Originally released for PS Vita in Japan back in 2017, Gun Gun Pixies tells the story of two intergalactic hornballs, Kame Pon and Bee Tan, otherwise known as Pixie Team, who are sent to earth on a secret mission to observe the interactions of a bunch of teenage girls living in a dormitory. Pixie Team’s home planet Pandemo is in the midst of a great existential crisis, you see; society there has all but forgotten how to forge meaningful relationships and so it’s up to these two military school dropouts to spend half a year observing how earth girls relate to one another and build friendships in order to save the very future of Pandemonians.
Very generously billed as a third-person shooter, Gun Gun Pixies is, in reality, a simplistic and repetitive game aimed at people – and these people must exist because this game does – who enjoy roleplaying as tiny little sex pixies who sneak around dorm rooms on all-fours, exposing their asses and thongs at all times whilst they make heavy breathing noises and shoot “happy bullets” at the great big jiggling boobs and butts of teenage anime ladies. Ahem.

In order to collect the information vital to the survival of their home planet, Bee Tan – who is in a constant state of intense sexual arousal – and Kame Pon – who is bored with Bee Tan’s constant state of sexual arousal but is also herself somewhat sexually aroused – must climb around furniture in three different dorm rooms, using the scopes from their "happy guns" to search for hidden objects to further the “story” and take up sniping positions from which to fire off volleys of "happy bullets" at their target’s chests and crotches.
The gameplay here breaks down into some very shoddy platforming, where a misbehaving camera and poor jumping controls combine to ensure you’ll spend quite a lot of time trying to make it to points of interest around a room, and a lot of very tiresome, completely unchallenging shooting. You spend your entire time firing off endless barrages of bullets at big jiggly boobs and butts while trying to avoid large purple orbs, which emit from the target and represent her internal stresses – as well as fighting an army of tiny squids who wear condoms on their heads. Because of course they do.

One of the key elements as you conduct your research in a girl’s room is that you don’t get caught because – as we’re informed early on by gruff Pixie Team commander Almars – an intergalactic treaty has declared that alien races must not make themselves known to the inhabitants of planets they are visiting for fear of causing an absolute scene. Stealth is therefore thrown into the mix via a "Maiden Sensor" located at the top of your screen. The left-hand side of the sensor rises as you move around within a target’s cone of vision, whilst the right-hand side fills as you make too much noise. Filling either side up completely means you’ve been detected and the mission is failed. Missions can also be failed by getting hit too many times by purple orbs which, obviously, tear your clothes off bit by bit as they hit you until you are left entirely naked, which is absolutely not what people who want to play this game are interested in seeing happen. No sir. Nope.
In order to combat being seen you can pull off a number of Pixie Poses, stuff like bending over with your ass out, rubbing your boobs together and pouting or squatting like you’re about to do a tiny space poo; the humans will then presumably assume you’re a toy figure and leave you alone. Minimising sound comes down to simply crawling around instead of walking, and this is a very important mechanic in Gun Gun Pixies because as you crawl around your tiny skirt will hitch itself up in such a way that your jiggling rear-end and thong are constantly on show.

As well as minimising sound and staying out of view of your target girl, you can also utilise a technique known as "Flinching Maiden". Shooting a girl right in her big boobs or enormous butt will cause her to start flinching and she will temporarily be incapable of detecting you because she is so aroused; she is literally temporarily blinded by lust because you shot her so hard with your happy bullets right in her boobs. Congratulations, we think.
Once you’ve shot at a girl enough times and gathered enough mission information by scoping around for hidden objects in bins or cupboards, you’ll enter a sort of boss phase – or Pacification – where the target undresses a bit and will start doing yoga or maybe pole-dancing in her room, because, as we all know, that’s what girls do the minute you leave them on their own. Here, you need to focus fire on various parts of their bodies, causing them to become intensely aroused until they experience an enormous, and very noisy endorphin explosion, which is liable to have the police knocking your door down if you've got the TV volume up too loud. You’ll then be rewarded with a bonus bath stage where you get to watch a girl take a bath and can win Picoins, which are also strewn about all over rooms during levels, and use them to purchase upgrades or special equipment such as x-ray vision which enables you to see through people’s clothing at all times.

Indeed, moving into the Deck section of the game’s menu will allow you to upgrade various bits and pieces of your gear. You can also unlock lots of different underwear with your Picoins and we chose to grab a chocolate lingerie set, which was basically just splodges of chocolate covering delicate areas and not really something we would advise anyone try to wear as actual underwear. We also purchased another set called "Boing, Boing Happy Underwear" which we haven’t got around to trying on yet.
If all of this sounds like exactly the kind of thing you’re down for then you should know that cutscenes tend to be laboriously long and tedious affairs and you never get to leave Lilypad, the dorm you’re in, with all of the action taking place in three very similar and very bland bedrooms. Traversal is, as we mentioned, quite a bit of a pain due to clunky controls and the shooting just doesn’t have any sort of satisfying feel or challenge to it. In reality, once you’ve played about an hour of Gun Gun Pixies, you’ve experienced all the gameplay elements it has to offer, with only the tiresome story remaining to keep you involved – alongside all that unlockable underwear, of course.

The plot also tries at points to strike a strangely caring, well-meaning tone in having missions revolve around things like one of the girls having an eating disorder and existing entirely on diet gum. The other girls in the dorm worry for her and she eventually overcomes her eating problem through the magic of happy bullets being blasted at her breasts. It’s a weird thing, trying to send some sort of message about not caring about your body image to the point of making yourself ill whilst at the same time existing solely to objectify bodies; it makes the whole thing even more of a colossal cringe-fest.
Gun Gun Pixies is a bad game. It’s a terrible third-person shooter, a clunky platformer and an incompetent visual novel, all wrapped up in an embarrassingly puerile attempt at titillation. Usually, this type of game can be saved somewhat by at least having some humour about itself or some level of self-awareness as to how bonkers or puerile it's being, but Gun Gun Pixies can't even manage that. It’s hard to believe anyone would choose to offend themselves with this kind of thing but, if it is your bag, you should still be put off somewhat by the fact that everything it attempts to do, on a purely technical level, it does very badly indeed.
Comments 283
I mean...that Joys list is pretty tempting I don't know. My favorite past time is shooting big anime boobs with happy bullets!
The game may look rubbish, but that doesn’t excuse the reviewer’s ridiculous high-horsing.
Oh no! BOOBS! Let me mount my obviously superior Western moral steed!
Doubt you’d get so twisted about the gratuitous violence in so many Western games though.
What a joke of a reviewer.
Not a pixel art metroidvania dime a dozen flavor of the month Indie, if it was you know they'd be praising it giving it a 9.
No video? No YouTube link?
Damn, you guys always hate on anime games, unless they have Nintendo slapped on them or are from bigger companies.
This review is just trashing because the reviewer doesn't like the genre.
And this is why, gentlemen, I never look at reviews when I'm buying my games. My game library would be 1/3 of what it is now if I were to listen to reviewers.
@HappyMaskedGuy Is Europe still considered Western? I always wondered that. Cause I've only ever really heard it being used for Americans. Shouldn't they be like Mid Westerns or something?
Though America is the closest to Japan...shouldn't we be the East? WHO THE HELL CAME UP WITH THESE NAMES!!!
Removed - unconstructive
@Rika_Yoshitake That's a bit harsh. Though I also think the 3 is a bit harsh. I've watched videos of the japanese version before and the game really doesn't seem like anything to write home about.
And trust me, I love me some anime tiddies. But there are a lot better games to get those than this. I think 5 or 6 would be more fair. 3 makes it seem like it's its barely even playable which it's not.
@HappyMaskedGuy Is it suddenly OK to attack the reviewer? It’s fine to disagree but to call him a joke? These games are almost universally panned by many reviewers so what is it about them that makes you get on YOUR high horse and defend them so much, is anime boobies the hill you’ll die on?
@jerrycoeurl It’s impressive, I see far more people complaining about SJWs complaining about things than actual SJWs complaining in these comment sections. Call it SJWception.
@nessisonett You clearly didn’t read my comment and consider my point.
The problem here isn’t the quality or the genre of the game.The problem is the reviewer’s ridiculous moral bias against boobs and thongs in games.
Nothing more. I’m not ‘dying on a hill’. I’m expressing an opinion. And please— keep your exaggerated hyperbole to yourself. Accusing me of ‘attacking’ someone is laughable. He’s a paid reviewer. Nobody is forcing him to sell this nonsense.
@HappyMaskedGuy Right? I never hear about people complain when men are the ones getting over sexualized. I'll admit it's rarer than the female cases, but FFXV and Gladiolus come to mind, where he was running around half naked and the female fanbase swooned.
@jerrycoeurl @nessisonett SJWs make everything worse, I think people are right to complain about them. Maybe they've finally shut up now that people have started calling them out and shaming them for their bad behavior.
Got the game a few days ago. Yet to play it, but sounds very fun and totally my kinda thing! And not put off at all, I can live with the gameplay being a bit funky if its true. Despite negative reviews, pretty much every ecchi games I own has been great.
@nessisonett I also wish the term was never invented. Whenever I see SJW it just makes me cringe. I was hoping that was something that the internet has slowly abandoned by now. I don't like the things apparent "SJWs" stand for usually but can't people just talk about things without putting a label on sh*t or a group of people. It's like everyone shouting FAKE NEWS over everything cause of the orange turd sitting in orange house. Never was a fan of these naming trends.
Breasts are bad and you should feel bad for liking them.
@MsJubilee Breasts are the greatest invention that has ever graced humanity. Whether it was by a God or science I don't care. Thanks God or evolution!
@Aquamine-Amarine Bad behaviour? Whatever your thoughts on the whole keyboard warrior group are, it's hard to say that #MeToo and the like are a bad thing considering that it's exposed several big time predators already. These games will always exist and will always be panned by critics but it doesn't stop you playing the game.
My copy of the game is still lost in the mail, but now I just can't wait to receive it even more; it will be interesting to play the game and see by myself if this was a fair review or not.
EDIT(Got the game in the mail the day after the review was posted, what a timing! XD)
After playing the game for a few hours I can say that this doesn't seem a fair review to me as this is a good game in my opinion.
Controls are fun to use, making very fun to zip around the giant room and shooting at obstacles or enemies (or giant girls); they are not perfect and indeed there are some serious flaws here and there (with the camera being a major culprit), but it's not bad controls as the review says, more like good fun third-person-shooting controls that for some weird reason didn't get optmized for the game they were made for.
