Turok: Dinosaur Hunter was a wise and lucky move for publisher Acclaim Entertainment. In the late '90s, the company was struggling financially and drastically needed to change its fortunes. Making good on its purchases of Valiant Comics in 1994 and development studio Iguana Entertainment in 1995, Acclaim used the rights it acquired to the Turok franchise and adopted a strategy where it would develop games based on the IP and then license additional merchandise from it. To say it paid off would be something of an understatement: Turok: Dinosaur Hunter went on to sell 1.5 million copies (which was a lot for the time) and became a fully fledged series that saw another three games on the N64.
Looking back in hindsight, it's easy to see why Turok: Dinosaur Hunter was a sure-fire hit on the Nintendo 64. Released during a time when the software line-up was still incredibly light and the hardware hadn't yet been used to its full potential, the game was a breath of fresh air in comparison to other titles available on the market. It was also extremely violent; something which most Nintendo gamers weren't used to receiving back then. On home consoles, the first-person shooter genre had not yet blossomed into the money-making behemoth that it is today, and the thought of controlling such a type of game – which up until this point had typically been reserved for PC gamers – with a just mere controller perplexed many.

Therefore when Turok: Dinosaur Hunter made its debut in 1997 it seemed almost revolutionary; its lofty status undoubtedly exaggerated by the fact that there was still very little else to buy for the N64 at the time. That's not to say that this was or is a bad game; it's an entertaining, gore-filled romp that feels eerily similar to earlier first-person shooter classics such as DOOM and Quake. However, the game does suffer from a distinct lack of polish, made all the more evident by Rare's later masterpiece, GoldenEye 007 (which also released in 1997). Playing it now really requires you to put on your best retro hat if you want to get the same enjoyment you would have got from it back in 1997.
Nevertheless, one of the most impressive things about the game is the incredibly original and varied universe in which it's set. Turok is a Native American warrior who is tasked with defending the barrier between the Lost Land and Earth. This other realm is home to everything from dinosaurs and aliens to hunters and tribal warriors. It's a bizarre mash-up of cool, yet unrelated ideas that surprisingly work very well together. Turok must stop the Campaigner, an evil overlord whose armies have invaded the Lost Land in a bid to get their hands on the Chronoscepter, a devastating weapon that grants considerable power to whoever wields it. Thankfully, the Chronoscepter is broken up into individual pieces which are spread across each of the game's eight levels, and one of Turok's optional objectives is to acquire this for himself.

This wouldn't be too much of a problem if it weren't for the fact that this game is incredibly hard. Even on the easiest difficulty setting, getting to the end of the first level in a half-dead state is a considerable achievement. This comes down to a number of things such as having to explore every nook and cranny of each level to find keys which you need in order to progress, as well as the fact that enemies respawn all too frequently.
To further add to this frustration, it incorporates quite a few platforming segments. While this provides a nice change of pace at times, trying to land an accurate jump in some parts is extremely difficult — there's a reason why Super Mario has never been a first-person experience. With the game's incredibly unforgiving lives and checkpoint system, this can sometimes have a negative impact on your overall enjoyment.
The control system is another area of consternation. You move Turok with the C-buttons, while using the analogue stick to aim. This does provide greater accuracy than the more mainstream setup that was used in GoldenEye 007 and Perfect Dark, but getting used to it is tricky. It seems a tad too clumsy, regardless of which sensitivity setting you have it on, and makes combat against enemies on uneven terrain unnecessarily awkward.

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter has to be commended for its expansive game environments, which even by today's standards are pretty huge. They're so big in fact, that it's easy to get lost at times, as it isn't always clear where you have to go next. To make matters worse, it suffers from extreme fogging as a result of the Nintendo 64's hardware limitations. Due to this you're given an extremely limited field of view in-game, making it difficult to memorise the map layout. Thankfully, a pop-up map is conveniently available at the press of the L button.
The dreaded fog also excels at concealing enemies until they are right up in your face. However, this actually enhances the overall experience in a way; seeing a club-wielding silhouette suddenly emerge strikes fear into you, and it also means that these enemies actually have a chance of catching you off-guard.
