Well. It's finally here. In celebration of 30 whole years (!) of 2D and 2.5D adventures — with a little 3D sprinkled in for good measure — Kirby's first proper fully three dimensional mainline escapade has now arrived and, as long as you know exactly what to expect from the little pink puffball, it's an absolute delight. Kirby and the Forgotten Land is 100% aimed at younger gamers; it's not particularly challenging, it won't leave you scratching your head over puzzles or pulling your hair out over tricky bosses, but what's here is still hugely endearing and highly replayable stuff, even for those of us who are perhaps slightly older (and this writer is ever-so-slightly older) than the target audience.
We've already discussed in our hands-on preview of the game's first world how Kirby and the Forgotten Land eschews the wide open 3D environments of Super Mario Odyssey in favour of tightly designed little playboxes in the vein of Super Mario 3D World. There's no fully controllable open world camera at work here, the paths through levels are framed and revealed just so, and this is a design decision that Kirby and the Forgotten World sticks to resolutely for its duration, offering up delightful little play areas that afford you a reasonable amount of freedom within their confines whilst doing a great job of mixing easy breezy combat with addictive secret hunting and a handful of hilarious new gimmicks to keep things from growing stale. This is not the great big open world 3D romp some may have been expecting, and that's absolutely fine.

HAL Laboratory has managed to successfully transpose everything we know and love from classic Kirby titles to this new game, with our little pink hero's exhaustive roster of copy abilities having made the jump intact (here bolstered by a handful of new variants) and, of course, Mouthful Mode. It's the bit that's got everyone talking pre-release and, as it turns out, Mouthful Mode is as funny, daft and delightful as it appears in the game's trailers, with Kirby warping himself into all-manner of outlandish shapes in order to solve puzzles, best baddies and rescue as many Waddle Dees as he can.
Ah yes, Waddle Dees. Kirby's little buddies have been captured by the villain of the piece — a villain who shall remain nameless here — and stuck into cages that are hidden all around the Forgotten Land, a land through which you must now jump, glide, motorboat, rollercoast and... eh... yeah, whatever it is he's doing with that vending machine, in order to rescue each and every one of your imperilled pals whilst dishing out a right royal doing to the expansive roster of bosses as you go.
But it's not all battering baddies. In fact, the bulk of the action here is about exploration — about searching every nook and cranny of your surroundings in order to track down as many Waddle Dees as you possibly can. You'll even require a set number of them in order to unlock the final stage of each world and progress to the next area. Each level comes with a set list of five missions in this regard, with each completed mission netting you an extra Waddle Dee or two towards blowing open that final big boss lock. It's all fairly straightforward stuff — clear the stage, rescue all the Waddle Dees, eat a specific number of doughnuts, defeat a boss with a certain type of weapon, destroy animal sand sculptures and so on — but it's these missions that provide Kirby and the Forgotten Land with much of its actual challenge during campaign missions, and a fair bit of replayability to boot.

There's more challenge to be found in the game's side missions, too; extra areas that open up throughout each themed world as you progress, little tears in the space/time fabric that suck you into all manner of minigames to test your mettle and net you upgrade materials and coins. You'll find yourself bowling bombs down moving platforms in order to hit switches, using spinning Chakrams to grab coin pieces from across spike traps, ice-skating across moving platforms and much more besides. It's in these side missions that players wanting a little more to chew on will find themselves most satisfied as meeting and/or besting the time records for each course here is actually pretty tough stuff. You don't need to meet any set time to pass the mission or anything like that (this is still a Kirby game, after all) but the platforming challenge is there and it's a stiff one at times for those who choose to accept it.
With regards to the game's combat, well it hasn't been left on the back burner either. There's plenty of enemy types to engage with across the various worlds and every level affords you the opportunity to tool around with any and all of your copy abilities, giving the whole thing a nicely free-flowing, experimental feel. Copy abilities are upgradeable now, too, using power stones you'll nab from those side missions, a neat touch that sees your basic fire and sword abilities, for example, strengthened through several levels that go from your bog-standard blade or fire attack to blasting hot streams of Dragon lava and wielding Gigant sword variants that can make short work of the biggest of bad guys. It's classic over-the-top Kirby, and it's mirrored in a campaign that starts out with the usual forests, deserts and snowfields before escalating delightfully into much more outlandish fare which we ain't gonna get into spoiling here.
