animal Crossing: U

uuuuuuuu gotta wait for it.

Don't hate me because I'm bnahabulous.


Moreover my point of "Don't expect [insert name of any reasonably not filler (Amiibo Party & Ultra Smash) game] on Wii U." is not in the least dependent on what the NX is or isn't. For the purposes of this discussion we already know what it is: the Next Big Thing. (Context clues, guys, do keep up.) Therefore I don't have to prove a single thing about the N "Hypothetical Zelda Toaster" X. Because being the 'Next Big Thing,' due to the way Nintendo has talked about it over the last year (prefacing their lack luster E3 with it, suspiciously delaying Zelda to the supposed launch window of it and such) makes its position in relation to Wii U crystal clear: the successor.

ie: The thing that probably will play that next Animal Crossing game, if that thing is not in face a phone.

Edited on by Haru17

Don't hate me because I'm bnahabulous.


Haru17 wrote:

Moreover my point of "Don't expect [insert name of any reasonably not filler (Amiibo Party & Ultra Smash) game] on Wii U." is not in the least dependent on what the NX is or isn't. For the purposes of this discussion we already know what it is: the Next Big Thing. (Context clues, guys, do keep up.) Therefore I don't have to prove a single thing about the N "Hypothetical Zelda Toaster" X. Because being the 'Next Big Thing,' due to the way Nintendo has talked about it over the last year (prefacing their lack luster E3 with it, suspiciously delaying Zelda to the supposed launch window of it and such) makes its position in relation to Wii U crystal clear: the successor.

ie: The thing that probably will play that next Animal Crossing game, if that thing is not in face a phone.

"Secrecy and ambiguous statements, make things crystal clear"

The Greatest love story ever, Rosie Love (part 33 done)
The collective noun for a group of lunatics is a forum. A forum of lunatics.
I'm belligerent, you were warned.


Haru17 wrote:

Judging by the headlines over the last year and, y'know, some empirical facts, I'd say it'd be silly not to recognize the Wii U as the clear underdog to any other platform not-the-vita, present or future. Hence, with regard to Animal Crossing: U.

I'm not saying that the Wii U is going to suddenly become a big hit. I am open to the possibility that the NX could be a home console that replaces the Wii U entirely. I don't even think you're crazy for thinking Animal Crossing on the Wii U is unlikely. I'm certainly not sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for another Wii U game, I always keep my expectations low when it comes to Nintendo. All I'm saying is that you can't pretend to know what's happening given how little we know. Remember how out of the blue Twilight Princess HD was? Nintendo is not predictable.

Is it that outlandish to suggest that the Wii U could get a few more games we don't know about? I think even if everything you assume to know about the NX turns out to be true we could still get a few more unannounced Wii U games. If you're not nostradamus and your assumptions about the NX are well off the mark? Then more Wii U games is inevitable. And of all the games that Nintendo could be ready to announce Animal Crossing is probably the most likely.

I think if anyone should be keeping their expectations in check it should be the people with the very specific NX theories. You guys are setting yourself up for disappointment. Not all of you can be correct.

Edited on by skywake

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skywake wrote:

Haru17 wrote:

Judging by the headlines over the last year and, y'know, some empirical facts, I'd say it'd be silly not to recognize the Wii U as the clear underdog to any other platform not-the-vita, present or future. Hence, with regard to Animal Crossing: U.

I'm not saying that the Wii U is going to suddenly become a big hit. I am open to the possibility that the NX could be a home console that replaces the Wii U entirely. I don't even think you're crazy for thinking Animal Crossing on the Wii U is unlikely. I'm certainly not sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for another Wii U game, I always keep my expectations low when it comes to Nintendo. All I'm saying is that you can't pretend to know what's happening given how little we know. Remember how out of the blue Twilight Princess HD was? Nintendo is not predictable.

Is it that outlandish to suggest that the Wii U could get a few more games we don't know about? I think even if everything you assume to know about the NX turns out to be true we could still get a few more unannounced Wii U games. If you're not nostradamus and your assumptions about the NX are well off the mark? Then more Wii U games is inevitable. And of all the games that Nintendo could be ready to announce Animal Crossing is probably the most likely.

I think if anyone should be keeping their expectations in check it should be the people with the very specific NX theories. You guys are setting yourself up for disappointment. Not all of you can be correct.

Out of the blue? What? It's the last portable 3D Zelda game and was leaked a whole month in advance. Exactly what threshold of 'out of the blue' does that pass!?

Moreover, I'm still not asserting anything specific about the NX.

