Upon introducing its new Super Famicom console in late 1990 it wasn't just critical for Nintendo to showcase technical advantages over its 16-bit competition, but it was also important to persuade gamers who were clinging on to their 8-bit systems to purchase the new hardware. Considering parents in North America in particular would need convincing to expand beyond their kids' established NES collections, Nintendo's strongest selling points for the SNES were new games showcasing its audio and graphical superiority.
The first game in the Pilotwings series was released on 21st December 1990 in Japan – exactly one month after the launch of the Super Famicom – and it used the SNES hardware's Mode 7 scaling abilities to not just dazzle with visual effects, but to present unique gameplay of soaring through the skies in a Light Plane, Rocket Belt or Hang Glider, as well as hurtling towards the ground in its Skydiving lessons.

The importance of this visual trickery wasn’t lost on the games media of the period. Issue 23 of Electronic Gaming Monthly from June 1991 explored this new technology in their 'The Complete Guide to 16-bit Gaming' feature, where they described Mode 7 as a breakthrough in the early 16-bit era. EGM explained that, "the true magic of the Super Famicom really shows when it operates in Graphics Mode 7. This marvel allows programmers to rotate, shrink, or enlarge graphics quickly." Pilotwings even included a DSP-1 chip inside the cartridge to assist the Mode 7 effects, which provided an early retro example of today’s common practise of developers altering their game, even after it was released.
However, it's difficult for 3D-savvy younger gamers to view Pilotwings with the same astonishment today as they plummet towards chunky pixels and sparse, flat backgrounds. Yet, from the wonderstruck eyes of gamers in 1990 – which EGM's article was reflective of at the time – the SNES's rotation and scaling of the distant ground as you spiralled through the skies in Pilotwings was akin to Arthur C. Clarke's third law that, "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

The idea of simulating flight was not new in early 1990s video games, of course. Sega's After Burner coin-op had on-rails Super-Scaler fighter jets in 1987, and Wings included 3D biplane dog-fights on the Commodore Amiga just two months before Pilotwings – but there was a sereneness to Nintendo’s offering, as the focus was on the tranquil freedom of flying rather than combat. Only later on in Nintendo's game does the art of destruction become involved.
With a total of eight single-player main lessons – as well as zany, hidden Bonus Chance objectives – joining the Flight Club to train under Tony, Shirley, Lance and Big Al has its quirks, but the SNES game didn't have the personality of the kooky character design in Pilotwings 64 to fall back on. The SNES's instructors frown upon bad flying, especially as a steep learning curve becomes apparent during Lesson 3, where it's disorienting to ride a thermal current in a Hang Glider to an altitude of 500ft.

The first main difficulty spike is in Lesson 4's Skydiving as you realise that there is a big difference between diving through eight rings compared to just three rings in Lesson 1, before opening your parachute and guiding yourself towards the yellow target area. The Skydiving controls can feel finicky, but it's not as frustrating as landing or refuelling in a game like Top Gun on the NES.
Pilotwings also doesn't hold your hand in teaching you to apply subtler movements with the controls, and lessons will often send you skyward, or drop you from a height to leave you to work out how to land precisely. In a similar regard to if you are used to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe’s controls and then tried SNES Super Mario Kart, the controls in Pilotwings are not nearly as accessible as Pilotwings Resort on 3DS, and it may feel obtuse to newcomers initially. Nevertheless, just because the controls are challenging to master it doesn't mean they are bad; there's great satisfaction from passing a lesson, especially after applying perseverance and practice in equal measures.

After beating Lesson 4, the game throws a curveball with the first Secret Command rescue operation, which is one of two helicopter combat missions. This has a greater depth to its graphics, and more freedom of movement compared to the top-down sections in a shoot-'em-up like the Mega Drive's Super Thunder Blade, which admittedly was released two years before Pilotwings. The Secret Command setting also rekindles memories of Jungle Strike, but it feels unnecessary as an inclusion to satiate action shooter fans.
Once you've beaten the first Secret Command mission, you unlock the harder difficulty and stricter scoring targets needed to progress in Pilotwings Expert mode. Pilotwings Expert has an element of repetition in that it's essentially the first four lesson objectives, but they're presented in harsher weather conditions like snow and stronger winds. With Nintendo Life considering Pilotwings as being fun to complete, but lacking in replay value once it's been mastered, it achieved a respectable 13th place in our guide to The 20 SNES Games On Nintendo Switch Online, Ranked By Us.