In between missions you'll return to Waddle Dee Town, the game's breezy little hub area, which is slowly rebuilt and furnished with all manner of facilities and diversions as you rescue Waddle Dees from peril. You'll start out with just a cinema for checking out cutscenes from previously played levels, but as things progress you'll add that all-important weapons upgrade shop, Kirby's very own house, an item store where you can pick up health and energy supplies, a bunch of minigames — Flash Fishing is our current favourite — and even a great big bloody Colosseum, where you can go let some steam off by battling through waves of the game's bosses in order to earn some special prizes.
There's a smart core gameplay loop at work here overall; jump in to take on story missions, hoover up Waddle Dees and hunt down upgrade blueprints, do a few side missions then return to town to sharpen your tools, spend coin down Gatcha Alley and bash some skulls in at the Colosseum. It's a thoroughly pleasant time all around.
It's also a credit to this game that we can't think of a single level throughout its entire campaign that actually bothered us in any way. Usually with this type of 3D platformer there's some area or specific gameplay mechanic along the way (yes, we're talking about you Flipswitch Galaxy) that we see coming and think "oh no, no thanks", but that's just not the case here — which is quite the feat really given how much Kirby and the Forgotten Land manages to throw into the mix.

Over the course of the roughly seven hours it'll take you to blast straight through the main game here (double that if you're a completionist and then add another hour for post-game surprises) you'll do battle with an impressive array of minibosses and grandstanding end-of-level baddies. You'll ride rollercoasters, drive boats, race cars, swim, glide through the sky, burrow underground, wobble around in a body full to the brim with water, swallow a vending machine, become a lightbulb and part of a theatre sign, and more besides. Kirby and the Forgotten Land pulls all of these various aspects together — the copy abilities, the Mouthful Mode tricks, the puzzles, exploration, platforming and combat — into an adventure that's a delight both for younger kids and adults alike. All those mismatching oddball elements are blended into a coherent whole here with a flair and seeming effortlessness reminiscent of Super Mario Odyssey. And remember, the entire thing can be played in seamless drop in/out co-op, making for a grand old time if you're looking for something to sit down and play with your children or less experienced players.
Yes, there are a few weak points here and there, most notably with regards to the game's penchant for wheeling out the same handful of minibosses ad nauseum, and some levels do feel like they recycle the same tricks one too many times, but by and large what's here works, and it works well. It's a beautiful looking thing, too, absolutely jam-packed full of environmental detail and lovely little animations that, besides a couple of very minor frame rate wobbles, manages to play and perform almost perfectly in both docked and handheld modes.
Each and every one of the worlds you bound through here looks and sounds the absolute business, from the lush overgrown ruins of Natural Plains to the crystal clear waters of Everbay Coast and beyond, it really is great-looking stuff that's driven forward by a delightfully triumphant orchestral score. We love the range of expressions Kirby shows off in this adventure, too, his personality really shining through the side-glances, grimaces, panicked looks and wonderfully caring little smiles he dishes out to Waddle Dees as he rescues them. The little details here almost left us feeling bad for some of our expressive enemies at times, most especially the game's doggos, who don't seem to know whether they're meant to be bad guys half the time. You'll find them asleep and blowing bubbles on a bench before they stir to life and take stock like "oh, oh yes, I'm supposed to be a bad guy, that's right!" It's delightful.

After the somewhat disappointingly safe Kirby Star Allies, this latest adventure feels like a proper celebration for Kirby, a great big 30th anniversary bash that's stuffed to the gills with fun times, a grand — and suitably OTT — main campaign, tons of side activities, minigames, collectibles, seamless co-op play and more besides. Kirby and the Forgotten Land is the very best this franchise has been since Kirby: Planet Robobot, and if you know how much we like Robobot, you'll know that's quite the recommendation.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land is a great big colourful joyride of an adventure for our little pink pal. This first fully three dimensional mainline entry in the franchise is bursting at the seams with fun and inventiveness, managing to transpose everything we know and love about past Kirby games to this all-new arena whilst adding plenty of delightful new aspects as it goes. Mouthful Mode is just as daftly entertaining as it looked in the trailers, each and every level is packed full of secrets and dripping in wonderful detail, and there are enough side activities, collectibles and co-op fun here to keep you entertained and coming back for more for a good long while. What a grand way to celebrate 30 years of Planet Popstar's finest.
Comments 155
Kirby just keeps getting those W's
Most fun war crime simulator ever!
