
Topic: Drifting joy-con in Smash Ultimate and Octopath traveler

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Recently I noticed joy-con drifting while browsing the voice-menu of Smash ultimate. Everytime I want to listen to the voices of a couple of characters this happens. So far the rest of the game works fine. Now I recently started playing Octopath traveler, and there it also happens in the battle menu's. Again, the rest of the game works fine. Maybe its something I have to live with, but its strange nonetheless. A couple of hours after playing I "Switched" my Switch on again and went to the calibration screen. There everything seemed fine. I always play in handheld mode.



Did you update the controllers.



This is a common joy-con fault, the drifting. I had to send one back to Nintendo for repair. Fortunately it was just within the one-year window of the guarantee.

Switch ID: 5948-6652-1589
3DS ID: 2492-5142-7789


I just replaced my right Joycon due to drift, and got a GameStop refurb one with a one year warranty. Was only out $24, so that may be an option for you.

The joycons don’t seem to be as long lasting as previous Nintendo products.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


I had this problem last year with both of my left joycons. Cleaning behind and lifting the rubber flap under the sticks help but it comes back. Made me get the Pro controller and it’s absolutely great and should’ve just got one straight away

We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.


The durability of these things is ludicrous. It's like Nintendo made them uncomfortable and frail on purpose so everyone buys a pro controller.

I only use joy-cons if I really have to like with Snipperclips and Star Link.

A piece of the Triforce appeared before you! (>'.')> Touch it now!

3DS Friend Code: 2621-2624-1857 | Nintendo Network ID: Acegamer-62


If it's under warranty then your best option is to send it to Nintendo for repairs. If it's not then you can try repairing it yourself (do an internet search for tips, although they seem have limited success), or buy new JoyCons.

The Mountain Man


Thanks for the replies! My Switch is still in the warranty, I think. I didn´t buy at Wall-Mart, but at (dutch online-shop. I live in Holland). I might send them to Nintendo. But for me it only occurs during menu's, so maybe I decide to just live with it. Oh, and I did update them when there where updates available.



@Henmii It's going to get worse, though. It's not an issue that is related to software, so it's just coincidental that it has occurred in menus and not in a game yet. If it were me, I'd run it in while the warranty is active.


Switch Friend Code: SW-7842-2075-5515 | My Nintendo: HobbitGamr | Nintendo Network ID: HobbitGamr


JackEatsSparrows wrote:

The joycons don’t seem to be as long lasting as previous Nintendo products.

It is disappointing, especially with Nintendo's reputation for making bulletproof hardware. I had a release-day 3DS that worked like new for years. I gave it to my wife when I got a New 3DS XL, and she traded it in last year to buy herself a New 2DS XL. My daughter had a 3DS that took a hell of a beating to the point that it was literally held together with tape, but it still worked! We eventually sent it to Nintendo for repairs, and they sent back a refurbished 3DS XL instead, which pleased my daughter immensely.

The Mountain Man



I feared as much. Might send it in after all, but I will overthink the whole matter a bit longer I guess.

Edited on by Henmii



I have one last question guys: A very tight protection-case, is that a reason why my joy-con is drifting? I mean, I use one of the plastic bags that came with the system. And I fold it a bit, so it sits very tightly around my Switch. Maybe that's bad for the analogue sticks?



I also have this dreaded issue that started in October of 2018, way over my warranty, sadly. I bought mine in August 2017. Had no issues till then. For now, I've missed out on so many Spirit Board-exclusive Spirits, which really making me angry. I wish Nintendo would make it easier for some of us that want EVERY single Spirit without having to grind too many countless hours trying to get Spirits within 4 minutes. Its a hit or miss forever situation for me, and it really bummers me out. If I had to rate it, I'd give it a 3.

Wikipedia editor on video game lists

Switch Friend Code: SW-6132-3898-2896 | Nintendo Network ID: MarioSmashFan95 | Twitter:

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