Still, it's a shame that only small amounts of the scenery can be enjoyed at any one time. Although the game lacks the vibrant colour palette of most N64 titles, the environments are very interesting in parts, featuring ancient temples, grand cliffs and even wildlife. Not only that, but the various enemies you encounter will interact with each other. There's nothing more sadistically satisfying than seeing a Velociraptor charge one of the Campaigner's soldiers and turn him into dinner. It's just a shame that the frame rate starts to suffer the moment three or more enemies appear on-screen at the same time.

As a purely single-player experience, and one which wouldn't be particularly long were it not for its incredible difficulty, there's very little replay value to be found in Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. Moreover, the archaic save system, in which you must reach an in-game checkpoint, means that this is a game that can only be truly enjoyed when you have a good amount of free time to play it.
When it was released, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter was a seminal title that was deserving of the praise that it got. And while it's now horribly outdated as a result of the genre innovations that followed, there was very little else like it on home consoles at the time. It isn't the prettiest or most playable title on the N64, but that doesn't mean that you can't marvel at everything it managed to achieve. The game world is large and full of life, both the weapons and enemies are vicious, and while it may not be to everyone's liking, it offers an insanely tough challenge for you to try to conquer. Despite this, it really hasn't aged well, meaning that unless you hold a firm appreciation for retro titles, there's a good chance you'll struggle to find a great deal of enjoyment in the experience.
Comments 82
I always wanted to play this. Heard it was a great game. Looked really fun to boot. My N64 needs more FPS's anyway.
I have Turok 2 and it is a good game. I always wanted Turok 3. I'd get it if they put it on the VC.
Seriously? A 5? The first Turok still plays better than most modern FPS. The huge levels, spot-on controls, fantastic atmosphere, fun weapons and overall polish add up to a wonderful gaming experience. Only the platformiing sequences wouldn't be missed if they were left out.
I actually have this (and the sequel), but as a kid I never knew what I was supposed to be doing, and never got out of the first level, lol.
I would be interested in this game. Looks fun, but I could also get a game on Steam that looks and sounds exactly like this for $10 to $15.
I own the original Turok, Seeds of Evil, and Rage Wars. I can definitely attest to the fact that they haven't aged well at all. With the exception of Rage Wars, the games give you little to no direction on where to go. I'm definitely not a proponent of hand-holding, but not many are going to find the prospect of wading through a large world of muddy textures trying to get a clue very entertaining.
Definitely agree with the score, found it so boring even when it was new, the giant T-rex boss was pretty impressive looking at the time mind you its sequel was much better but still always felt there where far better console FPS's out there than the Turok games.
Can't say the game holds up well today but I loved this when it first came out. One of the best looking N64 games to date. The fog didn't even bother me much.
I had so much fun with this game. Finished it so many times too. The second one was pretty cool two except for the slowdowns. The games after that were bad but the first two were great. The controls have evolve so much since those games that playing them today would be a pain. Anyway so many games and so little time.
I absolutely love the original Turok trilogy. Nowadays, i cant stand FPS, but these games have almost all the things i miss in this day and age:
In short: Its simply, what modern FPS arent, and that enough for me to like it
But in all fairness, it really didnt age well and a 5 is an adequate rating.
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter holds a special place in my heart. While the story is almost non-existent and the means of progression will drive even a dedicated gamer insane (Keys are literally hidden out of sight), the look and atmosphere of the game are nice, subtle and has a lot of variety.
The music is very spot on for a first person shooter. It doesn't get too energetic and has can feel genuinely creepy when in certain areas.
But the best part of this game has got to be the weapons. They are plentiful, fun and downright destructive to more than just the enemies. It was quite liberating seeing a lone tree in the distance and actually blowing it up with the grenade launcher. I've never really played a first person shooter where your weapons actually cause damage to the environment.
Turok also has my favorite first person shooter weapon of all time. The Chronoscepter. What looks to be just a long rod with a fancy top winds up being one of the most powerful and awesome weapons I've ever experienced in a game. The sound of the energy it unleashes and the beam that, once it hits it's target, causes a massive explosion that fills the entire screen is my definitive "Wow!" moment in gaming.
