When Nintendo launched Metroid Dread in 2021, there was no doubt in our minds that it would inspire more fast-paced, gritty Metroidvanias later down the road. MARS 2120 is one such title; a sci-fi romp that attempts to capture the same magic that made Dread so special, but ultimately falls at almost every hurdle.
It starts off strong, taking place on the surface of Mars where you’re fleeing from an avalanche of rocks and rubble. It’s exciting stuff, but even during this introductory sequence, something about the controls just felt off. You’re blessed with a double-jump ability right from the start, but executing it never feels quite natural enough considering how often you’ll need to use it throughout the game. It’s not bad, as such, but it feels a bit too floaty for our liking.
Sadly, things get worse when you start to encounter enemies. These range from basic humanoid creatures to flying monstrosities, but none of them possess any genuine sense of threat. By default, you have two primary methods of attack: a long-range energy gun, and a basic melee combo. Aiming the gun requires the use of the right analogue stick — kind of similar to the side-scrolling segments in Nier Automata — but it’s so erratic and jittery that it makes locking onto enemies a needlessly frustrating chore.
Back to the enemies themselves, these things just don’t know what they’re supposed to be doing half the time. Often, they’ll just stand there like statues waiting for you to attack, while other times you need only glance in their direction before they dive at you. It’s maddeningly unpredictable, but not in a way that’s conducive to an enjoyable experience; instead of providing engaging combat encounters, enemies merely feel like annoying obstacles.
The boss fights are no better; these sequences often require you to simply pump them full of bullets to stagger them before laying into them with a few melee combos. They’ll have maybe two or three attacks to memorise, but rarely did we feel like we were being challenged in any meaningful way.
Credit where it’s due, the game looks pretty nice. It’s not a stunner, and the obvious drop in resolution for the Switch can be jarring, but there’s some genuine care put into the environments. The Ice Cave in particular, with frozen walls that shimmer as you move past, looks very pretty. Sadly, the layout is quite basic compared to some of the more accomplished Metroidvanias on the market, and yet the game is so vague at pointing you in the right direction that you’ll still wind up getting lost at frequent intervals. A short cutscene might play to indicate that you’ve unlocked a door, but which door? Where is it? We spent far too long traipsing back and forth to locate our next objective, when a simple marker or waypoint system would have alleviated this completely.
We commend Mars 2120 for what it does do well. It gets a few things right: the general aesthetic is on point, the ambient music is pleasant, and some of the upgrades you’ll pick up in your journey are pretty cool. But failing to nail the basic traits that make a Metroidvania means that we can't recommend this one.
Comments 22
I can see this ending up in my backlog someday.
"You might get away with mistakes like those in a minor decathlon, but this is the big leagues" - Philoctetes
What’s the appeal of the game for you, even if it ends up on your backlog? The review was pretty disparaging to me, and I personally don’t go for games in the 4-6 range of quality. Just interested in your thought process.
I had this on my "things to watch" list for quite some years so it definitely were in development before we knew about Metroid Dread.
This gives me Shadow Complex vibes and it sounds like this maybe plays similar to that? I thought that was stellar back in the day and even now. Looking at the screenshots and stuff it makes me want to give this a fair personal try.
…speaking of, I cannot believe we never got Shadow Complex on Switch; Even PlayStation got it!
Mediocre ode to a mediocre game huh? Maybe someone can make a mediocre ode to this game and maybe it'll eventually loop around to being good.
Looks cool but 4/10 is pretty brutal. When it gets heavily discounted I might try it out.
@Expa0 My thoughts exactly.
@Solomon_Rambling Thank you for your interest and enquiry.
I figure if it gets a rough review here it is likely to struggle generally. This increases the chances of it getting cheap on the eshop. This alone is often my undoing, but the fact this has decent visuals, nice music, and some cool upgrades... it's got 'guilty and ultimately-regrettable minor indulgence' written all over it.
Plus, I often skip reviews and just peep the conclusion (not because I'm an ungrateful punk, just that I prefer to minimise my exposure and preconceptions about games/books/films until
I've tried them myself), so the full tragedy of my potential future purchase is yet to occur to me.
Sad to hear it's not good for those interested - fingers crossed future games inspired by Metroid like the "Metroid Maker" we've seen also here on Nintendo Life (https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2024/07/starlair-is-the-super-metroid-meets-mario-maker-mash-up-of-our-dreams) will be better!
Totally makes sense now. I had a similar mindset with Wii U games. Thank you for the thorough reply!
I looked at the screen shots and could hardly tell what I was looking at. So ugly.
@Expa0 why do you think Metroid Dread, of all games, is medíocre? It's one of my favorite Switch titles, an improvement from Mercury Steam's previous Metroid effort and probably one of the best in the series.
@Paulo obvs trolls look for peeps like you to bite on their nonsense - try using the Ignore button, it works pretty sweet.
I have a similar loop, I'm just alot more myopic about it 😆 one look at my "backlog" (i e mostly games I bought for less than 5.00 usd and will never play but cant erase from my games list for some reason) on the eshop proves it!
btw like the "troll" in question, I didn't like Dread either. like at all. I put in another 30 mins the other day just to try to prove myself wrong. nope! ah, well. there's always the next mainline 2D Metroid game (see you in 204X) ✌️
It always amazes me how games like this get released. Who the hell play tests them & gives it the green light. Surely as a games tester you would realise something like the aiming or jumping mechanic is crap & not enjoyable.
Guess I'm a troll too because I also didn't like Dread. And I loved and still love Samus Returns. The layouts in Dread were absolutely awful and the area designs were so drab and bland. The EMMI segments were terrible and the music was hugely forgettable. The story was lame. Doesn't sound like this game was really inspired by Dread and didn't suffer the same issues, but no game should be taking cues from Dread.
I don't get why they make the control so hard to aim and shoot, did these guys never play Metroid Dread or any run and gun games? Running and gunning shouldn't be this difficult to use.
Not everyone who disagrees with your views is necessarily a troll. Sure, I don't like Dread, but my post was just a dumb joke more than anything. I'm not gonna say who you should or shouldn't ignore, but I'd suggest growing a thicker skin.
I have this on my wishlist, must have put it on a while ago and forgot.
@Coalescence Yes, you're very clearly trolling. I can understand not liking the EMMI sections and I agree that the music was forgettable, but everything else you said is nonsense.
I finished Metroid Dread recently and tbh it was just a relief. I don't plan on playing it ever again for as long as I'm alive. The E.M M.I were the most obnoxious enemies I've ever had to deal with in a game in quite some time. All of this being said I can recognise the quality of the game and hard work the developers put into making it hence why I had such a strong motivation to finish it.
Reading this Review fills me with such disappointment as I'm always on the lookout for another good Metroidvania and sadly this doesn't seem to be it. Nevertheless thanks for the Review.
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