It's a major fault, but it doesn't make the game clunky or unplayable; quite the opposite it's still a working and enjoyable game, just with some issues holding back its full potential.
The story is also pretty good/cute, nothing amazing, but it gives a nice slice of anime vibe for as far as I got to see at the moment.
The review may complain about the very first chapter, but seems to have completly ignored half of the dialogues.
It may not be incredible story writing, but the story actively try to do more then just use the "happy bullets" as an excuse and cure to all problems as the review seems to hint and instead actively focus on the girls interacting and helping each other to face their problems.
Overall this seems honestly a good game for what I played so far.
Not a perfect game and I guess the fanservice may turn some people away, but this is definitly a fun game deserving at least a score between average and good (around 7 I guess?); what this game is NOT for sure however is a 3 or in any way a bad game.
Time to read people whine and cry in the comments about the game being sexual
@Joker13z It's given Social Justice bad connotations which is insane, if the term was used in the context of the civil rights movement of the 60s or the suffragette movement then there wouldn't be a problem.
Ok but seriously though, this review was garbage, it's just a guy acting like a smart ass the entire time, I think the 2nd con summarizes this review pretty well. "Extremely cringe worthy from start to finish"
@nessisonett Videogames are a product of fantasy. Like all works of fiction, they allow people to safely enjoy otherwise dangerous or socially awkward environments, experiences and feelings, in a safe place that is free from any real harm. You telling me you’ve never enjoyed an FPS or a horror film? Aye, right.
By your logic we should also ban Fifty Shades and Outlander. Goes both ways.
Edit: Also, linking ‘sexy’ anime games to incidents related to the ‘MeToo’ movement is the same argument exploited by US conservative gun advocates who want to blame gun violence on video-games— a claim that has been debunked over, and over, and over again.
@nessisonett Maybe he's thinking about attitude those people have toward this sorta games? The attitude some people have toward ecchi games is getting very grating sometimes. Don't like the ecchi? Absolutely fine. Feel free to say you don't. But saying I "offend myself" by playing this game or acting like everyone who like this sorta thing are bad (not saying you do here but I have seen the attitude from people in other articles) If people stopped going to articles just to attack people the community would be likely be frendlier ^_^
Definite buy from me. PJ Reilly sounded a little upset by the game
Can we all just come to an agreement that anime tiddies and breasts of all kinds are fantastic and the game itself just may not be that great as a game? Group hug? Yes no? I mean I think that's a good middle ground here.
I can certainly think of extremely fan servicey games that are much better and ones that have a lovely/ridiculous amount of boob psyhics that are also better after watching gameplay. Time to kiss and make up everyone! Let's all go play some raunchy VNs instead of arguing in the comment section lol.
@BakaKnight I already finished the game and yeah, this review is just pure hate. The game is good, not AAA good, but still pretty good, especially if you're into these type of games.
This game is extremely cringeworthy, because anything remotely related to sex is only for my wife's boyfriend.
Was expecting this and it is gloriously embarrassing from NintendoLife ONCE AGAIN because it does not fit their toxic feminist driven agenda. The amount of sheer contempt and looking down on people who dare not follow the mindless herd, and like these games is incredible. Would it not be better for NintendoLife to ignore these games if they have NO ONE who even has a modicum of interest? Genuine question? You wouldn't get someone who cares little for FPS, driving sims to continually review them would you?
@nessisonett These games exist because fans love them, they get panned because western reviewers never liked them, never will, they think they are abhorrent and look down (as is the case here) on anyone who likes them, they think they're disgusting and are . You want an honest take on this you have to follow more niche websites (or Destructoid which is open minded) or YouTubers. They have for years tried to drive it into anyone that sexual aspects bad (unless appealing to the alphabet people) and must be eradicated.
And yes the MeToo movement has on the whole become a toxic mess because it went from genuine stories of abuse of power to a full on witch hunt where the mere allegation despite any proof whatsoever will destroy a mans career as they are hounded by far left media outlets.
@tobibra I definitely don't believe ecchi games should be banned, there's just a difference between the jokey Japanese risque humour and the stuff with underage girls and rapey connotations. My personal line between risque and distasteful is different from yours and I respect that but it's not right for certain people to call the reviewer names for his own opinion given that's all a review is, an opinion.
@BadEndBrit Dude, this has nothing to do with feminism. These games are simply excruciatingly embarrassing to witness, and terrible to play to boot.
@BadEndBrit Well said!
On second thoughts I know why NintendoLife continually hate review on fan service games: the clicks. Get as much traffic as possible by just regurgitating the feminist / SJW rhetoric and hammer home just how above the dirty, filthy, 'women hating' people who enjoy these games are. So easy to do, people like me are drawn in (gotta defend it against mindless hate).
Most other games journalists, sorry, activist (keep forgetting they have little integrity) sites like Eurogamer, IGN, Gamespot etc. have gone past that phase and now just ignore them and let bygones be bygones unless a bit hitter (DoA) comes along and have to bash it because, you know, it appeals to men.
@BadEndBrit Oh god please don't start this article down the political agenda bs -_- Every time I hear the words far left, far right etc it's just incredibly cringey. Pretty sure a lot of media outlets are just sh*t because they're just...sh*t. Political affiliation doesn't have to be tied to EVERYTHING. Next we're gonna be claiming people who like hamburgers are those damn leftist and pizza eaters are those freaking far right people lol.
@Damo It has everything to do with feminism sadly as it has infected the modern media landscape and 'reviewers' to the point if oozes out even without deliberately going into it. The tone of this review is clear in that.
The game may not be perfect but 3? That is nearly a broken game with no redeeming qualities. This has plenty of redeeming qualities for it's target audience and the gameplay is fun. The target audience is clearly the problem from this review though. How DARE they exist right?
This review is really well written. It had me laughing the whole time. I like anime a lot but the idea of shooting bullets at a women in order to turn them on doesn't appeal much. Even then, bad reviews aren't going to stop the game reaching the niche. Those that are interested have already made their minds up before reading a (well-justified) 3/10. I don't think the guy was saying 'all boobs are bad'; just that this is done so distastefully.
@Joker13z I don't wanna bring politics into it but kinda have to when reviews like this exist. They are driven by that and it is clear for most to see. I could feel it from the start.
I wish every game site could be free of politics but that ain't gonna happen.
@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Well said!
@nessisonett Then we can agree to respect each other. And I agree the reviewer should not be called names. But I also think he should not have acted like people who buy this stuff should be offended.
@nessisonett 'it's not right for certain people to call the reviewer names for his own opinion given that's all a review is, an opinion.'
Forgive me but I've seen no one directing abuse at him but merely calling him out for their demeaning tone, hate filled, morally righteous review. They open up for critique (or mockery as is often the case here) when they post a review like this on an open response website. After all, that is what the readers opinions are, just an opinion right?
I for one am not interested in playing this kind of games, and I’m sure this one really is terrible in its gameplay, but shaming the target audience has nothing to do with the quality of the game itself, and certainly has no place in a professional review.
@Joker13z Western culture has existed since way before the U.S..
Something like Ancient Greece if not even Mesopotamia.
@BadEndBrit Sex-positive feminism is a thing. You're going to come up against a lot of holes if you try to paint all feminists with the same brush given how complicated it is.
@nessisonett to be honest the reviewer started calling names in the title by billing anyone who might like this a perv.
Ah! The Preacher from the Church of NL smighting and righting the evils of video games and boob's! BOOB'S!!! Boob's are more evil than depictions of satanism, gun violence, ripping guts out of beat-em-up's.
@BadEndBrit How does a reviewer who clearly shouldn't have reviewed this game to start with have anything to do with politics? Everything isn't tied to politics my man.
I'm pretty damn sure it's just for the click bait and ad money haha. Not really sure there's some huge political agenda behind NL giving a boob game a bad review. If you look at everything and try to see politics then you're pretty much going to no matter what the content is.
Like for instance if they absolutely loved the game and praised it etc wouldn't that make it political on the other side of the spectrum? Far right I guess instead of far left?
Great review.
Mon PJ, saying it how it is and annoying exactly the right people.
Get it roond yas.
@Damo At least your opinions are consistently terrible and in tune with the rest of the website.
Otherwise, people might be tricked into giving you another click.
@clvr It was a joke man haha. I was trying to bring some light heartedness to this infuriated comment section.
@Joker13z It reminds me of when there was a backlash against Wolfenstein 2 from the far-right and a journalist asked the director if he was kicking a hornet's nest. He replied 'Yeah, but the hornet's nest is filled with Nazis'. Some games open themselves up to political/social debate just through the subject matter.
@BadEndBrit So if anyone finds the idea of shooting large-chested girls in the boobs and bum painfully gringe-worthy and embarrassing, they're immediately a feminist?
Mate, you might want to get out of the house more.
The issue I have with the review is that it is just openly disdainful of the people that may want the game. It makes a swipe at these potential players saying:
'these people must exist because this game does – who enjoy roleplaying as tiny little sex pixies who sneak around dorm rooms on all-fours, exposing their asses and thongs at all times whilst they make heavy breathing noises and shoot “happy bullets” at the great big jiggling boobs and butts of teenage anime ladies.'
'. It’s hard to believe anyone would choose to offend themselves with this kind of thing but, if it is your bag, you should still be put off somewhat by the fact that everything it attempts to do, on a purely technical level, it does very badly indeed.'
The game probably is as bad technically as the reviewer says, but it just strikes me that they could be upfront and say this was something as a genre or content they don't enjoy and describe why its bad....for the target audience without being so disparaging. The same reviewer did a similar thing to his review of the SAO game last month I believe.
oh no the poor PJ the SJW warrior is offended by anime tiddies and gives the game a 3. GO F*** YOURSELF!
do you need some 5 dollars indie pixel art game again?
im sick of these reviews
@Parfait Yet here you are, posting in the comments. I always find it amusing when people berate a website, its staff and its opinions, yet they keep coming back. ¯(ツ)/¯
We're clearly doing something right...
@Damo Still embarrassed by boobs? Don’t pretend you’ve never watched porn.
Also, insulting people by patronising their tastes is worse than anything you’ve described in this terrible, immoral game.
The game definitely sounds way more fun.
