
Topic: Your recommended unsung Switch games

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I probably have too many to mention.

20XX - It's like Dead Cells, but Mega Man.

Alwa's Awakening - There are tons of retro/pixel art games out there, but this one sort of feels more authentically retro to me. It's not a must-have, but it is a very solid game.

Bad North - It's a pretty fun RTS game. Easy to pick up and learn, but it gets very challenging as you progress.

Black Bird - A very quirky shmup about a girl that turns into an egg and then a bird that just showers destruction upon everything.

Blade Strangers - A traditional style fighting game with a bunch of indie characters and Smash-style inputs for attacks and special moves.

Devil Engine - Shmup with great pixel art and soundtrack.

Forgotton Anne - A puzzle-platformer that is not terribly long or deep, but the art style is superb. It feels like you are playing a cartoon.

Hidden Folks - Yeah, it was a mobile game, but it's got a lot of charm. It's like a black and white Where's Waldo/Wally.

Iro Hero - A copycat of Ikaruga that is generally considered to be nowhere near as good as Ikaruga. But when it's on sale for like $4 (as I believe it is right now), I think it's worth it. Good chunky pixel art and an enjoyable soundtrack.

Jettomero - This game is incredibly simplistic and not very deep at all, but the visual style is striking and the soundtrack is super chill. It's a nice game to relax and kill some time with, but there's not much to it.

Kingdom New Lands/Two Crowns - Another series with great pixel graphics and music. It's a mix of kingdom management and tower defense. It's a game that's hard at first, then pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I love these games, and they might be my favorite on this list.

Road Redemption - In this game, you race around on a motorcycle while simultaneously beating up other people on motorcycles. It's a little rough around the edges, but it's good fun and pretty addictive.

Strikey Sisters - It's a brick-breaker style game, but instead of a moving paddle, you are person who can swing your sword to knock the ball towards the bricks and enemies. It's good arcade fun, with very 80s/90s music and cheesy voice acting.

Super Treasure Arena - It's a twin-stick battle arena game. It's very unfortunate that it doesn't have online multiplayer, but as a couch multiplayer game, it's a lot of fun.

This barely scratches the surface of what I have, haha. But I think it generally covers the underrated games I have been playing the most so far.



I'll admit I mostly own bigger-name titles on Switch, but I really enjoyed Assault Android Cactus. If you're into Twin Stick Shooters you owe it to yourself to play this one. Valkyria Chronicles 4 and Y's VIII are also two great JRPGs that seem to have been forgotten by a lot of people.

Nintendo & Steam ID: R_Champ


My hidden gems / not so popular Switch games:
1. Portal Knights
2. Yonder the Cloud Catcher Chronicles
3. Youtubers Life OMG Edition
4. LABO TOY CONS 01 Variety Kits
5. Poi: Explorer Edition



Even amount big titles there's a lot of underdogs like Disagea 5 Complete and Valkyria Chronicles 4. Highly recommend checking them out.


Switch Friend Code: SW-6514-9557-3207 | My Nintendo: Cut3Panda | Nintendo Network ID: SNES64DD


I have finished Yonder for 8 days in a row last July 2018. Maybe around 20+ hours gameplay.
Poi.... I still haven't finished yet. 😅
It was around 10+ hours gameplay.



Use Your Words is a really fun party game, as long as you have the right group of friends.


King Oddball - game is fairly simple and addictive but the aesthetic and and music (think twelve monkeys movie theme) make it really enjoyable to sit and play. Also it's normally like £1.50 on sale

See ya!


Played it on PC, but West of Loathing is also on Switch, and that game is 100% great turn-based RPG game. With tons of comedy on top.




I love West of Loathing - everyone should play that! It's so funny. I'm stuck though for some reason at Frisco where I've discovered Fort Unnecessary, Abandoned Mine, Last Custard Stand and Jewelers Cabin but can't find anything else and don't know what puzzles i need to complete



@Magonigal hmmm, it has been some time since I last played (almost a year), but taking a look over at the wikipedia might not be bad idea. Or just keep searching maybe you'll find more area. There's tooooons of them.




Yeah, i'll check the wiki thanks. I played non-stop for ages discovering places because it was so much fun but not for a long time now and would like to finish the game



Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders - It's a bit rough around the edges graphically (it's apparently a mobile port, but it has no microtransactions), but it's a pretty fun dogfighter, IMO. Scratched that Ace Combat itch.

Hot Gimmick Cosplay-Jong - Yeah it's a fanservice game, but it actually centers on real Mahjong (not the tile matching "solitaire" variety you usually see in the west), and I actually really liked going online to learn the rules so I could get better at it. There's no saving, so I found it really satisfying to make it to the end (it's based on a 90's arcade cabinet, which is much more adult in it's content than the Switch version is).

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


I feel SLIME SAN is never talked about, it is an amazing platformer with tons of content. IMO it looks really nice and sounds pretty good and the controls are great. This game also has a lot of puns and jokes, not as many as WEST OF LOATHING has (also an amazing game) but still a good amount. OCTODAD is another amazing game with lots of charm not to mention fun and aggravating multiplayer. DoEs BreATh Of ThE WiLd CoUnT aS a HiDdEn GeM.



I'm not sure its unsung since Nintendo fans in particular really like these games, but I don't think the port got the attention it did when it first came out on 3DS. So, Steamworld Heist is one of the only strategy games I love, and you should play it. It's awesome. It's a unique, fun take on the genre, and unlike most games in the genre, it respects your time.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


Yeah Steamworld Heist is amazing and so are all the Steamworld games.

Here's some more -

Bulb Boy - A totally weird and freaky point and click adventure game

Poly Bridge - A solid 3d bridge builder that looks cool and you can zoom right in as your vehicle goes over and crashes to its doom

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime - This is one of the most awesome multiplayer games around. Up to four people control a space ship so someone steers, there's guns on each side and a shield so you can't cover everything and you have to shout at each other to move around. It's so much fun

1001 Ultimate Mahjong - A huge game with 1001 puzzles and new ones coming out daily. You can't really lose at it but it's very relaxing and good for your concentration and pattern spotting

Vandals - Kind of a Lara Croft Go or Hitman Go type of game where you take a turn then the police move. Looks nice and you get to draw your own grafitti

Goonya Fighters - Just come out and kind of a crazy physics fighter for up to four players, sort of like Gang Beasts

Broforce - An in-your-face 2d destructible landscape shooting game which you can play local multiplayer

Pool Panic - Kind of a pool game but not really. Weird puzzler adventure where you knock ball-like characters into all sorts of holes with obstacles

StikBold Deluxe - A multiplayer dodgeball game where there's a co-op adventure or arena shoot-outs

One More Dungeon - A 3d pixel-art doom-like dungeon crawler with permadeath. Bit tricky but fun to explore the randomly generated dungeons

Mark of the Ninja Remastered - A really fun and hard 2d stealth game where your acrobatic ninja has to infiltrate enemy strongholds and you're free to choose your routes and plans

Element - A 3d mini RTS game where you play on miniature planets which you can zoom in/out and rotate. Simple controls make it a very easy to learn RTS

Edited on by Magonigal


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