
Topic: Do you prefer 3rd party over 1st party Nintendo games?

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@FishyS With FFXVI, you can pretty much almost guarantee it's never coming to Xbox given the whole FFVII Remake situation:

  • Launch on April 10th 2020 with 1 year exclusivity
  • PS5 version (Intergrade) launch on June 10th 2021 with 6 months exclusivity
  • Epic Game Store version launch on December 16th 2021 with 6 months exclusivity
  • Steam version launch on June 17th 2022
  • Still no sign of Xbox version

So pretty much if you want FFXVI on a console you need the PS5, maybe things change whenever Nintendo releases a more powerful system given we don't know if the current situation with FFVII Remake is about specifically blocking Xbox or about permanent console exclusivity.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


Exclusives really drive the point home of Nintendos IP for me. I buy Nintendo consoles for their IP and games. There's no other developer I'd do this for (if they released consoles).
Stuff like Final Fantasy XVI, or whatever else, is never enough to entice me to buy the system they're exclusive for. The last time I bought a console for the exclusives that wasn't Nintendo was the Dreamcast.



Here is another things.
3rd party games are very important for me as the games have wide variety in genre so I can expand my gaming experiences from them.
Games are very subjective things.
Some peoples like 1st party Nintendo games.
Some other peoples like 3rd party games.
Other peoples like both of them.
My case I prefer 3rd party games more than 1st party Nintendo games due to my different life experiences and opportunity.
I didn't grew up by N64 and Gamecube games during my teenhood in early 2000's so my gaming experiences have been shaped from 3rd party games on PS1 & PS2, so those games really shaped the genre I like to play and became my standard of interesting games I want to play.
I got reintroduced by 1st party Nintendo games from Wii games but there were some of those games I never have interest with them even until today.
Since I didn't even grow up by action games with adult looking characters, so I didn't even have any interest with zelda games, fire emblem, xenoblade, etc.
I grew up by a lot of cartoonish games for kids even during PS1 & PS2 era, the kids games from Wii and NDS really amplified my hype for more 3rd party kids games as I like to play cute looking games.
So, from all these experiences, I don't have very strong interest with certain 1st party Nintendo games since from my perspective, the games like zelda or splatoon or xenoblade will be never look interesting for me regardless of any opinion from other peoples.
Those games just don't look interesting at all for me, why should I force myself to play uninteresting games to be same like other peoples?

Here are the hype meter of 1st party Nintendo games I played.
ARMS = Very High
ACNH = Very High
Mii games= Moderate
1-2-Switch = Moderate
Style Savvy = Moderate
Pokemon games = Low
Dillon's Dead Heat Breakers = Low
Mario games = Low
Kirby games = Very Low
Metroid Prime Federation Force = Almost dead
Wind waker Wii U = Almost dead



Anti-Matter wrote:

Those games just don't look interesting at all for me, why should I force myself to play uninteresting games to be same like other peoples?

Do you force yourself to play these games?



I have forced myself to play wind waker Wii U when the last minute I saw the game was available on my local online shopping website with quite expensive price but the cheapest option. I have zero interest with any zelda game until suddenly I felt I want to take a risk by picking wind waker Wii U while it was still available and I played for quite long.
My first reaction was like what is this game.
It was like normal adventures games I have ever played from 3rd party games but my hype with wind waker lost again after I played Story of Seasons Friends of Mineral Town on PS4.
After some thought, maybe... maybe I can get along well a little bit from toon link since I have interest with cartoonish chibi looking but... It doesn't mean I will play other zelda games in realistic looking.
I have forced myself to play wind waker Wii U and my thought... It was okay, not really interesting... But I still have very very low hype with that game.

Edited on by Anti-Matter



This sounds like you tried something and you didn't like it. But from earlier I sounded like you regularly force yourself to play games you don't like so you can be like everyone else.

Obviously, you don't have to do that. I don't think anyone cares that you don't like certain games. And if they do, just ignore them. Just enjoy the games you enjoy.

Edited on by Purgatorium



I’m with @Anti-Matter. 3rd party titles give diversity to the Nintendo lineup. For better or worse, Nintendo titles have become very formulaic and while they generally evolve the core game concepts with each titles it’s more or less the same. Third party titles have an opportunity for exposure to innovative game concepts, or at least just different gameplay. I still love playing games like Super Mario Bros and Metroid, but have moved on to playing almost exclusively co-op games like Monster Hunter and Minecraft, which is a field Nintendo only dabbled in with games like Dragalia Lost.



