

Playstationing since 1995

Comments 432

Re: Round Table: Let's Talk Mario Wonder - Surprises, Badges, Difficulty, New Characters


Loving the game. Badges are fantastic and my favorite part (other than the wonder seeds)—a “play your way” mechanic which I really appreciate so far. Challenge ebbs and flows, which is… fine (looking forward to tackling all of Special World). It’s definitely too cute, and the story and constant chatter is annoying, but the game is really fun overall. Heading to World 6, hoping for: a) more challenge, b) weird unexpected movement badges, and c) more interesting levels. 8.5/10 right now. ☑️

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Super Mario Bros. Wonder?


Enjoying it so far, but something just isn’t resonating with me. Maybe it’s the overly cute design (not vibing with the overall art direction) or the simplicity in some of the levels. Also I really want to ride Yoshi…
I’ve only just got through the first castle, so probably too early to give a full sentiment. Right now, 8/10.

Re: Talking Point: After Three Months, What's Your Zelda: TOTK Completion Percentage?


0% because one of my third graders (rightfully) convinced me to actually finish Breath of the Wild first, so I’ve been (joyfully) clearing as much of it as possible this summer. Beat Calamity Ganon, and now just wrapping up shrines, leveling up gear, and finding those pesky Koroks. Such a fantastic game! I’d love to say I’ll start Tears of the Kingdom soon, but…

Re: Best Pikmin Games


Pikmin 4 is my first Pikmin game, and I love it SO MUCH. I definitely would like to play 1 and 2 when I’m finished—gotta do my Pikmin history homework! 🌱