As anyone who plays board games (or with friends who like board games) can attest, an involved, TTRPG-style board game can be cumbersome. From in-depth rules and systems, it takes a while to get into Gloomhaven and introducing new players to its dense combat can make multiplayer challenging. But also like a dense board game, Gloomhaven rewards you when you put in the work to learn its rules and systems. Its deep card-based tactics gameplay shines in its many modes.
Gloomhaven blends hexagonal, grid-based tactical gameplay with a truly unique card-based battling system that's deeply challenging, but also very rewarding once you manage to get a hold of all its moving parts. Its in-depth tutorial is largely okay at teaching you what you need to know, though not very quickly.
As far as the basics go, it's in line with most TTRPG-style tactics games. A character or enemy's stats will determine the turn order and things like movement, as well as attacks and other in-battle abilities. But where Gloomhaven differs is the ways those things function. Instead of attacks that work on a cooldown that goes down by turns like you'd see in games like Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle or Sparks of Hope, everything in Gloomhaven functions on a card-based system. Want to move across the room? That's locked to a card. How about taking aim at a nearby enemy with a ranged attack? You'll need the right card for that.

Thankfully, Gloomhaven balances out this core conceit, at the cost of some of the luck-based elements that come with playing card games. If your ears perked up when you heard 'card-based tactics game,' you might be disappointed. Chances are, you thought of a game like Slay the Spire, Monster Train, or the no-longer Switch-bound Marvel's Midnight Suns, but Gloomhaven shakes things up from the standard card-battler structure in an interesting way.
Instead of drawing cards at random, you'll start each combat encounter with a full hand of 10 cards – that's your entire deck. There are ways to add cards to your pool, but you're always locked to a set number of cards in your hand. With each turn, you can choose two cards from your hand and one of the two actions on each card. There's a catch to which actions you can select, though. Each selection has to be mirroring an action on the opposite side of the other card — choosing the top action on the first card means that you need to choose the bottom action on the second card.

Because of this, selecting the right card doesn't just boil down to which action you want to do, it also requires planning which one you're willing to sacrifice to get the play you need. And, again, everything in Gloomhaven is tied to these actions. This helps to make each turn count, but it also makes it really challenging. Most decks make it clear enough what combinations work best with each other, but that doesn't make planning ahead for a particularly tough battle any easier.
To make that selection even more tense, Gloomhaven's card system doesn't cycle cards in and out of a discard pile. Instead, once a card's been played, it'll usually get discarded. Any card sent to the discard pile is stuck in said pile until you rest. Resting boils down to two options: long rest and short rest. Long rest takes up a turn, but also heals a chunk of your health, while short rest just resets your hand. Either way, you're forced to burn a card from your discard pile, completely removing it from play.
Burning cards happens in a few situations. Resting is necessary, but there are situations where you can voluntarily burn cards to escape sticky situations. Some enemy attacks can be negated by burning cards as well. It's a great way to dangle risk in front of the player because when a combatant runs out of cards, they're exhausted and can't fight anymore.

Thanks to its generally short combat encounters, every single action counts – down to the smallest movement. That sense of weight can be really satisfying once you have a firm grasp over both your player characters' individual strengths and weaknesses and the game's mechanics, but add in overwhelming and unwieldy menus and it can also make Gloomhaven extremely difficult to get into. With only a handful of cards at your disposal in a full hand, it's very easy to run out and be forced to end a combat encounter early. Even Gloomhaven's normal difficulty has some serious teeth, and isn't a great place to start out even for tactically-inclined players.
But its short battles are really well-suited to Switch's portable nature. Once you've nailed the basics, it's easy to hop in and out of Gloomhaven without needing to deal with the catching up that can often come with other tactics-driven Switch games that feature extended encounters. We found ourselves playing a few turns before bed in handheld mode in the evening, and then waking up and finishing the combat encounter in the morning.
While it feels like a good fit for the console and runs well in both handheld and docked play, you may find Gloomhaven's load times unbearable. From resetting a turn after a mis-input to jumping into a battle, Gloomhaven loads like molasses. To make matters worse, those mis-inputs happen annoyingly often thanks to the game's unwieldy controls, and playing a mishap where it lies doesn't jive considering how few actions you're afforded in any given encounter.

