Fighting games have always had a welcome home on handhelds – even if the genre has served up a fair share of turkeys over the decades – and 20 years ago, Japanese powerhouse SNK was doing wonders with its plucky little Neo Geo Pocket and Neo Geo Pocket Color systems. One of those little gems was SNK Gals’ Fighters, a pint-size punch-up that gathered together the female competitors of the King Of Fighters series for its own tournament, the – you guessed it – Queen of Fighters. Now it’s been given a surprise lease of new life on Switch, and this fun little arcade beat-em-up is just as enjoyable and easily recommended as it was in the year 2000.
For a two-button fighter, it might be easy to assume SNK Gals’ Fighters is a fairly simple affair, but there’s a decent-sized move set to be found within its diminutive dojo. There are combos, super combos, reversal and counters that use all manner of half/quarter turns in this direction and that, and while fighting game purists might scoff at the understandably smaller collection of moves, it offers an easy to pick up system that less experienced players will enjoy instantly. Even character-specific special moves – known as Mighty Bops, which replace King of Fighters' more traditional Super Specials – are easy to pull off so most players, new or veteran, will be coming up with their own unique chain attacks in no time.

There eight heroines available from launch, with a further three to unlock through play. It’s a surprisingly large number to choose from, especially for a Neo Geo Pocket Color game from the start of the millennium. Each one plays noticeably different – such as Whip’s medium-range combos and Leona’s heavy-hitting strikes – so there’s plenty of variety to master. Mode-wise, it’s quite slim pickings, with Queen of Fighters mode serving as a story mode of sorts (it’s super-light on actual story, though), a training mode and support for local multiplayer play with a split Joy-Con – although, given the smaller screen size, two-player matches are far better suited to playing in docked mode.
SNK Gals' Fighters' item system also returns, as you might expect. Playing through the story of each character will eventually unlock special items that alter the flow of a fight. There are 16 in total to collect, with conditions ranging from defeating certain characters on the roster to even losing to certain ones. These items can prove incredibly useful, such as the Explosive: Gauges that fill up your Mighty Bop meter, so they’re worth seeking out if you want to go into a fight with a little extra edge on your side.
Despite being a Neo Geo Pocket Color released a good two decades ago, SNK Gals' Fighters holds up quite nicely. The squat character models and cartoonish vibe retain that magical arcade quality of yesteryear and while a fair few of those animations have been reused for previous SNK titles of the time, transitions are still smooth as you’d expect from a retro SNK fighter. The soundtrack is great too, with each stage featuring its own chiptune that’ll have you tapping your feet while you’re throwing, countering and combo-ing your way to victory.

There are some nice little touches in terms of additional ‘back end’ features, such as the ability to rewind the game frame by frame. For newcomers, it’s a great way to undo a costly mistake – especially if you’re playing through story mode and have reached the challenging Miss X. Alongside this feature, SNK has also included a few different styles to customise the Neo Geo wrapper that surrounds the screen. It’s a cute touch, but it’s a shame these are just static pieces of art that don’t animate in relation to the D-pad/analogue stick and the face buttons. The game also suspends and resumes play, even when the game is closed, so you can resume your quest in Queen of Fighters mode even when you rage quit.
20 years before it was spiritually reawakened as SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy, the Neo Geo Pocket Color added another fine string to its bow with the enjoyable handheld combat of SNK Gals’ Fighters. With a few extra changes for Nintendo Switch – namely support for far easier to set up local multiplayer and a handy rewind feature – this classic portable fighter is now in the rudest of health. It’s not the deepest of fighting games, but with an already strong Neo Geo presence on the platform, this cutesy battler is a fine way to perfect your combos on the go.
Comments 33
tiny ass screen
Can you remove the border and zoom into the game itself? This must look like a Gameboy Micro game on the Lite with 80% of the screen being the border.
So, when playing in handheld mode, Is the Neo Geo Pocket actual size? (That's rather cool in my book if so lol).
I love NGPC games but I really don't care for this presentation.
Do you remember when they said the NGPC was going to connect to the Dreamcast in the same way GBA connected to the Gamecube?
I hope this means we'll get some more NGPC games coming to Switch. I had a good collection back in the day. NGPC Sonic was great.