And let's not forget the cool bugs in the game. In some levels like the big temple one, there are stairs that go down quite a distance. If you press and hold the jump button and touch the ceiling, you'll rocket your way down the stairs and take no damage. Pretty fun bug, but the best one has got to be the Grenade Launcher bug. If you kill a minor enemy like a soldier or raptor and fire a grenade from the grenade launcher at them, they will fly up into the air while screaming as though they didn't die at all. You can do this to the corpses until they despawn. Great fun.
One last thing. That straight metal hallway before you meet the Campaigner is one of the creepiest hallways in gaming. The fact that you can barely see where you're going and it leads you into a room full of dead bodies suspended from the ceiling is quite a change in tone from the rest of the game. And if you wait in the hallways for a while, it gives off a very scary "creek" noise that I wish I could have the files for. Just one of those unexpected moments that sticks with you.
Didn't age well, but deserved way more than a 5, for what it achieved at the time, still better than what FPS have become now, no thanks to Activision. Still, there are a games that didn't age well, yet you guys still give them 8's or 9's. "I AM TUROK!!!"
As far as the controls go I never had any problems with them. I wish Goldeneye had the option as well as it was much quicker imo! Plus I never found the game that difficult. It was one of my top five favorite N64 games and I played a bunch!
Never liked any of the Turok titles, although I would try out Turok 3 if it'd get a VC release (which of course is extremely unlikely, God knows who's got the right of those games). The only part of the series I actually owned myself was Rage Wars, because I got it very cheap, and I rather enjoyed it, because it was simple, straightforward fun and action with very decent graphics. I could never convince anybody to play the multiplayer for more than 30 minutes, though, because we were all into Perfect Dark already (and that the German version of Rage Wars had been deprived of all blood and gore didn't quite add to its appeal either), but I played the single player quite a lot... As regards the other titles in the original series, there was simply too little action for me, I hardly considered it an first person shooter at all. In my opinion, the games are even more a first person adventure than the Metroid Prime trilogy is... ^^ I enjoyed entering the cheats and shooting around with some of the amazing super weapons, though.
Played Turok Evolution on the GCN too. Weird game. Great fun at times, but the most annoying flaws at others. And the weapon's weren't half as cool.
Didn't enjoy it the first time around.. Found it pretty bland and extremely boring, the game was eclipsed by Goldeneye at that time.
I still enjoy it from time to time, but I still agree with this assessment. Time has not been kind to Turok...
I remember having some good times with the Turok series when I was younger. I'm not surprised that the game hasn't aged well, though I do try to judge games based on gameplay and not graphic fidelity.
I do have this game for whatever reason. It's an FPS so I can't really enjoy it much, but the weapons are pretty cool.
I LOVED this game, the T-Rex fight, the Nuke gun, the animation. I would say its still an 8 out of 10. Lover Turok 2 even more (ram pack for higher resolution!!) but the framerate hit hard. I would love these two games, even no. 3, to get an HD revamp and only thing changed is resolution bump, modernised controls and 60fps. Make it happen!
Five is definitely not a fair score for this game even by today's standards.
I still had this game for my N64, not sure why these ppl gave it a 5/10 when to me it is easily a 9/10. This game was a blast to play back in 1997 and even today.
My favorite was the cheat codes. I remember the big head and slow motion cheats, and you could take explosives and launch them around like rag dolls. It was so much fun!
This series really needs a reboot, or at least Virtual Console ports. I didn't know before reading this article that the game was a comic book license, though, so any kind of revival seems unlikely.
The nostalgia...IT BURRNS!!
I wish they would release this on the VC
The first game I ever bought for my N64, and it cost £67.99. And to insult to injury, I didnt even know it needed a memory pak #rinsed
It an opinion. AN OPINION! Ya know, the thing you always obnoxiously voice?
Wish it was a VC release. I might give it a shot.
sometimes Nintendolife is very subjective in their reviews, I'm sure if this same game were release under Nintendo studios this game probably would get an 8 or higher score.