Extra mention goes to Soyo Oka's soundtrack – who also composed the wonderful music in Super Mario Kart – as she revels in the extra sound capabilities of the SNES, after her excellent previous compositions for 8-bit games like Vs. Excitebike. Rocket Belt sections have a jazzy jauntiness that Soyo Oka is renowned for creating, while Hang Gliding has sweeping flute sounds to replicate the wind whistling through your ears. While there is some repetition as shorter tracks loop, the ’select your aircraft’ menu screen's music still makes the SNES's S-SMP chip groove along to a tune that could easily fit with F-Zero.
If F-Zero was the game that sold gamers on Mode 7, then Pilotwings arrived in quick succession to reinforce the SNES's scaling effects as an effective sales pitch. Yet for many players, it was the originality of Pilotwings' gameplay that stood out at the time, as opposed to F-Zero’s more traditional racing. While Nintendo created a fun, arcade take on the flight simulator, it’s the unique gameplay enabled by Mode 7 that makes Pilotwings soar – even if it’s a fairly short flight.
Since gamers are accustomed to 3D visuals these days it's harder to appreciate how stunning Pilotwings was at the time of release. With eight main lessons based around mastering the Light Plane, Rocket Belt, Skydiving or Hang Glider, the first rule of Flight Club is we must talk about Mode 7, including how it enabled unique gameplay in the early 16-bit era. Soyo Oka's soundtrack sets the mood for soaring through the air, and the atmosphere is so tranquil that it may feel jarring when the gameplay switches to the Secret Command shoot-'em-up missions. Alongside the pseudo 3D effects, the controls in Pilotwings are of its time – so for newcomers it's finicky to practise precise movements in a skill like Skydiving – but it's a breath of fresh air that the game doesn't hold your hand.
Comments 27
I can't get into Pilot Wings. It just bores me to tears.
Nintendo should make a new Pilotwings game for the Switch.
Pretty cool that now you get to review the old SNES classics. Who'd have thought any major(ish) sites would be doing that again, eh?
I really got a blast out of this, and kept going back to improve, so actually think there is good replay value.
Maybe it's just nostalgia hitting me, but when I look back to the early 90s and I remember the game library the SNES, Mega Drive and NES had, even though it was dying, I don't think there'll ever be again a moment in history with so much innovation in terms of games. And let's not forget the Master System and the tons of great arcade games. Such excellent libraries!! What a moment to be a kid!
And if you add to that the fact that I didn't have any access to a Game Boy and its games, which I came to discover only later in life, my memories could be even better
@SpicyBurrito16 Cracking idea, ness
Knocking the hidden end game after the fact combat stages seems to be a bit cheap and petty to me. If that knocked it from a 8 to a 7 that's kind of a poor move. The game, especially yet not as a reason, being a launch title offered quite a bit and it leaves a lot of fun repetition to get that better to perfect score. Lots of stages and much to do and the hidden variety in there as well. This is a great go-to like F-Zero if you just grab a couple quick to enjoy things to bang away at as like a 3DS or Switch download on the go.
Meanwhile in the scene community:
@RedderRugfish Yeah, sums up my feelings about the SNES Starfox as well. You keep wishing you were playing the N64 version.
Still pretty fun when you get into it though.
@kevin74 It's an acquired taste, like many of Nintendo's experimental games (VR, 1-2-Switch, Ring, etc.). It has its audience, but fair to say that it can be boring if it's not your thing.
I am so happy that this game was included in the first batch of SNES Online releases. One of the classics I never got to play, and really want to.
I'll check in on the comments here, if anyone has questions about my Pilotwings review.
I'm nostalgic about the SNES, so I've tried to convey how exciting it was to first learn about Nintendo's 16-bit hardware capabilities during its launch in the early 1990s.
However, I took a different approach reviewing this game. I've spent a lot of time with SNES games over the years, so for this review I asked my girlfriend to play Pilotwings for the first time on Switch Online, because I wanted to get an idea of how approachable the controls are to someone experiencing its unique gameplay from a fresh perspective.
I think that sometimes retro gamers have skills from playing games like Pilotwings and Super Mario Kart for almost thirty years, so the controls are second nature.
Nevertheless, to a brand new player who is just experiencing retro games on the Switch – perhaps someone born after the Wii was released – the way Mode 7 presents a pseudo 3D image, alongside the controls in a game like Pilotwings could take a bit of adjustment time.
I played a lot of Pilotwings back in the day. It will always hold a special place in my heart. Of course between actually trying to get the license there was also a lot of messing around to. Trying to land the plane on one of the small side roads, popping all the grey bubbles on the ground with the rocketbelt, landing on the moving pad to play the penguin diving bonus game during skydiving, and of course seeing how late you could open the parachute while still landing safely. Good times!
I love retro games, but Pilotwings just isn’t a fun time to me. There’s much more fun to be had elsewhere on SNES.
@RedderRugfish Pilot Wings for 3DS is also great, but I think the N64 version had more areas to explore.
I love the look and the concept, but I could never get into this one when I was a kid.
Fun review for a game that doesn't get the love it deserves. I loved this game back in the 90's and is the first game I have played on the Switch when I went on the Online app. I think you do need to have been there to appreciate how amazing the 3d space was back in the day.
@JamieO I think this is a really valuable approach to take with these throwback reviews. I was actually thinking about it as I played through A Link to the Past again on NSO. The game feels so straightforward and nearly too simplistic to me these days, but I've beaten about 50 times by now. I imagine it would actually be quite abstruse and not at all intuitive if you didn't already know where everything is and how to solve things.
