Tag: Agdq
Random Games Done Quick Just Featured Its First-Ever Speedrunning Dog
Peanut Butter & Gyromite
Peanut Butter the Shiba Inu is officially the best boy in the world. This adorable pup has made history by completing a speedrun on the world stage at Games Done Quick's bi-annual speedrunning event, AGDQ 2024. With the help of his owner and human speedrunner JSR_, Peanut Butter has been training to wow the world with a...
Round Up SGDQ 2023 - The Best Nintendo Speedruns
Thank you, chef
Games Done Quick's second speedrun marathon of 2023 is over, and what an event it was. Held much earlier than previous years, Summer Games Done Quick 2023 kicked off on 28th May and concluded on 4th June, raising a staggering $2,239,204 (and counting) for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières. Jam-packed with hundreds...
News New Super Mario Galaxy 2 Speedrun World Record Set In Thrilling Live Race
Speedrunner Jhay beats his own record
Update [Wed 11th Jan, 2023 22:30 GMT]: The VOD is now live on YouTube, so you can check out the whole race in the video above! AGDQ 2023 is underway right now, and if you haven't been watching it already, you've been missing some cracking speedruns from the very best runners in the world. And yesterday, a...
Guide A Guide To AGDQ 2023 -- Which Speedruns To Watch, And When
Pokémon, Zelda, and all the other games
Another year is here, and with it comes another Awesome Games Done Quick — the annual speedrunning charity marathon that raises millions of dollars for worthwhile causes each year. With speedrunning as the theme, let's get stuck into our guide to the event ASAP: A Guide To AGDQ 2023: Where and when...
Feature Someone Did An AGDQ Speedrun Of Legendarily Awful CD-i Game, Zelda's Adventure. Why?!
"Radical dude, totally!"
Speedrunner Douggernaught almost exclusively plays bad games. With world records in Ripened: Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love (the Japan-only sequel to Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland) and legendarily awful CD-i game, Zelda's Adventure, Doug's self-described hobby is "Bad Games Fast". Awesome Games Done Quick is an...
News Awesome Games Done Quick 2022 Breaks Record For Money Raised
AGDQ, the annual charity speedrunning marathon, has set a record this year for its fundraising — fantastic news, considering that the first COVID-19 online-only event last year resulted in a dip in funds. In January 2020, AGDQ raised $3,164,002 for the Prevent Cancer Foundation, over half a million more than its previous year's...
Random This 17-Minute Stardew Valley Speedrun Doesn't Go As You Might Expect
Bombs are involved
If you're a keen follower of the speedrunning community then you'll be aware that there are two distinct camps: those who play by the rules and those who don't. While many speedrunners focus on sticking within the rules of the game to earn the best time, others look for exploits and hacks which allow them to shave minutes off...
Random AGDQ's Pokémon Crystal Speedrun Race Ended In A Written Apology To Bulbasaur
Bulbasaur loser
[Update: Thu 13th Jan, 2022 18:10 GMT] You can now watch the VOD recording of the stream above! And you can read Shenanagans' apology, too: ...And you can now use a brand-new Shenanasaur emote on Twitch: [Original: Wed 12th Jan, 2022 20:30 GMT] Awesome Games Done Quick, the yearly speedrunning stream, is currently happening...
News Summer Games Done Quick Raises Over $2.9 Million
From familiar runs to, well, Nintendogs...
The Games Done Quick events are at the forefront of speedrun culture and also raise incredible amounts of money. Last week brought us Summer Games Done Quick 2021, which was once again run virtually with money raised going to Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders. A full week of 24 hours...
News Charity Speedrunning Marathon 'Games Done Quick' Is Back For The Summer
Proceeds will go to Doctors Without Borders
Imagine going back in time, to an eight-year-old version of yourself who can't beat that last boss in the Zelda/Metroid/Mario game you got for Christmas, and nonchalantly telling that frustrated pre-teen that, one day, someone would be able to beat the entire game in under 15 minutes. Presumably, then you...
News SGDQ's Summer Lineup Includes A Live Speedrun Of Nintendogs
Goodest Boy%
The schedule for Summer Games Done Quick, the annual speedrunning marathon that raises millions of dollars for charity each year, just went live — and that means we can check out the games that will be included in 2021's livestream! Since this is Nintendo Life, and we are legally bound to only report on Nintendo games, we'll only...
Random This AGDQ Speedrun Of Majora's Mask Is Basically Magic
"That's time, by the way."
For anyone who wasn't tuned in to Awesome Games Done Quick last week - the charity marathon where people try to speedrun a variety of games as fast as possible - you may want to watch this video to witness ClaireLynnD's incredible wizardry to complete The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask in just under 27 minutes. Up until...