Sluggish menus feel par for the course next to Gloomhaven's difficult-to-parse combat. In overworld navigation and combat, every action is tied to a specific button — viewing the world map or adding items to your character's inventory, for example — and nothing can be navigated another way, like with a D-Pad or control stick. These problems wouldn't be nearly as invasive if there were more control options or remappable buttons but touch controls and alternate options for menu and combat navigation are nowhere to be found. These menu navigation problems are most pronounced in the game's story mode, where cycling through objectives and following quests is a true hassle.
Menu issues aside, though, Gloomhaven's campaign is unexpectedly fleshed out. Most of the story is fully voiced, and there are tons of small, random events that can affect your experience. Maybe you'll witness a robbery on your way to a mission and be able to either turn the thief in or aid them in their crimes for a small cut of the take. Perhaps you'll stumble on a community event that you can participate in to help build your reputation.
These little events add a welcome, flavorful sense of roleplaying to what would otherwise be a very straightforward tactics game. Events (and their outcomes) are randomized too, meaning that you'll almost never encounter the same situation, even if the event begins the same way. They're brief but add so much to the game in padding out combat encounters all while stringing them together really well.
Gloomhaven's gameplay is deeply challenging and dense, and it almost always manages to provide a satisfying payoff in equal measure if you are able to look past its menus and control flaws (and can stomach its load times on Switch). It isn't for the faint of heart, but those who stick with its complex, card-centric tactical gameplay will find a great strategy game.
Comments 22
Although a crpg rather than a ttrpg, I still need to play Divinity Original Sin II. Will be skipping this until a steep discount on a physical copy.
@Magician Just got Divinity Original Sin II there as its discount myself now that you mention it, Like yourself I will give that a blast first and come back to this when its a bit cheaper. I am wanting to try Gloomhaven though. If anything the game is certainly far cheaper than trying to get the physical game.
Shame about the menus being such utter trash. I never got a chance to play Gloomhaven on the tabletop, and looks like I'll be passing on this digital version as well.
Looks like my go to TTRPG card battle game will remain the excellent Card Hunter. Now, if only we could get a switch port of that I'd be a happy man.
The review is actually turning me on to the tabletop game a bit. The combat system actually sounds amazing, but I never liked the setting much.
A lot easier and quicker for solo play than the board game! I’m having a blast with it. Just retired my first character and doing my first solo scenario (for the Brute).
I honestly don't mind the menus too much but with how hard the game is one misstep can be a loss. The biggest flaw for me is levels with a lot of enemies are very slow. If they patch it so the enemy load time is faster it would be much better. Game is still fun and easier to play than getting 4 friends together weekly. 7 seems fair
@Daniel36 The board game is excellent, although Jaws of the Lion is a great intro to the series. There's a 2nd edition int he works, but that's not yet reflected in the digital version. They've also kickstarted a TTRPG using the combat system, which is really excellent.
The issues with this game are not at all limited to the Switch. Even with a top-ot-the-line PC, it is very slow. The AI takes an inexplicably long time to take its turns. And you're going to screw up your turns repeatedly, no matter which version you have.
That said, don't let the menus turn you off to it. Gloomhaven really is a great game, and numerous bugs notwithstanding, this is a pretty solid adaptation. If you love tactical strategy games with light role playing elements, there's not a lot better than this.
Fantastic game but certainly not for everyone. PS5 version is my favorite now. Looks gorgeous and use the controllers possibility very well. Any HD rumble on Switch?
“Excellent card based gameplay”
Yep…I’m sold!
Always wanted to try the board game but not for $100. Might give this a go.
My mates and I played a campaign of this and Jaws of the Lion on tabletop. It is great this exists though I say just get the physical board game.
@jake1421 Try Jaws of the Lion - 30 USD and has most of Gloomhaven Core box.
My wife, a buddy and I completed jaws of the lion and this does a lot of the upkeep for you. With the tappletop gloomhaven still going for 200 and Jotl 40-60 I believe this is good a deal. Cross play works pretty well but I'm doing a solo 2 merc campaign
@a_brave_new_geek oh nice, never heard of that, will check it out thanks!
@Charlie_Wacholz the hand size is based on the character; 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are the different possible starting hand sizes. Those tend to reflect the amount of card recovery, on going buffs, and/or loss effects a character has.
The game is a tad sluggish but not too far behind the Steam version and for mapping the point and click mouse controls to buttons I don't think they did a terrible job.
For anyone curious about cross-play it works perfectly fine, though the Switch is a few seconds behind the Steam game. (Those being the only 2 I got to test with).
Gloomhaven is one of the most brutal and difficult games out there to learn. I have a 1st edition tabletop copy and the PC game on Steam. I'll admit this game has a steep learning curve and can be brutal by design, but it is worth it. When you wrap your mind around the mechanics and characters, it's a brilliant game with a lot of replayability.
I don't know, I own the board game with expansion, Jaws of the lion and Frosthaven. This game plays perfectly fine to me and I'm 100% happy with my purchase. Is it easy, no not really. Slow, yes it is, but then again it suits the game and seriousness of getting it right the first time.
A video game RPG based on a board game RPG designed to be like a video game RPG. Full circle.
Pickup my preorder with DLC but will fire it up this weekend time permitting to and go through the tutorial first to get the controls down.
@a_brave_new_geek It is great this exists though I say just get the physical board game.
Not everyone has time to sit down at a table game to play. The console version allows many more others to experience this game and learn from it. Just cause it's a console games doesn't make it less then board game. Everyone person decides how they play. I for one like the console experiences as this helps teach unexperienced users more about card game tactics.
@SwitchForce I agree that is useful for learning and everyone gets to decide. That is why I think it is great that the video game exists. To your comment, I did not reference the video game being any "less".
Everyone does have time to sit down and play a board game (and Gloomhaven is playable solo), it is just not a priority.
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