Could you (Nintendo Life) take a similar tack with this and other SNES games going forward, having someone play the game who had never picked it up before? I'm curious to know what someone with fresh eyes would think of these games.
Absolutely love Pilotwings, showed us what this beautiful system could do from day one. It’s about time Nintendo gave us a new version to do justice to this masterpiece. The n64 was nice but still lacked the charm of the SNES Classic.
@PBandSmelly Same here! I'm sure you know how I feel seeing it get a 7 on this review
This game to me is pretty much equally synonymous with the SNES along with SMW and ALttP. This will forever be stuck in my mind as one of the defining points in gaming, and will always be one of the fondest gaming memories I have. Until Resort, its successors never quite hat the same feel. Good to see it in the headlines!
@PapaPedro Thanks for your response about trying to have someone inexperienced try these retro games, when they haven't played them before.
I'm a retro gamer at heart, for example I still buy print magazines including every issue of Retro Gamer, and I flick to the retro articles in magazines like EDGE and Wireframe first.
Therefore, it's natural for me to write to a retro gaming audience, but I know that Nintendo Life has a wide readership. For example, one reader mentioned to me on my recent F-Zero review that I hadn't explained clearly if Mode 7 was a SNES hardware feature, or if it was specific to the game's software code. I took it for granted that readers would be familiar with Mode 7, so like you say, I should try to consider that some gamers are viewing old games with fresh eyes.
I'm taking a similar approach with my next review of Super Tennis, so my girlfriend is helping me again. She's new to retro tennis too, so we've been playing two-player competitive games, and co-operating together in doubles matches on Switch Online. Admittedly, she's more of a casual gamer, so she needs practise at Super Tennis.
As for when it’s time for Nintendo Life to revisit The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, I'm not sure if I could ask her to take the time needed to get a deeper perspective on a larger adventure game. It would be interesting to see her fresh eyes on the puzzles and play-style, but in my mind she would be best to experience A Link to the Past for at least five hours, which is a big chunk of her time.
Cheers again for your feedback, it's appreciated, mate.
@JamieO You're very welcome!
I totally get what you mean re A Link to the Past. The real heart of what I'd been wondering was how someone would go about figuring out A-to-B progression, and, as you said, that would take a significant chunk of solo play-time. It would be great to have if it came easy, but the reality of it for a formal review probably isn't very feasible. Thanks for taking the time to respond!
Man, I was hearing this game's music the whole time while reading. This article hits me right in the childhood. <3
That being said...
"as well as hurtling towards the ground in its Skydiving lessons"
Pff, amateurs. I've hurtled towards the ground in all lessons! Don't let a virtual instructor tell you what you're allowed to drop like a hot potato; you gotta live a little! Make your own horrible decisions! Be free, little plane, be free!
No combat = No thank you. I have better things to play than a lame arcade-style flight simulator.
I was luckily enough to be unexpectedly bundled with this game as soon as I received my Super Famicom, waaaay back in December 1990. (import backlog made the system and its launch games near impossible to get in the November)
Reviewing this game now I simply feel is a pretty futile, meaningless and a bit of irrelevant exercise in all honesty. This game just screamed out pure Nintendo, just like Super Mario World and F-Zero did just a month before previously.
Yeah, people could argue that this game, alongside F-zero, were simply nothing more than just tech demos for their new hardware. In a way, yeah looking back, they're probably right. Granted neither Pilotwings nor F-Zero held a candle in the depth department compared to Super Mario World! That game's still Incredible to this day gameplay wise.
I'll just say it right here, right now. That myself and pretty much EVERYBODY I knew (including hardcore Sega fans) adored Pilotwings! It's tranquility was a breath of fresh air (forgive the unintentional pun)
It's not about how it looks and plays today! (It plays fine yo be honest, but that not the point) Pilotwings was simply about the unparalleled experience that was available back over that snowy Christmas of 1990.
A genuine exciting time of game and hardware experimentation, very rarely seen nowadays or implemented in today's modern game development, unfortunately.
I'm just glad to say I was there to appreciate it for what it was. I still to this day own that Super Famicom and the aforementioned games I imported nearly 30 years ago. And yes, I still to this day fire up pilotwings now and again! That music hasn't aged a day.
I still miss the innovation they used to conter the limited hardware available to them at the time, and were playing with and developing for.
Maybe I'm just getting old? (42) but I'll just say right now, Pilotwings always had, and always will own a little piece of my heart.
Got it on import (still own it to this day) with my original Super Famicom back in late November, 1990.
I can truthfully say it was a game that even my non gaming mates sat down and got slack jawed over it!
Yeah, the review is fair, as of after nearly 30+ years, of course it's going to look aged!
There's genuinely something timeless about it though. From its quirky nature to its sublime soundtrack, this was a game that grabbed you in. Some love it. Some hate it.
Way I see it though, at least Nintendo were attempting to flex originality back in 1990. I owned all the major three consoles (Megadrive, Super Famicom, Neo Geo) but FZero and Pilotwings were usually 90% the games that people were stunned by.
Those that weren't born at the time, you probably aren't going to "get it". For those of us got it though, and were there... Yeah! It's simply a slice of a digital bygone era long before patches, loot boxes, and the endless lackadaisical sequel to yet another First Person Shooters ever existed.
Try it. It's worth it for the atmosphere and music alone.
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