
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Rumor and Speculation Thread

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@rallydefault even if Metroid is announced people will still complain it’s not Metroid Prime 4.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Lol totally true. For me, I'll be pumped no matter what it is... well... maybe not if it's a port of that one Metroid arena game on 3DS. Can't even remember what that was called.



@rallydefault It was called Metroid Prime Federation Force and there was also Blast Ball which was included with it but it was also a separate free download. Weirdly anti kept talking about how much he liked it.

This is interesting, Ubisoft are going to be showing off their new games at E3 on the old gen consoles to avoid a Cyberpunk type situation. It will be interesting to see if Ninty will be proving examples of games on Switch and Switch Pro in both docked and handheld if it’s real going forward.

Edited on by jump

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


I want to deny any rumor that also involves a new Metroid game coming, especially one so soon, but I do think a more powerful Switch revision is likely to happen at some point considering that a revision has already been done with the Switch Lite. Metroid has had one too many rumors that haven't materialized into actual Switch software for me to believe any of those rumors.

"The secret to ultimate power lies in the Alimbic Cluster."


What a surprise, now we are hearing rumours that the Switch Pro is actually next year. Almost like different people hear different things because no one actually knows anything whatsoever.

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Well i think it's safe to say that at some point there will be a redesign/revision. Doesn't mean we are definitely getting news on it anytime soon. Remember all the talk about the reveal being as soon as before E3 this year? Yeah Don't count on it. Only way I'd get one is if it did not have exclusives. I'm not buying another switch so i can play extra games that only play on the super switch. The PS4 pro didn't have exclusives.

Oh and they need to do something about the Wi-fi. Explain to me why my switch barely gets one bar while docked and sometimes won't connect at all but my PS4 in the same location stays connected just fine? Am i missing something here?

The Joycons i can deal with. I'd welcome an improvement but if not i can use the contact cleaner method if i have to. A real D pad would be nice.

The Switch has it's issues and it's no spring chicken anymore but if i want bleeding edge graphics or don't want to miss out on the latest third party titles i can always get a PS5 or stick with my PS4 for now.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" Optimus Prime


And the next tweet says it was a few weeks ago and couldn't be verified. And then goes on about other possibilities for a revision. How about we just wait a week before we all do the "I told you so" dance.

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An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


Slowdive wrote:

@I-U MercurySteam has worked reportedly on it for a while now. In fact, the game is said to have had a very difficult development cycle, but is likely finished or very close to being so. Similar thing happened with Metroid: Samus Returns. COVID-19 further complicated things at a studio that isn't really competent at meeting deadlines. MercurySteam has two actively developing teams, one of which has finished a project, which could be the Metroid one.

Anyone that wants or would like to have more Metroid can assume that another 2D Metroid game would follow Metroid: Samus Returns, be developed by the same team and could reasonably start expecting that game in around 2 years since that's what the closest example of Fusion and Zero Mission provides (I know that their release gap was smaller, I'm meaning 2002 to 2004). That's all possible due to most fans taking to MSR well. If it was received poorly, it wouldn't be predictable to nearly anyone that's a fan. I would actually believe the rumors more if that were the situation. When did Emily Rogers start mentioning a new 2D Metroid game would be coming to the Switch?

The first I heard about a new 2D Metroid being rumored was early last year, and it was accompanied with a rumor of a new Paper Mario game. Half of that rumor panned out, it was 50% right. If a student takes a test and receives a 50%, they failed. I don't recall who exactly put out the rumor, but I consider them getting lucky with Paper Mario. A new 2D Metroid could still be around the corner and just happened to be a no show last year. I think that it's far too predictable though and I'm not buying Nintendo being that predictable on what they will show unless they have already shown said game.

Also, the Metroid Prime Trilogy being at the Game Awards 2018 has tainted all Metroid rumors for me. That too was a predictable one to call. Bayonetta 3 gets a development teaser and then Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 come to the Switch. What other game got a similar teaser? Metroid Prime 4 did, so surely the three great games of the Metroid Prime Trilogy are coming to Switch since the Bayonetta series did. Let us run with that as a rumor off and on for almost 3 years.

"The secret to ultimate power lies in the Alimbic Cluster."


Can...can today be the day please?

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


@GrailUK No. just for saying that, it’ll now be another year so we can talk about it for another 365 days. That’ll teach you for asking.

@Slowdive I’m not totally sure what Nate or MVG have got right in the past? But I do find it odd how once anyone comes out with a rumour or leak, everyone seems to jump on it with their own apparent sources. Why do they always wait if they heard similar things?

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@FragRed Dagnabbit

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


@Slowdive Okay I can get behind that. At least he’s not trying to make it out he knows more than he actually does. Still surprised that nobody really knows a date for the reveal, something I’d have thought would be set in stone by now by Nintendo who obviously won’t announce it prior to the shadow drop of the trailer.

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED! Regular opinion articles, retro game reviews and impression pieces on new games! ENGAGE VG:


@FragRed One of them (I can't remember which) has said it's being announced on Thursday.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


@jump I’ve heard there’s an Xbox journalist or something like that, whom has also said Thursday. A lot of people were thinking Pokémon trailers would launch the day after to make up for the odd random release date announcements last week. But a Thursday reveal would certainly put doubt on that, especially if said trailers were done using new hardware.

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED! Regular opinion articles, retro game reviews and impression pieces on new games! ENGAGE VG:


@Slowdive I don’t like how he’s given himself an excuse for why it hasn’t happened should nothing come of the reveal on Thursday. Always wary when people do that.

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED! Regular opinion articles, retro game reviews and impression pieces on new games! ENGAGE VG:


'Plans can change in a minute's notice.' (tm)
'I heard that...'
'I'm told that...'
'I think...'
'I can see that...'
'...makes perfect sense.'

  • Excuse me, can you tell me where the pub is?
  • I can see that it's down the street, left at the first set of traffic lights and next to the charity shop. It makes perfect sense but of course, it could change any moment.

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


@Slowdive @GrailUK If my local pub changes at any moment, I’ll be first asking how much I’ve had to drink before stepping out the front door of my house.

I agree though, these are very often used by people who say they are in the know but aren’t necessarily. I’m not sure why someone who’s career is based around covering Xbox would have inside information on Nintendo revealing new hardware. Has he ever covered Nintendo leaks before?

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED! Regular opinion articles, retro game reviews and impression pieces on new games! ENGAGE VG:


@FragRed I think that he's probably in the jounalist circle and could have heard something indirectly. It makes perfect sense that it would be in a public toilet is what I am hearing, but last time it was a public toilet, they changed it to at the bar instead. So anything could have happened.

(runs bs translator....translation idea!)

Edited on by GrailUK

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


"Doing one's business" is an expression linked to ancient Rome, where people did actual business while being on the public toilet. No joke.

Edited on by ophone

Since January 2021 owner of my first real Nintendo "home" console.


@Slowdive If there’s a collaboration between Nintendo and Microsoft, and going by Phil Spencer always teasing things on his shelf, I’m sure there is something, he would be the kind of person who would be clued up to some degree as it would likely be needed knowledge for the collaboration. That’s just my thoughts so could be way off.

Whatever happens I kinda just wish it were today it was revealed so we can put the whole thing to rest... for about 1 minute when we all start moaning about it not being what we wanted and being impossible to get hold of even though we all moan about how we don’t actually like it

NEW WEBSITE LAUNCHED! Regular opinion articles, retro game reviews and impression pieces on new games! ENGAGE VG:

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