The Super Monkey Ball franchise has experienced its fair share of peaks and troughs over the years. The first two GameCube titles knocked it out of the park, providing a plethora of content from the addictive maze-like main stages to the incredible minigames. Since then, however, the series has seemingly been unable to reach the same heights, either content to take one step forward and two steps back, or otherwise completely fumbling the (monkey) ball altogether.
After Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania instilled a smidgen of confidence with its commendable restoration of Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2, Sega is back with a brand-new entry in the form of Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble. However, in keeping with franchise tradition, it’s yet another game that just can’t quite hit the home run, combining a solid single-player experience with a bunch of multiplayer modes that, frankly, aren’t worth the price of admission or the time investment.

Starting with the positives, however, the single-player campaign is great fun from start to finish. It’s exactly what you’d come to expect from Super Monkey Ball at this point and includes 100 levels split across 10 unique worlds. Once you’ve completed these, you can then double this number with a bunch of bonus levels of immense complexity, challenging even the most experienced of Monkey Ball fans. Granted, there wasn’t anything here that blew us away in terms of creativity or uniqueness, but what we’ve got is a healthy selection of well-designed, fun levels. We suspect this is all that most people are hoping for.
In addition to the strong selection of levels, the actual gameplay feels pretty great, too. The physics aren’t quite up there with the GameCube originals, but it’s about as close as the series has gotten in recent years. There’s plenty of opportunity to ‘break’ levels with crazy jumps or absurd feats of speed, and we can’t wait to see how quickly players manage to get through the game in the weeks and months to come.
To enhance the gameplay further, Banana Rumble takes a cue from Sonic the Hedgehog and introduces a new ‘Spin Dash’ ability. By holding down ‘B’ at any point, you can charge up your dash and enjoy a brief burst of speed. This is not only helpful for completing the levels more quickly, but it also allows you to skip across certain platforms, jump across ramps, and much more. We’re surprised at how vital the dash ability ends up being during some of the later levels. Those afraid that it might have turned out to be a useless gimmick can rest easy; its implementation results in a simple yet effective evolution of the core Super Monkey Ball gameplay.

So what’s our problem, then? Well, the multiplayer is a bit naff. Going off the game’s title, one could argue that the five modes included here are the biggest draw of the entire experience, but honestly, we’d rather have minigames like Monkey Target and Monkey Bowling. That’s not nostalgia talking, either - they’re genuinely much better than what’s being offered in Banana Rumble.
The five modes included are Race, Banana Hunt, Ba-BOOM, Goal Rush, and Robot Smash, and the problem with all of them is that they’re either too chaotic with the maximum number of players (16), or too boring when there are only a handful of you. There’s no middle ground, no sweet spot where the modes actually feel fun to play, and it’s so frustrating.
Take the Race mode, for example. The courses here include a mix of long straights in which to build up some nice momentum and intricate puzzle areas that require more precise movement. When you reach the latter segments, don’t be surprised when a bunch of other players come careening into you as they too make it to the same area. It results in a visual mess in which you’ll struggle to make out your own character amongst a sea of monkeys, and it just isn’t particularly fun. It's clear Sega was striving for a Fall Guys vibe with this, but it just doesn't work.

This is only exacerbated by the frame rate. During single-player missions, the game runs at a lovely, silky-smooth 60fps and it feels great. Head into the multiplayer modes, or add an additional player to the campaign, and you the frame rate is halved to 30. It’s a jarring change that, while certainly not unplayable, is a tough pill to swallow after you’ve spent so much time working your way through the single-player stages.
A couple of the modes have potential to be enjoyable later down the road, perhaps if Sega adds more stages or characters. As it stands, the only one we would recommend at the moment is Ba-BOOM, in which you basically pass bombs over to your opponents by rolling into them before the time runs out. On the flip side, Goal Rush is absolutely pants and simply requires you to boost into a bunch of goal posts to score points. Yawn.
Aside from the main modes, Banana Rumble boasts a healthy amount of bonus collectibles and fun little extras. You’ve got a total of seven playable characters to start off with, along with some unlockable characters available via the in-game shop as you progress. All of these can then be upgraded with cosmetic items, including clothing, new ball colours, and unique effects. There’s a lot to dive into in terms of customisation, and it’ll take you a good while to unlock everything.

You’ve also got a ‘Memories’ section in which you can view unlocked movies, listen to music tracks, and rewatch any saved replays. ‘Missions’ includes a bunch of unique 'achievements' to keep track of and gain bonus points, while an intriguing global leaderboard function requires you to spend your accumulated points in order to grow a palm tree. Pretty random, to be sure, but a good way to see how you’re stacking up against the competition. Finally, the game includes a fun, albeit rather barebones photo mode. You can unlock new poses via the in-game shop, so it's a nice little feature to play around with for a while.
