After reviewing the newest tables for its meticulously-detailed Zen Pinball 2, we were in for a totally different experience from Budapest-based Zen Studios when KickBeat: Special Edition hit the eShop. Rather than a realistic recreation of a real-life activity, KickBeat is a zany martial arts rhythm game in which you kick bad guys to the beat of music.
The first thing you'll notice about KickBeat is its surprisingly high production values for a budget release. The clean, easy-to-navigate interface (that supports both button and touch input) sports an impressive online leaderboard right on the main menu; detailed statistical breakdowns and all sorts of different scoreboards throughout the experience will keep competitive players coming back for more.
The set-up is fairly contrived: you play as Lee and Mei, two martial artists from a holy monastery in San Francisco that guards the abstract concept of music. One day, an evil organisation steals "the Sphere" which contains all human music, and our dashing young heroes must go on a globetrotting adventure to save the world, from San Fran to Chicago to Paris to Tokyo to Istanbul. The plot is conveyed through a series of semi-animated still frame cinematics, colourful but predictable. It's all an excuse to get to the lovely meat of KickBeat: the kicking of beats.

The core gameplay is fairly simple. Your character stands on a circular platform as enemies approach, and using the four face buttons (or the D-pad, if you prefer), you kick them all in the face in time with the song. Enemies are categorised into yellow, blue, and red: Yellow Men are the slowest-moving foes, Blue Men move much quicker, and Red Men always appear in pairs, forcing you to press two buttons at once to eliminate them. You can gain power-ups like bombs and shields from foes, which you can unleash with the R button, and performing flawlessly increases your "Chi," which you can use with the L button for a score multiplier. Enemies slowly chip away at your health, and if your health bar reaches zero you fail the level.
It's all standard fare for a rhythm game, but the presentation is what sets it apart. KickBeat is a visual feast, with beautifully-animated characters and all sorts of distinctive locales to dance in, from discotheques to wrestling rings to Turkish baths. Long loading screens aside, there's no slowdown whatsoever, and it can be just as fun to watch KickBeat as it is to play it.
No rhythm game can succeed without a solid track listing, and KickBeat distinguishes itself with a very unique soundtrack, for better and for worse. Instead of falling back on standard Top 40 pop songs and innocuous dance tunes, KickBeat has a distinctively "early '00s hard rock" flavour: a heavy emphasis on industrial and nü-metal (verging on what some would refer to as Butt Rock), with some occasional dance beats and dubstep sprinkled in for good measure. It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but at least it gets points for originality. To give you an idea, the most recognisable songs on tap are "The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson, "Scum of the Earth" by Rob Zombie, "Boom" by P.O.D., and "Last Resort" by Papa Roach – some tracks we haven't listened to since the days of the N64.

Although the gameplay is straightforward, some of these rock songs don't quite lend themselves to the precision beat breakdowns that rhythm games thrive on; further complicating the flow are the visuals themselves, which are a joy to look at but can often be too busy for their own good. Rather than simple symbols moving across the screen like in Dance Dance Revolution or Guitar Hero, enemies appear onscreen and walk in a counterclockwise motion around the player until their corresponding beat arrives; with up to a dozen or so enemies appearing onscreen at once, it can get hard to follow, particularly on the tougher difficulty settings that don't display any button prompts.
KickBeat features four difficulty levels, ranging from fairly tough to retina-melting. While the standard controls work fine, acquiring power-ups takes some getting used to – certain enemies will have special items floating above their head, and you snag them by quickly double-tapping when you attack them. It sounds easy enough on paper, but managing double-taps while still trying to keep all your button presses on tempo with the music can get frustrating.
True to Zen Studios' legacy, KickBeat offers a bevy of modes. Solo play is split into training mode, story mode, free play, and survival, all of which play pretty much how you'd expect. Story mode is deceptively long – after you play through all 24 songs with Lee, you think you've completed the story, but there's an entire second quest starring Mei which artificially doubles the campaign length... you're playing through all 24 of the same songs over again, just with different cutscenes between them.