Incredible score, let's gooooo! 🎉🎉🎉
Can't wait to play!
It's evil when really good reviews come out before we are allowed to play the game. 😆
So... press start to win should be listed as a con.
The developers should really have added a difficulty option for people that want a challenge.
Will be my first Kirby game. I'm excited
Sounds great. Waiting game now
Okay, day one. Wish me luck!
Won't be reading the review until I've played some of the game, but pleased to see it's shaped up nicely. Obviously, once you subtract the obligatory 3 points for it being 'easy', and another 3 points because it's Nintendo Life reviewing a Nintendo product, it's only a 3/10 game, but I think I'll give it a whirl regardless.
Day 1.
A bit more challenge would have been nice but I wasn't expecting that given the series is always on the easy side. Still, first time I've been excited to play a Kirby game in a long time. My physical copy has been shipped and will arrive on launch day so II look forward to getting stuck into it.
Let’s goooooooooooooooo
does Kirby and the Forgotten Land surpass my favorite Kirby game?(Kirby Planet Robotbot)
Great to hear! It comes out on my birthday so it’ll make a great gift to play. My first Kirby game and it looks like it will be a blast.
I love how we’ve gotten a new take on Pokémon and Kirby lately. More new takes please! 😊
Why Kirby keep attacking the trees (the bosses) ?
I have no idea about Kirby trivia 101.
I’m pumped to play this on Friday. Kirby games are therapeutic for me. No pressure, no convoluted narrative, no intricate or confusing mechanics. Just pure platforming goodness with bright colors and a fire soundtrack. And it’s all so cute it hurts.
@Ambassador_Kong It has a hard mode from the start, called Wild Mode. Even the demo had it.
Now this is a Kirby game for Switch done right.
I think the "Super Mario 3D World" style of exploring one big level at a time suits this franchise better, and after the demo I'm SO excited to play more.
Better than IGN's review of the game. I'm happy to see Kirby finally get the 3D treatment.
30 fps platformer, while Super Mario Galaxy 1, 2, 3D World and Odyssey are 60 fps? Can‘t go back!
Loving the Pink Theme
All right! Bring on Friday!
yesssssss! Ok well this is a day one for me now.
I need be challenged. I´ll pass (again). No kirby games for me.
Removed - unconstructive
If there’s one thing I really hate about this site it’s the heello there you lovely people from Alex every single damn time….change the record!
The day i grew tired of Kirby games, please, hang up my controllers, that day im retiring from gaming
I want the game since I loved the demo, but I have to wait... In the last month and a half I've bought Skyward Sword, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Luigi's Mansion 3, new SMB U Switch, various smaller titles, Elden Ring, Horizon FW, and as of yesterday an Xbox Series X All-Access bundle... my wife will kill me, literally, if I buy Kirby right now.
Oh yes roll on Friday!!
«...play and performs almost perfectly in both docked and handheld modes...»... But, I have one good question. How good or bad its looks in handheld mode? We already have many good games(ports) that looks bad or awful in handheld/undocked mode. And I don't want to see Kirby and the Forgotten Land in the list of Switch games that looks bad/awful in handheld/undocked mode/on Switch Lite.
Can't wait for my copy to arrive, glad I pre-ordered.
Just a little disappointed that it’s not quite as open as the trailers first teased. Guess I was hoping for more of a reinvention.
Sounds great can’t wait.
Great, I wasn't expecting a bad review and I checked the demo myself with a friend. Can't wait to get sucked into the forgotten land!
@Bret I feel like Wild Mode might be challenging for 6 year olds while Normal Mode is more for 4-5. They were even careful not to use the word "hard" for that mode.
@Kainbrightside Oh, well... Then, game looks fine in handheld mode, probably. I haven't played demo. I don't play demo versions. I don't have time for it.
I bit shorter than I hoped, but I don’t have a ton of time right now anyways with all the games I’m playing and this game will have some replay ability because I can play through it with my brother too
Can't wait until Friday! It looks delightful.
Something is missing from recent Nintendo games. They are well made, competent and polished but it lacks that wackiness and surprising element in old Nintendo games.
@SpaceboyScreams Oof. Maybe there'll be a difficulty unlockable by beating the game like other Kirby games have had?
Demo sold me, i need this game
9/10? What a puff piece.
I won’t be getting it day one, but I look forward to the game!
The hits keep coming for the Switch. Really enjoyed the demo, enough that I pre-ordered the game. Can't wait for Friday.