@nessisonett Aye I have heard of sex-positive feminism, thing is though that is almost never portrayed / given a voice in the media, it appears by far to be the minority of feminism. I ain't tarring everyone with the same brush, I have that had done to me over the years for a lot of things, ain't trying to do the same.
I mean, the game does look boring tho.
And why are folks still even complaining about reviews of this genre of games? Why do some folks always see it as a personal affront to them and their personal choice of buying something. I really like the movie Life Aquatic, but I've got a friend that hates it. I don't call them every week complaining how they've ruined my life because their opinion is different about something that....wait for it.... I still enjoy no matter what.
Also, this is precious.
@BadEndBrit Today: "So easy to do, people like me are drawn in (gotta defend it against mindless hate)."
Also Today: " I ain't tarring everyone with the same brush, I have that had done to me over the years for a lot of things, ain't trying to do the same."
3 weeks ago: "If you don't want to get offended or whatever you call it, don't click on, back away, ignore it, it is SO easy to do but you lot choose not to for reasons beyond most. Don't tell me what I should and should not do based on your own moral values."
@Damo No matter what you others may think of NL Damo really has a point here lmao. I'm still here cause I like probably like maybe half of their articles. When the time comes I don't like any...I just won't be here haha. So clearly what they're doing is working.
@HappyMaskedGuy I love boobs, but there's something called "good taste" which seems to lost on the people supporting this kind of dross. If you'd play this with other people in the room, then more power to you! You must have VERY understanding friends and family.
Amazing that people are defending this game more on its subject matter than the quality of its gameplay, which to me speaks volumes.
@Joker13z Maybe I've been trained (not the right word is it) to see something that ain't quite there or the meaning has been warped by both sides to be in everything. They say politics is in everything though.
Pretty sure the far right would hate this as well, probably falsely call it paedo bait or something similar.
@nessisonett What do Nazis have to do with politics though. Pretty sure it was universal that people hate Nazis. So why would a game about killing them become some sort of political debate? Never really understood any of that when the game came out. If there's a political side that loves them some Nazis then we have a problem haha.
As you can tell I don't really pay attention to politics since this all confuses me.
NL comment section's been getting pretty hot recently.
@Damo Nah, most of the internet already knows Nintendolife as just weak clickbait, and while I took the bait this time (with adblock) it ain't happening again.
See ya!
@Joker13z Their tagline was Make America Nazi-Free Again, which according to the far-right meant that they were insinuating that America had a problem with the far-right. I'm surprised that the Nazis weren't offended by the game being about killing Nazis but hey, they clearly have their priorities straight.
@BadEndBrit If that's what we've become as a society...then that's pretty damn sad lol. Though you're right I guess. All I ever hear these days is f*cking politics. Can't even go to a game forum or review comment sections without it being brought up. So obviously it's apparently on everyone's mind no matter what.
I just ignore the whole sh*t pile haha. Makes my life a lot happier. There are horrible people on both sides of politics and all it ends up being, atleast here in the US, is one big pissing contest between the two parties without anything ever getting done so I just kind of gave up abut a decade ago.
@nessisonett Oh huh. Well now it's pretty clear I don't follow any of that mess cause I never heard that haha. I just...play games and hardly ever read or watch news. Life is a lot better that way
@Parfait A real shame, that.
@Damo didn't quite say that though, 99% of people would find this off-putting that I bloody well know, that same percentage would just ignore it after that though. Don't make em all nutters but there are nutters in that percentage who will go overboard, try to enforce their view, shame others for liking it etc.. That is what we're looking at here, otherwise there would be no review.
Also pretty sure you can shoot some sweet loli as well.
@HobbitGamer Okay? It's a game I like, want to see if the review has any merit (nope). Defend against undue hate. Bit different than going to something that deliberately offends me.
@PJOReilly Having actually read the entire review, this does sound like a pretty lacking game. Like those barebones Nerf video games
@JohnQuixote Hot as in sexy cause of all the boobage? Cause I admittedly did get kinda hot thinking of shooting happy bullets at dem big ol anime tiddies.
I wish Reviewers would be that upset about Games containing Micro Transactions and Loot Boxes. Maybe then Games like NBA 2K20 wouldn't get a 9/10 Score they clearly don't deserve.
@Joker13z Stop shooting me with your Happy Bullets.
@HappyMaskedGuy always puzzle me what these people do in warmer parts of the world. were bloody woman have the cheek at the pool to show flesh. lets get back to the victorian era. Oh yeah gambling in games aimed kids fine but games not targeted at kids that have two round wobbly things omg the devil incarnate. Well demons nazis are fine of course but as long as no boobs involved.
I'm shamefully curious 0w0
@Joker13z Yeah that's true, I think the time of no politics in games discussion is mostly gone outside select circles (or echo chambers I suppose). The good ol days weren't even that long ago but feels so much longer.
At least you get somewhat of a different political news in the US, for the past 3 years we in the UK have had nowt but nonstop coverage of our incompetent parliaments attempt to handle Brexit. I'd take literally anything else right now.
@BadEndBrit At least I agree with you on Brexit. I play games so that I don't have to watch the next knob on TV with their hot take on Brexit, you'd think all that could be said has been said already.
@HobbitGamer If you have big anime boobs, I'm gonna shoot you with happy bullets and you're gonna like it. That's just how it goes.
@nessisonett Yep agreed on something at least Thank god for games, one of the few bastions for escaping stuff like that.
@BadEndBrit Yeah the little I've heard about all that Brexit stuff is it's one huge mess. Sounds like both our countries are a mess lately lmao. Nobody can agree on anything anymore government wise.
Game looks like ass, and I don't mean in a good way. Katamari called, they want their ugly graphics back. (Though at least Katamari has fun moments you can share with your kids, parents, grandpa whomever)
@Happymaskedguy Social Justice Warriors are just invented hobgoblins, they don't really exist. Let it go.
@nessisonett Don't bother explaining to someone that the reason they're displeased over someone ELSE being displeased is stupid. They won't get it.
@doofenshmirtz Dude, it's cringeworthy.
@PJOreilly I don't always agree with your take, but I think you're spelling it out pretty plainly. This is dumb, bad-looking perv candy.
@Damo It's not that you're doing something right. It's that we're intelligent enough not to blame the entire staff for the shortcomings of you and PJ
Anyway, this is just the standard shovelware review, nothing much to see here.
Game's probably a 6, but clicks > integrity. Ya gotta eat, I get it.
@Damo "Amazing that people are defending this game more on its subject matter than the quality of its gameplay, which to me speaks volumes."
Hm, I don't know if that's quite it. There are certainly some people defending the game, but I think it's more about the reviewing trend on NL to bash on fans of fanservice. It feels like the reviewer is less saying, "this is a bad game that tries and fails to be sexy," and more that he's saying, "this is a bad game and also it's for gross perverts so it's even worse."
The Omega Labyrinth Life review (https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/switch-eshop/omega_labyrinth_life) was actually a really good example of a review done right. It gives that game a 6/10 - a relatively mediocre score - but doesn't try to insult people for potentially being interested in the game.
...Seriously wished someone who was perfectly fine with fan service games would review these games. I don't usually play them anyways, but still...
@Damo - perhaps you could do an article for certain members on the Magic Money Tree at the NintendoLife offices, and how you only host ads because you like the colours, what with this free site being a registered charity and all.
I thought the FF 8 and Sinking City reviews were pretty dire, but not once believed it was all part of an ad revenue/clickbait plot.
The thing about click bait is that you don't have to click - the tag lines on here are regularly so jokey/punny that you know something rum is afoot. This is the Internet, get used to it. Stop being offended when the world isn't how you want it. Or being offended that a reviewer finds a smutty little game a bit embarrassing. (Not that I find smut dirty. Unless it's done right.)
Funny too, how the loudest moaners on here seem to do a lot of projecting... "I bet feminists/the right wing think..."
The comments here are far more entertaining than any niche game or its review!
@Blizzia We've got no integrity because we gave a game packed with titillation and terrible gameplay a bad review? ಠ_ಠ
Sounds very cringe and badly judged writing wise. Sure, this stuff exists to serve a purpose, which is seeing boobs and women doing booby stuff. If someone is offended by it then fair enough. My own opinion is that it’s a bit lame, like people who are really into sex dolls rather than real people. But, whatever floats your boat....
... you had me at perv fest!
@Damo You need 2 review scores for games with some big ol anime tiddies. One for the fan service and one for the gameplay hahaha. This looks like a good 9 on the fanservice scale. Please everyone! Though it is an interesting thought haha.
Minus one paragraph (the one preceding the conclusion), you barely touch upon why you despise this game’s scenario aside from “Because I disagree with it.” You’re repetitive, critical wording on how this game is bad since it exists is as redundant as this game you despise. Instead of trying to pin yourself as a hero for incessantly attacking something some people may like, learn how to write a review where you shove less of your personal bias in it and more of your opinion on what the game is rather than what you wish it wasn’t. Also, to specify, I am not personally attacked and saying this as I was shattered by a critical review of something (something I don’t have any interest in). I am saying this as a fellow writer who is awe-struck by the lack of fairness and depth put into this review.
PJ O'Reilly was the guy who falsely called the Sword Art Online game misogynistic as well. He knows saying this type of stuff in reviews is going to vex the readership of this site, and is probably doing it intentionally to get clicks.
@Joker13z East = Asia, then there is the middle-East... So what is Western?
Why even bother reviewing this? Does NintendoLife think there are people on this site who are considering a purchase of this game and need NL's help deciding?
The effort wasted on this review could have been spent on a game with significantly more reader interest.
@holygeez03 Because they know how much engagement it will drive in the comments section.
@Damo Oh no, that's not why you lack integrity. In your case, it's more the constant attacks on your readers in the comment section
As for PJ, eh, the reviews he's done speak for themselves really.
(Oh, and the very... obvious objective of this review? It's really just something you guys published to get that sweet ad money with zero care for integrity. The review was made to bring activity in the comments, because NL knows people are going to disagree with it.)
All I want for Christmas is more reviews like this. The comment section is the gift that keeps on giving.
Everybody acts like they don’t give 3s to all games that deserve them. This one sounds like it’s broken. If anyone has been around long enough they’ll remember the terrible score NBA 2k19 got because it was a broken mess at release. Nintendo Life said, ‘We’re not waiting for a patch to give a score. This game is broken and it deserves a 3. We treat all games equally around here.’ Unless I’m remembering things wrong.