News Tune In To AGDQ Later To Watch Someone Speedrun Super Mario 64 Blindfolded
What do you call Luigi with no eyes? Lug
Awesome Games Done Quick, the charity fundraising speedrun tournament held at the start of every year, is ending on Sunday, January 10th with an all-dungeon run of Ocarina of Time. Before then, however, you can tune in to watch speedruns of Luigi's Mansion, Majora's Mask, Super Mario Sunshine - a
News AGDQ Schedule Includes Hades And Super Mario Bros. 35 Speedruns
Faster than Hermes himself
Awesome Games Done Quick is always a great time of year. This year, of course, it's a little bit sadder than usual, because the AGDQ staple - a crowd of fans yelling support from behind the speedrunners on stream - won't be possible, thanks to this pandemic thing going around. Nevertheless, the charity fundraising stream...
News Games Done Quick Kicks Off Special 'Corona Relief' Speedrunning Stream
Plenty of Nintendo games featured
Games Done Quick, a fundraising organisation which has been raising lots of money for charity through speedrunning livestreams over the past few years, has kickstarted a brand new stream to help fight against the current coronavirus pandemic. The stream, which you watch via Twitch below, is raising money for Direct...
News Awesome Games Done Quick Raises More Than $3.13 Million For Charity
Awesome indeed
Charity fundraising organisation Games Done Quick has raised a fantastic $3,131,475 for the Prevent Cancer Foundation after hosting its annual AGDQ livestream over the past week. As fans of the show will know, Awesome Games Done Quick sees super-talented players speedrun their favourite games for charity. The skill levels on display...
News Lots Of Nintendo Games Will Feature In Summer Games Done Quick's Charity Speedrun
Full list revealed
As you may well be aware, Games Done Quick is an event which runs twice every year with gamers taking on tricky speedruns to raise money and awareness for various charities. Growing in popularity year on year, these events are a great watch, and the full line-up of games set to appear at the next livestream has now been revealed...
News Awesome Games Done Quick Raises An Amazing $2.39m For Charity
With lots of great Nintendo moments
Last week, we shared the news that Awesome Games Done Quick was back for another week, with ridiculously talented speedrunners strutting their stuff live on Twitch to raise funds for charity. The event is now over, and a grand total of $2.39m was raised for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Amazing. There were...
News Awesome Games Done Quick Returns This Week With Plenty Of Classic Nintendo Games
Speedrunning for charity
If you like Nintendo games, and you just so happen to be interested in speedrunning, then this year's Awesome Games Done Quick event could well be for you. Every year since 2010, January has played host to this live-streamed event on Twitch. The show is a video game speedrun charity marathon where speedrunners take it in...
News Awesome Games Done Quick Will Have Zelda: Breath of the Wild as its Big Finale
All main quests, no amiibo
Twice a year we have Games Done Quick events, in which there's a full week of speedrunning to raise money for charity. They're hugely popular, and the Summer event raised an eye-watering $1,792,632, which is fantastic. The January event is running from 7th to 14th January at The Holiday Inn Dulles Hotel in Herndon,...
News Summer Games Done Quick Raises an Extraordinary Total for Doctors Without Borders
Over $1.7 million
Speedrun enthusiasts will have spent much of the last week watching Summer Games Done Quick, one of two high-profile GDQ events per year that typically raises a huge amount for charity. Doctors Without Borders was the beneficiary again this time, and the event raised a record-breaking total for the cause. As you can see in the...
Video Catch Up With the Super Metroid Fundraising Bonanza from Awesome Games Done Quick
Or you can browse through the whole week's videos
Earlier this week we shared the final fundraising total from 2016's Awesome Games Done Quick event, with it reaching a hugely impressive $1.2 million. In that post we mentioned that the "Save or Kill the Animals" Super Metroid vote had raised $311,603.16 all on its own, so we thought it'd be worth...
News Awesome Games Done Quick Raises Over $1.2 Million for the Prevent Cancer Foundation
Awesome indeed
There are a number of admirable gaming marathons and streams held every year to raise money for charity, and the winter Awesome Games Done Quick event is among the very best in the field. With round-the-clock speedruns and events across a whole week it showcases brilliant games both old and new, highlights the talent of those...
Will you Save or Kill the Animals?
Awesome Games Done Quick is about to wrap up for another year, hoping to gain momentum in its final hours to take its fundraising total past one million dollars. If past years are anything to go by the odds are decent, especially with the iconic final playthrough of Super Metroid being one of the event's most...
Live Enjoy Nearly 12 Hours of Classic Mario and Legend of Zelda Gaming from Awesome Games Done Quick
Super Mario Bros.! Ocarina of Time! Super Mario Galaxy! More!