So stoked to own this in the box. Loved it as a kid. If I glue my nostalgia goggles on tightly, I can totally enjoy it and transport myself back to eight years old. But it's sooooo hard to play. The respawn rate is absurd.
This seems to be one of those "love it, or hate it" games. Personally, going by my memories of it (I own it, but haven't played in over a decade), it was an excellent game, filled with creativity, and its own personality.
This is one of the creepiest, most nerve-wrecking games I've ever played. I remember how scary it was venturing into a new area. Huge enemies would burst through the wall right in front of you. Not knowing what was next made it quite suspenseful. The atmosphere was enhanced by the fittingly spooky soundtrack!
The heavy fog was even criticized back then, but I thought it fit well, for the sake of "the unknown." For March 1997, just 6 months after the N64's debut, the graphics looked great! There was nothing like the appearance of a dinosaur appearing to take a bite out of you, up close and personal!
The platform jumping, however, was a major flaw. One only made more infuriating with the death animation of Turok falling into oblivion. Plus, environments could become repetitive.
It doesn't hold up in comparison to one of the greatest games ever, in Goldeneye 007, but it's quite good on its own merits. I personally give it 7/10
I loved this game. The atmosphere and sound effects were amazing and it was just more than a point and shoot FPS. In many ways it was like a first person adventure game.
I too think a 5 is too low. This game was one of the reasons to own a Nintendo 64 back in the day. I love the whole Turok trilogy on the N64. Another reason why I currently have a Nintendo 64 system. I was so disappointed in the Xbox 360. I would have loved to see the original Nintendo 64 Turok world done up with current gen graphics and control and online support. It would have rivaled Halo Anniversary Edition but sadly that never happened
Way to low a score regardless of age. This game is still great on it's own merits and is better than 95% of shooters today. The difficulty that some complain about in the Turok series is what makes the series that much more rewarding to play through, it's not that bad, but definitely a challenging experience. Not to mention the level design was waaay ahead of it's time.
Hopefully you all do a review of Turok 2? I would be curious to hear what you all think of that much improved sequel.
My friends and I called it "Turd-Knock."
...That is all.
If this game is anything like Turok 2 it was a great game imo for 64. when i first played it i was amazed at how big the environments were, at the same it was also the games setback, the map for me never really helped. All the weapons were just so interesting , nothing like now.
I loved Turok when it came out. I actually did beat it, but it took me a while. However, I enjoyed the difficulty. I'd give it a 7.
The only think really missing from Turok was Multiplayer. Thankfully that came about with Turok 2. Turok 2 took everything wrong with Turok and fixed it. Also, Turok 2 had the cerebral bore weapon and the Multiplayer Mode where one character played a monkey . . . weird but fun!
WOW! I remember being so frustrated with some of the platforming in this game as a child and it was still a blast to play because it had dinosaurs in it xD.
This game was at least a 9.0 back when it was released, if not more. Loved it. It was ahead of its time in 1997.
How cute. An opinion only goes so far. A review still has to be objective.
@Einherjar If you miss the old-school FPS, you should probably have a look at this recent release: http://youtu.be/XqU4Wg4Yy0Y
@JJtheTexan, they actually did reboot the series a couple of years ago for the PS3/360, but I don't think it did that well.
I've never played the first game, but I've played Seeds of Evil to death. It was my first first person shooter and I really enjoyed the game for its weaponry, even though the game is a giant fog machine.
My personal favorite is Rage Wars though. The game would later bring me into arena shooters like Unreal Tournament and Q3A on the PC, but it was pretty fun on the console to play with friends.
I've tried Turok 3 years later, but I felt that it was really disappointing.
completely agree. I thought I liked this game, but I played it at my brother's a few months ago and it was horrid. At least Goldeneye had decent presentation value, even if it featured similarly crap-worthy controls. Turok is just plain ol' rough.
@b23cdq Oh god yes, i totally forgot about that Thanks for reminding me
So will there also be a review for the german version that replaced the enemies with robots with funny sound effects?
Personally I loved the second one the most. it was really gorgeous at the time with the ram enhancer and it was really fun to play through it.