@Hero-of-WiiU Fellow person with a March 25th birthday here! 😄 I’m also getting the game on my birthday, and am planning to enjoy every bit of it after that fantastic demo. Judging from the reviews, it’s going to be a fantastic introduction to the series for us both!
Can't get this now but definitely picking it up soon. Sounds like the best Kirby console game in YEARS!
I’m not much into Kirby and don’t have any plans of buying this, but it’s nice that it got a good score. Happy for the people who’ll play it.
So about as long as captain toad, but is extremely easy. Sounds fun, but probably not worth the full price, I'll grab it when Nintendo eventually puts it on sale.
@nessisonett I was hoping for more of a full game feeling, not an extra long demo. $60 seems kinda steep. I'd wait for a sale but in 5 years I'll forget it exists.😝
"Over the course of the roughly seven hours it'll take you to blast straight through the main game here (double that if you're a completionist and then add another hour for post-game surprises)"
Always had a soft spot for Kirby. Can’t wait to get this game.
I played the demo 50/50 in Handheld mode / TV and can say that it's just fine. Unfortunately it's only 30fps. Considering the great performance of Mario Odyssey, that is very disappointing.
@Linkin_pork O, thanks for the info! Yeah, 30FPS is disappointing.
I want this but I’m out of money, why does God taunt me so.
I'm not sure why people would be surprised about the difficulty, you can beat almost every Kirby easily without even dying once.
I'll be able to play it tomorrow night. Idk about anybody else here but the wait for Forgotten Land has been killing me.
@Zachuratedphat Try the True Arena and the highest difficulty in The Ultimate Choice and I guarantee you won't be saying that then.
@Diogmites Ah Triple Deluxe is such a fantastic game! Have you played Robobot? Highly recommend if not
Was unsure about this, but day one for sure, Edge Magazine have rated this 8/10... so solid buy for me...
@Deepdoop I think you'll be waiting quite a while for that and it's possible they might not put it on Sale at all.
I'm so excited for this!
Day one for me, I’m not entirely sure why everyone wants super challenging games….this looks like fantastic fun and will be endlessly replayable, the whole ethos of Nintendo!
I’m waaayyyyyyy over the target demographic age, but I don’t care - this looks like loads of fun.
Was happy to see the demo come out. Played it twice after playing a bit of each of the GB, NES and SNES Kirby games. Prepared for Friday
Here's the thing about Kirby and Yoshi games. They're "for kids" in that a kid can play and enjoy them. But if you want to go full-completionist, they always have challenges that will daunt even the most hardcore gamer. You can make it to the end, but can you see/do EVERYTHING? I'm ready for this challenge!
I’m so ready. hopefully when the game comes out my parents will buy it for me.
@HamatoYoshi challenge gives games meaning. If there is no difficulty, then there is no reason to play. At that point it is just a movie that tells you to push buttons.
My mental health can't wait for friday to arrive so I can completely immerse myself in the therapeutic cutesy and wholesome worlds of Kirby and Rune Factory.
Ooh a 9. Nice. Love to see it
I'm glad Kirby still kept its multiplayer offering strong to this day, even legendary franchise like Super Mario and Sonic lose their multiplayer touch over time and focus mainly on single player experience instead.
I'm happy it's a good game, but 9 points seems too much for a game that lasts only 13 hours at most. It doesn't seem like good value for 60€.
@chipia Well it's a mainline Nintendo title with an iconic Nintendo character and this is NintendoLife.
Excellent review! About what I expected, which is a compliment. I'll pick this one up at some point, but I'm still playing catch-up on other Kirby titles and don't want to outclass them just yet.
@RubyCarbuncle they'll put it on sale, they've put just about all of their big titles on sale at some point. Besides, I'm okay with waiting since I'm still entirely invested in Elden Ring, not to mention Skywalker saga coming out in a couple weeks
It seems like we just need Star Fox to make a return and all the key franchises of Nintendo will have gotten energizing and fantastic titles this console gen.
I might have missed it in the review but are there any long amounts of text or dialogue? My 6year old is still learning to read so it's definitely better when games don't have that and/or have VA. I know Kirby usually doesn't have these things but wanted to see
I can't wait for the eldritch abominations to arrive once I get around to playing!
Jokes aside, thank the lord this game is great. The length does slightly worry me but if it's as good as everyone's saying, it'll probably feel a lot longer than 7 hours. If only I had more money.....