@Anti-Matter it's interesting that Kirby is so low on your list. It's one if the most cartoony-for-kids franchises Nintendo has. Just goes to show that even though people have preferences for general types of games, individual games can break the trend.

Personally I find Arms and Splatoon kind of similar. Both are colorful and cartoony fighting games. Splatoon is a bit less violent but also has the focus on teamplay so obviously they're not the same at all but my brain still puts them in the same category.

Back to the third party question, Skywake makes an excellent point at just how much the Nintendo IP sells consoles like Switch. In theory Switch is an excellent reasonably priced machine for playing indies and third party games, especially for people who don't care about the mega-graphics PS5 type games. This was even more true before semi-competitors like steam deck existed. However I think the vast majority of people bought Switch with Nintendo IP in mind.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I personally find the question weird. "3rd party" is an entirely meaningless distinction when it comes to game quality. Specific developers matter, for sure, but the term "3rd party" lumps them all together and reduces the term to nothing.



I have very low hype with Kirby games since I only have Kirby game Star Allies as my first time playing Kirby game.

ARMS and ACNH are my biggest hype since both of them are the games with genre I like the most (Boxing and Life Sim games).



@Anti-Matter I only played the demo of Star Allies but I kind of hated it. Kirby has some great games and some pretty mediocre ones.

ACNH will always be one of the stars of the Switch generation; definitely a good game.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Purgatorium wrote:

I personally find the question weird. "3rd party" is an entirely meaningless distinction when it comes to game quality. Specific developers matter, for sure, but the term "3rd party" lumps them all together and reduces the term to nothing.

Ding ding!

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


Anti-Matter wrote:

But as a human, you know one thing maybe never enough so the unique experiences from 1st party Nintendo games still not enough for me as I keep expanding my gaming experiences from other games so I can adapt with new games quickly.
Sometimes, the different experiences from 1st party Nintendo games are not interesting for me after I got the comparison from 3rd party games for similar games. Let's say Rhythm Heaven vs DDR.

From my perspective, the Rhythm concept from Rhythm Heaven was unique by using random characters to show the rhythm patterns that you must press the button, but Rhythm Heaven is not the right model for a decent rhythm games for my taste as the rhythm games like DDR / Beatmania IIDX / other Rhythm games by Konami already set the bars really really high and those Rhythm games became my standard by providing banger musics, interesting U/I design, difficulty degrees, challenging stepcharts, scoring system, etc.
Rhythm Heaven is unique rhythm game but without the design like DDR or other Rhythm games by Konami, Rhythm Heaven looks straight flat and boring for me.
The uniqueness from Rhythm Heaven just simply useless for me as I want something cool from Rhythm games, not the weird looking things.
And thus I still prefer 3rd party games over than 1st party Nintendo games when the uniqueness from 1st party Nintendo games don't even working on me.

RH isn’t trying to be Nintendo ddr, which is just fine, but it is a rhythm game, that Nintendo owns, so if you were to play said type of game, and if you like said type of game, chances are you will like rhythm haven, now that’s not the case for everyone of course, but it’s still something A person CAN do, now maybe for you that’s not the case, but it can be for someone else, now I can’t speak for everyone but I know if I wanted too, I could just play first partys titles for a wile.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


I do like the occasional snippets of Anti I see in this thread, makes me aware of how completely off the rails this thread must look like to some. There is some blatant irony in that last post. Kinda amusing that someone could say with a straight face that they keep expanding their gaming experiences and are super open minded about what's out there. Then goes on a tirade about how Nintendo doesn't make this very specific genre of game. Before dismissing a Nintendo published title entirely because of "the look of it" and then Nintendo published titles entirely

Kinda reminds me of when I was like 15 and was super obnoxious about not liking very specific genres of music. I'd go on forums like this and rant punk was all the same, that rap was garbage, country was for rednecks, pop was trash. But then I grew up and realised that labels are dumb and what matters is whether or not the thing itself is good. And in hindsight realised that, in fact, when I was making those arguments I was either being entirely dishonest or I was just completely ignorant of a whole range of artists

Saying you don't like an entire category of art? I mean, you can feel that way if you must. And maybe you legitimately do. But it's a bit unwise to cut yourself off from entire collections of works because of some arbitrary category or worse some image you're trying to project. Doing that is quite literally the reverse of "expanding your experiences". Saying "Rhythm Heaven looks straight flat and boring for me" is, frankly, as dumb as me when I was 15 saying I didn't like Rap while simultaneously liking The Avalanches, Beastie Boys, Hilltop Hoods and Outkast. Just.... super dumb....