@Joker13z Europe was considered west before it was cool.
If you can play a game like Mortal Kombat, where you literally kill people in extremely graphic ways then you must have understanding friends & family.
Oh wait, extreme violence isn't painted in the same light as some breasts and moaning.
I don't see problems with games that fulfill fantasies - and that's all it is really. It might be pervy and sordid, but everybody has their fantasies that wouldn't pass irl.
I have a bigger problem with such games that try to be more than fantasies. The bits mentioned about the eating disorder and stuff, I feel like that is a very slippery slope because your sexual fantasies/voyeurism becomes something that is coded as a good deed.
Now if only fanservice existed for all sexualities, not just straight men, that'd be great. I think a lot of the problems come from the fact that all these games are catered to one particular group and gamers already often carry the name misogynist.
One of the best reviews I’ve read.
Everyone needs a little ‘tegridy
@ATaco that’s what I love about Mortal Kombat 11. They covered up a lot of the women, so when you’re disemboweling a one you don’t have to see any excessively exposed breasts.
I don't know about this game but I have zero issues with a game that has boobs in it and indeed takes a bit of pleasure at such a thing. I'm a grown man and I like boobs, and I have since I were a young lad.
Pitiful Perv Fest would be a great band name. 😆
Woohoo! hentai!
What a shocker, that NL would on-the-sly, shame anyone would consider enjoying a game like this, using belittling “joys”, but that’s just how clickbait works I guess.
And of course NL would come and defend this review, but there wasn’t so much as a peep from NL against the criticism in their NBA 2k20 review.
It’s also interesting that’s it’s someone else strongly defending the review, rather than the reviewer themselves, seems like a bit of dictating on what’s to be said, rather than an individual reviewers opinion.
Give us more Senran Kagura!
Gun Gun Pixies is a meh/poor game, however looking at who wrote the review and the tone of this review even if it was the best game in the world it would get a bad score anyhow (yes it is the same guy that made the SAO Fatal Bullet review...)
Stop giving this guy any anime games to review, this time it is at least really a meh game but it's clear he hates anything anime, we know it.
Says enough.
I love boobs and personally would give them a perfect 10/10 review score! However I would suggest there are many better ways to enjoy them than some cheap, sub-shooter that sounds about as hot and steamy as a cold cup of Bovril.
The issue for me is nothing to do with the content, it's that it's just a rubbish video game. I think there certainly is a place for sexual content (anime or otherwise) in games but why should we sacrifice quality and gameplay in order to enjoy it? It's refreshing that Nintendo are now embracing 'adult' content these days so why not take the opportunity to demand more from sex games instead of just blindly rejecting any criticism of them, no matter how just?
Title of the review has convinced me to get it.
Edit: Wow, the reviewer sure comes off as condescending here.
Con: This game exists.
Joy: This review exists.
@locky-mavo Yeah NB2K 20 should get a way worse score than it got, it is a terrible game across all systems and it has even more filthy microtransactions compared to the older ones.
Not trying to speculate but their 9 out of 10 for such a game is suspicious.
@Suicune Your well thought out and well reasoned arguments have no place here! Be gone with you!
To be fair I think it was Kotaku that defended the depiction of the girls' disorders as a genuine attempt by the game to put across a half decent message. I agree that it is an incredibly difficult balance though but hopefully shows that this sort of game can strive for more than just a tawdry thrill. There is no reason that games like this can't also be fun to play and with good mechanics. Having some big anime boobs shouldn't be enough by itself.
You are right that they need to be more inclusive too. Games like this just serve to further the anime fan stereotype. Why not take the sex game into the mainstream with a quality made dating sim/life sim or something aimed at all genders and sexualities instead of this weak nonsense?
This game sounds like an absolute riot. Not worth buying at full price, but it's just so ridiculous I have to keep tabs on its price.
For real though, I wish someone would make a game that is both sexy and well done on a technical scale. They most certainly can coexist.
NintendoLife's reviews are generally extremely unreliable
They sh*t on literally anything that has a tint of anime or sexual appeal that isn't associated with Xenoblade and Fire Emblem. Yet they give critical praise to freaking NBA 2K20 likely because they were paid by 2K to do so despite the fact it had a practically broken launch across all platforms
At most they gave like a 7 to Attack on Titan 2 Final Battle but if its anime I generally don't expect a reasonable review unless its a game like Fire Emblem or Xenoblade that's published by Nintendo themselves.
This reviewer seems to treat boobs as insecticide worthy for some reason
God forbid he plays Xenoblade Chronicles 2 if he hasn't already.
Hahahaha, let the triggering of people attracted to anime girls begin!
@aznable I never once mentioned the term SJW. I don’t personally see the term as a slur. Technically I count myself as a fighter for social justice, so yeah.
That includes a hatred of any censorship—especially of basic human nature and sexual freedoms.
Disappointing score.
I’ve expected something like the Senran Kagura Warriors style games on PS4, Vita and 3DS - gameplay wise nothing really special, but also not too bad, with a lot of booby fanservice.
Gun Gun Pixies seems to be more like Drive Girls on Vita. The fanservice was a looker, but it also had clunky, broken controls and a lot of unfair difficulty spikes.
@Damo And yet i bet you wouldn’t bat an eyelid booting up a violent FPS in front of said family members.
This isn’t about defending the game, which looks terrible. Most of us agree. But the reviewer spent more time being a sanctimonious, judgemental prude than an objective games journalist, and guess what?
Your audience have their own minds. We don’t need some overly ‘woke’ NLife freelancer to tell us what to be outraged about, or more importantly—what to be ashamed for enjoying.
This site is turning into the Guardian of videogame journalism.
@Trickbaby14 Sorry, but yes, you're remembering this wrong, 2k19 got an high score by NL.
The game you mean may be 2K18, which was a broken mess at launch, but NL did the opposite of what you said.
They did not give it a 3 cause "we won't wait for a patch, this game is a mess and deserve to be scored as such", quite the exact opposite they waited for the patch and then awarded it an 8, calling it an amazing game regardless of how it was on day one.
If NL punishing NBA with a 3 was your proof of how fair the site is... well, I'm afraid you accidentally proved the opposite then.
(Even if I think that as a proof of unfairness it is highly debatable, not to mention unrelated with the kind of unfairness people are mentioning regarding this review).
Dang, this comment section is bopping. I definitely would not be caught dead playing this, but eh, it’s harmless. Review does feel a bit mean spirited towards the crowd that buys this stuff though.
@Galenmereth I'm familiar with Subverse. But that's not what I mean. I think a video game can have strong and sexy female characters without having to deal with all-out pornography. There's a time and a place for that, but I think both sides take things too far. We don't need every female character being a flat chested she-male, but we also don't need smut. There is a lot of room in-between.
@Joker13z oh sorry mate, it’s always hard to get from text!
Also, it doesn’t help that I’ve had a similar discussion with an incredibly deluded, arrogant and/or trolly American user recently lol
Have a good day!
@Damo Ok Damien, I won’t pretend you’re stupid so please don’t pretend your readers are.
There are two possibilities:
1) you have genuinely nothing wrong with P.J. (and all of NL along with him) deliberately shaming a portion of your readers just because they like games you don’t;
2) you shamelessly do it all for the clicks and comments;
So what is it? Pick your poison, please.
P.S.: the usual tirade (“but the game is baaaad”) doesn’t work, as I and others have said it before: I’m sure it is terrible, abysmal even, but that has nothing to do with the people who buy it.
It’s not a fan’s fault if a game sucks, so don’t insult them.
I feel stupid even typing it, considering how obvious it sounds.
Who's this PJ O'Reilly character? I didn't know Ireland was running rampant with SJW's. Must be the Crackafornia of Europe. Clearly this dude has no knowledge of a large swathe of Japanese culture. Anime boobs and butts is kind've their thing.
@HappyMaskedGuy I thought the exact same thing. He must be from SJWville.
Unlockable underwear? So, like chastity belts?
@ThanosReXXX give this man a prize 😂😂😂
While the game itself doesn't interest me in the slightest, it was a fun romp reading through the comments and the authors Twitter account.
"Looking forward to the comments on my latest review"
So, you're intentionally, knowingly rage-baiting, and having other staff members further berate those who did exactly what the author seems to have intended?
What a lovely bunch you all are .
So... You're a perv if you like boobies?
just get mister mosquito
@clvr (makes a deep, grateful bow)
We aim to please...
Ah... this is one of those reviews where the comment section is more interesting. Cool.
So they might bring Deep Space Waifu to the switch. I hear it's a really good shooter.
You shouldn't be reviewing quirky Japanese games if you're gonna be pessimistic about the subject matter. This game isn't meant to be great in gameplay. It's all about fan service. It's the only reason I play it. Knowing it is basically garbage of a game to play, but I enjoy the stupid stuff that goes on between characters.
I gotta say, what brought me here is the time posted to comment ratio.
It's like... It's like, NintendoLife knew their high-horsing would get clicks. And it did, cause everyone wants to "attack" everyone.
here we go again another biased review from nintendolife seriously get over it if you dont like these type of games then dont review them but if your going to review them then do it properly without putting your bias against them.
Hmm. I think that, to the extent hese games have a bad reputation in Euro/NA, it is not due to general prudishness about sexuality. Look at Game of Thrones, for example, which would have to be censored in Japan. I think it's more a reaction to the general silliness and outlandishness around sexuality on display - and especially that it's a cartoon.
This is all equates to "perviness" in mainstream Western culture, even more so than actual porn.
I don't find this sort of thing sexy, myself, but I don't particularly have anything against it. I'd be entertained if some funny people streamed it.
I love seeing the ridiculous hills NL's commenters come to die on. Good show, fellas! (And it's definitely the fellas.)
@linq not just that they also did the same thing with senran kagura peach ball on switch by giving it a 4 because it shows too much skin which is plain dumb seriously they need to leave out their bias against these type of games on reviews.
Why is it always the anime boob games that have this response happen?
The sarcasm is thick and heavy today. Anything sounds bad when you say it with that attitude. 😂
What’s going on here? Sounds like a pretty bad game with GameCube graphics in 2019. Uninteresting gameplay that makes no sense. Boring, bland characters and story.
I mean I like Ed Wood movies and Manos the Hands of Fate, but I acknowledge that those are poorly made films. If someone gave them a 3 I’d understand why.
