
Topic: The worst game you've played on Nintendo Switch?

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@Jrpglover The Stamina can be upgraded. Also, there's many ledges where you can stand on the cliffs to recover stamina as well, and tons of foods you can make that'll grant you extra stamina, or replenish your stamina.

I get the story part, since it's the weakest Zelda game story-wise.. but at the same time, the story isn't the main point of BotW. The gameplay and open air exploration are.

I never really understood the weapon breaking complaint, since without it, there'd be little to no weapon variety, and no one would use other weapons at all due to having the ones they already need.

I also agree with the End boss, except for the first phase, in which was actually pretty challenging and interesting. The second phase is just an over-glorified cutscene, since the boss doesn't even really attack you. However, just like the story, the game isn't about the ending itself. It's about the exploration of the world. Some people have yet to beat the game, since they rather just keep exploring and finding out new things.

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."


There are three weapons that will never break: Remote Bombs, Urbosa's Fury, and the Master Sword. The latter two have fairly long cooldowns, but at least you don't have to find new ones.

I'd have to say that there are games with considerably more annoying weapon durability systems than Breath of the Wild too, such as practically everything made by Bethesda prior to Skyrim.



i wouldn't say its the worst, but i didnt like the octo expansion for splatoon 2. it was just hard and i skipped most of it since i had the option. it just added a ton of bite size levels and i knew what i signed up for before i got it. shame on ME

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Hemisphere: Northern

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Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated is one of the most glitchy and underwhelming remakes of all time. I only own the Xbox One version, but a friend owned it on the Switch, and it was worse.

I wouldn't say Rehydrated is the worst game on Switch, but one of the worst from a big company like Embracer Group/THQNordic.



No Straight Roads

still a 7/10 for me though

Xbox Live Username: Annoying Frenzy
Switch Status: Purchased!


For me, Dragon's Lair.
The version ported to the Switch seemed to be lazy with the UI quality, and I'm not familiar with playing the original laserdisc based arcade game, but the actual gameplay seemed to jump straight to failure sequences with awkward cuts if you failed something.

It might just be that the original game is difficult to appreciate in spite of its novelty.



I cherish my limited print copy of A Hole New World, but the gameplay itself and its mechanic of constant shifting of perspective, made me physically ill. Not quite motion-sickness head-spinning I-drank-too-much ill, but something akin to that. Not a bad game per se, but definitely not recommended.

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Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


Baobab's Mausoleum Episode 1: Ovnifagos Don't Eat Flamingos. I love a bit of weirdness in my games (and I love Twin Peaks, which this has shades of) but it's just not a very good game. It tries to make a madcap mystery with a surreal setting and different gameplay styles (there's a first person section, for example). However, it lacks the refinement to really make any of it fun or compelling. Matter-of-fact I think the emphasis on "strangeness" made the boring, standard gameplay stand out even more. Best things I can say about it were that it was cheap and short.

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Does the Switch GUI count as a "game"? If so I vote for it.



@Magician I thought exactly the same, I know they were going for NES style graphics, but damn it hurt my eyes


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Raylax wrote:

I forget the name of it now, but some Fate musou-like I picked up real early in the Switch's life, thinking it was an official musou crossover (it was not) along the lines of Hyrule Warriors. I didn't know a thing about Fate but a friend of mine was into one of the series and I thought there could be some fun, flashy over-the-top anime nonsense to be had.

The gameplay was a shallow and repetitive clone of Musou with all the enjoyable parts removed, and it was all interspersed with just the most awful, cliche, lazily-written anime story, dialogue and characters. Couldn't stand it, went back to the shop within the week.

Fate/Extella: the Umbral Star. AKA the only Switch title I have sold back to the shop. I only got a few bucks for it, but I am never going to miss that game. Musous do tend to get boring after a while, but that one was boring from the first fight. And those pages and pages AND PAGES of terrible, unskippable conversations did my head in.

I have bought 67 games physical on the Switch. Not all of them are timeless classics, some of them are definitely in the category of guilty pleasures, but only one game has ever been so bad I actually wanted to get it off my shelf.

I could nominate a few e-shop titles for this thread, but I don't want to take potshots at games that cost me less than a tenner. FATE/Extella was a $60 game and deserves the public shaming.

Edited on by JasmineDragon

Switch FC: SW-5152-0041-1364
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


@JasmineDragon Yeah I think that was the one, thanks. I don't mind a bit of anime styling from time to time (its usually quite good at spectacle) but when things become Anime with a capital A, it tends to get real terrible real fast. I really enjoy anime as a medium, there's some fantastic stuff that gets made, but some stuff is just Anime. The only descriptor for it is Anime. It all looks the same, all the characters are the same handful of tropes, with the same handful of lines, the same handful of "jokes", and the same handful of incel fanservice. This game was way off the deep end of that.

To mention the gameplay itself briefly, its kinda funny how people dismiss actual musou games (and actual musou crossovers) as brainless button-mashing hackathons, but there's actually quite a bit of depth to them under the surface. And then there's the bargain bucket musou clones like this, and they're all dreadful, and actually fit the description of utterly brainless button-masher.

I'm similar in that I have also sold very few physical Switch games in my time, but this was one of them and I've never looked back on it.


3DS Friend Code: 0173-1400-0117 | Nintendo Network ID: RaylaxKai

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