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


Anti-Matter wrote:

I have very low hype with Kirby games since I only have Kirby game Star Allies as my first time playing Kirby game.

ARMS and ACNH are my biggest hype since both of them are the games with genre I like the most (Boxing and Life Sim games).

Star Allies, while I liked it, is not a very strong entry in the Kirby series. You might want to check out the other two Switch games (both have demos) or, if you have a 3DS, pick up the 3DS ones. Triple Deluxe especially.



Star Allies was the only Kirby game I can make a Friend and they became helpful NPCs during the battle.
I have a plan to get Kirby Forgotten Island & Return to Dreamland Deluxe but it seems I have to buy them very late as my hype currently is looking for more 3rd party games.



Anti-Matter wrote:

Star Allies was the only Kirby game I can make a Friend and they became helpful NPCs during the battle.
I have a plan to get Kirby Forgotten Island & Return to Dreamland Deluxe but it seems I have to buy them very late as my hype currently is looking for more 3rd party games.

It's not the only game where you can do that, though the other is old. Kirby Super Star on the SNES and its remake on the DS, which is the one I played. It's on NSO if you want to try it.



skywake wrote:

I do like the occasional snippets of Anti I see in this thread, makes me aware of how completely off the rails this thread must look like to some. There is some blatant irony in that last post. Kinda amusing that someone could say with a straight face that they keep expanding their gaming experiences and are super open minded about what's out there. Then goes on a tirade about how Nintendo doesn't make this very specific genre of game. Before dismissing a Nintendo published title entirely because of "the look of it" and then Nintendo published titles entirely
Kinda reminds me of when I was like 15 and was super obnoxious about not liking very specific genres of music. I'd go on forums like this and rant punk was all the same, that rap was garbage, country was for rednecks, pop was trash. But then I grew up and realised that labels are dumb and what matters is whether or not the thing itself is good. And in hindsight realised that, in fact, when I was making those arguments I was either being entirely dishonest or I was just completely ignorant of a whole range of artists

Saying you don't like an entire category of art? I mean, you can feel that way if you must. And maybe you legitimately do. But it's a bit unwise to cut yourself off from entire collections of works because of some arbitrary category or worse some image you're trying to project. Doing that is quite literally the reverse of "expanding your experiences". Saying "Rhythm Heaven looks straight flat and boring for me" is, frankly, as dumb as me when I was 15 saying I didn't like Rap while simultaneously liking The Avalanches, Beastie Boys, Hilltop Hoods and Outkast. Just.... super dumb....

Yeah that’s my thing of why not both? I remember going to a music festival as a kid and my group of friends was very alt/hard rock/punk focussed and I decided against seeing The Flaming Lips who was playing there because of the group not being into them as they are too hippy indie, I saw them years later and they were bloody awesome and I regretted not seeing them earlier especially for some meh forgotten rock band.

Plus you know if I’m willing to play/listen to all types it means I can more easily validate my opinions (especially the pretentious ones) about how something is utterly rubbish or something is utterly brilliant by not being ignorant of what’s out there.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Long time no see some discussions here about 1st party vs 3rd party games.
Another reasons why I prefer 3rd party games because the developers can mix and match two or more different genres into new game experience.
For example from Dragon Quest Builders and Portal Knights that got inspiration from Minecraft.
I personally do not like Minecraft at all, but I really like Portal Knights and Dragon Quest Builders games because the characters & environments are not blocky and they are match with my taste so they quickly became my favorites since the gameplay are combination of Minecraft style with action combat + Animal Crossing / The Sims style home furnishing.

Nintendo still haven't have game like this.
The only life sim game with terraforming aspect from Nintendo was ACNH and it was not literally Minecraft style.
If Nintendo make a new IP with genre like Portal Knights / Dragon Quest Builders, I will gladly liking the game.



@Anti-Matter I mean... Nintendo might not happen to have a game like Dragon Quest Builders, but there is nothing about being a first party company that is stopping them. Nintendo is making what appears to be a rogue-like in their Splatoon DLC which is an even crazier mashup of different genres. Nintendo also combined exercise game and rpg. 😆The only fundamental reason there are more genre mashups in third party games than first party is because there are far more third party games developed than the relatively few first party. I also play more third party games, not because they are better, but because there are more of them. 😝

That said, I would love an animal crossing game with more extensive building and terraforming aspects. And I agree Dragon Quest Builders is a great game. I wish Nintendo would do more crazy genre mashups because they are often really fun when they do do them.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241

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