If this is your kind of game, then so be it. But don’t get upset when someone doesn’t take your passion for shooting breast with love juice seriously. Ohh no, my porn game got a bad review😂
I think people who are upset by this should just accept that they have a fetish that is not accepted by mainstream society. Unless people are actually seeking you out to persecute you, I wouldn't waste too much time getting upset that people feel a sense of disgust over what turns you on.
How do you think scat enthusiasts feel? And if there was a game that had poor gameplay, and a shallow story, and served mainly as a vehicle for imagery of people pooing on each other, what kind of review would you expect it to get?
Lol, get over it. Find a website with an editorial slant you agree with if you don't like it. All review websites have an editorial slant, it's up to individuals to take that into account and make their purchasing decisions accordingly, because that is the main purpose of reviews.
@NotTelevision I think the issue is that there are a bunch of otaku's who feel persecuted by society for having a fetish for women that are made to look like underage girls (but definitely not underage because bit tits yo!!!!), feel that NintendoLife is perpetuating prejudice towards them.
I would just get over that, and enjoy your smut. I'm sure not everyone likes my sexual fetishes, but being on a crusade to convince them that they should approve is stupid. I'll just keep my fetishes to myself...
@RiasGremory Why do they need to leave out that bias? Because it hurts your feelings?
@Prof_Yoshtonics Or he has knowledge of it and doesn't like it? Or do we automatically have to respect anything cultural?
@NotTelevision apparently you didnt read the review the reviewer was bashing the fanservice part reason why these type of games on here dont get a proper review.
@BMOC Stop trolling dude. I don't care what you want to know.
@ThanosReXXX and seldom do you disappoint 👌🏻
@BMOC yes there is bias against these type of games on here try reading peach ball review and you see wat we mean they are deducting points off these games because oh no they are showing too much skin or too much boobs seriously thats aload of bs and if the game has issues then it get points deducting like any other game but going after fanservice is just dumb.
@Prof_Yoshtonics That didn't even make sense
@RiasGremory That doesn't answer my question, I wasn't challenging that there is a bias, I was asking why they need to "leave it out". Why do they? Why can't they take their biases into a review? There is no such thing as an unbiased review, it's an opinion.
Do you think the bias prevents them conveying to the reader what the game is going to be like? I doubt it. The review is still quite descriptive, I think anyone who reads the review knows what they are getting with this game.
This has been one of the best comment sections yet! Thanks for the show, guys!
@invictus4000 It really has been a grand adventure!!
Here's a different point of view 🙌
@RiasGremory Yeah I just don’t understand how one could call a reviewer “biased against the game”, if the gameplay/story/characters doesn’t present any interesting objectives beyond “well that’s supposed to be sexy”. It doesn’t sound like the game contextualizes any of the gameplay in any meaningful way, other than the pure “thrill” of being able to do this to the girls in the game.
With games like these don't bother with reviews, Most western game journalist are biased with games like this, If it looks like something you may like check out some videos about it and decide for yourself. The first Gal-Gun game was a very fun arcade style rail shooter. This game looks pretty good too
@JoeyJoJo89 I disagree, they should keep reviewing them.
It creates traffic, it's entertaining for readers of the review, and the comments, and it's interesting to know these things exist.
That it makes a bunch of otaku's feel offended is a small price to pay. Those people could also just not read the reviews, and thus avoid getting triggered.
Perhaps NL should include an otaku trigger warning on such reviews.
I came for the review... It did not disappoint
@BMOC Look everyone, BMOC, the absolute shining beacon of morality has spoken! Let us all heed his words, as he is sooo much greater than all of us! Never mind this was a pretty unprofessional review of a game, there be otakus about, therefore it’s ok!
@Taarna Definitely they should not be above the fray, they are fair game, I just think the criticisms lack merit. People complaining about "bias" as if there is such a thing as an "objective" review, are essentially saying "I like this stuff, so you should not dislike this stuff and express that in your review".
Wanting reviews to agree with your own opinion is a fool's errand. It's up to each individual to judge whether the reviewer's tastes align with their own when reading a review, and factor that into their buying decisions.
Anyway, I would just like NL to continue in this fashion so I am lending my voice to the fray.
@Anri02 Where have I commented on morality?
@BMOC Pretty much you going around saying that anyone who disagrees with this review are otakus with sick fetishes is where you're trying to take a moral high ground.
Oof, a very scathing review. Which is fine and the low score doesn't bother me either, I also bear no resentment to the reviewer however I'm baffled why an individual who clearly wasn't the target audience was the one to write this review. It was doomed from the start in this case and that's unfair.
It's the same reason why you'll never see me writing a Puyo Puyo review because I hate the game so I couldn't give it a fair review. Don't review something when you already know you're not the target audience, it makes the review extremely biased
@Anri02 Nonsense. I freely admitted to having my own sick fetishes so your analysis makes no sense.
@Aya-chan So games should only be reviewed by those who are most likely to give them high scores? Why?
@BMOC "I have my my own sick fetishes, so it's perfectly ok for me to go around insulting people by calling them otakus!"
@BMOC No but why even buy the game in the first place if you're gunna be outside the targeted audience? Much less review it. Three minutes of research tells you what kind of game it is and what to expect from it. The review was published simply to hate on it.
@Taarna I don’t think Kotaku is the best site either, but I can’t see why it’s a “dumpster fire” either. They lean pretty heavy on the franchise fandom perspective, and are pretty kind to most things “quirky”, but they also do alright reviews and have some interesting takes on things occasionally. Definitely not a terrible site, just one that is designed to appeal to everyone in the tech/ anime/video game sphere. That kind of limits it from greatness.
@Anri02 Otaku is an insult?
Whether you find the term insulting or not, it doesn't constitute me taking the moral high ground. It's simply that these games appeal to a certain type of individual (call them what you like), and it's silly to expect the reviewing staff to be similar types of people.
You (and others whining in the comments) need to get over the fact that people don't share your tastes, and stop expecting them to, whether they be reviewers or commenters.
@Aya-chan They were probably sent the game for review. They probably have no one on staff that is into this stuff.
It's entertianing, it's interesting, and it generates website traffic, that's why.
If the target audience knows it's niche, and knows if it's for them or not, why do they care if a more mainstream website criticises the product? What's wrong with that?
@NotTelevision There are many examples of why kotaku is not a great site, but I'm only going to list one. Earlier this year, they posted an article about how Persona 5's Wake up Get up Get out there, might have a slur on it, and they were saying stuff like how it's shocking how Nintendo would allow a song like that to be in Smash Bros. Except the song does not have a slur in it, and to make matters worse, in the original article, they said they contacted Atlus for confirmation, and then posted the article before Atlus got back to them. When they got called out, they posted such a non-apology article, where they basically blamed Atlus for not giving them the lyrics from the part in question (reason being there aren't any established lyrics for that part as the singer freestyles during that part).
White male wants to “fix” Japanese culture, what else is new?
@BMOC "I think the issue is that there are a bunch of otaku's who feel persecuted by society for having a fetish for women that are made to look like underage girls (but definitely not underage because bit tits yo!!!!), feel that NintendoLife is perpetuating prejudice towards them."
So you use otaku incorrectly, and accuse them of basically being pedophiles in your first mention of the word. Now you're trying to tell me you're not using it as an insult? Be honest with me, do you think I'm stupid?
"You (and others whining in the comments) need to get over the fact that people don't share your tastes, and stop expecting them to, whether they be reviewers or commenters."
Might want to practice what you preach there bud.
@Anri02 I'll be honest, I do think you're stupid.
Are you disputing that these depictions of women are made so that they have childlike traits? Come on dude. Are you going to tell me that fetish for underage girls isn't much more prevalent in Japan than in the west?
That can be stated without it being a value judgement.
So you disagree with my analysis? You don't think people are upset because they feel persecuted over their fetish?
@BMOC I think people are upset because this is a generally unprofessional review, and we have higher standards for this site. So you have absolutely no idea what otaku even means, but clearly I'm the stupid one here. I'm just going to leave this quote for you.
"You should be mocked, because you're arrogant and you insult other people and you make poor childish arguments."-BMOC, July 1, 2019
@Anri02 Yeah not a perfect site. I remember the article you are referring to. Definitely a bad take. Also they were too quick to jump to a conclusion on the controversial poster in Cyberpunk 2077. They didn’t seem to want to explore further the context of what such a poster meant in the world of the game.
But I don’t see the site as a terrible one either. Trying to find the political/social threads in video games is not a bad pursuit inherently. There seems to be an contradiction in the gaming community. You have people who see games as representing nothing outside the context of them being interactive playthings, not as forms of art or capable of having messages/themes that represent anything outside the world of the game. It seems like some in the community criticize Kotaku and Eurogamer, not just for having bad takes but also for attempting ground the world of the game into a larger social context. Not all takes are going to be “fair” or “correct” going forward, but I applaud the very fact that the attempt is being made and I don’t think it’s right to criticize the pursuit.
@NotTelevision I just can't take that site seriously anymore. They made a mistake, but they did not even try to own up to it. If they did, I'd still go there, but they didn't. So they lost me
Well despite the biased natured of the review, it still sounds like the gameplay is pretty shoddy at any rate. Shame. Could have been some zany quirky japanesey fun. Everyone, man and woman, likes a bit of gratuitous skin and cleavage but I guess I'll be taking a pass on this one.
As for the reviewer, I'm guessing that he took an overly strong stance so he wouldn't be called a perv.
I think most of us who have seen gameplay and aren't in it for the fanservice knew this would be bad, but did you guys really have to title the review that way? Gr8 b8 m8
@Anri02 Why is it unprofessional? It seems perfectly professional to me. You just don't like the opinion.
What's wrong with that quote? I stand by that comment in the context of the discussion in which it took place.
Ah that's right, let's talk about how awful it is to be a perv but then glorify violence and murder.
Remember children, sex = PURE EVIL but violence is fun!
I'm sorry but I can't stand this absurd hypocrisy. If violence is okay because it is fictional (and it IS!) then this should be fine for the same reason. But no, for some reason we are perfectly fine with glorifying intensely realistic murder and violence, but when you have a massively unrealistic, impossible to occur in real life pervy game, suddenly it's just super offensive and horrible.
Furthermore you guys singled out this game to target. There are tons or just generally bad shovelware games on Switch that you ignore. At least this game appeals to certain people. If you were just looking to rip into some bad game, why don't you focus on those?