We're coming towards the end of Awesome Games Done Quick, which is a shame, but it's gearing up for a wonderful finale. The final 24 hours feature plenty of goodies, a number of which are Nintendo classics. This time around we have nearly 12 hours of classic Mario and Zelda gaming; this...
Live Jump Into the Donkey Kong and 2D Mario Block of Awesome Games Done Quick
Awesome Games Done Quick is picking up momentum, with all of its participants, attendees and viewers now well into a solid week of gaming. We're been hosting some blocks from the broadcast that feature familiar and fondly regarded games on Nintendo hardware, just in case you're not on top of the schedule. This time around we have the Donkey...
Live Get Up to Speed With the Sonic Block at Awesome Games Done Quick
Sonic Advance 1 & 3! Sonic Lost World!
We're big fans of Awesome Games Done Quick, which features runs of great games and raises a lot of money for charity. We're also hosting some blocks from the broadcast that feature familiar and fondly regarded games on Nintendo hardware, just in case you're not on top of the schedule. This time around we have...
Four hours of Nintendo goodness
We're big fans of Awesome Games Done Quick, which features runs of great games and raises a lot of money for charity. In this block we can check out Metroid Fusion, Metroid Prime and The Legend of Zelda across a four hour block. Enjoy!
Video Catch Up With the Early Nintendo Goodness from Awesome Games Done Quick
Splatoon, Diddy Kong Racing, Super Mario 64 and more
During the Holidays we pointed your attention to Awesome Games Done Quick 2016, which will be live all week to raise huge sums of money for charity. It achieves admirable results every year, in addition to showing off impressive speedruns and gameplay from skilful and passionate gamers; naturally,...
Reminder Summer Games Done Quick Kicks Off on 26th July
All the speedrunning you can want
Games Done Quick is one of the best known and most-loved speedrunning organisations. With two major events a year that raise plenty of money for charity, it gives us an excuse to watch extremely skilful gamers play a mix of old and relatively new games. It's taking place in St. Paul, Minneapolis this year, and...
News Awesome Games Done Quick Raises Over $1.5 Million for Charity
Nearly 30,000 donors
Awesome Games Done Quick is a bi-annual week-long event that's rapidly established itself as a highlight within the speedrun community. The most skilful players from around the world gather to tackle records, all while raising impressive amounts of money. The fundraising target for last week's festivities was $1 million, all...
News Gamer Proposes To Girlfriend During Mischief Makers Speedrun Livestream
Awesome Marriages Done Quick
This year, gamers all over the globe got together for Awesome Games Done Quick, a gaming marathon that raises money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. The event has delivered many memorable moments -- including our very own Marcel blasting through Shovel Knight -- but one of the most heart-warming has to be this...
Video Nintendo Life's CapnDrake Blasts Through Shovel Knight in Awesome Speedrun
Yacht Club Games provides commentary
Shovel Knight was one of the major successes of 2014, scooping multiple Game of the Year awards (including our own) and achieving impressive sales on Wii U, 3DS and PC; it's also headed to PSN later this year. With the title having made such as impact with its retro-styled gameplay, it's naturally become part of...
News Awesome Games Done Quick Gears Up For More Records and Good Deeds
There's a new Ocarina of Time world record to beat, too
It's that time again, speedrun fans, with Awesome Games Done Quick set to kick off for another week of record attempts and raising money for charity. One of Nintendo Life's longest-serving reviewers is even taking on Shovel Knight, too. This event, which takes place twice every year, gathers...
Video This Awesome Games Done Quick Super Metroid Race is a Must Watch
Learn how to speed-run a classic
At the weekend we shared the exciting news that the week-long Awesome Games Done Quick Event raised over $1 million, which was an outstanding effort from everyone concerned. We'd also heard that the Super Metroid race — between runners Garrison, Ivan, Krauser and Zoast — was a stand-out event; it had certainly...
News Awesome Games Done Quick 2014 Raises Over One Million Dollars for Charity
An exceptional effort
Around a week ago we told you about the start of Awesome Games Done Quick 2014, which was seven days of live streaming of speed-runs and assorted challenges, all with the goal of raising plenty of money for the Prevent Cancer charity. The events are now closed, and the current total — post-event donations may add a little...
News Awesome Games Done Quick Seven Day Event Kicks Off Today
The title says it all
Last year we reported on an extraordinary Ocarina of Time speed-run by Cosmo Wright, in which he beat the game in 22 minutes (a record he'd subsequently improve) and narrated as he went along. That first time was set at AGDQ 2013 (Awesome Games Done Quick), a live stream event over seven days that raised $448,000 for cancer...