Are you guys rating outdated games based on how good they were at that time or how good they are now?
I think you are using double standards here... When a game is outdated but you like it anyway you give it 9 or 10. Similar outdated games like this one you give it 5, where I am sure you would give 9 or 10 at that time.
I remember I enjoyed mega man 2 when I was a kid.. then I saw you guys rating it 10 so I though I would give it another shot and bought it. It's CRAP now. I was wasting my money and time playing this..
Yet, if I say Earthbound is an outdated unplayable game, you get all fired-up and angry.
I'm shocked ! and actually quite offended. This is maybe the best shooter ever. The reason why I bought a N64. It's a game I still play once in a while. A beautiful game with a smooth frame rate, unlike games like Turok 2, Goldeneye and Perfect Dark which was fine but sadly suffered from a bad frame rate, around 16 fps, sometimes dropping to 8 fps and below, which led to some frustating gameplay. Turok is a true classic, plays like a dream, more fun than most shooters today and still deserves a big 10.
I use to love the Turok game on the Gamecube
Here's an idea: let's dispense with the ratings.
loved shooting dead bodies.
@H_Hunter I think the important thing to remember is that virtually every retro title is outdated by today's standards. The difference between EarthBound and Turok though is that the former is way more playable. I like Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and still get much enjoyment from it, but it's fair to say that from a design perspective it is archaic, and it's important not to let nostalgia get in the way when reviewing it. I own all four Turok games on N64 and play them regularly, so I'm quite accustomed to how they play. But if most people here went back and fired the game up again, they'd find it very hard to get into: the controls are awkward, the enemies constantly respawn and the fog/very open level design makes it quite difficult/frustrating to navigate. On top of that, you've got a seriously outdated checkpoint/save system and dying is all too easy. These elements were not strongly criticised at the time because there were very few games like it; since then, the genre has evolved considerably and as a result, Turok just doesn't hold it's own.
Games like F-Zero X, Wave Race 64 and Super Mario 64 will always garner high ratings, because they're very playable, run well from a performance perspective and have timeless gameplay elements. It's nothing to do with personally liking the game, which I very much do when it comes to Turok; it's looking back at its legacy and seeing how it fares today. If you want a review of the game when it released, then I'd suggest you go read an old magazine. Unfortunately, I don't have the power to go back in time to 1997 and publish this review then — if I did it'd probably be very different!
"the controls are awkward, the enemies constantly respawn and the fog/very open level design makes it quite difficult/frustrating to navigate"
And these are all points I couldn't agree less with. None of these are as objectively bad points as you make them sound. The controls are still tight and good, the respawning makes the game more difficult, but for one, enemies in modern FPS also constantly respawn unless you move along enough, and secondly, only certain enemies respawn. Most enemies don't. Even Goldeneye had respawning enemies, but unlike Turok in GE they would merely appear all ouf of a sudden, whereas in Turok they at least had the decency to be teleported in so you could even from afar see them coming in ahead of time. Also, the open levels and the need for navigating them yourself is something that modern FPS sorely lack. Not everything that has changed over time has simply become better. You can't just look at changes in a genre and say that everything old that did things in a different way is automatically archaic. The need to actually navigate a large level yourself, find secret passages or another key piece is extremely rewarding and it also helps build tension and a wonderful atmosphere of being alone in a large hostile world, whereas modern FPS are like "eh, I'll follow this long-stretched trench/tunnel/hallway and blast everything in sight. If I die, who cares? I'll just respawn 5 seconds earlier."
How is any of that "better" or less archaic?
Imagine if early FPS were as linear and simple as the FPS of today are, and then 15 years later they started to become like Turok. Wouldn't you call all of those old Battlefields and CoDs archaic, whereas Turok would feel modern and fresh and interesting?
That's the point. Turok has a lot more to offer than most modern FPS. That isn't to say that Battlefield and the likes aren't great in multiplayer, but when it comes to singleplayer, they feel so archaic and empty in comparison. No secrets, boring samish weapons, enemies and settings, lack of difficulty or tension or atmosphere.