@HappyMaskedGuy If the gratuitous violence is ratcheted up to an absolutely ridiculous level while the so-called game has no other redeeming features, then the grotesque, pointless violence certainly will be slammed by most reviewers.
Anyway, he wasn't that condescending about it, as he admitted that games like this have their audience. However, even most fans of, well, fan service expect some sort of plausible scenario under it rather than just writing literary trash as an excuse to pump out sexual content. If there was a game with no real plot that was solely designed around violently torturing and executing various characters, not many people would want to play that either, even if it did have good gameplay.
As for Nintendo Life as a whole, whenever they've bashed one of these kinds of games, it's fully deserved it as a shallow wreck that's just not very fun for most people. When they are actually good games like the Senran Kagura 3DS games, NL will support them with good reviews.
@Joker13z yes, most of the Europe shares the so called western culture. Which has originated from Europe. And USA is west to Europe,while Japan is east to Europe. Hence the naming convention
@cronosus01 @Joker13z Um, did you guys read the review? It wasn't slammed just for being pervy. It also has terrible gameplay and no real plot, so it is indeed barely playable and deserving of a 3. I'm actually surprised it even scored that well.
Why does @Damo always come to these threads to bash either poorly worded or extreme sides of the argument but never contend with anyone who has valid and reasonable criticisms? Why even bother showing up if you have no desire to make fruitful discussion? It's kinda whack dude haha
I'm so surprised people are going after the reviewer so viciously (haha, not really, the internet is pathetic). I'm a celebrated pervert and this game doesn't look very good. To be fair, all my guilty pleasure pervy games aren't very good and I accept that.
@BadEndBrit Apparently, you didn't notice that the reviewer admitted that these kinds of titles do indeed have an audience. However, most people (including the reviewer and me) agree than a fan service game should still have an actually decent game somewhere underneath it to deserve a good review. In terms of literature or TV/movies, porn without plot is just a disgustingly sad attempt at shock value. There are those who disagree, and they can praise this game all they want, but most opinions (on either side of the Pacific) will fall more in line with our way of thinking
@BMOC except the fact the reviewer doesnt like these type of games and bashes the fanservice ever chance he review these games.
Thank you for the great review! You highlighted all of the features I look for in this sort of niche Japanese game. I just don't understand how the final score is supposed to correlate with the content of your review. It's almost like you don't care for these sorts of games to begin with... perhaps, you should let someone who enjoys these sorts of games do the review next time. Just some advice from nobody special in Yokohama. 宜しくお願いします。
@R_Champ i have nothing against the issues this game has but wen a certain reviewer on here goes after the fanservice saying on the past reviews like on peach ball saying it has too much skin that bs needs to be called out on.
But is it 60fps?
I’ll take five copies!!!
Hope the clicks were worth it NL. Hoaring out PJ to get uproar. Bunch of pimps and prostitutes. Got to be an easier way to put bread on the table huh?
Wow, the Internet. Will it ever grow up?
Keep the faith, Damo.
This game sounds truly terrible, but at least it has indirectly provided some entertainment by triggering so many man-babies in this comments section.
Once again, NL proves how bias and useless of a news site it is when it comes to reviewing niche ecchi games. "OH LAWD! BEWBS! The enemy of "high standards" gamers everywhere!"
hornballs is already a red flag to know the reviewer is grossed out by this kind of game and will already give it an unfair score. Dude, it's a hentai game, what did you expect? On a technical point, it's probably fair to say it's buggy, but once you get use to it, the only complaint left i would see is how cheap the graphics look.
This game was not meant to be a high standard TPS like Tomb raider, it's meant to be enjoyed in the same vain as a person might enjoy Akiba's trip or Panty party: An ecchi niche game made by a small studio that's not looking to be anything more than just a lewd time waster. Maybe they should have let someone who enjoys reviewing hentai games actually review it instead of giving it to this clown on his high horse morality.
On the plus side, at least he rated it higher than Superola>https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/switch-eshop/superola_and_the_lost_burgers
0/10 on this reviewer.
@Galenmereth The discrepancy between how some of the senior staff act here and how the likes of Alex and Zion on the YouTube channel act is alarming. I've always pictured Alex as the face of NL in my mind which is probably why this sort of stuff still surprises me, even if it's been happening for a very long time. Definitely tragic.
@Heavyarms55 the same as I was thinking.
I mean het choose this game?
There is so much more bad games, and this is a niche game its not that many average readers are interested in this.
But NOOOO NL wants the clickbaits!!!
What a joke of a review really
The game is garbage. The reviewer has every right to call it what it is.
Where are the "Nintendo Life only give 8/10" moaners now? Eh? EH? EEEEHHHH?
@Joker13z Dead or Alive comes to mind.
@Galenmereth It’d be nice if it also had nice gameplay
I checked out this game because I wanted to get abreast of the situation and didn't want to make an arse out of myself for not knowing about it.
@Likethepear @spirit_flame So that’s $300
@ouroborous It seems like such a wasted opportunity.
When I saw the trailers I immediately git Mr. Mosquito vibes, and that game is highly memorable due to its unique perspective in both character size and the story. But the difference was that the game also was fun; it was fun to explore the house from and uncover the residents’ secrets and relationships.
Here too, the basic premise that an alien organization is using covert research to better understand sexual desires and attitudes in order to save their race is a fantastic, apt parallel to the shy-youth epidemic of the very country that produced this game. They could have done so much more with this concept but instead they chose the lazy route of pure titillation and forgot to make sure the gameplay passed the sniff test. You can have both if you’re willing to work at it. But for all I know, maybe they just didn’t have the budget. But no-one should be surprised that such a lazy game gets docked points for, in fact, being lazy.
Especially for asking full the f—-king price!
I’m still interested enough to want to try it, but I will wait for a significant price drop.
@Taarna Kotaku has some great writers, actually.
@RiasGremory So? What's your point?
@Dakotastomp "Once again, NL proves how bias and useless of a news site it is when it comes to reviewing niche ecchi games"
What a great quote.
In other words, there is no on on staff who is into niche ecchi games. So what? It is niche, so that is not surprising. As such, the review is to be expected, and what's the point in whining about it? You recognise that the review is not by someone who shares your tastes, and so you factor that in.
Or do you think the job of a review site is to champion your particular tastes?!
I mean, I suspect most men (and plenty women) will like these things. Why is everyone so ashamed of having fun with sex these days?
@BMOC I say the job of a reviewer is to review topics and genres you really have a passion for. If I were to review a game you loved but I have no interest in playing or liking in the first place, then you know my opinion is going to be negative. You don't put people in positions where they are most likely going to hate the subject. They should have at least gotten the reviewer for SK Peach ball to do a fair and unbias review of this one instead of "these people must exist because this game does" O'Reilly.
And yet, you don't have to be into niche games to give it a fair and reasonable review. Go over the actual positive points and don't be sarcastic about it and it could be more fair than saying "You get to shoot anime titties, so there's that."
And you're assuming that I also enjoy these games. My "taste" depends on "Can I enjoy this with others?" "Can I unlock new things along the way?" "How long is it?" "How vibrant is it?" And "Does it have an online option?" I never even played Senran Kagura before, but I believe that games are art and art is subjective. For every one conservative reviewer who sees/plays this game, there are one hundred more consumers who will buy it because 1) tits, yes and 2) because it's fun for them. Why shame and belittle people who play it with a sarcastic review of a game you know you don't like?
I don't expect them to appeal to me at all. I just think they should know and realize they have an audience who may like this type of media and genre and be respectful of their feelings and put people who like hentai games and are going to be fair and balanced in charge of reviewing these games.
@Aquamine-Amarine Sorry if this was already addressed, but I can't be bothered reading all 200+ comments to check.
There is a large difference between an attractive character being part of a game and having the core mechanic of a game revolve around sexual fantasies surrounding unrealistic women.
@Damo hey Damien, I know you’re busy, but I’d appreciate if you took one minute to reply to my previous question.
@LeChuck we shall amend that to “NL only give 8/10 as long as there are no boobies in there” 😛
@cryptologous so much this. He never replies to comments with common sense.
@JRJalapeno Wow, that most certainly IS a completely different kind of review. Might do quite a few people on here a world of good to give it a read, instead of blindly trusting the opinion of one single NLife reviewer, who clearly doesn't like this kind of material.
@BulbasaurusRex That other review that JRJalapeno posted might be a good one to read for you as well. It would seem some perspective is needed, and in general, it is never a good idea to just base one's opinion on one single source.
To save you the trouble of having to scroll back up, here you go:
Haha wow only in Japan 😂😂😂
Meh, wake me up when they make a Fairy Meat video game. Fanservice optional, but not unwelcome.
@C-Chakra Like I told the other guy...it was a joke. I figured that would have been pretty obvious.
@LordMolecule Haha nice
@clvr It's all good haha. I am sometimes deluded but never trolly! It seems nobody else got the joke so it's not just you either lol. Just I'm just bad at jokes.
I need to start applying a WARNING SARCASM to my posts it seems lol.
@BulbasaurusRex I always love the "did you not even read it bro" responses. Yes I read it and I don't think it deserves a 3. 3 and lower imply it's one of the worst games of all time in my opinion. Yours and the reviewer I guess have different opinions. Deal with it. Pro tip, never start a discussion with duh uh guys you even read it dude statement. It's pretty much just guaranteed to piss off whoever you're replying to unless that's your intent.
@Antraxx777 Hell yeah. Boob physics galore! haha
all i can read is 'perfection'
I am a sucker for a good story. The premise of the game appeals to me, and I will be downloading this game for narrative purposes only.
Thank you for this review! Finally someone who wasnt feared to score such a nonsense like this!
@BMOC ive alrdy made my point try reading my comments again dude.
@RainbowGazelle because of the sensitivity from some of these people have these days and trying to force censorship on everything.
@RiasGremory You've made it clear that you think the reviewers shouldn't say things you disagree with.
Forgive me for not being swayed.
@Dakotastomp "I say the job of a reviewer is to review topics and genres you really have a passion for"
I say you're wrong.
"You don't put people in positions where they are most likely going to hate the subject"
In contrast you want to reviewers that are most likely to love the subject and thus give the highest ratings possible. How is that better?
"but I believe that games are art and art is subjective."
Exactly, which is why hoping for a review that is "objective" and free of bias is impossible. And really all the people calling for that just want a subjective take they find pleasing.