Multiplayer mode provides a head-to-head free play matchup between you and a friend, with one playing entirely on the GamePad while the other uses a Pro Controller and gets the TV screen to themselves, negating the need for split-screen – a refreshingly intuitive use of dual-screen multiplayer on Wii U that's been seen in Hyrule Warriors but was missing in Nintendo's own Mario Kart 8. The rest of the time during single-player the same content is displayed on both screens, allowing for off-TV play. It's worth noting that you must unlock KickBeat's multiplayer mode by defeating one of the later bosses in the single-player campaign.
KickBeat is a fairly standard rhythm game augmented by some visual flair and a polarising soundtrack. The attention to detail we've come to expect from Zen Studios is present in full effect, both in the luscious 3D models and in the interface with statistics galore. This isn't a title you'll likely still be playing years from now, but it's a surprisingly meaty experience, and if you're a music game addict or a huge fan of early '00s mainstream hard rock music, you'll love kicking these beats.
Comments 25
Interesting concept, glad to see the execution was decent.
Glad the tracklisting isn't awful as well.
Yeah i got this on release, decent game but nothing amazing.
From what I've heard so far, the tracklist is pretty damn cool. I also like how the visuals fit very well with the martial arts theme, yet the music style stands in stark contrast to it without being a nuisance. It might cater to somewhat more specific tastes, but it definitely has my interest!
2 points higher than pushsquare, interesting..
I take my metal black, thanks. Imagine if this game was played to Scandinavian blackmetal. Mash all of the buttons all of the time for victory.
I am curious as to whether they edited these songs for lyrical content, though. 'Last Resort' in particular has a very prominent f-bomb right at the start.
@Stu13 Only Americans care about crap like that, just like seeing a boob on TV. To the rest of the world, it's just another word. "F-bomb" indeed - it might just kill you to hear it!
now im sure... i have to try this
@XFsWorld I think thats because the PS3 version allowed you to select your own music. However the PS4 doesn't have a MP3 playback function so your stuck with the 24 tracks. To be fair that's Sony's fault not the developers, however it does mean the PS3 version is superior to the PS4 version which is why they likely marked it lower.
Still a 5 is way to harsh imo, although I must admit I got the Wii U version over the PS4 version but that was mainly due to own screen multi-player and the likely hood that it will be on PSN+ at some point in the future anyway.
Actually, NL, it is a soundtrack of some hard rock, some rap metal, some industrial hip-hop, some industrial metal, some industrial, some drum n bass, and some anthem/epic/arena trance.
But I guess specificity comes when you produce for 10 years, so no shame on you for that. I guess I am just particular as an aficionado of electronic music.
all music is polarising. i love a good a rhythm game, especially HarmoKnight, but for the price this looks very good
This actually looks good now, I was expecting horrible just dance like music.
A game that looks like it was inspired by late 90s action movies using late 90s rocks and that's weird?
Honestly speaking, Just Dance is FAR more polarizing.
At least the bands and DJs present can play music, rather than just sing (or speak melodically with the aid of auto-tune).
The first boss level, on Expert, is almost unplayable, so make sure you turn off the dynamic camera.
@Stu13 I thought the same thing. I don't want a censored version of Last Resort... Hopefully someone can confim whether it is censored or not, I sure hope it's not.
Marilyn Manson? And a rhythm game without annoying pop songs? <3 Yeah, I think I'll try it!
@eaglebob345 I'm pretty sure it will be censored. Check out the lyrics of ''The beautiful people'', imagine that in a Wii U game...
Not big on nu metal, it was always too cheesey for me in the first place that I don't think I could play a game with it playing constantly. If I could play my own tracks then it would be a different deal! I played through reign in blood through vib ribbons ability to play any disk back on the psone.
Hopefully an Update will arrive soon to fix the sound glitching on the cut scenes
I think I am a guitar hero veteran, but maaaaan this game is tough to follow! I tried it out at normal and couldn't succeed the first mission after 3 try outs
But maybe it's like in guitar hero, i started slow on easy and very fast on expert, cause it was more fun ^^
@eaglebob345 its censored.
I stopped reading after I saw "papa roach".
I think calling it all nu metal isn't really fair. Yeah, the bigger name tracks (P.O.D. and Papa Roach) are, but there's a decent variety of industrial / rock / DnB / electro rock / etc. Blue Stahli has 3 tracks, for example, and is both newer and not nu metal. And what really matters is whether the music goes well with the action and gameplay, which I think it does.
Also, I don't get the complaints about the action being harder to follow than note highways and such. Of course it is. It's the same as in any game where if you went from purely abstract visuals to 3d animated characters. I mean, Madden is harder to follow than a football game that shows no characters, just Xs and Os representing them, but that doesn't mean that the Xs and Os game is better. In Kickbeat, the enemies are less dense than notes in other music games. So it's harder to follow visually because you're not looking at pure information, but it's easier because there are fewer things to keep track of. And the added visuals make the game more interesting to look at than the Xs and Os type music games.
It does take some getting used to, but man is it satisfying once you get up to Expert and Master and get the combo counter up. Guitar Hero was like that for me too...Easy was boring and difficult when I first played it, but once I got to the top difficulty the gameplay fit the songs a lot better and was more fun.
A soundtrack with P.O.D and Papa Roach? I'll have to check this one out, eventually.
@BrianB I think most of the soundtrack aside from a few of the electronic tracks is pretty awful but like you said all the songs do play well. I was always having fun in the game even if I wouldn't listen to P.O.D. on my own time.
@TylerTreese Well, I dislike the soundtracks of about 90% of music games (especially ones with Jpop and generic indie electronica) but I still have fun with them as long as the song choices are artistically sound ones. For example, many of the songs in kickbeat have harsh tones and aggressive beats and lyrics - good for a game with a fighting theme. Artistically, that makes sense, even if I don't like the songs themselves. I might think baseball is a boring sport, but I'm not going to deduct points in a review of the movie Field of Dreams because the theme doesn't fit my personal tastes.
@BrianB I gave the game a pretty high score despite not being in love with the soundtrack. Like I said, the core gameplay is fun enough to where I didn't mind playing the songs. Not going to link to my review since i'm not here to plug my stuff but google is your friend if you wish to read it.
Although I feel like judging a music game on its soundtrack isn't unfair at all. Ultimately everyone's mileage will vary in terms of a soundtrack but you can't just not count it. Its integral to the experience. But hey, everyone's review philosophies will be different which is why I like reading other people's takes on games and why i'm here in the comments right now!
The game is pretty good but wish they would put more variety in the story mide levels. There's too many parts of the same chapter that ruin the story pacing
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