
Topic: If you get NSO expansion pass, would you keep Mario Kart 8 Booster Pass track DLC after that sub ends? (dumb question?)

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So basically, if you're only upgrading to expansion pack because you think the DLC adds value, you're missing a huge piece: you don't "get" the DLC as if you bought it.

Seems scammy. If you buy +Expansion, you should be able to own that content. Otherwise it's more like you're renting DLC for $50/ year when you could buy it outright for $25.

How gullible are Nintendo customers? We'll see soon enough.



I think it's pretty awesome/kind of crazy they're letting people who don't buy it or have the pass play the tracks, albeit super randomly through online play. Yea, you can go long stretches without seeing any of the new courses, but you can still see them and play them without spending a cent. That is pretty cool, honestly.

I agree, but that's kind of the future of gaming and most media it seems: renting most things through subs rather than owning. It's the same for Game Pass and will likely be the same for whatever Sony tosses into the ring. Also the same for music, movies, etc. You just have to weigh the prices and what you want. For me, I'm probably just keeping base-level NSO and straight up buying the DLC.

Edited on by rallydefault



Yeah, I have the DLC on preorder as well, while keeping my regular NSO sub. Always loved Mario Kart anyway, so it's the kind of thing that I'd want to keep for good.

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ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
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Yea, that's my reasoning.

I'm sure I will get the Expansion Pass at some point (probably when they restock the controller), but I want to own this DLC no matter what happens with their online stuff. As we're seeing with the eShop drama, online offerings can be taken away, so I want this on my system without any kind of subscription check.



@rallydefault Yeah absolutely! I went ahead and got the ACNH DLC the same way, buying it outright. I do want to see what else they'll add or do with the expansion pack before I go out and buy it, the N64 games are currently the only ones that interest me and I don't really feel like spending all that money on the expansion right now.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


I would rather buy it. They try to make out you're getting a good deal upgrading to the Expansion with the Animal Crossing DLC and now this but you're not, it's just a rip off. As soon as your sub runs out the DLC stops working.

Edited on by RubyCarbuncle


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jump wrote:

Apparently if you get it through the pass you will need to be on the internet when launching the game otherwise you can't access the DLC. That will be annoying, I like playing my Switch on my travels where there's no wi-fi.

I'm fairly sure with the other NSO stuff it sets some sort of timestamp when you check which allows you to use it for a period of time without checking again. Haven't tested the length of time myself, probably a couple of weeks or something. Probably in the same area as the pre-order check

BadWaluigii wrote:

So basically, if you're only upgrading to expansion pack because you think the DLC adds value, you're missing a huge piece: you don't "get" the DLC as if you bought it.

Seems scammy. If you buy +Expansion, you should be able to own that content. Otherwise it's more like you're renting DLC for $50/ year when you could buy it outright for $25. How gullible are Nintendo customers? We'll see soon enough.

Excuse Australian pricing but it's $37.50AU for the DLC and $60AU for NSO+ Expansion. And it was also $37.50AU for the Animal crossing DLC. Lets say we also get more DLC down the road, maybe another two for this year also at $37.50AU. Lets say I'm into both of these DLC packs.... if so the expansion pack has already paid for itself not just for the first year but for three months into the next year

Now if we don't get any further DLC? Ok sure, buying outright makes more sense. But what if we do? This thing has existed for just over three months and already there are two known DLCs that are being sold outright for more than half the yearly price of the service. If that continues? You only have to be into 2 out of every 5 DLCs for it to pay for itself

And that's before considering the discount per-person on the family plan, the value of online in general and the base NSO, the voucher discounts, the exclusive NSO titles like Tetris 99 and the N64/Mega Drive titles in the expansion. At this point I'd argue people buying it outright are the ones giving Nintendo additional money. For me? I'm ok with losing access to these DLCs if I ever choose to stop paying for NSO. And if they throw a Wii U/3DS eshop on us? Well stuff em at that point, there are other means.......

Edited on by skywake

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