It's something approaching a tragedy that no Nintendo platform has ever played host to one of Valve's two Portal games. All platform allegiances aside, these are two of the finest first-person physics puzzlers ever committed to ones and zeros. Fortunately, they're also two of the most influential.
Nintendo fans were able to reap the benefits of Portal's considerable cultural impact with Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut, which had clearly learned an awful lot from Valve's masterpieces. Now the sequel is here for Switch, and it's an even richer, more accomplished affair that manages to get a little closer to Portal's magic.
You play the role of Amelia Cross, an archaeologist who awakes in a vast alien structure with no memory of how she got there. If that wasn't sufficiently disconcerting, she (that is, you) finds that she's wearing a power suit that enables her to interact with arcane machinery. Most notably, she can imprint square pads dotted around each cavernous room with colour-coded attributes.
Blue squares become bounce pads, red squares extend as platforms, and green squares spawn their own solid cubes. By combining these skills, you can solve the game's many room-sized puzzles. For example, you might drop a green cube onto an angled blue bounce pad to land on top of a red platform, thus forming a makeshift staircase. You may even need to follow said green cube through the air in a feat of first-person gymnastics that's very reminiscent of – you guessed it – Portal.
You'll also encounter a bunch of additional gadgets that enable you to modify these cubes and the rooms they're in. These include pressure-sensitive switch pads, movable wall and floor panels, vast floor fans and oil slick shooters. Figuring out the delicate interplay between all of these different systems is crucial to success in Q.U.B.E. 2, alongside a hefty dose of good old lateral thinking.
Fortunately, developer Toxic Games has paced the reveal of these systems and the ramping up of their complexity to nigh-on perfection. Experiences will vary depending on your aptitude, of course, but we made steady, gently taxing progress deep into the game's six hour-or-so running time before we hit our first stop-dead snag. And even then, it turned out to be a fairly simple solution that we'd only overlooked through initial absent-mindedness.

Q.U.B.E. 2 works largely because its mechanics are so solid. Everything behaves as it should, and we only encountered one or two occasions where we had to attempt something a second time because a block didn't behave quite like it should have done. We did much prefer playing using the Pro Controller over the default Joy-Con, though. You'll be doing a lot of fine aiming at distant, barely-exposed panels using the right analogue stick, and the right-hand Joy-Con simply felt too imprecise for the job. You can adjust the sensitivity in the menus, though, which should mitigate your woes if you're struggling.
Control quirks aside, Q.U.B.E. 2's world feels pleasingly coherent. Credit should go to Toxic Games for creating an atmospheric, believable fiction out of fairly simple building blocks. The stark, sterile environments of the early game are convincingly alien, while moving to a more lush and naturalistic palette later in the game proves no less wondrous.
There's even space for a compellingly mysterious story, delivered over your suit's comms system. It's nothing particularly original, and at times it's quite apparent that it's merely stitching together a series of self-contained physics puzzles in a rudimentary fashion. But there's nothing wrong with economy or restraint in video game storytelling, and Q.U.B.E. 2 turns out to be greater than the sum of its parts on this front.

Generally speaking, the game looks and sounds superb. Again, there's a degree of economical thinking on display here, with the developer leaning into and owning the whole blocky aesthetic. But there are also moments of stark beauty, typically executed through the application of smart lighting and the sparing use of otherworldly music. Incongruous elements like a great tree or a creepy statue also prove evocative.
We did notice that the frame rate would sometimes struggle during our playthrough, and there was one occasion where the fallen leaves from one of those aforementioned trees would flicker in and out of existence depending on our viewing angle. But the game's sedate pace (we occasionally wished for a run button) and vaguely hallucinatory premise lessened the impact of these technical hitches.
Q.U.B.E. 2 is an accomplished first-person physics puzzler that learns a number of wise lessons from Portal in terms of mechanics and world building. The puzzles are smartly executed with a well-judged learning curve, while the story adds a welcome dose of context and intrigue to proceedings. Well-travelled gamers will instantly recognise its influences, but there's nothing else quite like Q.U.B.E. 2 on Switch.
Comments 24
Happy to read this after ordering physical version of Super Rare Games
I'm glad that it really holds its own!
It shouldn't be put down just for looking rather much like a certain "Value" game.
@PiXeLSteF ditto!!!
NintendoLife are not getting great "value" from their sub-editors. Glaring typo in the link preview. 😃
Based on its run-time, is it good valve-for-money?
Well considering Metroid Prime 4 is going back to the drawing board and Nintendo ain't saying crap about the Metroid Prime Trilogy, this female first person adventure game is a nice alternative for my Metroid money.
Well shoot. This is going on the wishlist.
‘Value’ typo in the heading!
This is going on my to-get list instantly
Looks lovely!
I got this on pre-order from Super Rare Games, particularly looking forward to it.
If you're interested, they still have some pre-order stock too.
@RupeeClock Same. I'd love to get the first one physical too.
Chances of multiplayer co-op DLC?
Great game, great value!
Wasn’t on my radar till I saw this — will be buying tonight.
(Potentially a bit like Spectrum Retreat?)
Will almost certainly pick this one up. I'm glad the visuals are so polished. Looks like an immersive brain-teaser with a solid sci-fi atmo. Just my thing.
As others have said, there's a glaring typo on the front page.
Where it should say Valve it currently says Value.
Typo in the article name on the main page.
This comments section will not age well.
This was a triumph.
Never heard of this game, but absolutely loved Portal 2 and have always wished for a sequel. This looks like the next best thing so will definitely pick it up!
Hello Wishlist, this is Q.U.B.E.2, she’s new here. She’s going to be joining you, at the very front of the queue. She won’t be in the queue long. Play nice now.
The screenshots look great, but Portal really shined through interlinking the puzzling with the narrative. Not sure if I would commit myself to such a game without one.
The growing green cubes made me think of Antichamber.
@SmaggTheSmug (I know this comment is from ages ago but thought i would just give you the heads up) Just started playing this and addicted, true there are parts that the frame rate goes and the plants disappear, but this would be the second best game since portal (well third if you add in Portal 2 )
The game is 90% off atm, if anyone is still interested in it
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