If all you're looking for in a new Super Monkey Ball game is a selection of new single-player levels to tackle, then you're in luck, because Banana Rumble boasts some of the best stages we've seen in recent memory. The additional 'Spin Dash' ability makes traversal a lot more fun, and the physics feel as close to 'classic' Monkey Ball as the franchise has got in quite some time. Unfortunately, if you're looking forward to the multiplayer modes, then temper your expectations. They're simply not very good for the most part and are significantly hampered by the drop in frame rate. We almost scored this a point lower, but the quality of the single-player just about pulls it up. As it stands, Banana Rumble is a mixed bag, but one worth delving into if you're itching for more single-player shenanigans.
Comments 51
I'm of the opinion that the multiplayer modes and minigames in Monkey Ball (1 and 2 in particular) were always super overrated, like they're fun but they're not close to being on the same level of fun as the single-player for me so if that part is great then this will probably end up being at least an 8 for me
Man, I just wish they could get back to the feel of those GameCube physics. It's good if this game feels closer than the other recent titles, but still a bummer that it is not "quite" up to snuff.
Too bad that they still can't nail the balance of solid single player and multiplayer content. I'll consider it on a sale.
To clarify, is the campaign solo-only? Part of what also made multiplayer fun in the first two games was playing the main game together.
Sounds good! I don't give two flying ***** about the multiplayer, so if the singleplayer is good then that's all that matters. Can't wait to recieve my copy tomorrow!
Good physics and a good single player campaign is more than fine with me for a Monkey Ball game. Besides the greats of 1 & 2, that probably puts it quite high on the ranking list of best MBs of all time! Shame about all the other cons but the review content has me more that convinced. Thanks for the review. Maybe a purchase soon if not an insta-
Does it have the hot seat local multiplayer mode for the campaign from the first game? Criminal that it wasn’t included in Banana Mania
@Maubari Same here. I'll enjoy the new single-player levels. The previews were looking good. My copy has just been dispatched, so hopefully, I'll get this tomorrow, too 👍
Unfortunate for the multiplayer, but I'll still eventually get it for the single player.
Thanks for the review!
Yeah, those GameCube titles were something else. I did like Banana Mania (good price nowadays) too so I'll pick this one up!
Oh, I forgot about this game. Looks fun, but I still haven't played banana mania, so I'd probably play that first. Thanks for the review too. Really appreciate how clear the pros and cons are!
Nothing here to dissuade me, I'm only concerned about the single player. Got it at a good price too so I'm content.
Great review, as it highlights how the game will be received by folks with very different interests; I'd be bummed if I was in it for the multiplayer, but I'll pick it up since I strictly play these games single-player. Thanks as well for confirming framerate, since I really prefer fast action games and platformers at 60fps!
I'm here for the single player. Just needs to be challenging and it's all good! I won't say I'm not disappointed to hear about the multiplayer lacking. On paper, it sounded such a good idea.
Looks like I need to join the ranks of hoping we get Gamecube games on the NSO. Seems that's the only way I'll play the originals faithfully at this rate.
Still, I see Monkey Ball, I buy Monkey Ball.
This series always feels like something I should enjoy. It’s got the personality driven cutesy art style and echoes SEGAs finest years.
I've always played monkey ball for the singleplayer anyway, never really the party or multiplayer modes, so am still really looking forward to playing this!
Iam only for the single player mode also and have always been when it comes to the Monkey Ball series.
Realistically I'd never be playing this in multiplayer anyway, so of the single player is good then that's what counts. Just a shame Sega seemingly don't know how to accurately recreate the feel of those original games
If you read this site enough, you can tell a 7 is coming. I can smell a 7 right away now lol. I guess I'm trained.
I would rather play one of the monkeyballs that nailed it.
Wow, no Monkey Target? And 5 modes is scant regardless of what they are. I'm primarily a single-player fan of Monkey Ball, but even I can't help feel a little stung by the lacking multiplayer.
@GrailUK Exactly, I'm getting it for the single player too so it's good to know it'll be worthwhile. You can get it for a good price on release also, which always helps 😊
I think it's always worth looking at more than just one review, especially for releases like these where they're more niche and tied to series with mixed track records, and they're definitely a bit all over the place despite the 75 aggregate. Some actually liked the multiplayer; NintendoEverything went so far as to declare it superior to the modes from the GameCube games. A few said the campaign felt "by-the-numbers," though. Overall, though, the package seems solid, especially with all the feedback that the developers took into account from Banana Mania, and it's probably the game that'll suit my tastes the best because nothing is locked behind an arcade mode. Granted, there isn't a way to play the levels in similar gauntlets at all, but being able to save and back out apparently whenever is very appealing to me.
mania is one of my favorite switch games but I just dont like the graphics for this game, plus the bonus charcters were way cooler like suezo and the game consoles.