Another Masterpiece for Nintendo Switch!
Why doesn’t the reviewer name the villain? I haven’t played Kirby, since Canvas Curse. Is it a surprise villain or some kind of joke?
Another banger.
I loved the demo, and have been on board with this game from the first time I saw it.
I'm not historically a big Kirby fan (though I did enjoy Planet Robobot and some of the weird spin offs like Rainbow Curse), but Forgotten Land looks like the game to change that.
It's a shame the game doesn't have a hard mode for those who'd like a challenge. The game looks really fun, but easy games are not rewarding to play.I've stopped buying them
Mmm was reading to yhe review how the wild mode would develop after the demo… but the review doesn’t talk about the mode at all..
Sort of liked the demo but both me and my daugter said after the demo.. was fun for the demo, but don’t need the full game…
@RubyCarbuncle @Deepdoop Some games do take a long time to go on sale (e.g. Mario and Zelda titles), but this is early enough in the year that it could get a Black Friday discount this year.
I’ll probably look for a used copy over the Summer.
Not sure I'll get it soon with my backlog, but great review and hope everyone has fun with it!
Going through a bit of a rough patch mentally, this is the just the kind of game I need to help get me through. Something light, breezy, colourful, and easy to play. Kirby's just cool like that!
Nice review and nice score. Sounds pretty short though. But maybe it takes me longer. It often takes me longer.
The pink is clean
Is this game fun for BIG BOIS? I've beaten some kirby games but they have always been too slow-paced and easy to my taste. This looks more like a mario game, is it any fun?
Thoroughly enjoyed the demo. The graphics are impressive and feeling-forward, the gameplay was fun but not too inventive, and the environments feel alive.
But, I think it felt a tad too easy for my tastes. It’s not a bad thing at all but personally, I might ultimately skip this or wait for a sale around Black Friday.
Nice, haven't played many Kirby games. The first being on the game boy advance and then on 3ds. Neither have been completed or even close. The 3ds one has perhaps 1 hour of play time. IDK why, I like the character and is in my rotation in Smash but the games have a certain amount of aimlessness to me I guess?
That being said I did like the demo so perhaps I will give it a shot sometime
Can't wait for Friday. This Kirby game is looking delightful.
@Nin10doh Isn't it! 😍
@-Juice- But like, that's just your opinion. Which is totally valid, I have nothing against it! Yet such a large amount of people have great fun playing games like Kirby, Yoshi, Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, etc. There's a huge market for these kinds of simpler, relaxing games. Unlike a movie, there are often environments to run around in, choices to make, things to do. None of the games I listed above have really engrossing plotlines and characters or massive cutscenes, they are games first and foremost and wouldn't make for interesting movies.
Now I'm not saying this to change your mind. I don't want you to change the way you enjoy playing games! Everyone knows what they like and need for a game to be engaging. Just pointing out that we can't make blanket statements about gaming and gamers (like comment #75) because people are just different.
If Skywalker Saga wasn't coming out in a couple of weeks, this game would've had all my attention. It looks so adorable, the demo was great, and I'm happy to hear that it's been reviewed so positively. Hope that everyone who plays this will have a heckin cute time!
@Savage_Joe both
Good to see good things said about this game. Hopefully most of the pessimism I had for this prior would be chased away by this game's awesomeness.
"After the somewhat disappointingly safe Kirby Star Allies, this latest adventure feels like a proper celebration for Kirby"
I'd argue that Kirby Star Allies is still a great game despite "being too safe". Then again, as amazing Planet Robobot was, I thought it felt like a DLC Expansion Pack for Triple Deluxe at times.
I find it interesting that so many people (justifiably) demand a hard mode in Kirby games, but when others demand an easy mode in From Software games, it's considered impossible because it "goes against the developer's sacred vision" 🤔.
Anyways, looking forward to playing this over the weekend.
absolute gem of a game. played the demo with my brother and it was a blast. Kirby games won't satisfy that craving of mine for challenge; that said games like this are a wonderful breather. buying this as soon as as I can for sure, can't wait to play the full game
@Max_the_German 30fps? odd since when I played the demo I could've sworn it was 60fps. regardless I honestly don't think being 30fps is that big of a takeaway
I'm going to play this one with my 7yr old daughter. Hopefully itll be our first co-op game beaten together. She absolutely loved the demo, and I love all the kirby games, so it's an obvious day one buy for me. I would much rather play something like this than other big games like Pokemon, Triangle Strategy and Elden Ring. This is gonna be such a chill, fun time. I can't wait.