Turok is still a highly enjoyable game, even when played today. Oh, and it's certainly not that difficult. At least on easy just about anybody should be able to get through. Even on hard I had 9 lives by the time I beat it. It's just challenging. Challenging in a good way that has nearly gone extinct by now.
Would only have gave this a five first time round.
I agree with some of those comments.
This game deserves more than a 5.
The weapons, atmosphere, tough difficulty, exploration of the levels with tons of secrets and great controls once used to would give this a 7 or 8 out of ten.
Turok 2 was even better on almost all those elements with almost no fog and ran on impressive high resolution (640/480 I think) thanks to the memory pak. A memorable non-linear adventure kind of Metroidvania like and always lot of hidden places & secrets to find.
@KeeperBvK well I can't really go into a lengthy discussion with you on this because your mind is already made up. You like the game, you think it deserves a higher score and that's fine. My review isn't written with the purpose of changing your mind.
I do, however, like your point about exploration and completely agree that it's severely lacking in modern first-person shooters. Again, don't read "genre innovations" as "old games doing everything wrong", because that's something I certainly don't believe and I think modern FPSes could learn a lot from the likes of GoldenEye 007, which really nailed down the exploration element. My issue with exploring in Turok is the ridiculous amount of fog, which makes exploration quite a chore and far too dependent on the map. GoldenEye and Perfect Dark didn't need a map, and still provided you with lots of fun — yet pointless — side rooms to explore — that's exploration done properly. Not to mention that the respawn rate is much lower in both those games than Turok 1. Because of the constant threat of respawning enemies, i don't think Turok really isn't a game where you can explore - you constantly need to keep moving to stay alive. It's more of a survival affair if anything, which isn't a bad thing by any means.
Body Harvest is another game which is great fun, but perhaps also far too reliant on a map, if you want to play through it at the pace it expects you to.
Ah Turok. Just another N64 FPS that made me nauseous. Not sure what it was... I wasted countless hours on pc FPS's with no problems.
I have this and Turok 2.
Turok 2 is a much better game, but the controls are just impossible to get used to now.
Last time I tried playing it, I got through the first three or four levels and still found the controls awkward.
If Turok 2 got an HD remake, I'd be so happy.
If you guys don't know how to rate old school games please don't do it also it has been 4 turok games on the n64 not 3 the missing one is turok rage war's.
I still love this game, its my Second favorite in the series behind Rage War, Turok 2 was also good, but Turok 3 wasnt.
Turok 2 and 3 were awesome, I never played this one though. All of the sudden I wanna kill some aliens in 3. The first level was always my favorite, ahh nostalgia.
A 5 sounds about right. None of the Turok games have aged particularly well.
I loved this and loved Turok 2 even more but wow hasn't it aged badly!
Hard to imagine games looked so poop!
A 5? Normally I'm on board with most reviews, but completely disagree. Pre-dating Goldeneye and the console FPS Golden Era, it does show its age, sure (seriously, what N64 game doesn't show its age?). But it also ushered in interesting weapons, fantastic audio and ego-crushing difficulty. I suppose the controls are subjective, but I always loved how tight they were with this game. Its an "8" in my book and worth dusting off, if not for the Alien Weapon alone.
I always loved Turok Dinosaur Hunter, and I'm holding onto a thread of hope that one day I'll see it get a Virtual Console re-release.
Ridiculously low scores are typical for this reviewer (Star Wars Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike was also a 5.0), so I've learned to ignore them.
Oh god only 5 stars? Really? I'm pretty sure if something similar like this was made for something like CoD or Halo on a Microsoft site, they would've gotten at least 7, and in my opinion, the Turok franchise are MUCH better than both of those titles. I loved Turok and I loved Turok 2 even more. The weapons, maps, enemies and environment are much more challenging in this game than in other FPS (c'mon if I didn't have unlocked the Infinite Lives cheat [by attempting to get the 10th life] before the Mantis boss in the original Turok, I would've had gotten so frustrated that I wouldn't have continued the game). And the ammo..... if you don't have at least 5 explosive shotgun shells in your inventory, you can kiss large amounts of ammo from lighter weapons good-bye against enemies like the Purlin or the Mantid Alien. Overall, this review deserved at least a 7 in my opinion. Turok fan for life.