@Ralizah yes
@JayJ @SoManyHaveDied @Ralizah you can zoom the screen all the way in, and you can remove the NEOGEO Pocket border completely
(sorry to bold type this, but it's more for later when more people start asking the same question)
Also, there are no "missing moves". Each character here has their complete move set from their King of Fighter's '98 or '99, or whatever their current game was otherwise. Some of the moves have gone through some changes to make the moves more "cutesy", though. If you're going by the in-game manual I have to say that SNK had rarely, notoriously even, never posted a character's complete move set in their manuals. Back in the days, we used to go check GameFAQs or wait for Famitsu or official game book for the complete move list. On top of that, when you add the Mighty Bops and Super Bops, the characters actually have more moves than their original counterparts. The game mechanics are lifted and adapted straight from the King of Fighters. So hops and super jumps, rolling, running, stock usage for guard breaks, etc. are in there, too.
The game also performs like a champ when you bump up the game game speed in the options. Game speed 3 should be the norm, IMO. Game speed 4 starts feeling like Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 or 3 on Turbo. Here's an example that I "found" on YouTube.
(Please don't ding me, I feel this is a good example to show what the game is capable of. That, and I can't find anyone else playing at a faster game speed.)
@masterLEON Thanks for confirming that. It’s now on my wishlist! <3
[EDIT] Great gameplay video by the way!
@masterLEON @patphenom Thanks, folks. I'll be grabbing this shortly, in that case.
You don't say some interesting things, like how you are able to play the game without joycons, using the joystick and the buttons on the screen from the neo geo pocket color skin. Or how you can play with both joycons attached as 2 players, each one using their side of the joycon with their screen faced towards each joycon like how it was meant to be played. I mean, come on. At least talk about the little features.
I'm not a fan of chibi things. However, when it comes to sprites made that way because of the console limitations there's a certain charm that I can't explain. I really like how they represented the characters in this game and the music is fantastic too.
They could have added the ability to play in "black and white", although what would be better would be an option to have a classic 4:3 without the console border (which should still be an option anyway) making things even smaller.
But apart from that I've grown really interested in the game.
@The_Pixel_King Thanks, man. I'm still a bit rusty, though. And I miss the clicky stick from the NGPC. Pro Controller is...ok, I guess. I'll have to try it out with my arcade stick later.
@Moroboshi876, Ataru, there was no b&w option with the original release so there won't be any here either. This is just a straight Virtual Console release, just without the branding.
Always wanted to play some Neo Geo Pocket games back in the day but never got the chance. I picked this up on Switch(along with SOR4) and I’m really liking it. Come on SNK, this can’t be the only Pocket game that gets a release. I need more, see what you started?
I think these additions are great to the Switch library, both for gaming and historical value. How many more times will we see these games re-released in the future? I could be wrong, but it may not be much.
@Bass_X0 I know, it was just a suggestion (a useless one, I know) as a nice extra.
It's a good game, only problem I had with this was it's price tag. For a retro game like Doom 64 which had tons of excellent features for only $5 and this game which had little to no features is coming out for $3 more is just disappointing. This game should had been at least $2 or less.
@retro_player_77 since loose copies of the original cartridge easily go for $100+, i'd say the price here is excellent
@Oppyz666 so this has a 2player vs mode on switch?. that would be a purchase point for me.
@masterLEON Oh nice! I hope they release a NGPC collection.
I'd buy a NGPC compilation. Do that.
The NGPC was such an underrated little handheld, I hope we get more titles in the future. Sonic Pocket Adventure (not as dirty as the title would suggest) and Metal Slug First Mission next!
I mean it looks okay but the presentation is odd to me
It doesn't appear to be on the European eShop. Has it been removed/delayed?
bet it's better than tag team frenzy
These SNK fighting games for the Neo Geo Pocket / Color and (Super) Game Boy were my favourite handheld fighters back then.
Where mobile versions of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat failed, all of SNK reigned supreme.
Gals Fighters was the fighting game I played the most on my NGPC back in 2000. MotM, Cardfighters Clash, Puyo Puyo 2, and Metal Slug Mission 2 also had hefty play times too.
I probably buy this one only (just because its my favorite and holds up extremely well) but not any more unless they do a proper a physical compilation collection.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Pocket Rumble, which absolutely nails the Neo Geo Pocket fighting game look and feel. Too bad it is ABSURDLY difficult in single-player mode.
I love my NGPC. I'd kill for a Switch JoyCon with a little digital stick, like the NGPC's, where the analogue stick usually is.
@RainbowGazelle can’t see it either
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