This is actually pretty cool, a-lot of nice ideas in the gameplay.
After back to back big open world games, (Horizon Forbidden West & Dying Light 2) this will be a nice change of pace. A laid back casual platformer with beautiful visuals and an amazing soundtrack! I'll be enjoying this gem over the weekend on my Switch OLED, curled up in bed! Come on Friday!
Haven't been the biggest Kirby fan, either. Liked the series a lot on NES and SNES then was pretty meh on it until Epic Yarn and since then none of the games have really interested me. This one, right from the first trailer, brought the hype and the demo confirmed for me it was going to be good. It gets ragged on a lot, but Super Mario 3D World is one of the best Mario platformers, imo, and this game has a lot of that DNA, going to be fun to see what the levels beyond the demo are like.
I might give this another chance since the rest of the game looks fun but the demo was suuuuper boring (the boss was fine). Like I understand this is aimed to be for kids but it just had some nice looking areas and no real substance. It felt like I knew the solution to every "problem" on the map before I even received the ability to deal with it with zero hinderance. But maybe the demo played it too safe for the sake of showing us what Kirby can do and the rest of the game is good.
Ya, 3D World is excellent. Ppl have just had open world fever for the last 5 years or so. Even this game, when pp found out it wasn't Odyssey, started expressing disappointment. Which, don't get me wrong, I like open games as much as the next guy, but it's not the only valid approach, and honestly, it's kinda overdone at this point anyways.
Kirby Forgotten Land is just a joy to play. There aren't as many games like that as you'd think- basically, just Kirby and Yoshi. But the last Kirby game was mid, and Yoshi's Crafted World wasn't anywhere near as good as Wooly World. So this game is very much welcome. I only hope they port Wooly World at some point. That game deserves a Switch release. It's the best Yoshi game since Yoshi's Island on SNES, and imho, it's actually much better.
Still looking forward to the never-coming day when the main campaign of a Kirby game is as challenging as Kirby's Adventure was in its day.
That being said, you can't go wrong with a Kirby game. They're always fun and this one sounds like one of the best yet. Can't wait to blast through it in co-op with my son.
I've been enjoying the big, open world of Horizon: Forbidden West, but no doubt a more linear approach is appreciated sometimes as well. These levels are bigger than other Kirby games and the more light-hearted approach to a post apocalyptic type setting is cool too. Looking forward to a nice, easy game after stuff like Horizon and Metroid Dread (which I'm still obsessed with).
Do people want Kirby games to go Triple Deluxe on them and be The True Arena hard?
If they did, I'd probably stop playing them.
Blowout Blast! has a place in my affections,
but looking forward to playing this one soon.
I started Horizon Forbidden West- soooo glad they added gyro aiming, cause I legit wasn't gonna buy on PS5 if it didn't. But they did! But I want to finish the first before going back to it, and I don't want to pick the first back up until SteamDeck releases, where I can play hybrid handheld with gyro (as opposed to just on the TV with gyro).
Also started some other games- Rune Factory 5 on Switch (better than expected) and Pokemon Legends Arceus (also better than expected), and been playing the new Mario Kart 8 DLC tracks, also started Assassin's Creed Ezio Collection, .hack//G.U. Last Recode and Persona 4 Arena Ultimax. Oh, and got a XIM Nexus controller which maps analog inputs and translates them to 1:1 mouse output, which is mapped to the gyroscope. End result? Every Xbox One and Series game playable with insanely high quality gyro aiming, and even PS4 games (not PS5 though, since Dualsense is locked down and can't be emulated by 3rd party controllers yet). That means God of War and Horizon Zero Dawn with gyro on PS5- I don't even need PC to get it! Call of Duty Vanguard on Series X with gyro! Which, that's especially cool since it's not sold on Steam, which is needed for mapping mouse gyro. That XIM Nexus suddenly made hundreds of games playable with gyro on console. Sure, many were already on Steam with mouse gyro, but many weren't. Plus with Gamepass, I'll actually play the games now that they have gyro aiming.
But Triangle Strategy, that game has me hooked. It's so good! I'd even rate it above Fire Emblem, and I'm a diehard FE fan. It has such a great story with an incredibly compelling world, with lots of lore and interesting characters. And the gameplay is just... it's excellent. They nailed it.