It's up to the reader to take into account the subjectivity of the reviewer and judge if the game is likely to appeal to them.
This is not about the quality of the "review" this is about people who are into this stuff getting upset that they are being mocked.
@RainbowGazelle You think "most men" like sexualised anime school girls? I like porn, and I like (or certainly have no objection to) sexual content in games. But I do not like this kind of cringey stuff
I really don't get how people can overreact to a game getting a low score.
It's a review by one person who is allowed to have their own thoughts and opinions and just because it was given a 3 or whatever doesn't mean its set in stone.
If this is your kind of game then that's great but you can't expect everyone to like it.
For me personally, like most men yeah I like boobs, I am not shy about sex but most of the time these games are not to my taste not because of them being overly sexual but I tend to find them cringey, I picked up Kengura sensations, the game where you massage a highschool girl, when it was on sale earlier this year and it was rather cringey for me again not because of boobs or anything regarding to sex.
@Damo Just a friendly reminder that I’m still waiting for a reply when you’re not busy; you surely don’t want to cherry-pick the comments you reply to, right? Cause it certainly looks that way.
@clvr Apologies, I've been working on the Untitled Goose Game review today.
PJ's review is totally fair in my eyes (I'm the editor and proof all reviews before they go live). As for "clicks", this review hasn't outperformed any other recent review we've done, despite the high volume of comments. Sorry to disappoint you on that score! I stand by PJ's comments here, and find it hard to believe any site worth its salt could review this while keeping a straight face. If you get a kick out of playing this, more power to you - and remember that my opinion (and PJ's) are just that: opinions.
The current generation of journalists dont like these games because it is completely out of touch with gaming trends and given this a port of a Vita Game that never got localized at least it can get the official dunking by the press it deserves instead of pandering to a shrinking yet vocal fanbase.
GGP is part of the library that presented the utterly miserable state of the Vita in its waning years. Insteaf of first party games the Vita had this instead and it is easily eaten up by fans who want their fanservice fix before anything else.
This game justifies EGS' existence and Sony's content controls among other low budget games from Compile Heart and Tamsoft
@Damo fair enough, I appreciate it that you replied.
I get that it’s all opinions, and I for one would never play a game like this, but I find it totally unnecessary, and honestly at least as cringeworthy as the game itself, to openly berate any potential fan of this kind of game. It doesn’t add anything to the review, it’s just toxicity for toxicity’s sake; furthermore, it only happens in the reviews of this kind of games.
I mean, the game is probably terrible, I can 100% trust you on that, but why belittle the target audience who has no fault whatsoever aside from liking this kind of stuff?
It just makes you sound like you wanna be “edgy” and controversial for the sake of it, and it’s not a good look to be honest.
I hope you can understand my point of view.
@Antraxx777 Yea, the price tag definitely doesn't help.
I've generally liked this site; except for these reviews. I've since stopped using animenewsnetwork for similar reasons where some reviewers seem to just be insulting to its audience, the people interested in the game or anime being reviewed.
The tone of the review is just really in poor taste, this is a repeat of similar problems to the same reviewer of SAO game last month. The review is essentially snide comments at people that would like or purchase the game and not just based on the game itself. It reflects badly on Nintendolife's article standards in my opinion.
A lot of commenters here don't care about the game, they care about the review, and if this passes as standards for the site, I just feel like I misjudged how inclusive and cool it was. That's kinda sad.
@Damo everyone is entitled to their opinions no doubt it which i agree but deducting points off games like these showing lots of skin or boobs should nt be part of the review regardless if the mechanics in this game have problems which i understand why the game got low scores but over fan service is just dumb in my opinion.
@BMOC stick to playing censor games while majority of the gaming community enjoys the uncensored ones.
@BMOC So you think he's right to call the game bad simply because it didn't appeal to him? Then that means I could review Fire emblem three houses and my review would be "boring RPG crap with boring story line. 1/10." That's not fair or just to those who are looking for an honest review of the game. If you don't like it, don't review it.
It's not about putting people who are most likely going to give the game a high score in, but having more unbiased open minded reviewers in the position who aren't just turned off by the sexual subject. Hell, I could have done a better mini review of this without having to step on anyone's feels.
You can say It's about ecchi fans getting upset, and they have a right to be: because a reviewer doesn't or shouldn't berate the fans and potential buyers as "Sex-mad" or "It's hard to believe people actually buy this".
At the end of the day, it is just his opinion, and he's free to not like it, but if someone knew they weren't going to enjoy something, then why bother talking about it? He could have easily said "If big booby anime girls are your thing, then this game has it, but the story is pretty barebones and the controls are rather clunky. 5/10"
@RedKhan That may be, but the review didn't have to insult the fanbase its made for in the process. I'm just sick of seeing these kinds of clickbait-y reviews that are nothing more than just a way to stir up controversy.
I honestly don't find it to be clickbait at all. In fact I appreciate the strong opinions journalists have over here vs the East where it felt like the press have no freedom to criticize anything outside of personal blogs. If you feel that your insulted, you will have to turn to smaller blogs without a metacritic footprint which speaks more about their ability to create a site people would actually be interested in versus the controversial but necessary opinions that the author made.
This is a bad review. The game isn't good. That much is true, and I know this because I've played it. But the reasons why it isn't good aren't the point of this review. And that makes it a bad review with the wrong agenda. Very unprofessional.
@RiasGremory Lol, nice try.
Me defending the appropriateness of the reviewer to give their opinion in a review = in favour of censorship.
Anyone who isn't into anime school girl porn must be into censorship! How could you know be into this stuff?!?!? PRUDE!
Get a grip dude. I don't care what you like to look at. But getting upset because the reviewer doesn't share your tastes is just being a cry baby. This is trash, and it's fine to like trash, but it's also fine to call trash what it is. You want to feel validated by having reviews agree with your tastes. Look forward to continual disappointment. If you want that, spend more time on ecchi forums.
@RedKhan I agree that it was informative with the game might be hard to control or the graphics look like low budget Vita shizz, but I bet you can tell someone that without having to bring up your dislike and disgust of the genre for no other reason than to shame fans of the genre.
@Dakotastomp I think you're seriously confused. Yes it's fine to give a game a bad review because it doesn't appeal to you. That's exactly what a bad game is, an experience that is unappealing. What the hell else do you think it is?
You need to give up this delusion that this is an objective process.
There are very popular and highly rated games that I think are incredibly boring and unenjoyable. Diablo, for instance. Holds no appeal for me whatsoever. And if I were to review it, I would not give it a good rating.
To appeal to a wide audience a game review website will try to have reviewers that have wide tastes, that is true, because otherwise readership would drop. But it's just not practical to have reviewers that are enthusiasts of every kind of niche game experience that is out there. This is a niche game, it's also a crap game, that relies on enthusiasm for school girl anime porn to entertain the player. Guess what, not every review site is going to have a reviewer on hand that is into school girl anime porn. As such, you are just sh*t out of luck if you are hoping to find a review of such a game that is positive.
This is why people setup websites dedicated to niche interests. I'm sure there's a website or forum out there for people who are into this stuff to discuss it and review content, and if not, someone can start one.
"because a reviewer doesn't or shouldn't berate the fans and potential buyers as "Sex-mad" or "It's hard to believe people actually buy this"."
Why? Why doesn't or shouldn't a reviewer do this? It's A+ trolling, just look at the result, it's a brilliant decision.
Are you saying this is an unethical thing to do? Unless you are saying that, I see no grounds for saying the reviewer "shouldn't" do this.
"He could have easily said "If big booby anime girls are your thing, then this game has it, but the story is pretty barebones and the controls are rather clunky. 5/10"" Sure, he could have easily done that. And he could have easily done what he did. he did what he did.
@BMOC I'm saying it's a pretty bias way they review these games. I know it's not going to appeal to everyone, nothing in this world is going to, but I think it's pretty one-sided when almost all the newest Switch ports like Assassin's creed 3 or Blasphemous get an 8 or 9, but games like this are shunned and are given a 3.
"This is trash, and it's fine to like trash, but it's also fine to call trash what it is. "
And it's also fine to respect another person's taste and not just label the game as a "Perv-fest".
Give up? Nah, because I know for a fact that this crap will keep happening again and again, so I'm going to keep reminding people to be fair about games like this and remind NL how bias the rating system is for these games until they get someone to review it with actual critique. Like Mari0 said, he barely goes over why it's bad.
"Why? Why doesn't or shouldn't a reviewer do this? It's A+ trolling, just look at the result, it's a brilliant decision."
So you support trolling? Uhuh, it's ok to piss off the fans and supporters of games like this one because "We gotta get those likes".
I stand by my first comment: NL is useless when it comes to these things and don't respect the people interested in buying the game.
Glad you can enjoy an unfair and unbalanced news site like this, I just can't.
@Dakotastomp How is this game not a perv-fest? It's clearly the entire point of the game.
I think the reason those games get an 8 or 9 and this gets a 3 is probably because those games are a lot better than this.
Again, terms like "bias" and "one-sided" are just synonyms for "opinion" in this context. The reviewer is giving their opinion.
Look, story is an important part of video games. Would you rate the story of this game on par with The Witcher? I would assume not. The gameplay is poor, the graphics are poor, the story is poor, the entire appeal this game is riding on, is the perv-fest. You can call it something more diplomatic if you want, but that's what it is. Just as it's the entire point of a porn film. Doesn't mean I don't love porn, but I don't expect film critics to start rating them as highly as good films.
I wouldn't come to a site like this to read reviews of these sorts of games if I were into these sorts of games. They are basically porn games. What you want is unreasonable.
Adding to that, these games were first released on the Vita during it's waning years. Instead of good titles, all the Vita had was games like Gun Gun Pixies and the Switch is too eager to take in all these titles without quality checks. The fans can argue how they are being insulted by the critics but the reality is that these Vita ports felt like it took no effort except for those willing to pay full price for mediocre at best games.
Wow a lot of people getting on a high horse about some pervy pixie game.
Haha I'm LOVING the hiding the reviewer is taking. It's really quite refreshing. God forbid a game have boobs eh??? Well done commenters!!