What does seem apparent, though, is how undeniably filler some of the Wii U's titles this year have seemed. Splatoon and Xenoblade have obviously been in development for a long time, so those make for full games. However, Ultra Smash, Amiibo Festival, Mario Party 10, and TPHD are all very low-effort for Nintendo (the last one not even being developed in-house).
And Mario Maker is great, if you like that sort of thing, but no one can say that they had to make a new game. The games were already made, they just sewed them together and added a new level-building mode.

That's why it's Geoff Keighley-style inconceivable to me that they'd announce another Xenoblade, Mario, or even Star Fox-sized game for Wii U (as Animal Crossing would be). Animal Crossing prints money, especially among the casual crowd. The same crowd that isn't really on Wii U and that Nintendo really, really wants on NX.

Edited on by Haru17

Don't hate me because I'm bnahabulous.


Haru17 wrote:

Out of the blue? What? It's the last portable 3D Zelda game and was leaked a whole month in advance. Exactly what threshold of 'out of the blue' does that pass!?

A typical game is announced maybe a year in advance. Sometimes a couple of years. We were told about Wind Waker HD about 8 months before it came out and that was a nice surprise. Twilight Princess HD? 5 months. 5 months is very close to release to announce a game as big as Zelda even if it is a remake.

So what threshold of "out of the blue" does this pass? Well, pretty much any sensible measure of it I would have thought. Do games have to be announced and released on the same day for it to be a surprise announcement now? And anyways, if 5 months is NOT short notice then I don't see how that helps your argument. If 5 months isn't insane then they could release Animal Crossing U in January

Edited on by skywake

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skywake wrote:

Haru17 wrote:

Out of the blue? What? It's the last portable 3D Zelda game and was leaked a whole month in advance. Exactly what threshold of 'out of the blue' does that pass!?

A typical game is announced maybe a year in advance. Sometimes a couple of years. We were told about Wind Waker HD about 8 months before it came out and that was a nice surprise. Twilight Princess HD? 5 months. 5 months is very close to release to announce a game as big as Zelda even if it is a remake.

So what threshold of "out of the blue" does this pass? Well, pretty much any sensible measure of it I would have thought. Do games have to be announced and released on the same day for it to be a surprise announcement now? And anyways, if 5 months is NOT short notice then I don't see how that helps your argument. If 5 months isn't insane then they could release Animal Crossing U in January

Well, that's not so much 'out-of-the-blue' as it is 'announced close to release.' I just can't be surprised by something that leaked. Fallout 4, for instance, was very expected–people were even going on about in the twitch chat at E3 2014—but announced close to its release date.

And the whole short announce to release schedule thing only supports my musings that Nintendo is grasping for things to stymie the boredom of Wii U owners in the interim.

MOREOVER, does anyone even want another City Folk!? AC games have been received better on handheld for a while now.

Don't hate me because I'm bnahabulous.


I would have thought it was clear I wasn't talking about how big a surprise the announcement was when it was announced. Nor was I talking about how well Animal Crossing does on a home console vs a portable system. I was just making a point that this game could come out. That in December 2015 we can't rule out what games we'll get by December 2016. Because some games come out of the blue.

And no, the fact that Twilight Princess HD was leaked in October still makes it a game that came out of the blue. We didn't know about it at E3, we didn't know about it for a few months after E3. For example this was a post I made in early October when a "big announcement" was said to be imminent. I was surprisingly accurate:

skywake wrote:

To be fair, from the guys own tweets he was asked whether it was the results of the Smash Ballot. He responded:
"Really? In what world would that not be a 10 on the hype scale?"

Fair to say that it's probably not something as big as the NX. Surely that would be "more hype" than the results of the Smash Ballot. Well, they would be for me at least. I think we can probably also rule out stuff like Metroid or any of the other things that would be E3 megaton levels of hype. I think it's probably also fair to rule out stuff like Animal Crossing and F-Zero for similar reasons.

So given that I think it's probably something along the lines of the first mobile game. Possibly the revival of a mid-tier series like Punch-Out, Rhythm Heaven or Mario Strikers. Or it could be some nice DLC for a game like Mario Maker. Another remake of something from ten or more years ago. Really, I think the absolute most this could be is something like an announcement that we're getting a game like Twilight Princess HD by mid-2016. But it could be and probably is a hell of a lot less hype than that.

.... and in response I was told that was unlikely, too much work. That if a Twilight Princess remake was a thing it'd make more sense for the 3DS. Presumably because "this close to the NX" they're not going to be doing anything big for the Wii U. Turns out I was on the money. You want to bet against the other things I said would make sense?

Edited on by skywake

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