I have only played the first level few times. The fog effect wasn´t as funny as it´s today.
First Turok was a classic the tone of the game and everything about it is just so primitive(no pun intended) that it should go down in gaming history as one of the first console FPS, obviously Goldeneye took the shine out of this game but at least it had pretty cool concept. The water areas were pretty cool too you swam and the screen shook all while a fitting tune was playing that's stuck in my head all to well. Deserves at least a 7 maybe an 8 in my book. Needed more Dinosaurs though so much potential with all the different kinds there are.
Man, would still love to see this on VC
Turok 2 was garbage compared to the first one. The first one was smooth (thanks to the fog, but still), played great, had inspired enemy and level design, and was fun to play. The sequel was a choppy mess.
The controls were clunky and awkward. I didn't find much enjoyment from this game and thus the Review Score here is pretty accurate.
omg i loved this, 9/10. I just loved playing this as a youngster. For what it was it wasnt that bad of a game, i got used of the controls and it was just like playing call of duty, i wouldnt write it off so quick. just my opinion though it seems like most people didnt enjoy it, im sure there is a small cult following for this game
this is the game that introduced me to console fps cause i didnt play golden eye, and it also introduced me to turok which is a series i would still love to see
Loved playing these games as a kid. Never beat either though maybe I should pull out the good old N64.
another one in the boat who preferred turok 1 to 2.
This game (Turok 1) was much better on the PC, especially if you had Glide support (Voodoo graphic chips/cards) or DirectX support (Nvidia Riva TNT, ATI Rage etc.). Not to mention the controls: mouse + keyboard is still the better choice for FPS games.
PC Gameplay:
"How cute."
It just got awkward. :_|
Lol! XD
Umm, wow. Looked at some screenshots, anyone else think this wouldn't look out of place on a Wii?
That youtube video of Turok in HD and wide screen is AMAZING! I can do HD on my TV with my N64 but I am not able to widescreen without stretching the picture.
I just played a couple of levels in Turok right now and I would say 9 or 10!
This games ROCKS more so than I remember. The sound design is EPIC as well as the weapon designs, the variety of enemies and it really rewards exploration. It really has a cool sci-fi feel to it. Sure the controls take a while to get used to but when you do, it provides an accuracy for platforming that I think dual sticks can't touch.
As far as the fog being an issue, as someone else said it adds to the atmosphere and if you did not know better you would have thought it was a design element. I was having so much fun with this game again I had to remind myself it came out in 1997!
Again, another reason why the N64 is an amazing game system. I now have Turok, Rage Wars, Turok 2 and Turok 3 along with the expansion pak. It looks great on my HDTV. Of course it does not have the clarity of current gen games but if your HDTV doe not have an S-Video connection (sadly my new HDTV does not have one, but my old one did) hold on to that S-vidoe cable and get get a S-video to HDMI adapter and you can play the N64 in HD!
Wow, Nintendolife. Just... WOW.
I loved the Cereberal Bore in the second game. I remember trying to get through the first section of the first level in the first game. I had two friends with me at college trying to get at least to the first save point. Of course, this didn't matter as I didn't have the save cartridge at the time. Regardless, we couldn't get very far to need it. A lot of falling, murder, and frustration was had that night. I still remember the animation if you hit them in the neck. (More accurately, the random death animation if you hit them at all.) Still enjoyed the game. Rage Wars, not so much.
This is not a perfect game, but a 5 is almost criminal. This game was oozing with atmosphere (even the "fog" added to the feel). Guns, check, great explorable levels, check, dinosaurs, CHECK!. One of my favorites on the system.
Cue primitive drums.
Basic Dino game before Jurrasic Park for the PC recently. I mean great game and all. Everybody was gaga crazy over this when it first came out.
Then the auwful sequels came out, and then crappy but terrible cheap squeals came out. Look out Alien woman.
@KeeperBvK Yeah I have to agree. The game play was just too superb to even be bothered with any perceived graphical shortcomings, imho.
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