@BMOC Sure, it's a pervy game, that's the point. I can tell by the trailer that the graphics look dated and the plot is ridiculous, but what I'm tired of seeing is the amount of reviews and comments justifying that because of games like this one, it's ok to bash those that like them or like lewd material. I don't expect it to ever get a Game of the year award, but I expected the critics not to talk down to those who like lewd stuff. Bottom line: He can say that the game is trash, but he doesn't have to keep bringing up that it's also filled with lewd content. I know what it is, just tell me how poorly it runs or how sh*t the graphics are. You don't have to keep reminding me that there are anime boobies bouncing around and that I'm a degenerate for liking that sort of thing, that's what I paid for!
And if people don't come to sites like these to see reviews like this, then why are they still making reviews like these when it's clear that some people aren't keen on this sort of game?
@Dakotastomp "And if people don't come to sites like these to see reviews like this, then why are they still making reviews like these when it's clear that some people aren't keen on this sort of game?"
Because it's good entertainment for the rest of us.
And I'm not saying people don't, I'm saying they are foolish if they do.
I think you should stop seeking approval for your fetishes, just accept that some people find them off putting and move on. Christ, if I wanted the world to nod with approval about what turns me on, I would be sorely disappointed, I like some dirty sh*t. I accept that this is best kept to myself and those I engage in it with.
I also think there is something genuinely a bit off about a lot of this stuff. The way the Japanese sexualise underage girls, is something I'm comfortable with others ridiculing. I'm not saying I think it's unethical, or even unnatural, I'm just happy for that to be something that society generally frowns upon. It's creepy. And it's even more creepy if the people playing these games are grown men, rather than teenage boys.
I don't want it banned, I don't want it censored, I don't care if people are into it, but I think it's fine to send signals that it's a bit off.
@BMOC I'm not looking for approval for my love of oppai, I want people to shut up about "Ew, boobs in games!"
If you agree that it shouldn't be shamed upon and we should be free to like what we like, then you should see how opinions like PJ's can be a little annoying. Yea, it's a sh*tty Vita throwaway, so go over why it's a sh*tty game besides the inclusion of lewd hentai parts. In my eyes, it seems unprofessional.
So we get this game, but no word on Rabi Ribi coming to the switch?
@BMOC I've no idea. I was commenting on the Joy list, which I think most people enjoy.
@Dakotastomp I think you're completely misrepresenting the review by claiming its objection is "ew boobs in games!" Is that really whatvyoubthinknis going on here? You think this reviewer would adopt the same attitude to any nudity in games? I don't think so.
I said you were taking a hiding that means getting battered not hiding away
@Swindla Haha too right he did and he called me out not understanding my Scottish slang
@BMOC Ask him for his opinion on Kill La Kill and I bet he would be just as uncomfortable with it as he is with this game. He could have just said the way they depict the characters is distasteful to him and I would get the point. He doesn't have to put down anyone interested in buying it buy saying It’s hard to believe anyone would choose to offend themselves with this kind of thing. It's clear that he doesn't like ecchi games, so he shouldn't review them.
And if this is what NL is going to be when it comes to reviewing games like this, then again, they need to either hire a reviewer who is more open on the subject or NEVER REVIEW THESE GAMES AGAIN. It's obvious that they don't like Ecchi, so they should stop reviewing them just for a joke. If it's not about kinkshaming, then give us the facts without the whole "perv-fest" mockery.
I am not a fan of anime-boobs games but this review was very childish. You guys need to clean up the bad reviewers and hire more professional or at least neutral ones.
How about we let the ones with strong opinions stay instead? Not every site is like Niche, OAG or Moegamer (which O'Reilly blocked) because quite frankly, Pete Davison is a embarassment. A $78/mo in Patreon Earnings asking for the time of someone who work for a site that makes 10 times as much as he does...MINIMUM.
So he is entitled to his opinion and not respond to the equivalent of a nobody or his band of outcast misfits. If Moegamer made as much as Nintendo Life did, he can do a back and forth. But as it stand, you and your fans have absolutely no grounds to justify your mediocre games which have outstayed their welcome on PS4 and now looking to contaminate Nintendo.
Well Pete Davison of moegamer use to be one of them, but he got fired because exactly of that. Take that as you may...
@Dakotastomp Why? Because it hurts your feelings?
@RedKhan With all the replies I'm afraid I don't know what you're referring to specifically.
@BMOC I really don't know what else you expect me to say at this point. He can have strong opinions on the game, but the way he does it is childish mocking. Not everybody enjoys being mocked or teased for what they like. Some reviewers know how to treat their audience with a little dignity and respect while also being critical or finding actual value in a product as long as long as the people who worked on it put actual effort into it. It's called "empathy". Think about how the other person feels when they read those remarks and take it to heart. Do you think it's fine as long as it's not a game you are interested in?
And to answer your question, yes, It is because it hurts my feelings. Not many people like coming to a site to see a sarcastic review on a game that's main appeal was always lewd entertainment(me), and maybe those that do expect them to be mindful of the intended audience(Not me, but I still support the people who work on the games). Whenever they make reviews like this one, it mainly targets the main appeal and main audience and then asses like yourself use reviews like this to defend the idea that "Hentai games are disgusting and the people who play them are disgusting. They need to be banned." Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to poke fun at others who do. And if they can't do that, don't do it at all. But as you said, they aren't going to give a crap about my feelings or opinions on the subject, so I guess I will take my business elsewhere. Which again ties back to what I said before: NL is a bias site to games like these and they only make these reviews for the likes and clickbait because they just cherry pick their research with with rude comments on the fanbase.
On top of that, you haven't even played it to know if he's right or not. How do you know that there may not be some replay entertainment value in it considering you like porn and hentai and all? Why not do your own research instead?
And once again, you are butthurt.
Major game reviewers are not obliged to review every game as they usually have backlogs where they release information given to them for coverage. The fact that NL even gave your game a glance when they can cover other games should be that you be grateful your games got coverage from something that come out an alt right hugbox like OAG or Niche
Learn your place at the hierarchy of the audience catered to. You are among the worst of the worst for the press, the untouchables of gaming with poor tastes and worse life decisions. You can either go back to Niche, Moegamer and OAG where the echo chamber well exists despite making less money than NL or you can take the lumps that goes along with your hobby because the press is not entitled to give what you deserve which is frankly nothing.
@RedKhan I can choose neither because I'm not the one buying the game. Maybe I'm just annoyed by how they constantly belittle these games and do no actual reporting especially if they don't like hentai games. That's not fair, that's just mocking.
So you think they should make fun of these games and the people who play them because you think they are the lowest of the low and the worst of the worst because it's perverted? God forbid somebody would find a fictional character attractive or get off to anime boobs instead of watching real porn. I don't judge a person's lifestyle choices if it's not harming anyone, so why are you?
And stop assuming you know me so well. I don't go on Whatever Niche is, i don't play GGP or eroge games, but I am someone who likes butts and boobs like any healthy young male attracted to women. I'm just tired by how the press and fanbase treats the fanbases and games in general. The press doesn't have to like it, but they have to remember there are people here that do and don't enjoy being made fun of.
@Joker13z It's not harsh, there's an ongoing pattern with this site using some morality argument against any anime game but praising dime a dozen indies.
@Rika_Yoshitake And it's that morality that makes Nintendolife a very bias and prudish site for games like this and other anime game titles. It would be fine if they at least acknowledged that there are people who support these games and didn't talk down to them like they're the scum of the earth and at the very least say "Sorry, dudes. I know there are some of you who really love titles like GGP, but it's just not my cup of tea." But they don't.
Or he can continue to block stupid comments from people like you who clearly cannot understand their place as the sheep to the Nintendo Life's Lion.
To amend things is to apologize, and to apologize is to admit you have less integrity than a sellout. I prefer someone with strong opinions over something over milquetoast like Pete Davison
@TheLightSpirit wow dude, that's so lame of him.
@TheLightSpirit And of course he compares people who want a non-bias review to sheep like some 4chan kid who just found out what that means. Yeah, that doesn't make him look like a pathetic weeb trying to get attention at all.
Ever heard of the Lannister's saying "the lion doesn't concern himself with the opinion of the sheep"? You should consider that when you forget your place in the hierarchy and decide to get outraged at being put in your place. When it comes to such reviews, remember this...
@TheLightSpirit I did, and it makes this a little more bearable. Really, this is like "The room" of Hentai games. It's laughably bad and if you can get past the tits and whatever, It's a laugh riot. Really is worth a 6.
Lol at thin skinned weebs who cannot accept their tastes are awful
@RedKhan Yeah, well I think it stems from deep down knowing there is something not quite healthy about being attracted to pre-teen anime girls.
This is a really poor review. By the end of the second paragraph I could tell that the review had more to do with the authors contempt for the concept than whether or not the game is any fun. If there are indeed people in the world who find this sort of thing entertaining, perhaps one of them could have been allowed to write the review. Perhaps someone who doesn't take themself so seriously.
Freak, it was super hard to scroll down, and i actually read the some of the major comments. I have to admit those who are complaing comparing this person to an sjw feminist is just honestly sad, and really ya'll need to actually play the game, because unlike ya'll who we're very upset like children. I actually ended up seeing how bad the game was like this reviewer pointed out on it's bad stiff controls -freak sakes, he has a major point. The game is stiff, can clearly tell from gameplays, people who reviewed it as well said the same thing, and others agreed to it. -But, listen if ya'll don't wanna face the facts that's being told by this reviewer and other people cannot change your views on this cruddy game, than that's on ya'll. Nobody else. I'm super glad that he actually was being honest here, the game is bad. -Like, if your that thirsty for ecchi or hentai games, than go to other sites or other games that you CAN play yourself. Stop complaining and using the wrong words on this poor man.
Anime game that NL rated very low? Then its it's a must buy. EVERY one of their reviewers have high bias against this type of game. It's pretty gross. I don't want to hear your useless opinion, give me an UNBIASED review for once in your pathetic careers.
User reviews are high. People generally like this game. Your review is bollocks, mate.
Removed - inappropriate
Are you serious? Did you actually read many of the comments made particularly by Dakotastomp? The problem a lot of fans are having IS NOT that he rated the game for what it is, based on the poor controls and other game features. No, the problem people are having with the reviewer is how he bashes on the whole concept and the community, frequently throwing in unnecessarily rude terms to refer to the fans of such games. Why even review a game that you are clearly dismissive and adverse to the general CONCEPT of? It is rightfully labelled as unprofessional and of course will solicit an angry response from many readers. The reviewer's choice of words used throughout the review just scream that he places himself on a high horse.
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