Tag: Aca
News SNK Announces ACA NEOGEO Selection Vol. 3 And Vol. 4 For Switch
Update: Pre-orders go live
SNK has announced new ACA NEOGEO Selections for Nintendo Switch - including Vol. 3 and Vol. 4. These new volumes will be launching exclusively in Japan on 10th April 2025, with each collection featuring 10 games previously released as ACA NEOGEO games on the Switch eShop. Here's a look at each collection (via Gematsu):...
News SNK Announces ACA NEOGEO Selection Vol. 1 And Vol. 2 For Switch
But there's no mention of a local release
SNK has announced ACA NEOGEO Selection Vol. 1 and ACA NEOGEO Selection Vol. 2 for the Nintendo Switch. Both collections will be released in Japan on 12th December 2024. If we hear anything about a local release, we'll let you know. Here are the games in each package (via Gematsu): ACA NEOGEO Selection Vol...
News Hamster Corporation Celebrates 400 Arcade Archives Titles On Switch
Here's to many more!
It seems like yesterday Hamster was only celebrating its 100th 'Arcade Archives' release, but it's now actually 400 titles into its retro revival project. Hamster Corporation shared this milestone in a brief post on social media earlier before, noting how Rainbow Islands was its latest game to arrive on the Nintendo Switch and...
News Select Neo Geo Games On The Switch eShop Are Currently 50% Off
Along with a number of other Arcade Archive releases
If you're a fan of the Hamster's Arcade Archive games - in particular, the Neo Geo ones, there's currently a 50% off sale taking place on Nintendo's Switch eShop. This sale is live in both North America and Europe, and will run until 13th January. The regular price of these games is $7.99 /...
Reminder Select ACA Neo Geo Fighting Games On The Switch eShop Are Currently 50% Off
Celebrating the release of Terry Bogard in Smash Ultimate
Original Story Thu 7th Nov, 2019: At the beginning of yesterday's Terry Bogard showcase, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate game director Masahiro Sakurai spoke in detail about the history of the character, including the system he started out on and the series he's featured in over the years. Mr...
News Irem's Classic Shoot 'Em Up X Multiply Is Coming To Arcade Archives On Switch
Blast some aliens
The classic side-scrolling shoot 'em up XMultiply is expected to make a comeback on the Switch thanks to Hamster's glorious retro line, Arcade Archives. If you're not familiar with this title, you might at least know the Japanese developer behind it. Irem was best known for R-Type back in the day. XMultiply - released in 1989 - is...
News ACA Neo Geo Game Sale Happening On The Switch eShop Right Now
Ends on 19th September
Atooi's titles aren't the only games on sale on the Switch eShop at the moment, with ten ACA Neo Geo classics 40% off from now until 19th September. Thanks to the price cut, each one is $4.79 / £3.77 instead of the usual $7.99 / £6.29. Below is the full list: Metal Slug King of the Monsters
News HAMSTER Acquires Rights To Complete Video System Catalogue
Releases outside Neo Geo hardware games in the future
While we eagerly look forward to tomorrow's release of Aero Fighters 3, HAMSTER has announced it has acquired the rest of Video System's arcade game library and will be republishing some of the company's greatest hits in future Arcade Archives releases. The exciting possibility of the...
News HAMSTER Drops Next Batch Of ACA Neo Geo Titles (And The Mic)
SNK: The future is the past
Warning: Spoilers ahead! If you want to be surprised every week with upcoming Arcade Archives Neo Geo titles you should click onto the next article. If you're okay to living a life without weekly eShop surprises, read on. Coinciding with Nintendo Switch's very first anniversary, HAMSTER has revealed the upcoming ACA Neo...
News Sengoku 2 Arrives Next Week, Marking A Year's Worth of Neo Geo Ports On Switch
Severe cases of split personality ahead
Next week a rather unique feat will be accomplished by HAMSTER: the company has managed to release a Neo Geo game every single week for an entire year! You read that correctly, Nintendo Switch's first anniversary is coming up fast and there will be no less than 56 Neo Geo games available on the system! If you...
News Samurai Shodown II Slashes Its Way To The Switch eShop Next Week
February with a slice of 1789 swordplay
Hamster is bringing SNK's 1994 title Samurai Shodown II to the Switch eShop. If the first game was revolutionary this first sequel somehow managed to surpass expectations thanks to gameplay refinements such as the very welcomed inclusion of rolling and ducking which enable you to safely dodge...
News Irem's Kid Niki Returns Next Week Thanks to Hamster ACA
Half radical, half ninja, full Niki
January 25th is becoming quite the notable date for retro gamers who own a Nintendo Switch and we now have word of yet another reason to be excited for next week; Irem's 1986 Kid Niki: Radical Ninja (also known as Kaiketsu Yanchamaru in the Land of the Rising Sun) will join the platform and have the radical honor...
News Art of Fighting is Scrapping Its Way to the Switch eShop
Oh yes, there's always another Neo Geo fighting game
As you may have noticed, the Neo Geo had a few fighting games - oh alright, it had loads of them. That makes sense, of course, as it was the 'arcade at home' that well-off kids owned, and many of us would gravitate to the genre when visiting the arcades. It looks like another is on the way in...
News Blue's Journey Takes Him To Switch Next Week
Da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa, da ba dee da ba daa...
Better know as "Raguy" in the Land of the Rising Sun, 1991's Blue's Journey is your next HAMSTER Neo Geo title to be re-released on the Switch eShop, due on 7th September. Opening the month of September with a two player cooperative platformer is a rather nice change of pace...