So many games to play. Not enough time. And more is on the way. Kirby, Switch Sports (I LOVED Wii Sports back in the day so I'm all in on this one), Mario Strikers, Splatoon 3, House of the Dead Remake, Advance Wars, Fire Emblem Warriors, Mario Rabbids, Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, Bayonetta 3, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Live A Live, Zelda BotW 2, Pokémon Scarlet/Violet...
I'm just drunk on all these games. I think 2022 is genuinely the best year for video games I've ever experienced.
I knew this was going to be good, I just needed reviews just to be sure, thank goodness!
often these can be takes from different peopleThere are people who feel like both types of games need difficulty options where as there are those who feel both types of games are better suited to their own target audience.
Yes there are sometimes people who can come across as hypocritical, like those who wish from games would be more accessible while also dismissing those who would like harder mode options in nintendo games as not being in the target audience but these are usually a relatively small part of the discussion.
i can understand how online discussion can often end up muddled, after all the larger the group the less the individuals opinion is factored and it instead becomes a vague approximation of what multiple people say as mentioned before its often why you see quotes with no source since they werent something a person said.
for my take i feel like if a game does include difficulty settings then it is often best to have more than 2, as in not just easy,normal or Normal,hard
Preordered and now downloading 5.7gb.
With Kirby mouse mat and magnet stickers
Like a bit if different merchandise.
From Nintendo UK store.
Whenever I am going through a tough time nothing lightens my mood up like a Kirby game.
@BenAV do you mean suck into it?
Bought it on JP store 20 USD cheaper
@Joker1234 what exactly is wrong with igns review. Do you have a problem with their lower score? Or are like many just haters of ign because they are the big video game movie company?
It’s the first Kirby game I’ve ever preordered, and looking forward to playing it Friday night with my younger daughter. Whether or not it’s fun enough to tempt her and her sister away from their tablets remains to be seen, but for me at least it’ll be way better than Star Allies.
@-Juice- I think both simple and challenging game series have their own place in gaming. Want to really sink your teeth into something complex that is going to test your skills? You have Metroid, Hollow Knight, Death’s Door, Celeste, Ori, the Souls series. But if you are stressed or not in a great place mentally and just need to relax and have some plain, uncomplicated fun? Then you have Animal Crossing, Kirby, Story of Seasons, Yoshi, Ace Attorney, Pokemon.
Personally, I’d go mad if I only played difficult/challenging games! Life can get hard sometimes, and the gaming equivalent of a warm fluffy blanket and a cup of hot cocoa can help immensely in those situations. But that’s just my two cents.
@Jooles_95 @UsurperKing Well said, totally agree! I love having both types of games to balace eachother out. That's the beauty of games, there really is something for everyone & every type of gamer 😊
@Benji80 I’ve recently beat Sekiro twice. Both on PS4 and PS5 and I love Kirby games. I’m playing Elden Ring now and going to be playing Forgotten Land this weekend.
People aren’t softer now or harder then. Ppl just play more games and dont give a crap about this cornball mentality.
Also games weren’t harder to test your skills. They were harder to rip you off and get more money out of you lol.
Um excuse me but flipswitch galaxy is one of the best levels in Mario history. How dare you!!
Reliable as always is our good ol' pinks sphere of fun. THIS game in particular looks extra special though. Has metacritic'd at 85% do far. Greatest Kirby game of all time perhaps? Can't wait to play it.
Cheers for the review.
@beazlen1 I love those levels as well.
@Benji80 Hey there, I'll contact you directly for this to keep the comment section on topic Thanks!
@Joker1234 “Kirby and the Forgotten Land is 100% aimed at younger gamers.” Just this statement in this review, makes me think IGN probably got it more right.
my first kirby game. alrady pre-downloaded.
The reviews have sold me on this. Pre-ordered from Currys for £38.24
Well said. It’s the same with every form of entertainment. Sometimes I want to be challenged, sometimes I want some easy listening/viewing/reading.
I see Gaming in exactly the same way. Sometimes I want Celeste or a bullet hell should, other times Pokemon Snap
If this is as good as or better than Astro's Playroom, I'm getting it.
@electrolite77 Same here. Some games are meant to be an assault on your senses, others are supposed to be relaxing and palate cleansing. Kirby is a smooth ride feel good type game - enjoy the journey. Much like some of Sega’s games back in the day, or Wind Waker or Okami. I could do Rad Mobile in one credit, it was purely about enjoying the ride.