One too many troughs for this Monkey Ball fan to go anywhere near this.
At this point I'm satisfied waiting for decent Gamecube emulation and playing the original two games as they were intended.
SEGA should have done the remake properly. They damaged the franchise with their shoddy work.
Some Monkey Ball elitists will still call it garbage because it's not a 1:1 copy of the first two Super Monkey Ball.
(I do hope we get a 'the reviews are in' article for this game ^^)
Kinda what I expected. The single player is a good return to form after Banana Mania brought back the original “feel”, and the multiplayer is mediocre. I’ll definitely pick this up, but I’m waiting for a discount. $50 is too expensive for me for good but short single player campaign, which is the only thing I care about in this title.
@GrailUK So far it's been getting mostly 8s and a 9 from Game Rant. I've already got it pre-loaded because I just know it's gonna be good.
How hard is it to just make more monkey target?
Monkey target, monkey bowling and predrinks. Good times. Shame the MP is naff but not a deal breaker seeing as I’m lacking friends these days. Life.
@Jiggies I've watched a few gameplay videos on YouTube. It looked great fun and the testers were having a blast. They even seemed to enjoy the multiplayer modes too. It looks like a solid 8 to me.
"combining a solid single-player experience with a bunch of multiplayer modes that, frankly, aren’t worth the price of admission or the time investment."
"Good 7/10"
If you had to give separate scores for the single player and multiplayer, what would they be?
@nocdaes this isnt a remake though
@Maubari - “…two flying MONKEYS”!?
I like Super Monkey Ball since it launched with GC.
HOWEVER.... a major upgrade with these games is the bananas'.. Instead of extra lives for 100 every time you grab a 'nanner, it should boost 3 or 5 seconds to the time. I hate the rushy feel. It is frustrating and adding time would help you keep going but stay focused. It is hard enough as it is and would be WAY more enjoyable, this way.
I never beat the 2 GC games, but still put them in from time to time and rage quit after a couple game sessions.
Man, that's a shame that once again Super Monkey Ball is so close yet so far. It feels like the same curse Star Fox or (imo) Yoshi's Island has where they partially recapture the magic, sometimes, but then something stupid prevents it from working out all the way.
Whatever, it has a genuinely good single player, I'll take it. Maybe in a year it'll be just a bit cheaper and/or they'll add some better minigames, I already have a still unopened copy of the last game, I can wait.
Apparently, the Day 1 update already fixes framerate issues.
As someone with no friends and who lives in the middle of nowhere the multiplayer isn’t a deal breaker.
@BANJO I saw a few snippets on their Twitter page and I thought it looks great, and I've had it pre-ordered for a while; but this comes from someone who loved Banana Blitz and even 3D.
@Jiggies I like you.
@Jiggies I enjoyed Banana Blitz too, and 3D was certainly still worth playing.
The single player for this should be the best of all of the three and the racing multiplayer game looks great inm my view. I'm sure it will be fun. 😄
I was mostly interested in this for the multiplayer.
So I'm thinking I'll skip this...
Well it does look a intresting game. I might get it later on. Its a shame that they have put monkey target on the multi player tho. On our games nights that we have that is one of our go to games to play espically on the gamecube and the wii as well
Got this a a birthday gift and I only care for single player so I’m quite happy with this review. Can’t wait to play.
To all those reading this review and being put off because of what NintendoLife are saying about multiplayer, I'd advise still looking into it to see if it looks for you. I personally am really enjoying my time with it, and I mostly brought the game for single player.
The lack of monkey target is a crime on par with human trafficking
@BANJO I've been playing it since last night and I have to say it really is a great game. The online battle mode is surprisingly addictive. And the seasonal rewards are a nice incentive to keep playing.
I literally only care about single player so this review has me pretty excited for a return to form for Monkey Ball
@Jiggies Me too, literally just started playing it on single player which seems great so far. Glad to hear you have enjoyed the multiplayer, I'll try that out next. 😀
Do y'all think God could create a Monkey Ball game so good, that even They couldn't produce a worthy sequel?
Just got myself the very first Super Monkey Ball for Nintendont.
While I'm interested in this new game, I'm not willing to pay the full price. So waiting for a sale.
This game is peak monkey ball and the multiplayer works great for me 9/10 you can't convince me otherwise, until they top this game in the future
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