
Topic: Digital Board Games on Switch

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We have Monopoly (ugh...), Sumer, which I understand is a worker-placement game, and we know Asmodee is going to release Carcassone on Switch, followed by other games.
There's also Tactical Mind which is its own game and which is a delightful brain teaser. It's pretty difficult to design an abstract game well these days, so I find it quite an achievement!

Any other board games that you'd want to see turn up in digital form on Switch? There's quite a few of them on consoles, PC and mobile already, though Switch's unique feature could make it a bit of an alternative to physically owning boxes upon boxes of board games. Although the trade off would have to be lack of any secret information, since player's can't hold any cards only they have access to when there's only one monitor – unless you design a multi-device game.

There are two titles that already have digital releases that come to my mind.
First would be Neuroshima Hex. It's a game in which players place their units on a board in sort of a Mexican stand-off, until someone plays the Battle token or all the tokens are played. Units are activated according to their initiative and interact with each other based on placement.
In the physical version shuffling and drawing the tokens is a bit of a hassle as they are quite thick, and resolving initiatives is ironically the least fun part of the game. It's just going through motions, with high probability of mistakes. I'd gladly leave this part to the CPU.

The second one would be Blood Bowl! Now this is a pretty hectic, dice-heavy game of fantasy football, where playing dirty is standard, as the ref is looking the other way most of the time – or is paid to do so. It's crazy, it's fun, it's tactical enough... And is very expensive to collect due to being a Games Workshop miniatures game. What's worse is waiting for your team to get released – to date only one of the 4 elven teams has been released (and it's the arguably most boring Elven Union), goblins were released a lot later than orcs (you can mix them) and some models are premium-priced Forge World exclusives. There are alternate miniatures manufacturers that make "fantasy football" models, but they can get even costlier still.
Which is why a digital version is great: Blood Bowl 2 on Steam has 8 teams base, with another 8 in the expansion + 8 single team DLCs. Yes, it does seem like locking a huge part of the roster behind a paywall, but it's cheaper than the plastic. And I suspect a Switch version would come with all of those bundled into a Definitive Edition.




I'd buy Ticket To Ride in an instant if it gets ported to the Switch. The relative simplicity of the game combined with the portability of the Switch would make it a perfect game to play with others.



@SmaggTheSmug Conflict of Heroes, Mice & Mystics, Shadowrun: Crossfire and Elder Sign would be dreams come true for me.

One thing I feel really bad about is how much I've neglected my boardgaming since the Switch came out. At least if I had these on Switch I could say "at least it's BASED ON a boardgame!"

Switch FC: SW-5152-0041-1364
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


Stumbled upon this thread, thought i'd add our game to the list for those who browse through here in the future.

Light Fingers is a magical mechanical board game where you play as thieves trying to out loot each other while exploring a randomly generated world. Stealing from shops, raiding dungeons and playing cards to your advantage you'll be evading the guards and out running each other to prove who's most deft!


@JasmineDragon, you know there's been several tactical RPGS based on that board-game....? Which I'd love to get on Switch

Steam: Bruce_CM


I am surprised there is no info about Star Realms coming to Switch. It already has mobile and PC versions and they share accounts. There might be some kerfuffle making all those versions sharing the account with Switch, but there are already games like Fortnite that got around it. It's a quintessential deckbuilder.




BruceCM wrote:

@JasmineDragon, you know there's been several tactical RPGS based on that board-game....? Which I'd love to get on Switch

Which one are you talking about? I do know that Elder Sign has a mobile version. But I'm not crazy about playing games on my phone. Switch or tabletop for me.

Switch FC: SW-5152-0041-1364
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.


I'm sure they were on PC or something before a couple came to Android.... They'd be awesome on Switch!

Steam: Bruce_CM


Only board game I want isn't based on an actual board game, I just want Fortune Street....For a split-second of seeing the reveal for Monopoly on Switch, I thought it was Fortune Street, only to be disappointed. TwT

Isn't the most recent game on PS3 or something? What happened to that series? I don't even think that version was localized. :c

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Looks like one company to watch about this topic is Acram Digital. They have already ported Istanbul to Switch and are working on more digital board games. They were at Pixel Heaven this year, but I completely ignored their booth due to being too busy with physical board games (I was helping with those).

Edited on by SmaggTheSmug



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