@Serpo I don’t feel alone. Something has seemed off for a while now. People think I’m crazy when I express this thought.
One credit? Nice.
There’s room for all sorts of games now. The days when games had to be challenging and the achievement was to ‘git gud’ are long gone.
I remember many in comments sections saying this was going to be open world Kirby...
@-Juice- to be fair, visual novels are considered games, & don't have challenge. It's not something i would play, but i played Kirby's epic yarn & it was fun, even tho it's easy. I like seeing their creativity. I wouldn't pay $60 for a game like that, but worth a rental sometimes, for me.
That's garbage. Games have whatever meaning you ascribe to them, regardless of difficulty. Sounds like your life may lack meaning if you derive so much from how difficult video games are. What an absolute crock.
@IronMan30 called 5 targets, ended up finding on with the Kirby balls! Got the game and the amiibo and so thrilled
@JayJ Metascore is 84 after 67 reviews, with a user rating of 9.0.
@JasmineDragon Well it is a mainline Nintendo title featuring a popular character, they are known for their loyal fanbases who rush out to award them 10's no matter what. As for the critics, I guess that makes this in line with the rest of them, but then again most of them aren't willing to anger the Nintendo fanbase with a really critical review, and it's usually Nintendo fans who review these kind of titles.
Not saying it's bad or anything, just that I'm well aware of the kind of fanbase this game attracts.
Great review! I just beat the first major boss in the game on Wild Mode, Gorimondo was really tough.
@GannonBanned nice, I hope you like it!
I was lucky, it turns out they had the Kirby balls at my local Target.
@Ambassador_Kong Try beating the game at 100% and you will get your challenge.
@IronMan30 we beat the city friday night, and blew out the beach last night - going to start the carnival tonight - it’s pretty great - I’m getting tired of only using the spear in Co-Op but doing the cafe in Waddle Dee Town was fun
You digging it?
@GannonBanned Yes, I'm loving it. Haven't played a ton but got to the first level in Wondaria Remains.
definitely not my type of game. This game is ment for a younger audience. The capped framerate (30fps) is also a bit disappointing.
@defrb just curious how did you notice the framerate? I’m 4 hours in playing docked co op on a first gen switch and have had no issues
Great game. Really enjoying it.
It's reported in many reviews, the resolution is dynamic 810p~1080p. And the framerate is capped at 30fps with some drops.
Not sure if i may link to other websites, but "nintendoenthusiast" and "twistedvoxel" sites mention it.
The game is still great but 60 fps would be a diffrence.
“Kirby's little buddies have been captured by the villain of the piece — a villain who shall remain nameless here — and stuck into cages that are hidden all around the Forgotten Land, a land through which you must now jump, glide, motorboat, rollercoast and... eh... yeah, whatever it is he's doing with that vending machine, in order to rescue each and every one of your imperilled pals whilst dishing out a right royal doing to the expansive roster of bosses as you go.“
I don’t know why but I just love this sentence and I want to marry it.
@defrb wait - I promise I’m not being mean and this isn’t a trap - you’re disappointed in a framerate you didn’t even notice while playing?
I don’t really understand the whole framerate/ray tracing conversation, I’m 34 and NES was my first console, so I’m always trying to learn about it (and as a Mortal Kombat player, I understand the nature of frame delays affecting performance in those situations - it’s like Kirby at 30 fps seems great to me)
Best 3D platformer on the system, and maybe ever.
No, I didn't stutter.
I bought this on the strength of Edge's review while I was about 150hrs into Elden Ring. It didn't distract me away from it, but I'm around 10 hrs in and I've been going for 100% so far having multiple plays of each of the levels. This is such a lovely game. I can't think of a better word, it's just that - lovely. A delight. Rescuing duck chicks to return to their mother? What's not to like, there? This is a fabulous alternative to the goth horror of something like Elden Ring. And as such it deserves its place.
Hey guys what’s your favourite Kirby hat in Kirby and the forgotten land?
Mine is dragon fire lol
Dedede caged his waddle dees because he got possessed by a beast like Leongar from lab discovera and the larva of fecto forgo probably possessed him but the good part comes now Kirby was saving the waddle dees
@-Juice- I HEAVILY disagree on that. Games are meant to be fun regardless of difficulty. If you define games by challenge, you're completely missing the point. Challenge is a BONUS.
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